929 resultados para Occupational medicine


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Resumo - O avanço tecnológico e científico no campo da Medicina tem favorecido a aplicação das radiações ionizantes nas áreas da Medicina Nuclear, Radiologia, Radioterapia e noutras especialidades relacionadas com a medicina de intervenção, como a Cardiologia. As Organizações de Saúde, com profissionais com risco de exposição a radiações ionizantes, são responsáveis, legislativamente, por assegurar a sua vigilância. Certificando a observação controlada das doses de exposição, os profissionais são monitorizados com dosímetros individuais e submetidos a vigilância médica. As leituras de dosímetria individual destes profissionais, originam por vezes, nos próprios, desconfianças e incertezas quanto aos valores medidos. Objectivo: avaliar o grau de confiança dos profissionais de saúde, expostos a radiações ionizantes, no sistema de monitorização individual. Metodologia: estudo observacional do tipo analítico- transversal, por questionário. Amostra de 190 Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica de Cardiopneumologia, Medicina Nuclear, Radiologia, Radioterapia, expostos a radiações ionizantes, que exercem a sua actividade profissional em hospitais do concelho de Lisboa. Resultados: 51,1% dos Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica não confiam nas leituras dos dosímetros, não se determinou uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre essa confiança, o tipo de dosímetro e a empresa que realiza as leituras. A confiança é maior nos que exercem em Organizações de Saúde públicas. 40,2% das Organizações de Saúde apresentam plano de vigilância médica, constatando-se uma falta de conformidade entre os Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica, nalguns hospitais, relativamente à existência desse plano no respectivo hospital. A margem de erro associado ao estudo é de 5,09%, com um nível de confiança de 95%. -----------Abstract - The technological and scientific advances in the field of medicine has encouraged the application of ionizing radiation with a considerable positive contribution in the areas of Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy and other specialties related to medical intervention like Cardiology. The Health Organizations that arise the risk of occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and is their responsibility to ensure monitoring, according the law. To ensure the monitoring of controlled doses of exposure, the exposed works use an individual dosimeter and undergo medical supervision. The individual dosimetry readings of health-care professionals, is sometimes questionable for themselves, arising distrust and uncertainty about the values measured. Objective: evaluate the degree of confidence of health professionals, exposed to radiation, on the system of individual monitoring. Methods: Observational study of cross-type analysis by questionnaire. Sample of 190 of technologists of Cardiopneumology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy, exposed to ionizing radiation, which work in hospitals on the region of Lisbon. Results: 51.1% of technologists does not rely on the readings of their dosimeters, and wasn’t determined a statistically significant relationship between this trust, the type of dosimeter and the company that makes the readings(s) of their(s) dosimeter(s). The confidence in the readings is higher in public Health Organizations. 40.2% of the Health Organizations have medical monitoring plan and there is a disagreement between technologists, in some hospitals, relatively to the existence of this plan in their hospital. It was estimated that the u


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The use of appropriate acceptance criteria in the risk assessment process for occupational accidents is an important issue but often overlooked in the literature, particularly when new risk assessment methods are proposed and discussed. In most cases, there is no information on how or by whom they were defined, or even how companies can adapt them to their own circumstances. Bearing this in mind, this study analysed the problem of the definition of risk acceptance criteria for occupational settings, defining the quantitative acceptance criteria for the specific case study of the Portuguese furniture industrial sector. The key steps to be considered in formulating acceptance criteria were analysed in the literature review. By applying the identified steps, the acceptance criteria for the furniture industrial sector were then defined. The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for the injury statistics of the industrial sector was identified as the maximum tolerable risk level. The acceptable threshold was defined by adjusting the CDF to the Occupational, Safety & Health (OSH) practitioners’ risk acceptance judgement. Adjustments of acceptance criteria to the companies’ safety cultures were exemplified by adjusting the Burr distribution parameters. An example of a risk matrix was also used to demonstrate the integration of the defined acceptance criteria into a risk metric. This work has provided substantial contributions to the issue of acceptance criteria for occupational accidents, which may be useful in overcoming the practical difficulties faced by authorities, companies and experts.


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Pharmacogenomics is a field with origins in the study of monogenic variations in drug metabolism in the 1950s. Perhaps because of these historical underpinnings, there has been an intensive investigation of 'hepatic pharmacogenes' such as CYP450s and liver drug metabolism using pharmacogenomics approaches over the past five decades. Surprisingly, kidney pathophysiology, attendant diseases and treatment outcomes have been vastly under-studied and under-theorized despite their central importance in maintenance of health, susceptibility to disease and rational personalized therapeutics. Indeed, chronic kidney disease (CKD) represents an increasing public health burden worldwide, both in developed and developing countries. Patients with CKD suffer from high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, which is mainly attributable to cardiovascular events before reaching end-stage renal disease. In this paper, we focus our analyses on renal function before end-stage renal disease, as seen through the lens of pharmacogenomics and human genomic variation. We herein synthesize the recent evidence linking selected Very Important Pharmacogenes (VIP) to renal function, blood pressure and salt-sensitivity in humans, and ways in which these insights might inform rational personalized therapeutics. Notably, we highlight and present the rationale for three applications that we consider as important and actionable therapeutic and preventive focus areas in renal pharmacogenomics: 1) ACE inhibitors, as a confirmed application, 2) VDR agonists, as a promising application, and 3) moderate dietary salt intake, as a suggested novel application. Additionally, we emphasize the putative contributions of gene-environment interactions, discuss the implications of these findings to treat and prevent hypertension and CKD. Finally, we conclude with a strategic agenda and vision required to accelerate advances in this under-studied field of renal pharmacogenomics with vast significance for global public health.


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A computerized handheld procedure is presented in this paper. It is intended as a database complementary tool, to enhance prospective risk analysis in the field of occupational health. The Pendragon forms software (version 3.2) has been used to implement acquisition procedures on Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and to transfer data to a computer in an MS-Access format. The data acquisition strategy proposed relies on the risk assessment method practiced at the Institute of Occupational Health Sciences (IST). It involves the use of a systematic hazard list and semi-quantitative risk assessment scales. A set of 7 modular forms has been developed to cover the basic need of field audits. Despite the minor drawbacks observed, the results obtained so far show that handhelds are adequate to support field risk assessment and follow-up activities. Further improvements must still be made in order to increase the tool effectiveness and field adequacy.


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Social medicine is a medicine that seeks to understand the impact of socio-economic conditions on human health and diseases in order to improve the health of a society and its individuals. In this field of medicine, determining the socio-economic status of individuals is generally not sufficient to explain and/or understand the underlying mechanisms leading to social inequalities in health. Other factors must be considered such as environmental, psychosocial, behavioral and biological factors that, together, can lead to more or less permanent damages to the health of the individuals in a society. In a time where considerable progresses have been made in the field of the biomedicine, does the practice of social medicine in a primary care setting still make sense?


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The exposure to dust and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) of 15 truck drivers from Geneva, Switzerland, was measured. The drivers were divided between "long-distance" drivers and "local" drivers and between smokers and nonsmokers and were compared with a control group of 6 office workers who were also divided into smokers and nonsmokers. Dust was measured on 1 workday both by a direct-reading instrument and by sampling. The local drivers showed higher exposure to dust (0.3 mg/m3) and PAH than the long-distance drivers (0.1 mg/m3), who showed no difference with the control group. This observation may be due to the fact that the local drivers spend more time in more polluted areas, such as streets with heavy traffic and construction sites, than do the long-distance drivers. Smoking does not influence exposure to dust and PAH of professional truck drivers, as measured in this study, probably because the ventilation rate of the truck cabins is relatively high even during cold days (11-15 r/h). The distribution of dust concentrations was shown in some cases to be quite different from the expected log-normal distribution. The contribution of diesel exhaust to these exposures could not be estimated since no specific tracer was used. However, the relatively low level of dust exposure dose not support the hypothesis that present day levels of diesel exhaust particulates play a significant role in the excess occurrence of lung cancer observed in professional truck drivers.


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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are carcinogenic. Estimating PCB half-life in the body based on levels in sera from exposed workers is complicated by the fact that occupational exposure to PCBs was to commercial PCB products (such as Aroclors 1242 and 1254) comprised of varying mixtures of PCB congeners. Half-lives were estimated using sera donated by 191 capacitor manufacturing plant workers in 1976 during PCB use (1946-1977), and post-exposure (1979, 1983, and 1988). Our aims were to: (1) determine the role of covariates such as gender on the half-life estimates, and (2) compare our results with other published half-life estimates based on exposed workers. All serum PCB levels were adjusted for PCB background levels. A linear spline model with a single knot was used to estimate two separate linear equations for the first two serum draws (Equation A) and the latter two (Equation B). Equation A gave half-life estimates of 1.74 years and 6.01 years for Aroclor 1242 and Aroclor 1254, respectively. Estimates were 21.83 years for Aroclor 1242 and 133.33 years for Aroclor 1254 using Equation B. High initial body burden was associated with rapid PCB elimination in workers at or shortly after the time they were occupationally exposed and slowed down considerably when the dose reached background PCB levels. These concentration-dependent half-life estimates had a transition point of 138.57 and 34.78 ppb for Aroclor 1242 and 1254, respectively. This result will help in understanding the toxicological and epidemiological impact of exposure to PCBs in humans.


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OBJECTIVE: Because of its high prevalence, early screening for occupational asthma (OA) is crucial. We aimed to evaluate the screening performance of the Occupational Asthma Screening Questionnaire-11 items (OASQ-11) in a clinical setting. METHODS: Between January 2009 and December 2011, 169 workers referred for potential OA to our hospital completed the OASQ-11 and underwent workups to determine the final diagnosis. The discriminative abilities of the OASQ-11 as a whole and in relation to demographic and exposure parameters were determined by the area under the receiving operator characteristic curve (AUC). RESULTS: Model 1, consisting of the OASQ's items, showed fair discrimination (AUC, 0.69; 95% confidence interval, 0.58 to 0.80). Addition of age and exposure duration to model 1 improved discrimination (AUC, 0.80; confidence interval, 0.72 to 0.88). CONCLUSION: A simple model consisting of the OASQ-11's items, age, and exposure duration could well discriminate subjects with OA in a clinical setting.


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Breakthrough technologies which now enable the sequencing of individual genomes will irreversibly modify the way diseases are diagnosed, predicted, prevented and treated. For these technologies to reach their full potential requires, upstream, access to high-quality biomedical data and samples from large number of properly informed and consenting individuals and, downstream, the possibility to transform the emerging knowledge into a clinical utility. The Lausanne Institutional Biobank was designed as an integrated, highly versatile infrastructure to harness the power of these emerging technologies and catalyse the discovery and development of innovative therapeutics and biomarkers, and advance the field of personalised medicine. Described here are its rationale, design and governance, as well as parallel initiatives which have been launched locally to address the societal, ethical and technological issues associated with this new bio-resource. Since January 2013, inpatients admitted at Lausanne CHUV University Hospital have been systematically invited to provide a general consent for the use of their biomedical data and samples for research, to complete a standardised questionnaire, to donate a 10-ml sample of blood for future DNA extraction and to be re-contacted for future clinical trials. Over the first 18 months of operation, 14,459 patients were contacted, and 11,051 accepted to participate in the study. This initial 18-month experience illustrates that a systematic hospital-based biobank is feasible; it shows a strong engagement in research from the patient population in this University Hospital setting, and the need for a broad, integrated approach for the future of medicine to reach its full potential.