908 resultados para O-STAR
Teemanumero: Transnationaali.
Volatilization represents an important process in the displacement of pesticides for the environment. The physicochemical properties of the clomazone molecule indicate its relative volatility. Therefore, this study was carried out to assess the volatilization of different clomazone herbicide formulations using bioindicator species. To that end, airtight glass boxes were used with the presence of different clomazone formulations and plant species. The formulations used were Gamit 360 CS(r), Gamit 500 EC(r) and Gamit Star(r). The plant species assessed were maize, sorghum and rice. With the results obtained it is possible to conclude that, among the formulations, Gamit 360 CS(r) has caused less phytotoxicity to the bioindicator species in comparison to the formulations of Gamit 500 EC(r) and Gamit Star(r) formulations. In general, The Gamit 500 EC(r) and Gamit Star(r) have not differed in the phytotoxicity potential for the bioindicator species.
Metric features and modular and laminar distributions of intrinsic projections of area 17 were studied in Cebus apella. Anterogradely and retrogradely labeled cell appendages were obtained using both saturated pellets and iontophoretic injections of biocytin into the operculum. Laminar and modular distributions of the labeled processes were analyzed using Nissl counterstaining, and/or cytochrome oxidase and/or NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry. We distinguished three labeled cell types: pyramidal, star pyramidal and stellate cells located in supragranular cortical layers (principally in layers IIIa, IIIb a, IIIb ß and IIIc). Three distinct axon terminal morphologies were found, i.e., Ia, Ib and II located in granular and supragranular layers. Both complete and partial segregation of group I axon terminals relative to the limits of the blobs of V1 were found. The results are compatible with recent evidence of incomplete segregation of visual information flow in V1 of Old and New World primates
The Sun is a crucial benchmark for how we see the universe. Especially when it comes to the visible range of the spectrum, stars are commonly compared to the Sun, as it is the most thoroughly studied star. In this work I have focussed on two aspects of the Sun and how it is used in modern astronomy. Firstly, I try to answer the question on how similar to the Sun another star can be. Given the limits of observations, we call a solar twin a star that has the same observed parameters as the Sun within its errors. These stars can be used as stand-in suns when doing observations, as normal night-time telescopes are not built to be pointed at the Sun. There have been many searches for these twins and every one of them provided not only information on how close to the Sun another star can be, but also helped us to understand the Sun itself. In my work I have selected _ 300 stars that are both photometrically and spectroscopically close to the Sun and found 22 solar twins, of which 17 were previously unknown and can therefore help the emerging picture on solar twins. In my second research project I have used my full sample of 300 solar analogue stars to check the temperature and metallicity scale of stellar catalogue calibrations. My photometric sample was originally drawn from the Geneva-Copenhagen-Survey (Nordström et al. 2004; Holmberg et al. 2007, 2009) for which two alternative calibrations exist, i.e. GCS-III (Holmberg et al. 2009) and C11 (Casagrande et al. 2011). I used very high resolution spectra of solar analogues, and a new approach to test the two calibrations. I found a zero–point shift of order of +75 K and +0.10 dex in effective temperature and metallicity, respectively, in the GCS-III and therefore favour the C11 calibration, which found similar offsets. I then performed a spectroscopic analysis of the stars to derive effective temperatures and metallicities, and tested that they are well centred around the solar values.
Innovative gas cooled reactors, such as the pebble bed reactor (PBR) and the gas cooled fast reactor (GFR) offer higher efficiency and new application areas for nuclear energy. Numerical methods were applied and developed to analyse the specific features of these reactor types with fully three dimensional calculation models. In the first part of this thesis, discrete element method (DEM) was used for a physically realistic modelling of the packing of fuel pebbles in PBR geometries and methods were developed for utilising the DEM results in subsequent reactor physics and thermal-hydraulics calculations. In the second part, the flow and heat transfer for a single gas cooled fuel rod of a GFR were investigated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. An in-house DEM implementation was validated and used for packing simulations, in which the effect of several parameters on the resulting average packing density was investigated. The restitution coefficient was found out to have the most significant effect. The results can be utilised in further work to obtain a pebble bed with a specific packing density. The packing structures of selected pebble beds were also analysed in detail and local variations in the packing density were observed, which should be taken into account especially in the reactor core thermal-hydraulic analyses. Two open source DEM codes were used to produce stochastic pebble bed configurations to add realism and improve the accuracy of criticality calculations performed with the Monte Carlo reactor physics code Serpent. Russian ASTRA criticality experiments were calculated. Pebble beds corresponding to the experimental specifications within measurement uncertainties were produced in DEM simulations and successfully exported into the subsequent reactor physics analysis. With the developed approach, two typical issues in Monte Carlo reactor physics calculations of pebble bed geometries were avoided. A novel method was developed and implemented as a MATLAB code to calculate porosities in the cells of a CFD calculation mesh constructed over a pebble bed obtained from DEM simulations. The code was further developed to distribute power and temperature data accurately between discrete based reactor physics and continuum based thermal-hydraulics models to enable coupled reactor core calculations. The developed method was also found useful for analysing sphere packings in general. CFD calculations were performed to investigate the pressure losses and heat transfer in three dimensional air cooled smooth and rib roughened rod geometries, housed inside a hexagonal flow channel representing a sub-channel of a single fuel rod of a GFR. The CFD geometry represented the test section of the L-STAR experimental facility at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the calculation results were compared to the corresponding experimental results. Knowledge was gained of the adequacy of various turbulence models and of the modelling requirements and issues related to the specific application. The obtained pressure loss results were in a relatively good agreement with the experimental data. Heat transfer in the smooth rod geometry was somewhat under predicted, which can partly be explained by unaccounted heat losses and uncertainties. In the rib roughened geometry heat transfer was severely under predicted by the used realisable k − epsilon turbulence model. An additional calculation with a v2 − f turbulence model showed significant improvement in the heat transfer results, which is most likely due to the better performance of the model in separated flow problems. Further investigations are suggested before using CFD to make conclusions of the heat transfer performance of rib roughened GFR fuel rod geometries. It is suggested that the viewpoints of numerical modelling are included in the planning of experiments to ease the challenging model construction and simulations and to avoid introducing additional sources of uncertainties. To facilitate the use of advanced calculation approaches, multi-physical aspects in experiments should also be considered and documented in a reasonable detail.
Kulttuurihistorian alaan kuuluva artikkeliväitöskirja edustaa populaarikulttuurin ja tarkemmin populaarimusiikin tutkimusta kiinnittyen ennen muuta audiovisuaalisen mediakulttuurin muutokseen 1960-luvulta tähän päivään. Väitöskirja käsittelee Pink Floydin, The Rolling Stonesin, U2:n ja Peter Gabrielin areenakonserttikiertueita ja kyseisten kiertueiden lavasuunnittelijoiden Mark Fisherin ja Robert Lepagen toimintaa. Tutkimus tarkastelee, miten jättiläismäiset mediaspektaakkelit saivat alkunsa, ammattimaistuivat ja globalisoituivat vuosien 1965–2013 välillä. Analyysin kohteena on se, miten ne rakentuivat ja toisaalta rakensivat areenatähteyttä sekä uudistivat audiovisuaalista kulttuuria. Konserttien avainkohtia ja populaarijulkisia aineistoja hermeneuttisesti tulkiten ja lähilukien sekä historiallisesti kontekstoiden tutkimus rakentaa kulttuurihistoriallisen kokonaistulkinnan viihdeteollisuuden mahtipontiseksi muotoutuneen ilmiön tuotannosta. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on populaarimusiikkitähden vaikutus 1900-luvun jälkipuoliskon ja 2000-luvun alun massamediassa ja kulttuurissa. Tarkastelemalla areenarockin mediaspektaakkeleiden kulttuurihistoriaa tutkimus ottaa kantaa niihin kaupallisiin, teknologisiin ja poliittisiin muutoksiin, jotka ovat viimeisen viidenkymmenen vuoden aikana mahdollistaneet tähteyden globaalia leviämistä. Tämän muutoksen seurauksena lähes kenestä tahansa voi tulla tähti ja lähes mistä tahansa kulttuuri-ilmiöstä voi tulla populaaria. Mutta vain jotkut tähdet ja yhtyeet esiintyvät täysille areenoille. Areenakonsertit ovatkin tähteysilmiön keskeisiä huipentumia, globaalin viihdekulttuurin äärimmäisiä manifestaatioita. Nykyiset areenoilla tapahtuvat mediaspektaakkelit ovat monimutkaista audiovisuaalista musiikkiteatteria, jossa kaikkien esityksen elementtien – teatraalisten ja audiovisuaalisten efektien – tulee olla mahdollisimman suuria ja taitavasti rytmitettyjä. Mediaspektaakkelien analyysissa tulee erityisesti kohdistaa huomio erilaisten medioiden suhteisiin sekä kysymykseen siitä, miten suuri osa audiovisuaalista konserttikokemusta itse asiassa on ennalta rakennettua ja nauhoitettua. Lavasuunnittelu yhdistää esiintyjän teatraaliset eleet ja esiintymisen laajempaan audiovisuaaliseen ja ennalta mietittyyn temaattiseen kokonaisuuteen. Tähän kuuluvat suurten konserttilavojen kertakäyttöarkkitehtuuri, valon ja pintojen yhdistäminen populaariin kuvastoon sekä itse teoksien audiovisuaalisen kerronnan historiallisiin ja nostalgisiin viitteisiin.
It has been reported that star fruit can lead to a fatal outcome in uremic patients. The intoxication syndrome consists of hiccups, mental confusion, dizziness, and vomiting. On the other hand, folk medicine uses teas and infusions of carambola leaves to treat headache, vomiting, cough, insomnia, and diabetes. This motivated us to determine if Averrhoa carambola can act on the contractility and automaticity of the guinea pig heart. We measured the atrial isometric force in stimulated left atria and determined the chronotropic changes in spontaneously beating right atria. The carambola leaf extracts (1.5 mg/ml) abolished the contractile force in a concentration-dependent manner. Among the crude, methanolic, ethanolic, aqueous, and acetic extracts, the aqueous one was the most potent (EC50 = 520 ± 94 µg/ml; flavonoids and tannins are the main constituents; Na+ and K+ contents in 1.0 mg/ml of aqueous extract were 0.12 ± 0.016 and 1.19 ± 0.15 mM, respectively). The aqueous extract abolished the positive Bowditch staircase phenomenon and reduced the inotropic response to CaCl2 (0.17-8.22 mM), events that are dependent on the cellular Ca2+ inward current. The adrenergic, muscarinic or opioid membrane receptors do not seem to participate in the mechanism of action of the cardioactive substance(s). In spontaneously beating atria, the aqueous extract promoted a negative chronotropic effect that was antagonized by 0.1 µM isoproterenol bitartrate. With this agonist, the EC50 of the aqueous extract increased from 133 ± 58 to 650 ± 100 µg/ml. These data regarding the effect of A. carambola on guinea pig atrial contractility and automaticity indicate an L-type Ca2+ channel blockade.
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a maternally inherited form of retinal ganglion cell degeneration leading to optic atrophy in young adults. Several mutations in different genes can cause LHON (heterogeneity). The ND6 gene is one of the mitochondrial genes that encodes subunit 6 of complex I of the respiratory chain. This gene is a hot spot gene. Fourteen Persian LHON patients were analyzed with single-strand conformational polymorphism and DNA sequencing techniques. None of these patients had four primary mutations, G3460A, G11788A, T14484C, and G14459A, related to this disease. We identified twelve nucleotide substitutions, G13702C, T13879C, T14110C, C14167T, G14199T, A14233G, G14272C, A14290G, G14365C, G14368C, T14766C, and T14798C. Eleven of twelve nucleotide substitutions had already been reported as polymorphism. One of the nucleotide substitutions (A14290G) has not been reported. The A14290G nucleotide substitution does not change its amino acid (glutamic acid). We looked for base conservation using DNA star software (MEGALIGN program) as a criterion for pathogenic or nonpathogenic nucleotide substitution in A14290G. The results of ND6 gene alignment in humans and in other species (mouse, cow, elegans worm, and Neurospora crassa mold) revealed that the 14290th base was not conserved. Fifty normal controls were also investigated for this polymorphism in the Iranian population and two had A14290G polymorphism (4%). This study provides evidence that the mtDNA A14290G allele is a new nonpathogenic polymorphism. We suggest follow-up studies regarding this polymorphism in different populations.
Poly-L-lactide (PLLA) is a widely used sustainable and biodegradable alternative to replace synthetic non-degradable plastic materials in the packaging industry. Conversely, its processing properties are not always optimal, e.g. insufficient melt strength at higher temperatures (necessary in extrusion coating processes). This thesis reports on research to improve properties of commercial PLLA grade (3051D from NatureWorks), to satisfy and extend end-use applications, such as food packaging by blending with modified PLLA. Adjustment of the processability by chain branching of commercial poly-L-lactide initiated by peroxide was evaluated. Several well-defined branched structures with four arms (sPLLA) were synthesized using pentaerythritol as a tetra-functional initiator. Finally, several block copolymers consisting of polyethylene glycol and PLLA (i.e. PEGLA) were produced to obtain a well extruded material with improved heat sealing properties. Reactive extrusion of poly-L-lactide was carried out in the presence of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 wt% of various peroxides [tert-butyl-peroxybenzoate (TBPB), 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-(tert-butylperoxy)-hexane (Lupersol 101; LOL1) and benzoyl peroxide (BPO)] at 190C. The peroxide-treated PLLAs showed increased complex viscosity and storage modulus at lower frequencies, indicating the formation of branched/cross linked architectures. The material property changes were dependent on the peroxide, and the used peroxide concentration. Gel fraction analysis showed that the peroxides, afforded different gel contents, and especially 0.5 wt% peroxide, produced both an extremely high molar mass, and a cross linked structure, not perhaps well suited for e.g. further use in a blending step. The thermal behavior was somewhat unexpected as the materials prepared with 0.5 wt% peroxide showed the highest ability for crystallization and cold crystallization, despite substantial cross linking. The peroxide-modified PLLA, i.e. PLLA melt extruded with 0.3 wt% of TBPB and LOL1 and 0.5 wt% BPO was added to linear PLLA in ratios of 5, 15 and 30 wt%. All blends showed increased zero shear viscosity, elastic nature (storage modulus) and shear sensitivity. All blends remained amorphous, though the ability of annealing was improved slightly. Extrusion coating on paperboard was conducted with PLLA, and peroxide-modified PLLA blends (90:10). All blends were processable, but only PLLA with 0.3 wt% of LOL1 afforded a smooth high quality surface with improved line speed. Adhesion levels between fiber and plastic, as well as heat seal performance were marginally reduced compared with pure 3051D. The water vapor transmission measurements (WVTR) of the blends containing LOL1 showed acceptable levels, only slightly lower than for comparable PLLA 3051D. A series of four-arm star-shaped poly-L-lactide (sPLLA) with different branch length was synthesized by ring opening polymerization (ROP) of L-lactide using pentaerythritol as initiator and stannous octoate as catalyst. The star-shaped polymers were further blended with its linear resin and studied for their melt flow and thermal properties. Blends containing 30 wt% of sPLLA with low molecular weight (30 wt%; Mwtotal: 2500 g mol-1 and 15000 g mol-1) showed lower zero shear viscosity and significantly increased shear thinning, while at the same time slightly increased crystallization of the blend. However, the amount of crystallization increased significantly with the higher molecular weight sPLLA, therefore the star-shaped structure may play a role as nucleating agent. PLLA-polyethylene glycol–PLLA triblock copolymers (PEGLA) with different PLLA block length were synthesized and their applicability as blends with linear PLLA (3051D NatureWorks) was investigated with the intention of improving heat-seal and adhesion properties of extrusion-coated paperboard. PLLA-PEG-PLLA was obtained by ring opening polymerization (ROP) of L-lactide using PEG (molecular weight 6000 g mol-1) as an initiator, and stannous octoate as catalyst. The structures of the PEGLAs were characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR). The melt flow and thermal properties of all PEGLAs and their blends were evaluated using dynamic rheology, and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). All blends containing 30 wt% of PEGLAs showed slightly higher zero shear viscosity, higher shear thinning and increased melt elasticity (based on tan delta). Nevertheless, no significant changes in thermal properties were distinguished. High molecular weight PEGLAs were used in extrusion coating line with 3051D without problems.
This study aimed at evaluating compositional changes in the quality of 'Ortanique' tangor after coating with the carnauba-based waxes Aruá Tropical® or Star Light®. The storage conditions studied simulated those of local marketing (22 ± 2 °C, 60 ± 5% RH). Non-destructive analysis, mass loss, peel color, and sensory evaluation, were performed upon coating and every three days up to the fifteenth day of storage. Destructive analysis, peel moisture content, chlorophyll of the peel, pulp color, juice content, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), pH, and soluble solids to titratable acidity ratio, were performed upon coating and every four days up to the sixteenth day of storage. The assay was conducted using an entirely randomized design, with three replications (destructive analyses) or ten replications (non-destructive analyses), in a split plot scheme. Wax-coating, especially Aruá Tropical®, maintained fruit freshness by reducing mass loss and peel dehydration and retaining green color. Peel moisture content, chlorophyll content, and juice content had lower rates in the wax coated fruits. Puncture force, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, and soluble solids to titratable acidity ratio varied vary little over the course of storage. Sensory evaluation showed that the application of Aruá Tropical keeps 'Ortanique' tangor fresher for 6 days longer for commercialization.
This thesis presented the overview of Open Data research area, quantity of evidence and establishes the research evidence based on the Systematic Mapping Study (SMS). There are 621 such publications were identified published between years 2005 and 2014, but only 243 were selected in the review process. This thesis highlights the implications of Open Data principals’ proliferation in the emerging era of the accessibility, reusability and sustainability of data transparency. The findings of mapping study are described in quantitative and qualitative measurement based on the organization affiliation, countries, year of publications, research method, star rating and units of analysis identified. Furthermore, units of analysis were categorized by development lifecycle, linked open data, type of data, technical platforms, organizations, ontology and semantic, adoption and awareness, intermediaries, security and privacy and supply of data which are important component to provide a quality open data applications and services. The results of the mapping study help the organizations (such as academia, government and industries), re-searchers and software developers to understand the existing trend of open data, latest research development and the demand of future research. In addition, the proposed conceptual framework of Open Data research can be adopted and expanded to strengthen and improved current open data applications.
The role of star-up firms in economy and the importance of venture capital investors for the growth of start-up firms have been highlighted in recent years. The growth challenges of start-up firms consist of fast changing environment, the availability of venture capital funding and the development of firm management in the growth phase. A growing number of studies have focused on management accounting systems and venture capital in start-up and growth firm context. In this thesis the role of management accounting systems and venture capital investors is considered in the growth phase of firm development. The theoretical objective of this thesis is to construct a theoretical framework in order to describe the importance of management accounting systems and venture capital investors in start-up firms. The practice orientated objective of this thesis is to study the application of management accounting systems and management accounting based information in start-up firms in high-technology industry as well as the impact of venture capital for management accounting system design. In addition, the growth challenges of start-up firms are studied in order to understand the context in which management accounting systems are used. The research approach of theoretical part is conceptual as the theoretical framework is constructed by combining literature on firm growth, management accounting and venture finance in order to analyse the phenomenon. The action-orientated research approach is appropriate for analysing and describing of the studied phenomenon through empirical evidence. The empirical evidence was collected through interviews with three experts in start-up firm accelerator centers, four representatives of start-up firms and one venture capital investor. The results indicate that the growth challenges of stat-up firms are not related to the development of management accounting systems. Managers of start-up firms expressed a positive attitude towards management accounting systems that improve efficiency of operations. In start-up firms flexible and adjustable management accounting practices, such as budgets, cash flow calculations and future-orientated analysis tools, are applied that support planning and coordination of operations. The results indicate that venture capital investors affect the provision and the quality of management accounting information during the investment process. In addition, venture capital investors enhance the use of management accounting information for internal coordination in start-up firms. By applying the theoretical framework in the analysis, it can be stated that by acting as support function management accounting systems facilitate start-up firms development.
Contient : 1 Lettre du duc DE MANTOUE au duc de Nevers. « Di Casale, a XV di maggio 1590 ». En italien ; 2-5 Lettres de « SCIPIONE, cardinale GONZAGA », au duc de Nevers. 1590. En italien. Chiffre ; 6 Lettre de J.-V. DE GONZAGUE, cardinal, au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, alli 14 di aprile 1590 ». En italien ; 7-8 Lettres du cardinal SCIPION DE GONZAGUE au duc de Nevers. 1590. En italien. Chiffre et déchiffrement ; 9 Lettre du cardinal « CAETANO » au cardinal « Montalto,... Di Parigi, a 23 di febra ro 1590 ». En italien ; 10 Lettre de SCIPION, cardinal DE GONZAGUE, au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, a 24 di marzo 1590 ». En italien. Chiffre, dont une petite partie seulement est déchiffrée ; 11 Lettre de « FABIO GONZAGA » au duc de Nevers. Mantoue, 11 avril 1590. En italien ; 12-16 Lettres de SCIPION, cardinal DE GONZAGUE, au duc de Nevers. 1590. Chiffre. En italien ; 17-18 Billets de « LODOVICO BIRAGO » au duc de Nevers. Novembre et décembre 1591. Chiffre et déchiffrement. En italien ; 19-20 Lettres du duc DE MANTOUE au duc de Nevers. Marmiruolo et Mantoue, juillet et mars 1590. Chiffre et déchiffrement. En italien ; 21 Lettre de SCIPION, cardinal DE GONZAGUE, au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, a 8 di maggio 1590 ». En italien ; 22 Lettre de « LODOVICO BIRAGO » au duc de Nevers. « Da Cuy, presso Esperné, 1591, il 2 decembre ». En italien. Chiffre et déchiffrement ; 23 Lettre de « CAMILLO VOLTA » au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, li 5 di settembre 1585 ». Chiffre et déchiffrement. En italien ; 24 Lettre, en italien, sans signature, ni date, ni adresse. Commence par : « Illmo et eccmo sigre ! E cosa, come dice V. Eccza, di gran consideratione l'andata del principe Matthias in Fiandra... » et finit par : «... mal possono star insieme lungo sonno et largo imperio ». Copie inachevée. Vers 1578 ; 25-27 Lettres de « LODOVICO BIRAGO » au duc de Nevers. De Villiers près Chalon, Sedan, Langres, décembre et novembre 1591. Chiffre et déchiffrement. En italien ; 28-33 Lettres du Sr « HIERONIMO GRIMALDI » au duc de Nevers. Gênes, janvier-avril 1590. En italien ; 34 Lettre d' « ALFONSO GALVAGHI, presidente di Casale », au duc de Nevers. « Di Casale, alli IX di aprile 1590 ». En italien ; 35-37 Lettres de « GIUSEPPE ARNOLFINI,... luchese mercanti in Lione », au duc de Nevers. Lyon, janviermars 1590. En italien ; 38-41 Lettres du duc DE NEVERS au duc de Mantoue, son neveu, et au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Janvier, mars et avril 1590. En italien. Chiffre et déchiffrement. Copies ; 42 Lettre de « FULVIO GONZAGA » au duc de Nevers. Mantoue, 12 avril 1590. En italien ; 43 Chiffre. Une note de la main du duc Nevers, placée en haut du feuillet 104, où se trouve ce chiffre, porte : « Con la lettera di 16 febraro 1590. R. 9 aprille 1590. Da Parigi » ; 44 Déchiffrement des passages chiffrés de la lettre contenue aux fol. 17-18 du présent ms., lettre rappelée dans la note qui précède. En italien ; 45 Lettre de « MARIO VOLTA » au duc de Nevers. Mantoue, 28 février 1590. En italien ; 46 Lettre de « FABIO GONZAGA » au duc de Nevers. « Di Mantova, a 17 di marzo 1590 ». En italien ; 47 Lettre du duc DE NEVERS au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Decize, 28 février 1590. En italien. Chiffre. Copie ; 48 Courte note, en italien ; 49 Lettre de FRANÇOIS DE GONZAGUE, évêque de Cefalu, au duc de Nevers. Rome, 21 avril 1590. En italien ; 50 Lettre de « FABIO GONZAGA » au duc de Nevers. Casal, 12 juin 1590. En italien ; 51-63 Lettres du duc DE NEVERS ; 51 à la duchesse douairière de Mantoue, Éléonore d'Autriche. Nevers, 27 mai 1590. En italien. Minute ; 52-53 au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Nevers, 27 mars et 27 avril 1590. En italien. Minutes. Le commencement de la seconde manque ; 54-55 au duc de Mantoue. Nevers, 5 janvier et 9 juillet 1590. En italien. Minutes. Chiffre accompagné, pour la première, du déchiffrement ; 56-57 au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Nevers, 29 juillet et 6 août 1590. En italien. Minutes ; 58-60 au duc de Mantoue. Nevers, mai et juillet 1590. En italien. Minutes ; 61 au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Nevers, 28 juillet 1590. En italien. Minute ; 62-63 au duc et à la duchesse de Mantoue. Nevers, août et mai 1590. En italien. Minutes ; 64 Nouvelles d'Italie adressées au duc de Nevers par GIUSEPPE ARNOLFINI. Juillet 1590. Les lieux d'origine sont Venise, Barcelonnette, Fozzano, Turin. En italien ; 65 Lettre du duc DE NEVERS au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Nevers, 17 mai 1590. En italien. Copie ; 66 Requête adressée au duc de Nevers par le Sr DE PLUVOT, au nom des habitants de Vezelay, pour une prolongation de trêve. 1590 ; 67-69 Lettres du duc DE NEVERS au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague et au duc de Mantoue. 1590. En italien. Copies. Chiffre, avec déchiffrement. La fin de la première lettre manque ; 70 Lettre de « GIUSEPPE ARNOLFINI » au duc de Nevers. « Da S. Amour, a 24 giugnio 1590 ». En italien ; 71 Nouvelles datées d'Anvers, 11 juillet 1590. En italien ; 72 Lettre d' « ASCANIO ANDREASI » au duc de Nevers. Casal, 9 avril 1590. En italien ; 73 Lettre, signée : « ASCANIO ANDREASI » et « D. LEONORA PICA DELLA MIRANDOLA ANDREASI », au duc de Nevers. Casal, 9 avril 1590. En italien ; 74 Lettre du duc DE NEVERS au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Nevers, 14 mai 1590. En italien. Copie ; 75 Nouvelles d'Italie, de Suisse, de Brabant et d'Angleterre, adressées par ARNOLFINI au duc de Nevers. Ces nouvelles, datées de Turin, Rome, Bâle, Zurich, Anvers et Londres, sont du 6 au 31 mars 1590. En italien ; 76 Lettre, signée : « Il protonotario CAPILUPI », adressée par l'intermédiaire de « Guiffredo Arnolfini, a Lione », au duc de Nevers par le destinataire, Scipion, cardinal de Gonzague. « Di Casa, il 12 di maggio 1590 ». En italien ; 77-82 Cinq lettres du duc DE NEVERS et une de son fils ; 77 au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Decize, 19 mars 1590. En italien. Copie. Le commencement manque ; 78 « au seigneur Christaphoro Balbani ». Nevers, 27 avril 1590. Copie ; 79 au SrAscanio Andreasi. Avril 1590. En italien. Minute ; 80 au Sr « Ascanio Andreasi ». Nevers, 30 avril 1590. En italien. Minute ; 81 au Sr « presidente Salvagna ». En italien. Minute ; 82 au duc de Mantoue. Decize, 19 mars 1590. En italien. Copie ; 83 Lettre, en italien, adressée au duc de Nevers par « li BONVISI » ; 84-85 Nouvelles datées de Gênes, Nuremberg, Bade, Bâle, Turin, Venise et Turin. Juin et avril 1590. En italien ; 86-87 Lettres de « GIUSEPPE ARNOLFINI » au duc de Nevers. Lyon, 21 février et 20 mars 1590. En italien ; 88 Nouvelles datées de Turin, 11 et 16 juin 1590. En italien ; 89 Lettre de « C. PIETR' ANTONIO DE' BENEDETTI » au duc de Nevers. « Di Casale, alli 8 di giugno 1590 ». En italien ; 90 Lettre de « CARLO CONTI, vescovo d'Ancona », à son frère, « Lotthario Conti ». 24 décembre 1590. En italien ; 91 Lettre de GIUSEPPE ARNOLFINI au duc de Nevers. Lyon, 14 mars 1590. En italien ; 92-95 Lettres du duc DE NEVERS ; 92 au duc de Mantoue. Nevers, 17 avril 1590. En italien. Chiffre. Minute ; 93 au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Nevers, 9 juillet 1590. En italien. Chiffre ; 94 au duc de Mantoue. Nevers, 27 juillet 1590. En italien. Copie. Chiffre ; 95 au cardinal Scipion de Gonzague. Nevers, 18 mai 1590. En italien. Copie
Alderman John S. Campbell expresses interest in becoming mayor of St. Catharines. Surce: The Star-Journal (St. Catharines, Ont.), Tuesday, November 27, 1906
This study sought to explore the changing nature of the financial services industry in Toronto, Canada and the impact that these changes will have on the vocational educational outcomes required by Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) graduates who wish to enter the financial services industry. The study was descriptive and exploratory, based on both quantitative and qualitative data. Triangulation of 3 data sources (a collection of newspaper articles from the Toronto Star between July 1999 and June 2000, the calendars of the 25 CAATs, and a survey questionnaire prepared by me and distributed to subject matter experts who are key practitioners in the financial services industry) was used. The study contains a discussion of how the financial services industry is changing. The first question to be answered was: What do current practitioners in financial services perceive to be the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will be required of future graduates for employment within the financial services industry? The study found that Ontario CAAT's graduates entering the financial services field need both business and financial services vocational learning outcomes. Colleges should have 2 programs 1 in accounting and 1 in financial services. The report addresses which specific topics should be included in the financial services program. The second question to be answered was: How does this anticipated profile of knowledge, skills, and attitudes change depending on the degree of implementation of the new technologies by the survey respondent? The study found no pattern. The third question to be answered was: In what way do existing programs need to change in the area of accreditation as perceived by the respondents? The study found that for accreditation, 3 credentials should be addressed within the financial services program. These are the Canadian Securities, the Life Underwriters, and the Certified Financial Planner designations. The last question to be answered was: What new knowledge, skills, and attitudes need to be incorporated into college curricula to address changing needs in the employment sector? For each Ontario CAAT which has a financial services program (excluding accounting), their program was reviewed in light of the topics as perceived by professionals in the financial services industry.