879 resultados para Number systems. Arithmetic teaching. Number systems ancients
The information domain is a recognised sphere for the influence, ownership, and control of information and it's specifications, format, exploitation and explanation (Thompson, 1967). The article presents a description of the financial information domain issues related to the organisation and operation of a stock market. We review the strategic, institutional and standards dimensions of the stock market information domain in relation to the current semantic web knowledge and how and whether this could be used in modern web based stock market information systems to provide the quality of information that their stakeholders want. The analysis is based on the FINE model (Blanas, 2003). The analysis leads to a number of research questions for future research.
All information systems have to be protected. As the number of information objects and the number of users increase the task of information system’s protection becomes more difficult. One of the most difficult problems is access rights assignment. This paper describes the graph model of access rights inheritance. This model takes into account relations and dependences between different objects and between different users. The model can be implemented in the information systems controlled by the metadata, describing information objects and connections between them, such as the systems based on CASE-technology METAS.
Battery energy storage systems have traditionally been manufactured using new batteries with a good reliability. The high cost of such a system has led to investigations of using second life transportation batteries to provide an alternative energy storage capability. However, the reliability and performance of these batteries is unclear and multi-modular power electronics with redundancy have been suggested as a means of helping with this issue. This paper reviews work already undertaken on battery failure rate to suggest suitable figures for use in reliability calculations. The paper then uses reliability analysis and a numerical example to investigate six different multi-modular topologies and suggests how the number of series battery strings and power electronic module redundancy should be determined for the lowest hardware cost using a numerical example. The results reveal that the cascaded dc-side modular with single inverter is the lowest cost solution for a range of battery failure rates.
This letter proposes the introduction of discrete modal crosstalk (XT) through fiber splices for the improvement of the distance reach (DR) of mode division multiplexed (MDM) transmission systems over few mode fibers (FMFs). The proposed method increases the DR, reducing the time spread of the FMFs' impulse response. The effectiveness of this method is assessed through simulation considering 3 × 136-Gbit/s MDM-coherently-detected polarization-multiplexed quadrature-phase-shift-keying ultralong haul transmission systems employing inherently low differential mode delay (DMD) FMFs or DMD compensated FMFs. A maximum DR increase factor of 1.9 is obtained for the optimum number of splices per span and optimum splice XT level. © 1989-2012 IEEE.
This paper presents a method for assigning natural numbers to Transition P systems based on a Gödelization process. The paper states step by step the way for obtaining Gödel numbers for each one of the fundamental elements of Transition P systems –multisets of objects, evolution rules, priorities relation, membrane structure- until defining the Gödel number of a given Transition P system.
Transition P systems are computational models based on basic features of biological membranes and the observation of biochemical processes. In these models, membrane contains objects multisets, which evolve according to given evolution rules. In the field of Transition P systems implementation, it has been detected the necessity to determine whichever time are going to take active evolution rules application in membranes. In addition, to have time estimations of rules application makes possible to take important decisions related to the hardware / software architectures design. In this paper we propose a new evolution rules application algorithm oriented towards the implementation of Transition P systems. The developed algorithm is sequential and, it has a linear order complexity in the number of evolution rules. Moreover, it obtains the smaller execution times, compared with the preceding algorithms. Therefore the algorithm is very appropriate for the implementation of Transition P systems in sequential devices.
The poor retention and efficacy of instilled drops as a means of delivering drugs to the ophthalmic environment is well-recognised. The potential value of contact lenses as a means of ophthalmic drug delivery, and consequent improvement of pre-corneal retention is one obvious route to the development of a more effective ocular delivery system. Furthermore, the increasing availability and clinical use of daily disposable contact lenses provides the platform for the development of viable single-day use drug delivery devices based on existing materials and lenses. In order to provide a basis for the effective design of such devices, a systematic understanding of the factors affecting the interaction of individual drugs with the lens matrix is required. Because a large number of potential structural variables are involved, it is necessary to achieve some rationalisation of the parameters and physicochemical properties (such as molecular weight, charge, partition coefficients) that influence drug interactions. Ophthalmic dyes and structurally related compounds based on the same core structure were used to investigate these various factors and the way in which they can be used in concert to design effective release systems for structurally different drugs. Initial studies of passive diffusional release form a necessary precursor to the investigation of the features of the ocular environment that over-ride this simple behaviour. Commercially available contact lenses of differing structural classifications were used to study factors affecting the uptake of the surrogate actives and their release under 'passive' conditions. The interaction between active and lens material shows considerable and complex structure dependence, which is not simply related to equilibrium water content. The structure of the polymer matrix itself was found to have the dominant controlling influence on active uptake; hydrophobic interaction with the ophthalmic dye playing a major role. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.
Modern advances in technology have led to more complex manufacturing processes whose success centres on the ability to control these processes with a very high level of accuracy. Plant complexity inevitably leads to poor models that exhibit a high degree of parametric or functional uncertainty. The situation becomes even more complex if the plant to be controlled is characterised by a multivalued function or even if it exhibits a number of modes of behaviour during its operation. Since an intelligent controller is expected to operate and guarantee the best performance where complexity and uncertainty coexist and interact, control engineers and theorists have recently developed new control techniques under the framework of intelligent control to enhance the performance of the controller for more complex and uncertain plants. These techniques are based on incorporating model uncertainty. The newly developed control algorithms for incorporating model uncertainty are proven to give more accurate control results under uncertain conditions. In this paper, we survey some approaches that appear to be promising for enhancing the performance of intelligent control systems in the face of higher levels of complexity and uncertainty.
Красимир Манев, Милослав Средков, Петър Армянов - Състезателните системи (СС) са незаменимо средство за организация на състезания по програмиране. Напоследък СС се използват и в обучението по програмиране. В статията е предложена платформа, която да интегрира възможностите на СС, създадени или използвани от авторите. Целта е изграждането на проста и ефективна среда за обучение по програмиране, подпомагаща учебния процес. Специфицирани са основните елементи на платформата, като резултат от предходно изследване, и една нейна възможна архитектура.
Discrepancies of materials, tools, and factory environments, as well as human intervention, make variation an integral part of the manufacturing process of any component. In particular, the assembly of large volume, aerospace parts is an area where significant levels of form and dimensional variation are encountered. Corrective actions can usually be taken to reduce the defects, when the sources and levels of variation are known. For the unknown dimensional and form variations, a tolerancing strategy is typically put in place in order to minimize the effects of production inconsistencies related to geometric dimensions. This generates a challenging problem for the automation of the corresponding manufacturing and assembly processes. Metrology is becoming a major contributor to being able to predict, in real time, the automated assembly problems related to the dimensional variation of parts and assemblies. This is done by continuously measuring dimensions and coordinate points, focusing on the product's key characteristics. In this paper, a number of metrology focused activities for large-volume aerospace products, including their implementation and application in the automation of manufacturing and assembly processes, are reviewed. This is done by using a case study approach within the assembly of large-volume aircraft wing structures.
We extend the theory of parametric noise amplification to the case of transmission systems employing multiple optical phase conjugators, demonstrating that the excess noise due to this process may be reduced in direct proportion to the number of phase conjugation devices employed. We further identify that the optimum noise suppression is achieved for an odd number of phase conjugators, and that the noise may be further suppressed by up to 3dB by partial digital back propagation (or fractional spans at the ends of the links).
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65H10.
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) system with efficient Demand Response Management (DRM) is critical to solve the problem of supplying electricity by utilizing surplus electricity available at EVs. An incentivilized DRM approach is studied to reduce the system cost and maintain the system stability. EVs are motivated with dynamic pricing determined by the group-selling based auction. In the proposed approach, a number of aggregators sit on the first level auction responsible to communicate with a group of EVs. EVs as bidders consider Quality of Energy (QoE) requirements and report interests and decisions on the bidding process coordinated by the associated aggregator. Auction winners are determined based on the bidding prices and the amount of electricity sold by the EV bidders. We investigate the impact of the proposed mechanism on the system performance with maximum feedback power constraints of aggregators. The designed mechanism is proven to have essential economic properties. Simulation results indicate the proposed mechanism can reduce the system cost and offer EVs significant incentives to participate in the V2G DRM operation.
Choosing between Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems is often controversial and not an easy task for transportation planners who are contemplating the upgrade of their public transportation services. These two transit systems provide comparable services for medium-sized cities from the suburban neighborhood to the Central Business District (CBD) and utilize similar right-of-way (ROW) categories. The research is aimed at developing a method to assist transportation planners and decision makers in determining the most feasible system between LRT and BRT. ^ Cost estimation is a major factor when evaluating a transit system. Typically, LRT is more expensive to build and implement than BRT, but has significantly lower Operating and Maintenance (OM) costs than BRT. This dissertation examines the factors impacting capacity and costs, and develops cost models, which are a capacity-based cost estimate for the LRT and BRT systems. Various ROW categories and alignment configurations of the systems are also considered in the developed cost models. Kikuchi's fleet size model (1985) and cost allocation method are used to develop the cost models to estimate the capacity and costs. ^ The comparison between LRT and BRT are complicated due to many possible transportation planning and operation scenarios. In the end, a user-friendly computer interface integrated with the established capacity-based cost models, the LRT and BRT Cost Estimator (LBCostor), was developed by using Microsoft Visual Basic language to facilitate the process and will guide the users throughout the comparison operations. The cost models and the LBCostor can be used to analyze transit volumes, alignments, ROW configurations, number of stops and stations, headway, size of vehicle, and traffic signal timing at the intersections. The planners can make the necessary changes and adjustments depending on their operating practices. ^
Parallel processing is prevalent in many manufacturing and service systems. Many manufactured products are built and assembled from several components fabricated in parallel lines. An example of this manufacturing system configuration is observed at a manufacturing facility equipped to assemble and test web servers. Characteristics of a typical web server assembly line are: multiple products, job circulation, and paralleling processing. The primary objective of this research was to develop analytical approximations to predict performance measures of manufacturing systems with job failures and parallel processing. The analytical formulations extend previous queueing models used in assembly manufacturing systems in that they can handle serial and different configurations of paralleling processing with multiple product classes, and job circulation due to random part failures. In addition, appropriate correction terms via regression analysis were added to the approximations in order to minimize the gap in the error between the analytical approximation and the simulation models. Markovian and general type manufacturing systems, with multiple product classes, job circulation due to failures, and fork and join systems to model parallel processing were studied. In the Markovian and general case, the approximations without correction terms performed quite well for one and two product problem instances. However, it was observed that the flow time error increased as the number of products and net traffic intensity increased. Therefore, correction terms for single and fork-join stations were developed via regression analysis to deal with more than two products. The numerical comparisons showed that the approximations perform remarkably well when the corrections factors were used in the approximations. In general, the average flow time error was reduced from 38.19% to 5.59% in the Markovian case, and from 26.39% to 7.23% in the general case. All the equations stated in the analytical formulations were implemented as a set of Matlab scripts. By using this set, operations managers of web server assembly lines, manufacturing or other service systems with similar characteristics can estimate different system performance measures, and make judicious decisions - especially setting delivery due dates, capacity planning, and bottleneck mitigation, among others.