992 resultados para Niemann Pick C1
1 The smooth muscle relaxant responses to the mixed beta(3)-, putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor agonist, (-)-CGP 12177 in rat colon are partially resistant to blockade by the beta(3)-adrenoceptor antagonist SR59230A suggesting involvement of beta(3)- and putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors. We now investigated the function of the putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor and other beta-adrenoceptor subtypes in the colon, oesophagus and ureter of wild-type (WT) and beta(3)-adrenoceptor knockout (beta(3)KO) mice. 2 (-)-Noradrenaline and (-)-adrenaline relaxed KCl (30 mM)-precontracted colon mostly through beta(1)-and beta(3)-adrenoceptors to a similar extent and to a minor extent through beta(2)-adrenoceptors. In colon from beta(3)KO mice, (-)-noradrenaline was as potent as in WT mice but the effects were mediated entirely through beta(1)-adrenoceptors. (-)-CGP 12177 relaxed colon from beta(3)KO mice with 2 fold greater potency than in WT mice. The maintenance of potency for (-)-noradrenaline and increase for (-)-CGP 12177 indicate compensatory increases in beta(1)- and putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor function in beta(3)KO mice. 3 In oesophagi precontracted with 1 mu M carbachol, (-)-noradrenaline caused relaxation mainly through beta(1)-and beta(3)-adrenoceptors. (-)-CGP 12177 (2 mu M) relaxed oesophagi from WT by 61.4+/-5.1% and beta(3)KO by 67.3+/-10.1% of the (-)-isoprenaline-evoked relaxation, consistent with mediation through putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors. 4 In ureter, (-)-CGP 12177 (2 mu M) reduced pacemaker activity by 31.1+/-2.3% in WT and 31.3+/-7.5% in beta(3)KO, consistent with mediation through putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors. 5 Relaxation of mouse colon and oesophagus by catecholamines are mediated through beta(1)- and beta(3)- adrenoceptors in WT. The putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor, which presumably is an atypical state of the beta(1)-adrenoceptor, mediates the effects of(-)-CGP 12177 in colon, oesophagus and ureter.
A two-step method of loading controlled amounts of transition metal cations into alumina pillared clays (Al-PILCs) is proposed. First, calcined Al-PILC was dispersed into an aqueous solution of sodium or ammonium ions. Increasing the pH of the dispersion resulted in an increase in the amount of cations loaded into the clay. The ion-doped Al-PILC was then exchanged with an aqueous solution of transition metal salt at a pH of similar to 4.5 to replace Na+ or NH4+ ions by transition metal cations. Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, diffuse reflectance-ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, as well as N-2 adsorption were used to characterize the PILC products with and without the loading of metal ions. The introduced transition metal species exist in the forms of hydrated ions in the PILC hosts. The content of transition metal ions in the final product increased with the amount of Na+ or NH4+ loaded in the first step so that by controlling the pH of the dispersion in the first step, one can control the doping amounts of transition metal cations into Al-PILCs. A sample containing 0.125 mmol/g of nickel was thus obtained, which is similar to 3 times of that obtained by directly exchanging Al-PILC with Ni(NO3)(2) solution, while the pillared layered structures of the Al-PILC remained. The porosity analysis using N-2 adsorption data indicated that most of the doped transition metal ions dispersed homogeneously in the micropores of the Al-PILC, significantly affecting the micropore structure.
A variety of adhesive support-films were tested for their ability to adhere various biological specimens for transmission electron microscopy. Support films primed with 3-amino-propyl triethoxy silane (APTES), poly-L-lysine, carbon and ultraviolet-B (UV-B)-irradiated carbon were tested for their ability to adhere a variety of biological specimens including axenic cultures of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli and wild-type magnetotactic bacteria. The effects of UV-B irradiation on the support film in the presence of air and electrostatic charge on primer deposition were tested and the stability of adhered specimens on various surfaces was also compared. APTES-primed UV-B-irradiated Pioloform(TM) was consistently the best adhesive, especially for large cells, and when adhered specimens were UV-B irradiated they became remarkably stable under an electron beam. This assisted the acquisition of in situ phase-contrast lattice images from a variety of biominerals in magnetotactic bacteria, in particular metastable greigite magnetosomes. Washing tests indicated that specimens adhering to APTES-primed UV-B-irradiated Pioloform(TM) were covalently coupled. The electron beam stability was hypothesised to be the result of mechanical strengthening of the specimen and support film and the reduced electrical resistance in the specimen and support film due to their polymerization and covalent coupling.
Glucocorticoid excess causes visceral obesity and its accompanying insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Glucocorticoids enhance preadipocyte (PA) differentiation and increase their aromatase activity (oestrogen production) and there is regional variability in these PA processes. Therefore, we studied human PAs for the presence of, and any regional or gender differences in, glucocorticoid receptors (GRs). Confluent subcultured human subcutaneous (Sc) and visceral (Vis) PAs from both genders contained GRs as assessed by GR gene expression and specific glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) binding. The dissociation constant was similar to that of other human cells and there was no difference between Sc and Vis sites or between males and females. There was significantly less GR mRNA in Vis PAs compared with Sc PAs in females (P=0.008) but not in males. There was less glucocorticoid binding in Vis compared with Sc PAs in females, measured by maximal binding capacity (P=0.035) or single saturating dose glucocorticoid binding (Bssd) (P=0.019). There was no regional difference in specific glucocorticoid binding in males. There was a gender difference with fewer GRs in Vis PAs in females compared with males measured by Bssd (P=0.006). In summary, GRs are present in human PAs. There is a lower GR density in Vis compared with Sc PAs in females, and females have fewer GRs in Vis PAs compared with males. These differences are likely to affect regional aromatase activity and to contribute to the smaller visceral fat mass in females compared with males.
Calls for more male teachers are prevalent in current gender debates in education. A dominant argument in this debate is that boys are often alienated from school because of a lack of male role models in feminised areas of the school curriculum and in primary schools. Little research has investigated male teachers' accounts of their work within feminised environments. Drawing on data collected in two research studies in music education, this paper focuses on accounts given by male teachers about (a) practices adopted specifically to work with boys and (b) the role of the male music teacher. Analysis of these data suggests that some male teachers working in feminised areas of the school curriculum adopt practices which, rather than challenging dominant constructions of masculinity, sometimes reinforce gender stereotypical behaviours in boys. We argue that calls for increasing the number of male teachers in feminised areas of schooling need also to be informed by open discussion of the underlying assumptions about masculinity which teachers themselves bring to their work.
.:Abstract-Objective: Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is widely used as bedside assessment of body composition. Body cell mass (BCM) and intracellular water (ICW) are clinically important body compartments. Estimates of ICW obtained from BIA by different calculation approaches were compared to a reference method in male HIV-infected patients. Patients: Representative subsample of clinically stable HIV-infected outpatients, consisting of 42 men with a body mass index of 22.4 +/- 3.8 kg/m(2) (range, 13-31 kg/m(2)). Methods: Total body potassium was assessed in a whole body counter, and compared to 50 kHz mono-frequency BIA and multifrequency bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy. Six different prediction equations for ICW from BIA data were applied. Methods were compared by the Bland-Altman method. Results: BIA-derived ICW estimates explained 58% to 73% of the observed variance in ICW (TBK), but limits of confidence were wide (-16.6 to +18.2% for the best method). BIA overestimated low ICW (TBK) and underestimated high ICW (TBK) when normalized for weight or height. Mono- and multifrequency BIA were not different in precision but population-specific equations tended to narrower confidence limits. Conclusion: BIA is an unreliable method to estimate ICW in this population, in contrast to the better established estimation of total body water and extracellular water. Potassium depletion in severe malnutrition may contribute to this finding but a major part of the residual between methods remains unexplained. (C) 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Objective. A 6 month prospective randomized double blind study was conducted to investigate hydroxychloroquine dose concentration-effect relationships in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods. Patients were randomized in 2 groups: one group received 200 mg hydroxychloroquine sulfate daily (A) and one group received 400 mg daily (B). Each month, 8 disease variables were assessed, adverse events recorded, and hydroxychloroquine blood concentrations determined. Results. Twenty-three patients were included: 10 in group A and 13 in group B. After 6 months of therapy, a significant improvement in disease activity was noted for 6 criteria with no statistical differences between groups: pain (assessed by a visual analog scale), joint scores (swelling and tenderness), impairment in daily Living activity (18 activities graded 0 to 8), patient assessment of disease state, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Hydroxychloroquine steady-state blood concentrations (Month 6) were significantly different between groups (mean +/- SD): 450.6 +/- 285.3 ng/ml (A) vs 870.3 +/- 329.3 ng/ml(B) (p = 0.0001). Steady-state concentrations were correlated with the daily dose (r = 0.63, p = 0.005), the improvement in activity of daily living (r = 0.49, p = 0.03), and the improvement in joint tenderness score (r = 0.47, p = 0.038). Conclusion. The data indicate that hydroxychloroquine is an effective therapy, but there were no further improvements observed in the group receiving 400 mg daily compared to those receiving 200 mg. There were some correlations between hydroxychloroquine steady-state blood concentrations and effects.
We have previously shown that exposing rats to a relatively high dose of ethanol during early postnatal life resulted in a deficit in spatial learning ability. This ability is controlled, at least in part, by the hippocampal formation. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether exposure of rats to ethanol during early postnatal life affected the number of specific neurons in the hippocampus. Wistar rats were exposed to a relatively high daily dose of ethanol between postnatal days 10 and 15 by placing them for 3 h each day in a chamber containing ethanol vapor. The blood ethanol concentration was about 430 mg/dl at the end of the exposure period. Groups of ethanol-treated (ET) rats, separation controls (SC), and mother-reared controls (MRC) were anesthetized and killed at 16 days of age by perfusion with phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde (2.5%). The Cavalieri principle was used to determine the volume of various subdivisions of the hippocampal formation (CA1, CA2+CA3, hilus, and granule cell layer), and the physical disector method was used to estimate the numerical densities of neurons within each subdivision. The total number of neurons was calculated by multiplying estimates of the numerical density with the volume. There were, on average, about 441,000 granule cells in the granule cell layer and 153,000 to 177,000 pyramidal cells in both the CA1 and CA2+CA3 regions in all three treatment groups. In the hilus region, ET rats had about 27,000 neuronal cells. This was significantly fewer than the average of 38,000 such neurons estimated to be present in both MRC and SC animals. Thus, neurons in the hilus region may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of a high dose of ethanol exposure during early postnatal life. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A model for a spin-1/2 ladder system with two legs is introduced. It is demonstrated that this model is solvable via the Bethe ansatz method for arbitrary values of the rung coupling J. This is achieved by a suitable mapping from the Hubbard model with appropriate twisted boundary conditions. We determine that a phase transition between gapped and gapless spin excitations occurs at the critical value J(c) = 1/2 of the rung coupling.
Great potential has recently been demonstrated for the application of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) in screening the hearing of school-aged children. The present study aimed to describe the range of TEOAE values obtained from a large cohort of 6-year-old children in school settings. Results indicated significant sex and ear asymmetry effects on signal-to-noise ratio, response, whole wave reproducibility, band reproducibility and noise levels. A prior history of ear infections was also shown to influence response level, whole wave reproducibility and band reproducibility. The sex, ear and history specific normative data tables derived may contribute to future improvements in the accuracy of hearing screening for 6-year-old school children.
We propose a single optical photon source for quantum cryptography based on the acoustoelectric effect. Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) propagating through a quasi-one-dimensional channel have been shown to produce packets of electrons that reside in the SAW minima and travel at the velocity of sound. In our scheme, the electron packets are injected into a p-type region, resulting in photon emission. Since the number of electrons in each packet can be controlled down to a single electron, a stream of single- (or N-) photon states, with a creation time strongly correlated with the driving acoustic field, should be generated.
We show that an arbitrary system described by two dipole moments exhibits coherent superpositions of internal states that can be completely decoupled fi om the dissipative interactions (responsible for decoherence) and an external driving laser field. These superpositions, known as dark or trapping states, can he completely stable or can coherently interact with the remaining states. We examine the master equation describing the dissipative evolution of the system and identify conditions for population trapping and also classify processes that can transfer the population to these undriven and nondecaying states. It is shown that coherent transfers are possible only if the two systems are nonidentical, that is the transitions have different frequencies and/or decay rates. in particular, we find that the trapping conditions can involve both coherent and dissipative interactions, and depending on the energy level structure of the system, the population can be trapped in a linear superposition of two or more bare states, a dressed state corresponding to an eigenstate of the system plus external fields or, in some cases. in one of the excited states of the system. A comprehensive analysis is presented of the different processes that are responsible for population trapping, and we illustrate these ideas with three examples of two coupled systems: single V- and Lambda-type three-level atoms and two nonidentical tao-level atoms, which are known to exhibit dark states. We show that the effect of population trapping does not necessarily require decoupling of the antisymmetric superposition from the dissipative interactions. We also find that the vacuum-induced coherent coupling between the systems could be easily observed in Lambda-type atoms. Our analysis of the population trapping in two nonidentical atoms shows that the atoms can be driven into a maximally entangled state which is completely decoupled from the dissipative interaction.
It has been observed experimentally [H.R. Xia, C.Y. Ye, and S.Y. Zhu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1032 (1996)] that quantum interference between two molecular transitions can lead to a suppression or enhancement of spontaneous emission. This is manifest in the fluorescent intensity as a function of the detuning of the driving field from the two-photon resonance condition. Here we present a theory that explains the observed variation of the number of peaks with the mutual polarization of the molecular transition dipole moments. Using master equation techniques we calculate analytically as well as numerically the steady-state fluorescence, and find that the number of peaks depends on the excitation process. If the molecule is driven to the upper levels by a two-photon process, the fluorescent intensity consists of two peaks regardless of the mutual polarization of the transition dipole moments. Lf the excitation process is composed of both a two-step, one-photon process and a one-step, two-photon process, then there are two peaks on transitions with parallel dipole moments and three peaks on transitions with antiparallel dipole moments. This latter case is in excellent agreement with the experiment.
In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions for a vector to be the fine structure of a balanced ternary design with block size 3, index 3 and rho(2) = 1 and 2 are determined with one unresolved case.
Objective: To pilot a single-patient trials (SPTs) service in general practice, designed to improve decision-making about long-term medications for chronic conditions. Design: 12-week within-patient, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover comparison of ibuprofen with paracetamol for osteoarthritis, involving three pairs of two-week treatment periods for each participating patient. Setting and patients: Patients attending an academic general practice with a clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis, with pain of at least a month's duration severe enough to warrant consideration of long-term non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Main outcome measures: Pain and stiffness; measures of overall arthritis compared with previous fortnight; preference for NSAID at the end of each two-week treatment period; use of escape analgesia; side effects; and management changes as a result of the SPTs. Results: Eight of 14 patients completed SPTs. One was a clear responder to NSAIDs, five were non-responders, and two were indefinite. Of the five who were using NSAIDs before the SPT, two continued and three ceased using them. Clinically useful information assisted decision-making for all eight participants. Medication management changed for six. Conclusions: Single-patient trials can be successfully implemented in general practice and might be a valuable method for GPs to identify patients who respond to medication for chronic stable conditions such as osteoarthritis, in which individual response to medication is variable.