971 resultados para National Natural Landmarks Program (U.S.)
We introduce a flexible technique for interactive exploration of vector field data through classification derived from user-specified feature templates. Our method is founded on the observation that, while similar features within the vector field may be spatially disparate, they share similar neighborhood characteristics. Users generate feature-based visualizations by interactively highlighting well-accepted and domain specific representative feature points. Feature exploration begins with the computation of attributes that describe the neighborhood of each sample within the input vector field. Compilation of these attributes forms a representation of the vector field samples in the attribute space. We project the attribute points onto the canonical 2D plane to enable interactive exploration of the vector field using a painting interface. The projection encodes the similarities between vector field points within the distances computed between their associated attribute points. The proposed method is performed at interactive rates for enhanced user experience and is completely flexible as showcased by the simultaneous identification of diverse feature types.
Organic aerosol (OA) in the atmosphere consists of a multitude of organic species which are either directly emitted or the products of a variety of chemical reactions. This complexity challenges our ability to explicitly characterize the chemical composition of these particles. We find that the bulk composition of OA from a variety of environments (laboratory and field) occupies a narrow range in the space of a Van Krevelen diagram (H: C versus O:C), characterized by a slope of similar to-1. The data show that atmospheric aging, involving processes such as volatilization, oxidation, mixing of air masses or condensation of further products, is consistent with movement along this line, producing a more oxidized aerosol. This finding has implications for our understanding of the evolution of atmospheric OA and representation of these processes in models. Citation: Heald, C. L., J. H. Kroll, J. L. Jimenez, K. S. Docherty, P. F. DeCarlo, A. C. Aiken, Q. Chen, S. T. Martin, D. K. Farmer, and P. Artaxo (2010), A simplified description of the evolution of organic aerosol composition in the atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L08803, doi: 10.1029/2010GL042737.
Submicron atmospheric particles in the Amazon Basin were characterized by a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer during the wet season of 2008. Patterns in the mass spectra closely resembled those of secondary-organic-aerosol (SOA) particles formed in environmental chambers from biogenic precursor gases. In contrast, mass spectral indicators of primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) were insignificant, suggesting that PBAPs contributed negligibly to the submicron fraction of particles during the period of study. For 40% of the measurement periods, the mass spectra indicate that in-Basin biogenic SOA production was the dominant source of the submicron mass fraction, contrasted to other periods (30%) during which out-of-Basin organic-carbon sources were significant on top of the baseline in-Basin processes. The in-Basin periods had an average organic-particle loading of 0.6 mu g m(-3) and an average elemental oxygen-to-carbon (O:C) ratio of 0.42, compared to 0.9 mu g m(-3) and 0.49, respectively, during periods of out-of-Basin influence. On the basis of the data, we conclude that most of the organic material composing submicron particles over the Basin derived from biogenic SOA production, a finding that is consistent with microscopy observations made in a concurrent study. This source was augmented during some periods by aged organic material delivered by long-range transport. Citation: Chen, Q., et al. (2009), Mass spectral characterization of submicron biogenic organic particles in the Amazon Basin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L20806, doi: 10.1029/2009GL039880.
The shadowing of cosmic ray primaries by the moon and sun was observed by the MINOS far detector at a depth of 2070 mwe using 83.54 million cosmic ray muons accumulated over 1857.91 live-days. The shadow of the moon was detected at the 5.6 sigma level and the shadow of the sun at the 3.8 sigma level using a log-likelihood search in celestial coordinates. The moon shadow was used to quantify the absolute astrophysical pointing of the detector to be 0.17 +/- 0.12 degrees. Hints of interplanetary magnetic field effects were observed in both the sun and moon shadow. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Using the QCD sum rules we test if the charmonium-like structure Y(4274), observed in the J/psi phi invariant mass spectrum, can be described with a D(s)(D) over bar (s0)(2317)+ h.c. molecular current with J(PC) = 0(-+). We consider the contributions of condensates up to dimension ten and we work at leading order in alpha(s). We keep terms which are linear in the strange quark mass m(s). The mass obtained for such state is mD(s)D(s0) = (4.78 +/- 0.54) GeV. We also consider a molecular 0(-+) D (D) over bar (0)(2400)+ h.c. current and we obtain m(DD0) = (4.55 +/- 0.49) GeV. Our study shows that the newly observed Y(4274) in the J/psi phi invariant mass spectrum can be, considering the uncertainties, described using a molecular charmonium current. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) experiment uses an accelerator-produced neutrino beam to perform precision measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters in the ""atmospheric neutrino"" sector associated with muon neutrino disappearance. This long-baseline experiment measures neutrino interactions in Fermilab`s NuMI neutrino beam with a near detector at Fermilab and again 735 km downstream with a far detector in the Soudan Underground Laboratory in northern Minnesota. The two detectors are magnetized steel-scintillator tracking calorimeters. They are designed to be as similar as possible in order to ensure that differences in detector response have minimal impact on the comparisons of event rates, energy spectra and topologies that are essential to MINOS measurements of oscillation parameters. The design, construction, calibration and performance of the far and near detectors are described in this paper. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
One pair of reactants, Cu(hfac)(2) = M and the hinge-flexible radical ligand 5-(3-N-tert-butyl-N-aminoxylphenyl)pyrimidine (3PPN = L), yields a diverse set of five coordination complexes: a cyclic loop M(2)L(1) dimer; a 1:1 cocrystal between an M(2)L(2) loop and an ML(2) fragment; a ID chain of M(2)L(2) loops linked by M; two 2D M(3)L(2) networks of (M-L)(n) chains crosslinked by M with different repeat length pitches; a 3D M(3)L(2) network of M(2)L(2) loops cross-linking (M-L)(n)-type chains with connectivity different from those in the 2D networks. Most of the higher dimensional complexes exhibit reversible, temperature-dependent spin-state conversion of high-temperature paramagnetic states to lower magnetic moment states having antiferromagnetic exchange within Cu-ON bonds upon cooling, with accompanying bond contraction. The 3D complex also exhibited antiferromagnetic exchange between Cu(II) ions linked in chains through pyrimidine rings.
We report on experimental studies of the Kondo physics and the development of non-Fermi-liquid scaling in UCu(4+x)Al(8-x) family. We studied 7 different compounds with compositions between x = 0 and 2. We measured electrical transport (down to 65 mK) and thermoelectric power (down to 1.8 K) as a function of temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and/or magnetic field. Compounds with Cu content below x = 1.25 exhibit long-range antiferromagnetic order at low temperatures. Magnetic order is suppressed with increasing Cu content and our data indicate a possible quantum critical point at x(cr) approximate to 1.15. For compounds with higher Cu content, non-Fermi-liquid behavior is observed. Non-Fermi-liquid scaling is inferred from electrical resistivity results for the x = 1.25 and 1.5 compounds. For compounds with even higher Cu content, a sharp kink occurs in the resistivity data at low temperatures, and this may be indicative of another quantum critical point that occurs at higher Cu compositions. For the magnetically ordered compounds, hydrostatic pressure is found to increase the Neel temperature, which can be understood in terms of the Kondo physics. For the non-magnetic compounds, application of a magnetic field promotes a tendency toward Fermi-liquid behavior. Thermoelectric power was analyzed using a two-band Lorentzian model, and the results indicate one fairly narrow band (10 meV and below) and a second broad band (around hundred meV). The results imply that there are two relevant energy scales that need to be considered for the physics in this family of compounds. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
One of the most fascinating aspects of plant morphology is the regular geometric arrangement of leaves and flowers, called phyllotaxy. The shoot apical meristem (SAM) determines these patterns, which vary depending on species and developmental stage. Auxin acts as an instructive signal in leaf initiation, and its transport has been implicated in phyllotaxy regulation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Altered phyllotactic patterns are observed in a maize (Zea mays) mutant, aberrant phyllotaxy1 (abph1, also known as abphyl1), and ABPH1 encodes a cytokinin-inducible type A response regulator, suggesting that cytokinin signals are also involved in the mechanism by which phyllotactic patterns are established. Therefore, we investigated the interaction between auxin and cytokinin signaling in phyllotaxy. Treatment of maize shoots with a polar auxin transport inhibitor, 1-naphthylphthalamic acid, strongly reduced ABPH1 expression, suggesting that auxin or its polar transport is required for ABPH1 expression. Immunolocalization of the PINFORMED1 (PIN1) polar auxin transporter revealed that PIN1 expression marks leaf primordia in maize, similarly to Arabidopsis. Interestingly, maize PIN1 expression at the incipient leaf primordium was greatly reduced in abph1 mutants. Consistently, auxin levels were reduced in abph1, and the maize PIN1 homolog was induced not only by auxin but also by cytokinin treatments. Our results indicate distinct roles for ABPH1 as a negative regulator of SAM size and a positive regulator of PIN1 expression. These studies highlight a complex interaction between auxin and cytokinin signaling in the specification of phyllotactic patterns and suggest an alternative model for the generation of altered phyllotactic patterns in abph1 mutants. We propose that reduced auxin levels and PIN1 expression in abph1 mutant SAMs delay leaf initiation, contributing to the enlarged SAM and altered phyllotaxy of these mutants.
We investigate the combined influence of quenched randomness and dissipation on a quantum critical point with O(N) order-parameter symmetry. Utilizing a strong-disorder renormalization group, we determine the critical behavior in one space dimension exactly. For super-ohmic dissipation, we find a Kosterlitz-Thouless type transition with conventional (power-law) dynamical scaling. The dynamical critical exponent depends on the spectral density of the dissipative baths. We also discuss the Griffiths singularities, and we determine observables.
Fluorescent AlPO(4) xerogels doped with different amounts of Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) laser dye were prepared by a one-step sal-gel process. In addition, mesoporous AlPO(4) glasses obtained from undoped gels were loaded with different amounts of Rh6G by wet impregnation. Optical excitation and emission spectra of both series of samples show significant dependences on Rh6G concentration, revealing the influence of dye molecular aggregation. At comparable dye concentrations the aggregation effects are found to be significantly stronger in the gels than in the mesoporous glasses. This effect might be attributed to stronger interactions between the dye molecules and the glass matrix, resulting in more efficient dye dispersion in the latter. The interaction of Rh6G with the glassy AlPO(4) network has been probed by (27)Al and (31)P solid-state NMR techniques. New five- and six-coordinated aluminum environments have been observed and characterized by advanced solid-state NMR techniques probing (27)Al-(1)H and (27)Al-(31)P internuclear dipole couplings. The fractional area of these new Al sites is correlated with the combined fractional area of two new Q(3Al)((0)) and Q(2Al)((0)) phosphate species observed in the (31)P MAS NMR spectra. Based on this correlation as well as detailed composition dependent studies, we suggest that the new signals arise from the breakage of Al-O-P linkages associated with the insertion process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The behaviour of interacting ultracold Rydberg atoms in both constant electric fields and laser fields is important for designing experiments and constructing realistic models of them. In this paper, we briefly review our prior work and present new results on how electric fields affect interacting ultracold Rydberg atoms. Specifically, we address the topics of constant background electric fields on Rydberg atom pair excitation and laser-induced Stark shifts on pair excitation.
Spatiotemporal pattern formation in the electrocatalytic oxidation of sulfide on a platinum disk is investigated using electrochemical methods and a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera simultaneously. The system is characterized by different oscillatory regions spread over a wide potential range. An additional series resistor and a large electrode area facilitate observation of multiple regions of kinetic instabilities along the current/potential curve. Spatiotemporal patterns on the working electrode, such as fronts, pulses, spirals, twinkling eyes, labyrinthine stripes, and alternating synchronized deposition and dissolution, are observed at different operating conditions of series resistance and sweep rate.
The aim of this thesis is to look for signs of students’ understanding of algebra by studying how they make the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Students in an Upper Secondary class on the Natural Science program and Science and Technology program were given a questionnaire with a number of algebraic problems of different levels of difficulty. Especially important for the study was that students leave comments and explanations of how they solved the problems. According to earlier research, transitions are the most critical steps in problem solving. The Algebraic Cycle is a theoretical tool that can be used to make different phases in problem solving visible. To formulate and communicate how the solution was made may lead to students becoming more aware of their thought processes. This may contribute to students gaining more understanding of the different phases involved in mathematical problem solving, and to students becoming more successful in mathematics in general.The study showed that the students could solve mathematical problems correctly, but that they in just over 50% of the cases, did not give any explanations to their solutions.
O trabalho de conclusão de curso de mestrado acadêmico apresenta um estudo de caso sobre educação fiscal, cuja unidade de análise é o Grupo de Educação Fiscal de Pernambuco. A dissertação tem como objetivo final identificar as principais dificuldades que devem levar em conta os gestores, nos processos de execução da educação fiscal nas escolas públicas do ensino fundamental pernambucano. Para tanto, realiza uma combinação de quatro técnicas de coletas de dados, empregando formulário de pesquisa com perguntas fechadas e abertas, observações livres, entrevistas individuais e grupo de foco. Emprega técnicas de análise temática e categorial considerando as perspectivas micro e macrossociais. A base da interpretação abrange perspectivas históricas, culturais, políticas e econômicas. O estudo apresenta discusses sobre sociedade, poder e educação moral num contexto de psicologia social dos valores humanos. Apresenta seis variáveis de influência negativa do fenômeno e possíveis soluções, apontando a falta de um banco de dados próprio, metas e avaliações de desempenho comuns aos membros do grupo. Reprova a denominação “disseminador” e sugere a capacitação de professores para organizar os papéis que os meninos e meninas devem assumir em sala de aula. Conclui ser necessária a pressão a congressistas, visando à aprovação de lei que determine a inclusão de uma disciplina obrigatória de Ética enquanto Ciência da Moral na educação básica nacional. Sugere a vinculação de verbas a contraprestações com uma Coordenação centralizada do PNEF. Conclui que o Brasil necessita fixar uma matriz moral em seus jovens visando à construção de uma cultura de respeito ao próximo e tolerância às diferenças e que a melhor forma de realizar isso é por meio de investimentos em educação moral.