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En el presente trabajo se describen las características morfohistológicas del testículo de individuos adultos (n=5) de Ceratophrys ornata (Bell, 1843) provenientes de humedales del centro de Argentina. Los mismos se procesaron mediante técnicas histológicas de rutina, se cortaron a 8 µm y las láminas obtenidas se tiñeron con hematoxilina-eosina y tricrómico de Masson. Las gónadas son órganos pares, amarillentos, alargados y contorneados de 18,58 ± 0,23 mm de largo por 1,51 ± 0,13 mm de ancho. Histológicamente se observa una delgada túnica albugínea (6,29 ± 0,83 µm) rodeando a los testículos. En su interior se hallan lóculos seminíferos que miden 240,64 ± 38,52 µm de diámetro, en ellos se distinguen cistos con células espermatogénicas en distintas etapas de desarrollo. El tejido intersticial es escaso y en él se destacan las células de Leydig y vasos sanguíneos. Las espermatogonias I son las células más grandes de la serie germinal (20,03 ± 2,27 µm); poseen la cromatina granular y de aspecto multilobular, hallándose comúnmente una por cisto, estas originan a las espermatogonias II, más pequeñas (12,06 ± 1,14 µm). Los espermatocitos I presentan la cromatina levemente condensada y son un poco más chicos que sus precedentes (11,64 ± 0,36 µm). Los espermatocitos II miden 8,85 ± 0,54 µm. Las espermátidas I son esféricas, miden 5,95 ± 0,42 µm y se agrupan en cistos redondeados. Las espermátidas II, en cambio son alargadas y no se hallan dentro de cistos, pero siguen organizadas en paquetes asociadas a células de Sertoli. Los espermatozoides son células libres hacia el centro del lóculo, alargadas, flageladas y con una notable compactación nuclear. La morfohistología de los testículos analizados muestran características macroscópicas e histológicas similares a las observadas en otras especies de anfibios anuros neotropicales, presentando todas las células del linaje espermatogénico en un mismo lóculo, lo que indicaría que presentan ciclos espermatogénicos continuos.


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The authors summarize the results of former works, based on the technics of parabiosis. After parabiotic union of two infantile rats, normal + castrate, the normal fellow enters into precocious puberty in about 7 days (Kallas). In the case of pairs: castrated male + normal female, the implants of testicles, or injection of maceration or aqueous extracts of testis in the castrated fellow, prevents the induction of early puberty in the normal female. In the case: castrated female + normal female, no inhibiting effect is provoked by that treatment. There is therefore a testicular hormone that regulates the hypophysis. After castration, this gland manifests a hyper-function and shows histological alterations, the chief character of these being the appearing in the anterior lobe, of the so-called castration cells, probably originated from basophile cells. Implants or injections of testis material prevent those alterations. This is a useful test; the effect is controlled by estimating the castration cells in the microscopic field. The testicular hormone that regulates the anterior lobe is probably another one, quite different from that which regulates the accessory genitalia. On account of the facts and experiments, it may be assumed that this new hormone is elaborated by the germinal epithelium of the testicles.


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Após terem sido apreciadas, à luz de fatos experimentais, as principais causas determinantes das multiplicações celulares normais e aquelas responsabilidades pelas multiplicações anormais, encontradas nos tumores blastomatosos, foram analisados os tumores animais que reconhecidamente são causados por virus tais como: o sarcoma e o epitelioma das galinhas; o papiloma e o mixoma dos coelhos; os carcinomas de ratos e rãs, e finalmente, o papiloma oral e o linfo-sarcoma venéreo dos cães. Em seguida, foram focalizadas as várias propriedades em comum existentes entre os vírus indutores dêsses tumores como: capacidade de determinar multiplicações anormais nos tecidos atacados; elevada especificidade para as espécies sensíveis; existência de diminuição do poder infeccioso à medida que aumenta a capacidade de estimular a formação de tumores e, as afinidades existentes entre êles e os gens, principalmente àquelas referentes à sensibilidade aos raios X. Finalmente, foi aventada a hipótese da possível existência de elementos patogênicos ainda não identificados, situados entre os virus citocinéticos conhecidos e os gens, com poder infeccioso mínimo, exigindo por isso, condições de susceptibilidade ainda não totalmente conhecidas e controladas, possuidores de elevado poder de induzir multiplicações anormais nos tecidos atacados e possìvelmente responsáveis pelos tumores neoplásicos humanos.


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BACKGROUND: Healthy lifestyle including sufficient physical activity may mitigate or prevent adverse long-term effects of childhood cancer. We described daily physical activities and sports in childhood cancer survivors and controls, and assessed determinants of both activity patterns. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study is a questionnaire survey including all children diagnosed with cancer 1976-2003 at age 0-15 years, registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry, who survived ≥5 years and reached adulthood (≥20 years). Controls came from the population-based Swiss Health Survey. We compared the two populations and determined risk factors for both outcomes in separate multivariable logistic regression models. The sample included 1058 survivors and 5593 controls (response rates 78% and 66%). Sufficient daily physical activities were reported by 52% (n = 521) of survivors and 37% (n = 2069) of controls (p<0.001). In contrast, 62% (n = 640) of survivors and 65% (n = 3635) of controls reported engaging in sports (p = 0.067). Risk factors for insufficient daily activities in both populations were: older age (OR for ≥35 years: 1.5, 95CI 1.2-2.0), female gender (OR 1.6, 95CI 1.3-1.9), French/Italian Speaking (OR 1.4, 95CI 1.1-1.7), and higher education (OR for university education: 2.0, 95CI 1.5-2.6). Risk factors for no sports were: being a survivor (OR 1.3, 95CI 1.1-1.6), older age (OR for ≥35 years: 1.4, 95CI 1.1-1.8), migration background (OR 1.5, 95CI 1.3-1.8), French/Italian speaking (OR 1.4, 95CI 1.2-1.7), lower education (OR for compulsory schooling only: 1.6, 95CI 1.2-2.2), being married (OR 1.7, 95CI 1.5-2.0), having children (OR 1.3, 95CI 1.4-1.9), obesity (OR 2.4, 95CI 1.7-3.3), and smoking (OR 1.7, 95CI 1.5-2.1). Type of diagnosis was only associated with sports. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Physical activity levels in survivors were lower than recommended, but comparable to controls and mainly determined by socio-demographic and cultural factors. Strategies to improve physical activity levels could be similar as for the general population.


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A l'instar de nombreux pays industrialisés, le cancer du sein est à Genève le cancer le plus fréquent (environ 460 cas par an) et la première cause de décès chez les femmes entre 45 et 55 ans. Depuis mars 1999, le Programme genevois de dépistage du cancer du sein a pour missions de promouvoir, d'organiser et de mener une action de prévention auprès de la population féminine du canton âgée de 50 à 69 ans. Ce rapport décrit l'évolution de 15 ans d'activité de dépistage (chapitre 2) et analyse l'utilisation (chapitre 3), la qualité (chapitre 4) et l'efficacité (chapitre 5) du programme genevois entre 2007 et 2011. Couvrant 86'720 mammographies et près de 37'000 femmes, ce rapport s'intéresse aussi, au-delà des indicateurs usuels de performance, à mieux estimer certains effets indésirables comme les résultats faussement positifs ou les cancers survenant entre 2 examens de dépistage (dits cancers d'intervalle).


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Patients with a solid organ transplant have increased in numbers and in individual survival in Switzerland over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer in solid organ recipients (SOTRs) has been recognized as an important problem. Screening and education of potential SOTRs about prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, SOTRs should be seen by a dermatologist yearly for repeat education as well as early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) is the most frequent cancer in the setting of long-term immunosuppression. Sun protection by behaviour, clothing and daily sun screen application is the most effective prevention. Cumulative sun damage results in field cancerisation with numerous in-situ SCC such as actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease which should be treated proactively. Invasive SCC is cured by complete surgical excision. Early removal is the best precaution against potential metastases of SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression and switch to mTOR inhibitors and potentially, mycophenolate, may reduce the incidence of further SCC. Chemoprevention with the retinoid acitretin reduces the recurrence rate of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of SOTRs should be integrated into the comprehensive post-transplant care.


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Introduction:¦L'incidence annuelle du cancer de l'ovaire en Suisse est de 600 cas, il touche principalement les femmes âgées de plus de 60 ans. Le cancer de l'ovaire est aujourd'hui la 1ère cause de mortalité par cancer gynécologique chez la femme. Le but de notre recherche, est de créer une base de données de toutes les¦patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire et hospitalisées au CHUV pour la prise en charge de leur maladie.¦Cette étude rétrospective monocentrique nous permettra en premier lieu d'analyser les caractéristiques de¦cette tumeur présentées par les patientes, les traitements instaurés pour traiter ce cancer et les taux de¦récidives et de survie des patientes en fonction de ces variables.¦Méthodologie:¦Analyse rétrospective de 147 patientes diagnostiquées d'un cancer de l'ovaire et hospitalisées au CHUV entre¦septembre 2001 et mars 2010 pour la prise en charge de leur tumeur ovarienne. Utilisation du programme informatique ARCHIMED qui contient les dossiers médicaux de toutes les patientes inclues dans l'étude et création de 2 bases des données. La 1ère base de données regroupe l'ensemble des patientes de l'étude y¦compris les tumeurs type borderline, la 2ème base de données concerne uniquement les patientes ayant récidivé de leur tumeur. Les tumeurs bénignes ont été exclues de l'étude.¦Résultats:¦La probabilitéde survie à 1 an chez les patientes avec un cancer de l'ovaire, tous stades FIGO et prises en¦charge confondus, hospitalisées au CHUV est de 88,04% (95% CI = 0.7981-­‐0.9306), à 3 ans la probabilité de survie est de 70,4% (95% CI = 0.5864-­‐0.7936), et à plus de 5 ans, elle est de 60% (95% CI = 0.4315-­‐0.6859).¦Nous avons comparé le taux de survie en fonction du stade FIGO de la tumeur ovarienne et nous avons observé une différence significative de survie entre les stades FIGO précoces et les stades avancés (Pvaleur=¦0.0161).¦En plus d'une intervention chirurgicale, les patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire sont normalement traitées par une chimiothérapie. Dans notre étude, 70 patientes ont bénéficié d'une chimiothérapie; un¦traitement adjuvant a été donné dans 78 % des cas (N = 55), un traitement néoadjuvant a été administré chez 22% des patientes (N=15). Le type combiné carboplatine-­‐taxane est la chimiothérapie la plus fréquente (75%). Au total sur l'étude, 66 patientes sur les 147 (44%) ont récidivé de leur tumeur. En ce qui¦concerne leur prise en charge, 46% des patientes ont reçu une chimiothérapie unique comme du gemzar, cealyx ou taxotère après leur récidive. Une cytoréduction secondaire a également été effectuée chez 33% de ces patientes ayant une récidive. Nous avons également étudié l'intervalle de temps entre la date de la¦récidive et celle du décès. Parmi les 28 patientes décédées chez les récidives, 10 d'entre-­‐elles (36%) ont survécu moins d'un an une fois la récidive diagnostiquée, 8 (28%) patientes ont survécu jusqu'à 2 ans, et¦les 10 (36%) autres patientes ont survécu de 2 à 5 ans. En ce qui concerne le taux de mortalité; 39 patientes sur les 147 étudiées sont décédées pendant la période d'observation, soit 26% des cas. La tumeur¦type borderline, présente une prolifération épithéliale atypique sans invasion dans le stroma et représente¦10 à 20% de toutes les tumeurs ovariennes. Dans notre étude, 41 patientes sont porteuses de cette tumeur¦(28%) et la moyenne d'âge est de 49 ans. En ce qui concerne leur prise en charge, l'intervention chirurgicale¦la plus fréquente, soit 23% des cas, est l'annexectomie unilatérale, qui reste une attitude conservative pour¦ces patientes désirant préserver leur fertilité. 6 patientes présentant ce type de tumeur ont récidivé, soit 14% des cas, avec une progression pelvienne, et 3 de ces 6 patientes sont décédées. Dans notre analyse, on observe que la probabilité de vivre plus longtemps que 1an pour les patientes ayant une tumeur borderline est de 93,8% (95% CI= 0.6323-­‐ 0.9910), à 3 ans elle est également de 93,8% (95% CI = 0.6323-­‐0.9910) et à 5 ans elle est de 78,1% (95% CI = 0.3171-­‐0.9483). Nous n'avons pas observé de¦différence de survie dans notre étude entre les patientes présentant une tumeur borderline et le « non‐borderline ». (Pvaleur=0.3301)


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The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology consensus conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the substaging of pT2 prostate cancers according to the TNM 2002/2010 system, reporting of tumor size/volume and zonal location of prostate cancers were coordinated by working group 2. A survey circulated before the consensus conference demonstrated that 74% of the 157 participants considered pT2 substaging of prostate cancer to be of clinical and/or academic relevance. The survey also revealed a considerable variation in the frequency of reporting of pT2b substage prostate cancer, which was likely a consequence of the variable methodologies used to distinguish pT2a from pT2b tumors. Overview of the literature indicates that current pT2 substaging criteria lack clinical relevance and the majority (65.5%) of conference attendees wished to discontinue pT2 substaging. Therefore, the consensus was that reporting of pT2 substages should, at present, be optional. Several studies have shown that prostate cancer volume is significantly correlated with other clinicopathological features, including Gleason score and extraprostatic extension of tumor; however, most studies fail to demonstrate this to have prognostic significance on multivariate analysis. Consensus was reached with regard to the reporting of some quantitative measure of the volume of tumor in a prostatectomy specimen, without prescribing a specific methodology. Incorporation of the zonal and/or anterior location of the dominant/index tumor in the pathology report was accepted by most participants, but a formal definition of the identifying features of the dominant/index tumor remained undecided.


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BACKGROUND: Early detection and treatment of colorectal adenomatous polyps (AP) and colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with decreased mortality for CRC. However, accurate, non-invasive and compliant tests to screen for AP and early stages of CRC are not yet available. A blood-based screening test is highly attractive due to limited invasiveness and high acceptance rate among patients. AIM: To demonstrate whether gene expression signatures in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were able to detect the presence of AP and early stages CRC. METHODS: A total of 85 PBMC samples derived from colonoscopy-verified subjects without lesion (controls) (n = 41), with AP (n = 21) or with CRC (n = 23) were used as training sets. A 42-gene panel for CRC and AP discrimination, including genes identified by Digital Gene Expression-tag profiling of PBMC, and genes previously characterised and reported in the literature, was validated on the training set by qPCR. Logistic regression analysis followed by bootstrap validation determined CRC- and AP-specific classifiers, which discriminate patients with CRC and AP from controls. RESULTS: The CRC and AP classifiers were able to detect CRC with a sensitivity of 78% and AP with a sensitivity of 46% respectively. Both classifiers had a specificity of 92% with very low false-positive detection when applied on subjects with inflammatory bowel disease (n = 23) or tumours other than CRC (n = 14). CONCLUSION: This pilot study demonstrates the potential of developing a minimally invasive, accurate test to screen patients at average risk for colorectal cancer, based on gene expression analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from a simple blood sample.


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Cancer is a major burden in today's society and one of the leading causes of death in industrialised countries. Various avenues for the detection of cancer exist, most of which rely on standard methods, such as histology, ELISA, and PCR. Here we put the focus on nanomechanical biosensors derived from atomic force microscopy cantilevers. The versatility of this novel technology has been demonstrated in different applications and in some ways surpasses current technologies, such as microarray, quartz crystal microbalance and surface plasmon resonance. The technology enables label free biomarker detection without the necessity of target amplification in a total cellular background, such as BRAF mutation analysis in malignant melanoma. A unique application of the cantilever array format is the analysis of conformational dynamics of membrane proteins associated to surface stress changes. Another development is characterisation of exhaled breath which allows assessment of a patient's condition in a non-invasive manner.


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Clinical studies of the immunological effects of methionine enkephalin in normal volunteers, cancer, and AIDS patients are summarized. The major immunology changes seen were increases in T cell subsets, natural killer activity, as well as mitogen blastogenesis. Clinically, the cancer and ARC patients did not develop infections.


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INTRODUCTION: EORTC trial 22991 was designed to evaluate the addition of concomitant and adjuvant short-term hormonal treatments to curative radiotherapy in terms of disease-free survival for patients with intermediate risk localized prostate cancer. In order to assess the compliance to the 3D conformal radiotherapy protocol guidelines, all participating centres were requested to participate in a dummy run procedure. An individual case review was performed for the largest recruiting centres as well. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT-data of an eligible prostate cancer patient were sent to 30 centres including a description of the clinical case. The investigator was requested to delineate the volumes of interest and to perform treatment planning according to the protocol. Thereafter, the investigators of the 12 most actively recruiting centres were requested to provide data on five randomly selected patients for an individual case review. RESULTS: Volume delineation varied significantly between investigators. Dose constraints for organs at risk (rectum, bladder, hips) were difficult to meet. In the individual case review, no major protocol deviations were observed, but a number of dose reporting problems were documented for centres using IMRT. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, results of this quality assurance program were satisfactory. The efficacy of the combination of a dummy run procedure with an individual case review is confirmed in this study, as none of the evaluated patient files harboured a major protocol deviation. Quality assurance remains a very important tool in radiotherapy to increase the reliability of the trial results. Special attention should be given when designing quality assurance programs for more complex irradiation techniques.