971 resultados para NEURAL STEM-CELLS


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Hypothermie schützt Neurone vor hypoxischen, ischämischen und traumatischen Schädigungen. Bisher ist jedoch unklar, ob Hypothermie auch endogene Reparaturmechanismen beeinflusst. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht daher den Einfluss intraischämischer Hypothermie auf das neuroregenerative Potential des Gehirns nach zerebraler Ischämie.rn50 männliche Sprague-Dawley Ratten wurden hierzu anästhesiert, intubiert und in folgende Versuchsgruppen randomisiert: Normotherme Ischämie (Normo/BACO), intraischämische Hypothermie (Hypo/BACO) sowie korrespondierende scheinoperierte Kontrollgruppen (Normo/Sham und Hypo/Sham). In den Gruppen Normo/Sham und Normo/BACO wurde die perikranielle Temperatur konstant bei 37 °C gehalten während sie in den Gruppen Hypo/Sham und Hypo/BACO für 85 min auf 33 °C gesenkt wurde. Durch bilaterale Okklusion der Aa. carotides communes in Kombination mit hämorrhagischer Hypotension wurde in BACO-Tieren eine 14-minütige inkomplette globale zerebrale Ischämie induziert. Tiere der Kontroll-Gruppen (Sham) blieben ohne Induktion einer Ischämie in Narkose. 15 weitere Tiere durchliefen nicht den operativen Versuchsteil und bildeten die Nativ-Gruppe, die als Referenz für die natürliche Neurogenese diente. Zur in-vivo-Markierung der Stammzellen wurde vom ersten bis siebten postoperativen Tag Bromodeoxyurindine (BrdU) injiziert. Nach 28 Tagen wurden die Gehirne entnommen. Die Analyse des histopathologischen Schadens erfolgte anhand HE-gefärbter Hirnschnitte, die Quantifikation der absoluten Anzahl neu gebildeter Zellen im Gyrus dentatus erfolgte mittels BrdU-Färbung. Anhand einer BrdU/NeuN-Immunfluoreszenz-Doppelfärbung konnte der Anteil neu generierter Neurone bestimmt werden.rnNach zerebraler Ischämie zeigten Tiere mit Normothermie eine Schädigung der CA 1-Region von über 50 % während hypotherme Ischämietiere einen Schaden von weniger als 10 % aufwiesen. Tiere ohne Ischämie (Hypo/Sham, Normo/Sham, Nativ) zeigten keinen histopathologischen Schaden. Die Anzahl neu gebildeter Neurone im Gyrus dentatus lag für normotherme Ischämietiere (Normo/BACO) bei 18819 und für Tiere mit intraischämischer Hypothermie (Hypo/BACO) bei 15175 neuen Neuronen. In den Kontroll-Gruppen wiesen Tiere der Gruppe Normo/Sham 5501, Tiere der Gruppe Hypo/Sham 4600 und Tiere der Nativ-Gruppe 5974 neu generierte Neurone auf.rnDiese Daten bestätigen frühere Studien, die eine Reduktion des neuronalen Schadens durch intraischämische Hypothermie zeigten. Infolge des ischämischen Stimulus kam es im Vergleich zu beiden Kontroll- und der Nativ-Gruppe zu einem signifikanten Anstieg der Anzahl neuer Neurone in beiden Ischämiegruppen unabhängig von der Temperatur. Somit scheint das Ausmaß der histopathologischen Schädigung keinen Einfluss auf die Anzahl neu gebildeter Neurone zu haben. Darüber hinaus beeinflusste die therapeutische Hypothermie auch nicht die natürliche Neurogeneserate. Die erhobenen Daten lassen vermuten, dass Hypothermie keinen Effekt auf die Anzahl und Differenzierung neuronaler Stammzellen aufweist, unabhängig davon, ob eine zerebrale Schädigung vorliegt.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden Mechanismen der Musterbildung in der terminalen Abdominalregion des Zentralnervensystems von Drosophila melanogaster untersucht. Dazu wurden zunächst die Anzahl der angelegten Neuromere und das Muster der dort lokalisierten neuralen Stammzellen (Neuroblasten) analysiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass sowohl die Größe der Neuromere, als auch die Anzahl an Neuroblasten von anterior nach posterior sukzessiv abnimmt, wobei keine geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede in der Anzahl der vorhandenen Neuroblasten festgestellt werden konnten. Durch die Kombination einer Vielzahl von molekularen Markern war es anschließend möglich, die Identität aller Neuroblasten in diesem Bereich aufzuklären und in einer Karte zusammenzutragen. Sie weisen alle eine serielle Homologie zu Neuroblasten in weiter anterior gelegenen Segmenten auf. Des Weiteren wurde die embryonale Identität der geschlechtsspezifischen Neuroblasten untersucht und deren postembryonalen mänchenspezifischen Zellstammbäume charakterisiert. Diese detaillierten Beschreibungen bildeten die Grundlage für die funktionelle Analyse von geschlechts- und segmentspezifischen Faktoren, die zur Musterbildung in dieser Region des Zentralnervensystems beitragen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass die weibliche Isoform von doublesex den programmierten Zelltod der geschlechtsspezifischen Neuroblasten induziert, während die männliche Isoform diesen verhindert. Das Hox-Gen Abdominal-B zeigt relativ milde Effekte auf das Überleben dieser Neuroblasten, was darauf hindeutet, dass weitere Faktoren benötigt werden, um diesen Prozess in segmentspezifischer Weise zu kontrollieren. Die Funktion von Hox-Genen wurde ferner im Hinblick auf die abgeleitete Morphologie der terminalen Neuromere untersucht. Es konnte herausgefunden werden, dass die regulatorische Isoform von Abdominal-B auf mehreren Ebenen wirkt: Sie beeinflusst die Zusammensetzung bestimmter Zellstammbäume durch Modifikation von Zelldeterminationsprozessen und durch die Kontrolle des programmierten Zelltods. Außerdem unterdrückt sie die Bildung einer spezifischen Subpopulation von Neuroblasten. Allerdings benötigt Abdominal-B.r die Co-Expression des ParaHox-Gens caudal, um sein gesamtes Potenzial bezüglich der Suppression dieser Neuroblasten zu entfalten. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat somit erste Einblicke in die geschlechtsspezifische und segmentspezifische Spezifizierung der terminalen Abdominalregion des Zentralnervensystems von Drosophila auf Ebene des Neuroektoderms, der daraus hervorgehenden Neuroblasten und deren Tochterzellen gewährt. Die vollständige und detailgetreue Beschreibung des Neuroblasten-Musters und der postembryonalen männchenspezifischen Zellstammbäume hat zudem attraktive Modellsysteme für zukünftige Untersuchungen etabliert, an denen sich weitere Mechanismen der Musterbildung im Zentralnervensystem analysieren lassen.


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Repressor element 1 (RE1)-silencing transcription factor (REST)/neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF) can repress several terminal neuronal differentiation genes by binding to a specific DNA sequence (RE1/neuron-restrictive silencer element [NRSE]) present in their regulatory regions. REST-VP16 binds to the same RE1/NRSE, but activates these REST/NRSF target genes. However, it is unclear whether REST-VP16 expression is sufficient to cause formation of functional neurons either from neural stem cells or from heterologous stem cells. Here we show that the expression of REST-VP16 in myoblasts grown under muscle differentiation conditions blocked entry into the muscle differentiation pathway, countered endogenous REST/NRSF-dependent repression, activated the REST/NRSF target genes, and, surprisingly, activated other neuronal differentiation genes and converted the myoblasts to a physiologically active neuronal phenotype. Furthermore, in vitro differentiated neurons produced by REST-VP16-expressing myoblasts, when injected into mouse brain, survived, incorporated into the normal brain, and did not form tumors. This is the first instance in which myoblasts were converted to a neuronal phenotype. Our results suggest that direct activation of REST/NRSF target genes with a single transgene, REST-VP16, is sufficient to activate other terminal neuronal differentiation genes and to override the muscle differentiation pathways, and they suggest that this approach provides an efficient way of triggering neuronal differentiation in myoblasts and possibly other stem cells.


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Neurogenesis in the adult mouse brain occurs within the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle. In the SVZ, neural stem cells (NSC) reside in a specialized microenvironment, or vascular niche, consisting of blood vessels and their basement membranes. Most NSCs in the SVZ differentiate into progenitor cells, which further differentiate to generate neuroblasts, which then migrate from the SVZ to the olfactory bulbs (OB) along the rostral migratory stream (RMS). ECM-mediated adhesion and signaling within the vascular niche likely contribute to proper NSC self-renewal, survival, differentiation and neuroblast motility. The mechanisms that control these events are poorly understood. Previous studies from our group and others have shown that loss of the ECM receptor, αvβ8 integrin, in NSCs in the embryonic mouse brain leads to severe developmental vascular defects and premature death. Here, the functions of αvβ8 integrin in the adult brain have been examined using mice that have been genetically manipulated to lack a functional β8 integrin gene. This study reveals that loss of β8 integrin leads to widespread defects in homeostasis of the neurovascular unit, including increased intracerebral blood vessels with enhanced perivascular astrogliosis. Additionally, β8 integrin dependent defects in NSC proliferation, survival, and differentiation, as well as neuroblast migration in the RMS were observed both in vivo and in vitro. The defects correlated, in part, with diminished integrin-mediated activation of TGFβ, an ECM ligand of β8 integrin. Collectively, these data identify important adhesion and signaling functions for β8 integrin in the regulation of neural stem and progenitor cells in the SVZ as well as in neuroblast migration along the RMS in the adult brain.


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STUDY OF REST AS A NEGATIVE REGULATOR OF P16INK4A Monica Gireud, B.S. Thesis Advisor: Vidya Gopalakrishnan, Ph.D. The RE1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) is a negative regulator of neuronal differentiation. It is expressed ubiquitously in early embryos, but downregulated in neural progenitors concomitant with onset of neuronal differentiation in these cells. REST has been widely studied as a negative regulator of neuronal differentiation genes. Our recent work identified a novel role for REST in control of cell proliferation. However, the underlying molecular mechanism(s) are not known and is a focus of the current thesis project. Here, we provide evidence that REST signaling controls the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p16Ink4a, a negative regulator of the cell cycle and passage through G1. We determined that REST expression in the proliferating granule progenitors of the cerebellum and its lack of expression in the differentiated neurons is reciprocally correlated with that of p16Ink4a. Decline in REST levels in differentiating primary and neural stem cells immortalized with v-myc (NSC-M) granule progenitors in vitro was also associated with upregulation of p16Ink4a expression. Conversely, constitutive human REST transgene expression in NSC-M cells (NSC-MRs) blocked p16Ink4 upregulation, even under neuronal differentiation conditions. However, the lack of a consensus REST DNA binding RE1 element in the regulatory regions of p16Ink4a locus suggested an indirect regulation of p16Ink4a by REST. Based on work from other groups that showed repression of p16Ink4a transcription by the polycomb protein Bmi-1, and its negative regulation by microRNA-203 (miR-203) and our identification of a RE1 element in the downstream regulatory region of miR-203, we asked if the p16Ink4a expression was controlled by REST through a series of negative regulatory events involving miR-203 and Bmi-1. We observed that Bmi1 -expression mirrored that of REST and inversely correlated with that of miR-203 in the postnatal cerebellum and in vitro differentiated granule and NSC-M progenitors. In contrast, forced REST transgene expression in NSC-MR cells abrogated the decrease in Bmi-1 levels and elevation in miR-203 expression. Significant REST binding to the miR-203 RE1 element was also observed in NSC-M cells, indicating that REST had the potential to directly regulate miR-203 expression. In conclusion, our studies suggest a role for REST in control of cell cycle transit in neural progenitors through negative regulation of p16Ink4a. Further validation of these results in REST knockout mice is needed, and is ongoing.


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Although many areas of the brain lose their regenerative capacity with age, stem cell niches have been identified in both the subventricular zone (SVZ) along the lateral walls of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus (Gage, 2000; Alvarez-Buylla et al., 2001; Alvarez-Buylla and Lim, 2004). The SVZ niche utilizes many mechanisms to determine the migration patterns of neuroblasts along the RMS into the olfactory bulb, one being Eph/ephrin signaling (Conover et al., 2000; Holmberg et al., 2005). EphA4-mediated signaling is necessary for axon guidance during development, and its continued expression in the SVZ niche suggests a regulatory role throughout adulthood. Previous studies have suggested that EphA4 plays a role in the regulation of astrocytic gliosis and glial scar formation, which inhibits axonal regeneration in these areas following spinal cord injury (Goldshmit et al., 2004). Blood vessels may also play an important role in SVZ cell proliferation and neuroblast migration following injury (Tavazoie et al., 2008; Yamashita et al., 2006). The goal of this project is to examine glial scar formation as well as the relationship between SVZ vasculature, neuroblasts, and neural stem cells in EphA4 +/+, EphA4 +/-, and EphA4 -/- mice following a needle stick injury in the cortex or striatum. The outcome of these experiments will determine whether invasive procedures such as injections will affect neuroblast migration and/or the organization of the SVZ.


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The proliferative role of E2F has been under investigation for several years. However, while it is known that E2F1 and E2F4 play a part in development and differentiation, research has not been centered on determining the exact functions these E2Fs play in brain development, given there high expression levels throughout embryogenesis. A GFAP-E2F1 mouse model directing human E2F1 transgene expression to glial cells, such as ependymal cells, was used in the present study in combination with an E2F4 mutant mouse model. Interestingly, 20% of tgE2F1; E2F4 null mice developed a phenotype consisting of domed head, hunched posture, seizures, tremors, hyperactivity or hypeactivity, dysnea, and low body weight. These mice died during the first three weeks of severe hydrocephalus. Similarly, tgE2F1; E2F4 heterozygous mice also develop severe hydrocephalus, although this occurs at 6 weeks at a 2% frequency. Pathological examination of the brains of those animals uncovered enlarged cerebral ventricles with marked thinning of the cerebral cortices, confirming the diagnosis of three-ventricle hydrocephalus, and the absence of tumors. Careful examination of the aqueduct shows an excess of proliferating cells that may cause a blockage of CSF. Of significance, 44% of ependymal cells in hydrocephalic tgE2F1;E2F4-/- mouse brains were positive for BrdU incorporation. Studies determining the molecular rationale for the hydrocephalic phenotype suggest proliferative ependymal cells may not be exclusively related to dysregulated cell cycle in conjuction with E2F activity. Due in part to the deficiency of E2F4 in this mouse model, we find that differentiation of these ependymal cells is not complete and instead undergoes maturation arrest. This suggestion is confirmed by the expression of genes found in neural stem cells or precursor cell populations, in the ependymal cell region of tgE2F1; E2F4-/-. Therefore, from this study, we conclude that dysregulated E2F1 expression in combination with deficient E2F4 expression results in an undifferentiated ependymal cell population that is hyperproliferative in the ventricular system causing an impediment of CSF circulation. It is further concluded that normal E2F1 and E2F4 expression in brain development is crucial for the proper formation and function of the ventricular system.^


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It is reasonable to propose that gene expression profiles of purified stem cells could give clues for the molecular mechanisms of stem cell behavior. We took advantage of cDNA subtraction to identify a set of genes selectively expressed in mouse adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) as opposed to bone marrow (BM). Analysis of HSC-enriched genes revealed several key regulatory gene candidates, including two novel seven transmembrane (7TM) receptors. Furthermore, by using cDNA microarray techniques we found a large set of HSC-enriched genes that are expressed in mouse neurospheres (a population greatly enriched for neural progenitor cells), but not present in terminally differentiated neural cells. In situ hybridization demonstrated that many of them, including one HSC-enriched 7TM receptor, were selectively expressed in the germinal zones of fetal and adult brain, the regions harboring mouse neural stem cells. We propose that at least some of the transcripts that are selectively and commonly expressed in two or more types of stem cells define a functionally conserved group of genes evolved to participate in basic stem cell functions, including stem cell self-renewal.


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Nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulates functional recovery from cognitive impairments associated with aging, either when administered as a purified protein or by means of gene transfer to the basal forebrain. Because gene transfer procedures need to be tested in long-term experimental paradigms to assess their in vivo efficiency, we have used ex vivo experimental gene therapy to provide local delivery of NGF to the aged rat brain over a period of 2.5 months by transplanting immortalized central nervous system-derived neural stem cells genetically engineered to secrete NGF. By grafting them at two independent locations in the basal forebrain, medial septum and nucleus basalis magnocellularis, we show that functional recovery as assessed in the Morris water maze can be achieved by neurotrophic stimulation of any of these cholinergic cell groups. Moreover, the cholinergic neurons in the grafted regions showed a hypertrophic response resulting in a reversal of the age-associated atrophy seen in the learning-impaired aged control rats. Long-term expression of the transgene lead to an increased NGF tissue content (as determined by NGF-ELISA) in the transplanted regions up to at least 10 weeks after grafting. We conclude that the gene transfer procedure used here is efficient to provide the brain with a long-lasting local supply of exogenous NGF, induces long-term functional recovery of cognitive functions, and that independent trophic stimulation of the medial septum or nucleus basalis magnocellularis has similar consequences at the behavioral level.


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The adult mammalian brain maintains populations of neural stem cells within discrete proliferative zones. Understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating adult neural stem cell function is limited. Here, we show that MYST family histone acetyltransferase Querkopf (Qkf, Myst4, Morf)-deficient mice have cumulative defects in adult neurogenesis in vivo, resulting in declining numbers of olfactory bulb interneurons, a population of neurons produced in large numbers during adulthood. Qkf-deficient mice have fewer neural stem cells and fewer migrating neuroblasts in the rostral migratory stream. Qkf gene expression is strong in the neurogenic subventricular zone. A population enriched in multipotent cells can be isolated from this region on the basis of Qkf gene expression. Neural stem cells/progenitor cells isolated from Qkf mutant mice exhibited a reduced self-renewal capacity and a reduced ability to produce differentiated neurons. Together, our data show that Qkf is essential for normal adult neurogenesis.


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I proposed the study of two distinct aspects of Ten-Eleven Translocation 2 (TET2) protein for understanding specific functions in different body systems. In Part I, I characterized the molecular mechanisms of Tet2 in the hematological system. As the second member of Ten-Eleven Translocation protein family, TET2 is frequently mutated in leukemic patients. Previous studies have shown that the TET2 mutations frequently occur in 20% myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/MPN), 10% T-cell lymphoma leukemia and 2% B-cell lymphoma leukemia. Genetic mouse models also display distinct phenotypes of various types of hematological malignancies. I performed 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells to determine whether the deletion of Tet2 can affect the abundance of 5hmC at myeloid, T-cell and B-cell specific gene transcription start sites, which ultimately result in various hematological malignancies. Subsequent Exome sequencing (Exome-Seq) showed that disease-specific genes are mutated in different types of tumors, which suggests that TET2 may protect the genome from being mutated. The direct interaction between TET2 and Mutator S Homolog 6 (MSH6) protein suggests TET2 is involved in DNA mismatch repair. Finally, in vivo mismatch repair studies show that the loss of Tet2 causes a mutator phenotype. Taken together, my data indicate that TET2 binds to MSH6 to protect genome integrity. In Part II, I intended to better understand the role of Tet2 in the nervous system. 5-hydroxymethylcytosine regulates epigenetic modification during neurodevelopment and aging. Thus, Tet2 may play a critical role in regulating adult neurogenesis. To examine the physiological significance of Tet2 in the nervous system, I first showed that the deletion of Tet2 reduces the 5hmC levels in neural stem cells. Mice lacking Tet2 show abnormal hippocampal neurogenesis along with 5hmC alternations at different gene promoters and corresponding gene expression downregulation. Through the luciferase reporter assay, two neural factors Neurogenic differentiation 1 (NeuroD1) and Glial fibrillary acidic protein (Gfap) were down-regulated in Tet2 knockout cells. My results suggest that Tet2 regulates neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation in adult brain.


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High-grade Brainstem Glioma (BSG), also known as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), is an incurable pediatric brain cancer. Increasing evidence supports the existence of regional differences in gliomagenesis such that BSG is considered a distinct disease from glioma of the cerebral cortex (CG). In an effort to elucidate unique characteristics of BSG, we conducted expression analysis of mouse PDGF-B-driven BSG and CG initiated in Nestin progenitor cells and identified a short list of expression changes specific to the brainstem gliomagenesis process, including abnormal upregulation of paired box 3 (Pax3). In the neonatal mouse brain, Pax3 expression marks a subset of brainstem progenitor cells, while it is absent from the cerebral cortex, mirroring its regional expression in glioma. Ectopic expression of Pax3 in normal brainstem progenitors in vitro shows that Pax3 inhibits apoptosis. Pax3-induced inhibition of apoptosis is p53-dependent, however, and in the absence of p53, Pax3 promotes proliferation of brainstem progenitors. In vivo, Pax3 enhances PDGF-B-driven gliomagenesis by shortening tumor latency and increasing tumor penetrance and grade, in a region-specific manner, while loss of Pax3 function extends survival of PDGF-B-driven;p53-deficient BSG-bearing mice by 33%. Importantly, Pax3 is regionally expressed in human glioma as well, with high PAX3 mRNA characterizing 40% of human BSG, revealing a subset of tumors that significantly associates with PDGFRA alterations, amplifications of cell cycle regulatory genes, and is exclusive of ACVR1 mutations. Collectively, these data suggest that regional Pax3 expression not only marks a novel subset of BSG but also contributes to PDGF-B-induced brainstem gliomagenesis.


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The six-layered neuron structure in the cerebral cortex is the foundation for human mental abilities. In the developing cerebral cortex, neural stem cells undergo proliferation and differentiate into intermediate progenitors and neurons, a process known as embryonic neurogenesis. Disrupted embryonic neurogenesis is the root cause of a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including microcephaly and intellectual disabilities. Multiple layers of regulatory networks have been identified and extensively studied over the past decades to understand this complex but extremely crucial process of brain development. In recent years, post-transcriptional RNA regulation through RNA binding proteins has emerged as a critical regulatory nexus in embryonic neurogenesis. The exon junction complex (EJC) is a highly conserved RNA binding complex composed of four core proteins, Magoh, Rbm8a, Eif4a3, and Casc3. The EJC plays a major role in regulating RNA splicing, nuclear export, subcellular localization, translation, and nonsense mediated RNA decay. Human genetic studies have associated individual EJC components with various developmental disorders. We showed previously that haploinsufficiency of Magoh causes microcephaly and disrupted neural stem cell differentiation in mouse. However, it is unclear if other EJC core components are also required for embryonic neurogenesis. More importantly, the molecular mechanism through which the EJC regulates embryonic neurogenesis remains largely unknown. Here, we demonstrated with genetically modified mouse models that both Rbm8a and Eif4a3 are required for proper embryonic neurogenesis and the formation of a normal brain. Using transcriptome and proteomic analysis, we showed that the EJC posttranscriptionally regulates genes involved in the p53 pathway, splicing and translation regulation, as well as ribosomal biogenesis. This is the first in vivo evidence suggesting that the etiology of EJC associated neurodevelopmental diseases can be ribosomopathies. We also showed that, different from other EJC core components, depletion of Casc3 only led to mild neurogenesis defects in the mouse model. However, our data suggested that Casc3 is required for embryo viability, development progression, and is potentially a regulator of cardiac development. Together, data presented in this thesis suggests that the EJC is crucial for embryonic neurogenesis and that the EJC and its peripheral factors may regulate development in a tissue-specific manner.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08