999 resultados para Nível de adesão


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O objectivo deste estudo é identificar os principais indicadores de qualidade do serviço do desporto escolar, ao nível da organização interna das Escolas do 2º e 3º Ciclos do Ensino Básico e do Ensino Secundário da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Teve em consideração os cargos desempenhados pelos professores de educação física no desporto escolar, de acordo com as escolas/zonas geográficas em que leccionam. A amostra é constituída por 255 professores, o que corresponde a 98% do universo. Procedimentos estatísticos: análise descritiva, utilizadas a frequência e a percentagem para a caracterização da amostra; análise dos dados: valores médios, desvio-padrão e os valores mínimos e máximo; utilização do teste do Qui-Quadrado, nas questões das escalas de likert (1 a 5), para estudar as diferenças entre duas variáveis (nominal e ordinal). Da análise dos resultados obtidos foi-nos permitido retirar algumas características do perfil dos professores de educação física que desempenham funções no desporto escolar; existe variabilidade no número de horas atribuídas aos professores nas diferentes escolas para o exercício de cada um dos cargos e respectiva acumulação; o desporto escolar está integrado no Projecto Educativo de Escola (46%); no entanto, uma percentagem elevada (35,7%) considera que não está integrado, e 17,5% dos inquiridos não têm opinião ou conhecimento sobre este assunto; em 75,8% das escolas, o Coordenador do Desporto Escolar não tem assento no Conselho Pedagógico; em relação aos indicadores que avaliam a organização das actividades ao nível interno, os dados indicam que as escolas pertencentes à zona Este apresentam mais insatisfação comparativamente às escolas da zona do Funchal e da zona Oeste, no que diz respeito à colaboração dos professores de educação física, ao apoio da escola na promoção das actividades, e ao apoio dos funcionários na organização e dinamização das actividades; existe uma percepção positiva por parte dos professores da contribuição do desporto escolar para o desenvolvimento dos alunos. No entanto, cerca de metade dos professores (46,9%) preferiu não emitir opinião em relação à escola ser ou não dinâmica na conquista de parceiros externos para o desporto escolar. A prioridade parece passar, em primeiro lugar, pelo apoio das câmaras municipais e pela relação de cooperação com os clubes desportivos do sector federado; a maioria dos professores encontra-se satisfeita com o desporto escolar.


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Nos finais do século XX e na primeira década do século XXI, o crescimento económico e o desenvolvimento são uma das questões importantes que se colocam sobre a Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM)! Após 2 acontecimentos marcantes para o país e para a região, que foram a revolução de 25 de Abril de 1974 e a introdução do regime democrático em Portugal com a entrada em vigor da CRP1 em 25 de Abril de 1976 e a adesão de Portugal em 1 de Janeiro de 1986 à CEE2, actual UE3, que marcaram de forma indelével, quer o país, quer a região, o presente estudo pretende analisar através de um conjunto de indicadores, o crescimento económico e o desenvolvimento da RAM face às restantes 6 regiões NUTS II portuguesas. O crescimento económico é analisado através da evolução do PIBpc4 a preços constantes em euros. O desenvolvimento é analisado através de um conjunto de indicadores de natureza económica, social, cultural e ambiental. Serão objecto de análise na medição do desenvolvimento o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano e as suas componentes, o Poder de Compra per capita e em percentagem e o Índice Sintético de Desenvolvimento Regional e as suas componentes. Posteriormente, analisaremos a convergência (positiva ou negativa) e a divergência (positiva ou negativa) dos indicadores de crescimento e de desenvolvimento da RAM face à média nacional. Finalmente, apresentamos algumas conclusões, tendo em consideração algumas limitações, nomeadamente ao nível dos dados disponíveis. Pretendemos fazer um estudo sobre o crescimento económico e o desenvolvimento da RAM, que seja um ponto de partida para futuros estudos e aprofundamentos destas temáticas.


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A pobreza e exclusão social são graves problemas que habitualmente surgem interligados e carecem de intervenção. A Educação das crianças e jovens é uma responsabilidade social, sendo fundamental procurar soluções no sentido da prevenção ou reinserção dos jovens em risco. Diversos estudos têm concluído que o desporto pode assumir-se como fator de proteção, contra um percurso de insucesso educativo e/ou humano desenvolvendo valores éticos, morais e culturais, no entanto é indispensável saber preservar os seus valores essenciais. Este estudo procura avaliar um programa de atividades físicas e desportivas, no qual jovens em risco participam, analisando a perceção destes em relação aos valores no desporto, e a perspetiva dos técnicos sociais que trabalham com estas populações, relativamente ao contributo do desporto nos processos de inclusão/reinserção social. Para avaliar os fatores aptos a promover o Desportivismo e Atitudes pró-sociais no desporto infanto-juvenil, utilizámos o questionário Sports Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ), e realizámos entrevistas guiadas aos técnicos. Na análise dos dados, recorremos a procedimentos da estatística descritiva (média, desvio padrão, variância, mínimo, máximo e percentagem) para comparar variáveis, utilizámos o teste t e, quando estas apresentaram mais de duas categorias, a análise da variância (ANOVA). O nível de significância utilizado foi p ≤ 0.05. Recorremos ainda à análise de conteúdo, nas respostas dadas pelos inquiridos nas entrevistas. Através dos resultados obtidos: a) discordância categórica dos jovens relativamente aos comportamentos dos fatores “Batota” e “Anti-desportivismo”; b) resposta com indicador mais baixo ser “Por vezes faço batota para obter vantagem”; c) concordância evidenciada nas respostas aos comportamentos e atitudes dos fatores “Empenho” e “Convenção”; d) opinião unânime dos técnicos relativamente ao contributo essencial, na formação dos jovens, dos programas de atividades desportivas; concluímos que a prática destas são um meio adequado para desenvolver atitudes e valores pró-sociais, nas crianças e jovens em situação de risco.


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Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia


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A educação é um processo que visa garantir o desenvolvimento das capacidades e potencialidades de cada indivíduo, preparando-o para agir de forma assertiva, perante situações de insegurança e de imprevisibilidade da vida. Para compreender e poder intervir neste processo, analisámos fatores como a criatividade, a autonomia e a capacidade de adaptação, de modo a procurar perceber como intervêm, o que contemplam e como podem ser avaliadas no contexto do processo educativo. Também as contradições com que permanentemente nos deparamos entre as intenções manifestadas, o que é afirmado relativamente ao que se faz e o que encontramos, nos motivaram para o estudo desta dissociação entre o discurso e a prática. Acreditamos que estudos neste âmbito podem contribuir de forma significativa para serem encontradas soluções adequadas. Julgamos que é preciso repensar a Educação Física enquanto disciplina assim como as metodologias e processos utilizados, dado que o modelo atual não está em consonância com o que se pretendedesenvolver um Homem criativo, autónomo, capaz de se adaptar a novas situações, na Escola e na Sociedade. Atendendo ao Homem que se pretende formar Fernando, Lopes, Vicente, Prudente, (2010) defendem que a educação deve ser “pensada como um despertar para o conhecimento e o domínio de metodologias de estudo e trabalho e não como a aquisição de informação” (p.225); ao aprofundar estas questões poderemos melhorar e rentabilizar o trabalho, obtendo resultados mais efetivos para o sucesso do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Foi esta expectativa que nos impulsionou e que tornou este estudo ainda mais desafiador. Esperamos com a apresentação deste trabalho conseguir contribuir para uma “rotura” com a forma como se veem as práticas e para um despertar para uma nova estruturação do pensamento que conduza a uma atuação coerente, efetiva e integrada no processo pedagógico, no âmbito da Educação Física.


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PEREIRA, J. P. ; CASTRO, B. P. S. ; VALENTIM, R. A. M. . Kit Educacional para Controle e Supervisão Aplicado a Nível. Holos, Natal, v. 2, p. 68-72, 2009


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SILVA, J. S. P. Estudo das características físico-químicas e biológicas pela adesão de osteoblastos em superfícies de titânio modificadas pela nitretação em plasma. 2008. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2008.


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This study approaches bureaucratic organizational structures with the aim to understand the adherence procedure to virtual technologies in the stricto sensu educational administrative process. Thus, the author navigates through the formation of these organizations in Brazil with the intent to demonstrate the bureaucratic organizational culture and the consequent form of domination of those who detain power. In this epistemological construction, the author explores the culture s bureaucratic environment and the organizational power. In the analyses, it was observed the technological phenomenon in the ODL s administrative environment, which can explain the adherence procedure to structures and technological instruments for stricto sensu courses that, hypothetically, dilutes the traditional inherited organizational axiom. Therefore, it was utilized as object of study the Professional Master s degree in National Scale Public Administration PROFIAP, hence analyzing the documental content and the legislation related to institutionalization as well as the positioning of professors/coordinators and of the director of CAPES/MEC. Considering this axioms, it was concluded that the bureaucratic structures can admit ODL in the stricto sensu s environment. However, this can only be done as long as the adherence does not imply in a dilution of the traditional forms of power and institutional bureaucratic inherited dominance, as well as the alleged hegemony of the governmental structure in the educational administration adopted in person by the stricto sensu courses in Brazil


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This thesis describes the theoretical, methodological and programmatic proposal for a multifamily residential building located in the urban expansion area of Parnamirim/RN, inserted in the program Minha Casa Minha Vida and level of energy efficiency "A", as the RegulamentoTécnico de Qualidade (RTQ-R/INMETRO) for residential buildings. The development project initially consists of procedures as the study of theoretical, architectural programming and cases studies. With the delimitation of a field solution, situated between the reference and the context, proposals are studied to determine the solution and architectural detailing of the proposal. The architectural program was built based on the method of Problem Seeking (Peña and Parshall, 2001) and research has highlighted aspects of reducing the environmental impact and of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida , among others. The design process was characterized by the incorporation of aspects reviewed and programmed, seeking them compatible and have an economically viable building, socio-spatial quality and energy efficient. The results show that it is possible to obtain a building that meets the constraints of the program that provides housing and energy efficiency level A - and many other environmental qualities and constructive, particularly through architectural design


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The goal of the research was to investigate the energy performance of residential vertical buildings envelope in the hot and humid climate of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, based in the Technical Regulation of Quality for Energy Efficiency Level in Residential Buildings (RTQ -R), launched in 2010. The study pretends to contribute to the development of design strategies appropriate to the specific local climate and the increasing of energy efficiency level of the envelope. The methodological procedures included the survey in 22 (twenty two) residential buildings, the formulation of representative prototypes based on typological and constructives characters researched and the classification of the level of energy efficiency in the envelopment of these prototypes, using as a tool the prescriptive method of the RTQ-R and the parametric analyzes from assigning different values of the following variables: shape of the pavement type; distribution of housing compartments; orientation of the building; area and shading of openings; thermal transmittance, and solar absorptance of opaque materials of the frontage in order to evaluate the influence of these on the envelopment performance. The main results accomplished with this work includes the qualification of vertical residential buildings in Natal/RN; the verification of the adequacy of these buildings to local climate based from the diagnosis of the thermal energy of the envelopment performance, the identification of variables with more significant influence on the prescriptive methodology of RTQ-R and design solutions more favorable to obtain higher levels energy efficiency by this method. Finally, it was verified, that some of these solutions proved contradictory in relation to the recommendations contained in the theoretical approaches regarding environmental comfort in hot and humid weather, which indicates the need for improvement of the prescriptive method RTQ-R and further research on efficient design solutions


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This masters thesis discusses the studying and the teaching of drama and its implications among teenagers of the contemporary world. This paper also analyses an extracurricular project entitled Drama in the development of citizenship , which was carried out in the public state school Berilo Wanderley in Natal/RN, between 1999 and 2005 with high school students. It comprises a case study that aimed at understanding how and why they chose to take drama classes outside of the school curriculum and even after they graduated, some of them never left the school project and even started participating in the cultural and artistic context of the city of Natal quite actively, both as part of an audience as well as on artistic, political, social and pedagogical performance. The project was high significant for its participants, for the school and for the community, by creating a sense of recognition of the relevance of the pedagogical and artistic production in the public school, as it managed to yield knowledge that helped students to understand the values of group work, sharing information, collaborative assessment and, most of all, to engender actions of protagonism by the teenagers themselves within their social environments. The empirical process developed is placed in a contemporary historical context where educational paradigms shifts occur, and where categories of youth empowerment and protagonism are fundamental to the educational process in the 21st century. The objective of this study is to reflect upon the pedagogical dimension of drama classes for teenagers, aiming at providing further discussions on the role of acting classes in the construction of the personality among youngsters, thus hoping to contribute to other teaching practices, including drama and other subjects of general education


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Heparan sulfate (HS) and Heparin (Hep) glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are heterogeneous and highly charged polysaccharides. HS is structurally related to Hep but is much less substituted with sulfo groups than heparin and has a more varied structure (or sequence). Because of structural similiarities between these two polymers, they have been described together as heparinoids . Both chains bind a variety of proteins and mediate various physiologically important processes including, blood coagulation, cell adhesion and growth factor regulation. Heparinoids with structural characteristics similar to these described from HS and/or Hep from mammalian tissues have been isolated from different species of invertebrates, although only a few heparinoids from unusual sources have been characterized. The present study describes the presence of unusual heparinoids population from Artemia franciscana, isolated after proteolysis and fractionation by ion exchange resin and named, F-3.0M. The study model in vivo were hemostasis (rat tail scarification) and inflamatoty activity. The tests in vitro were used for coagulations assays (PT and APTT). The analyse of the heparinoids eluted with 3,0M NaCl showed electrophoretic migration in different buffer systems a single band with a behaviour intermediate between those of mammalian HEP and HS. The main products obtained from Artemia heparinoids after enzymatic degradation with heparitinases I and II from F. heparinum were N-sulphated disaccharides (∆U-GlcNS,6S/ ∆U,2S-GlcNS and ∆U-GlcNS) and N-acetylated disaccharides (∆U, GlcNAc). This heparinoid had a lower hemorrhagic effect (400μg/ml) when compared to unfractiionated heparins(25μg/ml).The results also suggest a negligible APTT activity of this heparinoid (62.2s). No action was observed on PT indicating that F-3.0M haven t action on the extrinsic pathway. The results showed that the fraction F- 3.0M have inhibitory effect on migration of leukocytes, 64.5% in the concentration of 10 μg/ml (P<0.001). The search for new heparin and/or heparan sulphates analogs devoid of anticoagulant activity is an atractive alternative and may open up a wide variety of new therapeutic applications


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Heparin is a pharmaceutical animal widely used in medicine due to its potent anticoagulant effect. Furthermore, it has the ability to inhibit the proliferation, invasion and adhesion of cancer cells to vascular endothelium. However, its clinical applicability can be compromised by side effects such as bleeding. Thus, the search for natural compounds with low bleeding risk and possible therapeutic applicability has been targeted by several research groups. From this perspective, this study aims to evaluate the hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities and citotoxic effect for different tumor cell lines (HeLa, B16-F10, HepG2, HS-5,) and fibroblast cells (3T3) of the Heparin-like from the crab Chaceon fenneri (HEP-like). The HEP-like was purified after proteolysis, ion-exchange chromatography, fractionation with acetone and characterized by electrophoresis (agarose gel) and enzymatic degradation. Hep-like showed eletroforetic behavior similar to mammalian heparin, and high trisulfated /Nacetylated disaccharides ratio. In addition, HEP-like presented low in vitro anticoagulant activity using aPTT and a minor hemorrhagic effect when compared to mammalian heparin. Furthermore, the HEP-like showed significant cytotoxic effect (p<0.001) on HeLa, HepG2 and B16-F10 tumor cells with IC50 values of 1000 ug/mL, after incubation for 72 hours. To assess the influence of heparin-like on the cell cycle in HeLa cells, analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The results of this analysis showed that HEP-like influence on the cell cycle increasing S phase and decreasing phase G2. Thus, these properties of HEP-like make these compounds potential therapeutic agents


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Sulfated Polysaccharides with unique chemical structures and important biological activities has been found in a diversity of sea invertebrates. For that, to exist a huger interest on the biotechnology field in the research theses sulfated compounds isolated from sea organisms. Despite the privileged brazilian position for these compounds attainment, there are still a few scientific informations about the isolated substances and their biological activities. A head the displayed, the present work has for objectives, to evaluate the pharmacological properties of the glycosaminoglycans isolated from the sea shrimp Litopenaeus schimitti on homeostasis, blood coagulation, leukocytes migration and platelet/leukocyte adhesion. For this, yhe glycosaminoglycans were extracted from crustacean tissues by proteolysis, fractionation with acetone and later submitted to pharmacological assays. The crustacean tissues showed compounds heparin-like, with anticoagulant activity of 45 IU/mg and 90 IU/mg, respectively. These molecules showed low residual hemorrhagic effects in the tested concentration (100 µg/mL), when compared to unfractionated commercial heparin (UFH). Another dermatan sulfate-like compound, predominately constituted for disulfated disaccharides, was isolated from crustacean abdomen. This compound showed an efficient effect on leukocytes migration inhibition, in the concentration of 15 µg/mL, reducing the cellular infiltration in 65% when compared to the controlled animals. In this same concentration, the DS reduced in 60% the protein concentration of the peritoneal exudates. In the concentration, this compound of 0.5 mg/mL, it was capable to reduce in 40% platelet/leukocytes adhesion. Our data demonstrate that these sulfated polysaccharides isolated from the shrimp L. schimitti will can be used as bioactive compounds, appearing as active principles for pharmacological development, anticoagulants and inflammatory response regulators


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Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis of considerable medical and economical importance that affects humans in both urban and rural contexts, as well as domestic animals and wild fauna. Leptospira interrogans is the causative agent and is transmitted to humans by indirect contact with contaminated soil or water. The clinical syndromes include sub clinical infection, self-limited anicteric febrile illness, and severe and potentially fatal illness, known as Weil´s syndrome. In developed countries, leptospirosis is related to occupational or recreational activities while in developing countries, outbreaks occur during floods. In those regions, traditional strategies to prevent the transmission are difficulties to be implemented because of costs and lack of community acceptance. In addition, no efficient vaccine is available for human use. Several studies have suggested that chemoprophylaxis with doxycycline pre and post-exposure may be effective to prevent leptospirosis. Leptospirosis has been reported in rural areas of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil since 1985 in rice farmers who present the anicteric illness. The disease cause great social and economics impact. The study was conducted in São Miguel where an epidemic of leptospirosis in rice farmers was reported. The main objective was to determine the efficacy of doxycycline in preventing Leptospira exposure. A taxa de soroprevalência de leptospirose na população estudada antes e após a colheita foi de 14,2% (n=22) e de 16.6% (n=27) respectivamente. Anti-Leptospira serology was determined for 61 subjects in two instances, pre and post-exposure to potential contaminated water. There was an increased risk of 29.0 per cent in acquiring infection for individuals that did not use doxycycline. In addition, an increased risk of 30.0 % observed in farmers who did not use protection when exposed to Leptospira. The adhesion to preventive chemoprophylaxis was 55.7%. Therefore doxycycline, under specific circunstances appears to be an effective alternative to protect against leptosprirosis infection. A large sample composed of individuals to adhere to preventive therapy is needed to define time, dosage and length of use of doxycycline in this area