976 resultados para Museums -- Educational aspects
This study was designed to analyse the clinical and epidemiological data from human parvovirus B19 cases in a six-year study of rash diseases conduct in an urban area in Brazil (Niterói city area, State of Rio de Janeiro). A total of 673 patients with acute rash diseases were seen at two primary health care units and at a general hospital. A clotted blood sample was collected from all subjects at the time of consultation. Forty-nine per cent (330 cases) of the patients were negative for dengue, rubella and measles IgM or for low avidity IgG to HHV-6. Of these 330, 105 (31.8%) were identified as IgM positive to parvovirus B19 by using an antibody capture EIA. During the study period, three distinct peaks of parvovirus infection were detected, suggesting that the disease appears to cycle in approximately 4-5 years. B19 infection was characterized by variable combinations of fever, flu-like symptoms, arthropathy, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Frequency of fever and arthropathy was substantially higher in adults, 75% [chi2 (1 D.F.) = 11.39, p = 0.0007] and 62.5% [chi2 (1 D.F.) = 29.89, p = 0.0000], respectively. "Slapped-cheek" appearance and reticular or lace-like rash were seen in only 30.1% of the children. No adult presented this typical rash. The lack of the typical rash pattern in a large proportion of parvovirus B19 and the similarity of clinical manifestations to other rash diseases, specially to rubella, highlight the difficulty of diagnosing B19 infection on clinical grounds alone.
Sixty-five patients were diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) on Margarita Island in the decade from 1990 to1999; 86.2% were <= 3 years old. All were leishmanin-negative at diagnosis. Evaluation of 23 cured patients in 1999 revealed that 22/23 had converted to leishmanin-positive; five had persisting antibodies to rK39 antigen, with no clinical evidence of disease. Leishmanin tests were positive in 20.2% of 1,643 healthy individuals from 417 households in endemic areas. Of the positive reactors, 39.8% were identified in 35 (8.4%) of the households, 15 of which had an antecedent case of VL, a serologically positive dog or both. Weak serological activity to rK39 antigen was detected in 3 of 488 human sera from the endemic areas. The presence of micro-foci of intense peri-urban transmission and the apparent absence of other Trypanosomatidae causing human disease offer a unique opportunity for the study of reservoirs, alternative vectors and evaluation of control measures on the Island.
Estudi de la importància que va tenir el vidre bufat a Vimbodí en la primera meitat del segle XX, tant en l'aspecte econòmic com en el social. Es fa un petit recorregut sobre la història del vidre i el Museu del Vidre de Vimbodí.
Treball de recerca que té com a principal objectiu elaborar una guia electrònica (pàgina web) de la Casa Museu Lluís Domènech i Montaner. Aquest treball està inscrit dins un aprenentatge museístic i informàtic. Serà un aprenentatge museístic per tot el que comporta la lectura de les sales i els materials que s'hi exposen, i informàtic perquè es tracta de dissenyar i elaborar un recurs electrònic que ha de permetre una presentació agradable, fàcil de progrés, harmoniosa i, alhora, concreta.
This study reports on the relationship between Wuchereria bancrofti infection and female body size, intake of blood and fecundity in the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, vector of this filarial parasite in Recife (Brazil). Adults from field collected larvae were infected via a membrane feeding procedure, using blood with parasitaemia ranging from 724-6,000 mf/ml. A positive correlation was observed between mosquito size (measured by wing length) and egg production in uninfected females. However, this relationship did not exist in W. bancrofti infected mosquitoes. This change is unlikely to be the result of changes in blood ingestion as no significant difference was found when infected and uninfected females were compared. Variation in egg production observed between trials could not be associated with parasite density in the blood. These results suggest infection with W. bancrofti may disrupt the relationship between mosquito size and egg production during the first gonotrophic cycle of C. quinquefasciatus such that fecundity is sometimes reduced. However, this overall affect is variable and many groups of mosquitoes do not respond in this way.
Anàlisi de la institució del Teatre Fortuny de Reus, que té un important fons documental i peces susceptibles de formar part d'un museu. Proposta de Museu del Teatre i de Centre de Documentació de les Arts Escèniques, aprofitament de les TIC i del treball en xarxa per tal de potenciar els aspectes més destacats i de superar algunes limitacions detectades en aquesta anàlisi (l'espai, la difusió, la conservació, etc.). Des d'una vessant tant teòrica com practica, vol ser una eina d'utilitat per al Teatre Fortuny a l'hora de tirar endavant un museu del teatre.
Notre étude consiste en une recherche longitudinale pour laquelle une cohorte d'élèves a été suivie depuis la Grande Section de l'école maternelle française (élèves de 5-6 ans) jusqu'au Cours Élémentaire 1re année de l'école élémentaire française (élèves de 7-8 ans) dans des situations ordinaires de classe. À ces niveaux scolaires, l'un des principaux objectifs du curriculum est l'apprentissage de la lecture. Nous considérons que l'élève construit les compétences de lecture à acquérir, i.e. les compétences caractérisant son développement potentiel, en s'appuyant sur les compétences caractérisant son développement actuel (Vygotski, 1934/1997). Lorsqu'il apprend à lire, l'élève a à sa disposition des moyens sémiotiques relatifs à la connaissance des objets et leurs usages, ainsi qu'aux gestes et leur signification (Moro & Rodriguez, 2005), ce que nous appelons globalement la matérialité. En conséquence, dans cette recherche, nous faisons l'hypothèse que ces premières habiletés relatives à la matérialité, constituent une ressource dans les situations d'enseignement- apprentissage de la lecture. Nous réalisons une étude de cas dont le recueil des données, à caractère ethnographique, est constitué de moments de classe enregistrés en vidéo, et ce, quatre fois par année scolaire. Ces douze enregistrements vidéo sont complétés par deux entretiens semi-directifs et un entretien d'auto- confrontation ; ils sont aussi mis en lien avec les Instructions officielles (programmes scolaires). L'analyse est à la fois macrogénétique et microgénétique. Pour chaque observation, concernant l'analyse macrogénétique, nous réalisons le synopsis à partir duquel nous sélectionnons des épisodes significatifs porteurs de matérialité. Les épisodes significatifs sont constitués des événements remarquables dont les analyses microgénétiques nécessitent l'utilisation d'outils, à savoir les tableaux des matérialités et les photogrammes. Notre étude montre que la matérialité permet aux élèves de devenir lecteurs et que les formes de cette matérialité changent en fonction de l'avancée des acquisitions des élèves et des dimensions de la lecture (code et compréhension) à apprendre. - Our research consists of a longitudinal study in which one group of pupils in ordinary classroom situations has been followed from the top level of French pre-elementary school (5- to 6 year-old pupils) to the second level of French primary school (7- to 8 year-old pupils). For these three school grades, one of the main objectives in the curriculum is learning to read. We consider that pupils build their new reading skills, i.e. the skills characterizing their potential development, by relying on skills characterizing their actual development (Vygotski, 1934/1997). When learning to read, pupils yet have at their disposal semiotic abilities related to knowledge both of material objects and their uses, and of basic gestures and their meaning (Moro & Rodriguez, 2005), all of this we sum up under the term of materiality. Consequently, in our research, we make the hypothesis that the children's basic abilities related to materiality constitute a resource in teaching-learning situations. We have chosen to carry out a case study. The data collected consist of videos of class sequences carried out four times a year for three years. These twelve videos are supplemented by two semi- structured interviews with the teacher, one "self-confronting" interview in which the teacher is brought to discuss her actions and by the analysis of the ministry's school curricula. Our analysis is both macrogenetic and microgenetic. For each teaching sequence, on the level of macrogenetic analysis, we have made up the synopsis from which we have selected significant episodes in terms of materiality. The significant episodes are composed of remarkable events the microgenetic analysis of which requires the use of tools such as materiality boards and photograms. Our study shows that materiality enables pupils to develop reading skills and that the forms that materiality takes on change according to the pupils' acquisition progress and the aspects of reading (code and comprehension) still to be learned.
Com es pot fer que la visita a una instal·lació museogràfica sigui informativa, lúdica i a la vegada instructiva? Aquest treball es proposa esbrinar quines orientacions museogràfiques amb finalitat educativa s'han portat a terme en els aquàriums, contextualitzades amb una perspectiva històrica i exemplaritzades en una instal·lació concreta, que és L'Aquàrium de Barcelona.
Acute respiratory infections (ARI) caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) were studied in 482 children from Salvador, BA, Brazil, over a period of 12 months. The epidemic period of RSV infections in Salvador occurred from February (summer) to August (winter), with peaks in May, June, and July. The grouping characteristics of 84 RSV present in nasopharyngeal secretions of children seen at a reference university hospital were analyzed. RSV represented 17.4% of all cases and 54.5% of the positive samples. Sixty-four RSV strains were assigned to group A and 14 to group B. Both groups circulated in the five months of the epidemic period studied. Infections by both groups of RSV were more frequent in children up to one year of age. The incidence of RSV ARI was slightly more frequent in males, although group B had more infected females.
In this paper, a phenomenologically motivated magneto-mechanically coupled finite strain elastic framework for simulating the curing process of polymers in the presence of a magnetic load is proposed. This approach is in line with previous works by Hossain and co-workers on finite strain curing modelling framework for the purely mechanical polymer curing (Hossain et al., 2009b). The proposed thermodynamically consistent approach is independent of any particular free energy function that may be used for the fully-cured magneto-sensitive polymer modelling, i.e. any phenomenological or micromechanical-inspired free energy can be inserted into the main modelling framework. For the fabrication of magneto-sensitive polymers, micron-size ferromagnetic particles are mixed with the liquid matrix material in the uncured stage. The particles align in a preferred direction with the application of a magnetic field during the curing process. The polymer curing process is a complex (visco) elastic process that transforms a fluid to a solid with time. Such transformation process is modelled by an appropriate constitutive relation which takes into account the temporal evolution of the material parameters appearing in a particular energy function. For demonstration in this work, a frequently used energy function is chosen, i.e. the classical Mooney-Rivlin free energy enhanced by coupling terms. Several representative numerical examples are demonstrated that prove the capability of our approach to correctly capture common features in polymers undergoing curing processes in the presence of a magneto-mechanical coupled load.
BACKGROUND: Advances in nebulizer design have produced both ultrasonic nebulizers and devices based on a vibrating mesh (vibrating mesh nebulizers), which are expected to enhance the efficiency of aerosol drug therapy. The aim of this study was to compare 4 different nebulizers, of 3 different types, in an in vitro model using albuterol delivery and physical characteristics as benchmarks. METHODS: The following nebulizers were tested: Sidestream Disposable jet nebulizer, Multisonic Infra Control ultrasonic nebulizer, and the Aerogen Pro and Aerogen Solo vibrating mesh nebulizers. Aerosol duration, temperature, and drug solution osmolality were measured during nebulization. Albuterol delivery was measured by a high-performance liquid chromatography system with fluorometric detection. The droplet size distribution was analyzed with a laser granulometer. RESULTS: The ultrasonic nebulizer was the fastest device based on the duration of nebulization; the jet nebulizer was the slowest. Solution temperature decreased during nebulization when the jet nebulizer and vibrating mesh nebulizers were used, but it increased with the ultrasonic nebulizer. Osmolality was stable during nebulization with the vibrating mesh nebulizers, but increased with the jet nebulizer and ultrasonic nebulizer, indicating solvent evaporation. Albuterol delivery was 1.6 and 2.3 times higher with the ultrasonic nebulizer and vibrating mesh nebulizers devices, respectively, than with the jet nebulizer. Particle size was significantly higher with the ultrasonic nebulizer. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro model was effective for comparing nebulizer types, demonstrating important differences between nebulizer types. The new devices, both the ultrasonic nebulizers and vibrating mesh nebulizers, delivered more aerosolized drug than traditional jet nebulizers.