932 resultados para Multilevel linear model
Finite element techniques for solving the problem of fluid-structure interaction of an elastic solid material in a laminar incompressible viscous flow are described. The mathematical problem consists of the Navier-Stokes equations in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation coupled with a non-linear structure model, considering the problem as one continuum. The coupling between the structure and the fluid is enforced inside a monolithic framework which computes simultaneously for the fluid and the structure unknowns within a unique solver. We used the well-known Crouzeix-Raviart finite element pair for discretization in space and the method of lines for discretization in time. A stability result using the Backward-Euler time-stepping scheme for both fluid and solid part and the finite element method for the space discretization has been proved. The resulting linear system has been solved by multilevel domain decomposition techniques. Our strategy is to solve several local subproblems over subdomain patches using the Schur-complement or GMRES smoother within a multigrid iterative solver. For validation and evaluation of the accuracy of the proposed methodology, we present corresponding results for a set of two FSI benchmark configurations which describe the self-induced elastic deformation of a beam attached to a cylinder in a laminar channel flow, allowing stationary as well as periodically oscillating deformations, and for a benchmark proposed by COMSOL multiphysics where a narrow vertical structure attached to the bottom wall of a channel bends under the force due to both viscous drag and pressure. Then, as an example of fluid-structure interaction in biomedical problems, we considered the academic numerical test which consists in simulating the pressure wave propagation through a straight compliant vessel. All the tests show the applicability and the numerical efficiency of our approach to both two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems.
In questa tesi sono state applicate le tecniche del gruppo di rinormalizzazione funzionale allo studio della teoria quantistica di campo scalare con simmetria O(N) sia in uno spaziotempo piatto (Euclideo) che nel caso di accoppiamento ad un campo gravitazionale nel paradigma dell'asymptotic safety. Nel primo capitolo vengono esposti in breve alcuni concetti basilari della teoria dei campi in uno spazio euclideo a dimensione arbitraria. Nel secondo capitolo si discute estensivamente il metodo di rinormalizzazione funzionale ideato da Wetterich e si fornisce un primo semplice esempio di applicazione, il modello scalare. Nel terzo capitolo è stato studiato in dettaglio il modello O(N) in uno spaziotempo piatto, ricavando analiticamente le equazioni di evoluzione delle quantità rilevanti del modello. Quindi ci si è specializzati sul caso N infinito. Nel quarto capitolo viene iniziata l'analisi delle equazioni di punto fisso nel limite N infinito, a partire dal caso di dimensione anomala nulla e rinormalizzazione della funzione d'onda costante (approssimazione LPA), già studiato in letteratura. Viene poi considerato il caso NLO nella derivative expansion. Nel quinto capitolo si è introdotto l'accoppiamento non minimale con un campo gravitazionale, la cui natura quantistica è considerata a livello di QFT secondo il paradigma di rinormalizzabilità dell'asymptotic safety. Per questo modello si sono ricavate le equazioni di punto fisso per le principali osservabili e se ne è studiato il comportamento per diversi valori di N.
To propose the determination of the macromolecular baseline (MMBL) in clinical 1H MR spectra based on T(1) and T(2) differentiation using 2D fitting in FiTAID, a general Fitting Tool for Arrays of Interrelated Datasets.
We introduce a diagnostic test for the mixing distribution in a generalised linear mixed model. The test is based on the difference between the marginal maximum likelihood and conditional maximum likelihood estimates of a subset of the fixed effects in the model. We derive the asymptotic variance of this difference, and propose a test statistic that has a limiting chi-square distribution under the null hypothesis that the mixing distribution is correctly specified. For the important special case of the logistic regression model with random intercepts, we evaluate via simulation the power of the test in finite samples under several alternative distributional forms for the mixing distribution. We illustrate the method by applying it to data from a clinical trial investigating the effects of hormonal contraceptives in women.
Submicroscopic changes in chromosomal DNA copy number dosage are common and have been implicated in many heritable diseases and cancers. Recent high-throughput technologies have a resolution that permits the detection of segmental changes in DNA copy number that span thousands of basepairs across the genome. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) may simultaneously screen for copy number-phenotype and SNP-phenotype associations as part of the analytic strategy. However, genome-wide array analyses are particularly susceptible to batch effects as the logistics of preparing DNA and processing thousands of arrays often involves multiple laboratories and technicians, or changes over calendar time to the reagents and laboratory equipment. Failure to adjust for batch effects can lead to incorrect inference and requires inefficient post-hoc quality control procedures that exclude regions that are associated with batch. Our work extends previous model-based approaches for copy number estimation by explicitly modeling batch effects and using shrinkage to improve locus-specific estimates of copy number uncertainty. Key features of this approach include the use of diallelic genotype calls from experimental data to estimate batch- and locus-specific parameters of background and signal without the requirement of training data. We illustrate these ideas using a study of bipolar disease and a study of chromosome 21 trisomy. The former has batch effects that dominate much of the observed variation in quantile-normalized intensities, while the latter illustrates the robustness of our approach to datasets where as many as 25% of the samples have altered copy number. Locus-specific estimates of copy number can be plotted on the copy-number scale to investigate mosaicism and guide the choice of appropriate downstream approaches for smoothing the copy number as a function of physical position. The software is open source and implemented in the R package CRLMM available at Bioconductor (http:www.bioconductor.org).
Clustered data analysis is characterized by the need to describe both systematic variation in a mean model and cluster-dependent random variation in an association model. Marginalized multilevel models embrace the robustness and interpretations of a marginal mean model, while retaining the likelihood inference capabilities and flexible dependence structures of a conditional association model. Although there has been increasing recognition of the attractiveness of marginalized multilevel models, there has been a gap in their practical application arising from a lack of readily available estimation procedures. We extend the marginalized multilevel model to allow for nonlinear functions in both the mean and association aspects. We then formulate marginal models through conditional specifications to facilitate estimation with mixed model computational solutions already in place. We illustrate this approach on a cerebrovascular deficiency crossover trial.
In this thesis, we consider Bayesian inference on the detection of variance change-point models with scale mixtures of normal (for short SMN) distributions. This class of distributions is symmetric and thick-tailed and includes as special cases: Gaussian, Student-t, contaminated normal, and slash distributions. The proposed models provide greater flexibility to analyze a lot of practical data, which often show heavy-tail and may not satisfy the normal assumption. As to the Bayesian analysis, we specify some prior distributions for the unknown parameters in the variance change-point models with the SMN distributions. Due to the complexity of the joint posterior distribution, we propose an efficient Gibbs-type with Metropolis- Hastings sampling algorithm for posterior Bayesian inference. Thereafter, following the idea of [1], we consider the problems of the single and multiple change-point detections. The performance of the proposed procedures is illustrated and analyzed by simulation studies. A real application to the closing price data of U.S. stock market has been analyzed for illustrative purposes.
Localized short-echo-time (1)H-MR spectra of human brain contain contributions of many low-molecular-weight metabolites and baseline contributions of macromolecules. Two approaches to model such spectra are compared and the data acquisition sequence, optimized for reproducibility, is presented. Modeling relies on prior knowledge constraints and linear combination of metabolite spectra. Investigated was what can be gained by basis parameterization, i.e., description of basis spectra as sums of parametric lineshapes. Effects of basis composition and addition of experimentally measured macromolecular baselines were investigated also. Both fitting methods yielded quantitatively similar values, model deviations, error estimates, and reproducibility in the evaluation of 64 spectra of human gray and white matter from 40 subjects. Major advantages of parameterized basis functions are the possibilities to evaluate fitting parameters separately, to treat subgroup spectra as independent moieties, and to incorporate deviations from straightforward metabolite models. It was found that most of the 22 basis metabolites used may provide meaningful data when comparing patient cohorts. In individual spectra, sums of closely related metabolites are often more meaningful. Inclusion of a macromolecular basis component leads to relatively small, but significantly different tissue content for most metabolites. It provides a means to quantitate baseline contributions that may contain crucial clinical information.
BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of linear measurements on three imaging modalities: lateral cephalograms from a cephalometric machine with a 3 m source-to-mid-sagittal-plane distance (SMD), from a machine with 1.5 m SMD and 3D models from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) data. METHODS Twenty-one dry human skulls were used. Lateral cephalograms were taken, using two cephalometric devices: one with a 3 m SMD and one with a 1.5 m SMD. CBCT scans were taken by 3D Accuitomo® 170, and 3D surface models were created in Maxilim® software. Thirteen linear measurements were completed twice by two observers with a 4 week interval. Direct physical measurements by a digital calliper were defined as the gold standard. Statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS Nasion-Point A was significantly different from the gold standard in all methods. More statistically significant differences were found on the measurements of the 3 m SMD cephalograms in comparison to the other methods. Intra- and inter-observer agreement based on 3D measurements was slightly better than others. LIMITATIONS Dry human skulls without soft tissues were used. Therefore, the results have to be interpreted with caution, as they do not fully represent clinical conditions. CONCLUSIONS 3D measurements resulted in a better observer agreement. The accuracy of the measurements based on CBCT and 1.5 m SMD cephalogram was better than a 3 m SMD cephalogram. These findings demonstrated the linear measurements accuracy and reliability of 3D measurements based on CBCT data when compared to 2D techniques. Future studies should focus on the implementation of 3D cephalometry in clinical practice.