972 resultados para Mount Moriah Cemetary


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Der Begriff "Bannerwolke" bezeichnet ein eindrucksvolles Phänomen aus dem Bereich der Gebirgsmeteorologie. Bannerwolken können gelegentlich im Hochgebirge im Bereich steiler Bergspitzen oder langgezogener Bergrücken, wie z.B. dem Matterhorn in den Schweizer Alpen oder dem Zugspitzgrat in den Bayrischen Alpen beobachtet werden. Der Begriff bezeichnet eine Banner- oder Fahnen-ähnliche Wolkenstruktur, welche an der windabgewandten Seite des Berges befestigt zu sein scheint, während die windzugewandte Seite vollkommen wolkenfrei ist. Bannerwolken fanden bislang, trotz ihres relativ häufigen Auftretens in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur kaum Beachtung. Entsprechend wenig ist über ihren Entstehungsmechanismus und insbesondere die relative Bedeutung dynamischer gegenüber thermodynamischer Prozesse bekannt. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wurden bislang 3 unterschiedliche Mechanismen postuliert, um die Entstehung von Bannerwolken zu erklären. Demnach entstehen Bannerwolken durch (a) den Bernoulli-Effekt, insbesondere durch die lokale adiabatische Kühlung hervorgerufen durch eine Druckabnahme entlang quasi-horizontal verlaufender, auf der windzugewandten Seite startender Trajektorien, (b) durch isobare Mischung bodennaher kälterer Luft mit wärmerer Luft aus höheren Schichten, oder (c) durch erzwungene Hebung im aufsteigenden Ast eines Leerotors. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein besseres physikalisches Verständnis für das Phänomen der Bannerwolke zu entwickeln. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf dem dominierenden Entstehungsmechanismus, der relativen Bedeutung dynamischer und thermodynamischer Prozesse, sowie der Frage nach geeigneten meteorologischen Bedingungen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein neues Grobstruktursimulations (LES)-Modell entwickelt, welches geeignet ist turbulente, feuchte Strömungen in komplexem Terrain zu untersuchen. Das Modell baut auf einem bereits existierenden mesoskaligen (RANS) Modell auf. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das neue Modell ausführlich gegen numerische Referenzlösungen und Windkanal-Daten verglichen. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse werden diskutiert, um die Anwendbarkeit des Modells auf die vorliegende wissenschaftliche Fragestellung zu überprüfen und zu verdeutlichen. Die Strömung über eine idealisierte pyramidenförmige Bergspitze wurde für Froude-Zahlen Fr >> 1 sowohl auf Labor- als auch atmosphärischer Skala mit und ohne Berücksichtigung der Feuchtephysik untersucht. Die Simulationen zeigen, dass Bannerwolken ein primär dynamisches Phänomen darstellen. Sie entstehen im Lee steiler Bergspitzen durch dynamisch erzwungene Hebung. Die Simulationen bestätigen somit die Leerotor-Theorie. Aufgrund des stark asymmetrischen, Hindernis-induzierten Strömungsfeldes können Bannerwolken sogar im Falle horizontal homogener Anfangsbedingungen hinsichtlich Feuchte und Temperatur entstehen. Dies führte zu der neuen Erkenntnis, dass zusätzliche leeseitige Feuchtequellen, unterschiedliche Luftmassen in Luv und Lee, oder Strahlungseffekte keine notwendige Voraussetzung für die Entstehung einer Bannerwolke darstellen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Bannerwolkenbildung steigt mit zunehmender Höhe und Steilheit des pyramidenförmigen Hindernisses und ist in erster Näherung unabhängig von dessen Orientierung zur Anströmung. Simulationen mit und ohne Berücksichtigung der Feuchtephysik machen deutlich, dass thermodynamische Prozesse (insbes. die Umsetzung latenter Wärme) für die Dynamik prototypischer (nicht-konvektiver) Bannerwolken zweitrangig ist. Die Verstärkung des aufsteigenden Astes im Lee und die resultierende Wolkenbildung, hervorgerufen durch die Freisetzung latenter Wärme, sind nahezu vernachlässigbar. Die Feuchtephysik induziert jedoch eine Dipol-ähnliche Struktur im Vertikalprofil der Brunt-Väisälä Frequenz, was zu einem moderaten Anstieg der leeseitigen Turbulenz führt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Gebirgswellen kein entscheidendes Ingredienz darstellen, um die Dynamik von Bannerwolken zu verstehen. Durch eine Verstärkung der Absinkbewegung im Lee, haben Gebirgswellen lediglich die Tendenz die horizontale Ausdehnung von Bannerwolken zu reduzieren. Bezüglich geeigneter meteorologischer Bedingungen zeigen die Simulationen, dass unter horizontal homogenen Anfangsbedingungen die äquivalentpotentielle Temperatur in der Anströmung mit der Höhe abnehmen muss. Es werden 3 notwendige und hinreichende Kriterien, basierend auf dynamischen und thermodynamischen Variablen vorgestellt, welche einen weiteren Einblick in geeignete meteorologische Bedingungen geben.


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The main objective of this thesis is to obtain a better understanding of the methods to assess the stability of a slope. We have illustrated the principal variants of the Limit Equilibrium (LE) method found in literature, focalizing our attention on the Minimum Lithostatic Deviation (MLD) method, developed by Prof. Tinti and his collaborators (e.g. Tinti and Manucci, 2006, 2008). We had two main goals: the first was to test the MLD method on some real cases. We have selected the case of the Vajont landslide with the objective to reconstruct the conditions that caused the destabilization of Mount Toc, and two sites in the Norwegian margin, where failures has not occurred recently, with the aim to evaluate the present stability state and to assess under which conditions they might be mobilized. The second goal was to study the stability charts by Taylor and by Michalowski, and to use the MLD method to investigate the correctness and adequacy of this engineering tool.


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Seit der Geburt von Louise J. Brown (1978) als erstem künstlich erzeugtem Kind hat sich die Nachfrage nach assistierten Reproduktionstechniken (ART) stark erhöht. Der Anteil der nach In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) oder Intrazytoplasmatischer Spermieninjektion (ICSI) geborenen Kinder macht mittlerweile abhängig vom betrachteten Industrieland zwischen 1-4% an der Gesamtgeburtenzahl aus. In zahlreichen Studien korreliert eine erhöhte Prävalenz für seltene Imprinting-Erkrankungen, wie z.B. Beckwith-Wiedemann oder Angelman-Syndrom, mit der Geburt nach assistierten Reproduktionstechniken. Es ist bekannt, dass die medizinischen Interventionen zur Behandlung von Sub- und Infertilität in sehr sensitive Phasen der epigenetischen Reprogrammierung des Embryos und der Keimzellen eingreifen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob die ovarielle Stimulation einen Einfluss auf die epigenetische Integrität von geprägten Genen in murinen Präimplantationsembryonen hat. Die in diesem Zusammenhang entwickelte digitale Bisulfitpyrosequenzierung gewährleistet die Analyse der DNA-Methylierung auf Einzelallelebene durch eine adäquate Verdünnung der Probe im Vorfeld der PCR. Die ovarielle Induktion führte zu einem erhöhten Rate an Epimutationen des paternalen H19-Allels, sowie des maternalen Snrpn-Allels. Zudem konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Expression von drei potentiellen Reprogrammierungsgenen (Apex1, Polb, Mbd3) in Embryonen aus hormonell stimulierten Muttertieren dereguliert ist. Whole-Mount Immunfluoreszenzfärbungen für APEX1 korrelierten dessen differentielle Genexpression mit dem Proteinlevel. Anzeichen früher apoptotischer Vorgänge äußerten sich in Embryonen aus hormonell induzierten Muttertieren in der hohen Rate an Embryonen, die keines der drei Transkripte exprimierten oder weniger APEX1-positive Blastomeren aufwiesen.In einer weiteren Fragestellung wurde untersucht, ob die Kryokonservierung muriner Spermatozoen den epigenetischen Status geprägter Gene in den Keimzellen beeinflusst. Die Analyse von F1-Zweizellembryonen, die durch IVF mit den jeweiligen Spermatozoen eines Männchens generiert wurden, diente der Aufklärung möglicher paternaler Transmissionen. Insgesamt konnten keine signifikanten Auswirkungen der Kryokonservierung auf den epigenetischen Status in Spermatozoen und F1-Embryonen ermittelt werden.


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The study was arranged to manifest its objectives through preceding it with an intro-duction. Particular attention was paid in the second part to detect the physical settings of the study area, together with an attempt to show the climatic characteristics in Libya. In the third part, observed temporal and spatial climate change in Libya was investigated through the trends of temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and cloud amount over the peri-ods (1946-2000), (1946-1975), and (1976-2000), comparing the results with the global scales. The forth part detected the natural and human causes of climate change concentrat-ing on the greenhouse effect. The potential impacts of climate change on Libya were ex-amined in the fifth chapter. As a case study, desertification of Jifara Plain was studied in the sixth part. In the seventh chapter, projections and mitigations of climate change and desertification were discussed. Ultimately, the main results and recommendations of the study were summarized. In order to carry through the objectives outlined above, the following methods and approaches were used: a simple linear regression analysis was computed to detect the trends of climatic parameters over time; a trend test based on a trend-to-noise-ratio was applied for detecting linear or non-linear trends; the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test for trend was used to reveal the behavior of the trends and their significance; PCA was applied to construct the all-Libya climatic parameters trends; aridity index after Walter-Lieth was shown for computing humid respectively arid months in Libya; correlation coefficient, (after Pearson) for detecting the teleconnection between sun spot numbers, NAOI, SOI, GHGs, and global warming, climate changes in Libya; aridity index, after De Martonne, to elaborate the trends of aridity in Jifara Plain; Geographical Information System and Re-mote Sensing techniques were applied to clarify the illustrations and to monitor desertifi-cation of Jifara Plain using the available satellite images MSS, TM, ETM+ and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The results are explained by 88 tables, 96 figures and 10 photos. Temporal and spatial temperature changes in Libya indicated remarkably different an-nual and seasonal trends over the long observation period 1946-2000 and the short obser-vation periods 1946-1975 and 1976-2000. Trends of mean annual temperature were posi-tive at all study stations except at one from 1946-2000, negative trends prevailed at most stations from 1946-1975, while strongly positive trends were computed at all study stations from 1976-2000 corresponding with the global warming trend. Positive trends of mean minimum temperatures were observed at all reference stations from 1946-2000 and 1976-2000, while negative trends prevailed at most stations over the period 1946-1975. For mean maximum temperature, positive trends were shown from 1946-2000 and from 1976-2000 at most stations, while most trends were negative from 1946-1975. Minimum tem-peratures increased at nearly more than twice the rate of maximum temperatures at most stations. In respect of seasonal temperature, warming mostly occurred in summer and au-tumn in contrast to the global observations identifying warming mostly in winter and spring in both study periods. Precipitation across Libya is characterized by scanty and sporadically totals, as well as high intensities and very high spatial and temporal variabilities. From 1946-2000, large inter-annual and intra-annual variabilities were observed. Positive trends of annual precipi-tation totals have been observed from 1946-2000, negative trends from 1976-2000 at most stations. Variabilities of seasonal precipitation over Libya are more strikingly experienced from 1976-2000 than from 1951-1975 indicating a growing magnitude of climate change in more recent times. Negative trends of mean annual relative humidity were computed at eight stations, while positive trends prevailed at seven stations from 1946-2000. For the short observation period 1976-2000, positive trends were computed at most stations. Annual cloud amount totals decreased at most study stations in Libya over both long and short periods. Re-markably large spatial variations of climate changes were observed from north to south over Libya. Causes of climate change were discussed showing high correlation between tempera-ture increasing over Libya and CO2 emissions; weakly positive correlation between pre-cipitation and North Atlantic Oscillation index; negative correlation between temperature and sunspot numbers; negative correlation between precipitation over Libya and Southern Oscillation Index. The years 1992 and 1993 were shown as the coldest in the 1990s result-ing from the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, 1991. Libya is affected by climate change in many ways, in particular, crop production and food security, water resources, human health, population settlement and biodiversity. But the effects of climate change depend on its magnitude and the rate with which it occurs. Jifara Plain, located in northwestern Libya, has been seriously exposed to desertifica-tion as a result of climate change, landforms, overgrazing, over-cultivation and population growth. Soils have been degraded, vegetation cover disappeared and the groundwater wells were getting dry in many parts. The effect of desertification on Jifara Plain appears through reducing soil fertility and crop productivity, leading to long-term declines in agri-cultural yields, livestock yields, plant standing biomass, and plant biodiversity. Desertifi-cation has also significant implications on livestock industry and the national economy. Desertification accelerates migration from rural and nomadic areas to urban areas as the land cannot support the original inhabitants. In the absence of major shifts in policy, economic growth, energy prices, and con-sumer trends, climate change in Libya and desertification of Jifara Plain are expected to continue in the future. Libya cooperated with United Nations and other international organizations. It has signed and ratified a number of international and regional agreements which effectively established a policy framework for actions to mitigate climate change and combat deserti-fication. Libya has implemented several laws and legislative acts, with a number of ancil-lary and supplementary rules to regulate. Despite the current efforts and ongoing projects being undertaken in Libya in the field of climate change and desertification, urgent actions and projects are needed to mitigate climate change and combat desertification in the near future.


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L'importanza dell'acciuga europea (Engraulis encrasicolus) come risorsa ittica, sia a livello economico che ecologico, nel Mar Mediterraneo, ha portato alla necessità di monitorare la biomassa deponente di questa specie per cercare di dare un limite al suo sovrasfruttamento (rappresentando il 22% delle catture nazionali). Lo studio effettuato riguarda le stime di fecondità dell'acciuga europea tramite l'applicazione di un metodo di analisi d'immagine, Whole Mount, su campioni di gonadi di adulti maturi e pronti alla deposizione. Il campionamento degli esemplari è avvenuto durante due campagne oceanografiche, organizzate dall'U.O.S di Capo Granitola dell'Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero del CNR, che hanno coperto l'area dello Stretto di Sicilia e del Mar Tirreno, durante i mesi estivi che rappresentano il picco di deposizione della specie. Nel presente lavoro sono stati analizzati in totale 76 ovari di acciuga, provenienti da entrambe le aree di campionamento e che presentassero ovociti maturi e risultassero, quindi, in una fase di deposizione nota come "deposizione imminente". Per entrambe le aree di studio è stata stimata una relazione lunghezza-peso con andamento esponenziale. I test statistici non parametrici di Kolmogorov-Smirnov e di Mann-Whitney hanno permesso di stimare se vi fossero differenze tra la fecondità, l'indice gonadosomatico (IGS) e il fattore di condizione (CF) nelle due aree, Stretto di Sicilia e piattaforma settentrionale siciliana. I valori di CF sono risultati significativamente differenti tra le due aree se valutati con il test di Kolmogorov-Smirnov, tuttavia tale differenza non è stata confermata dal test di Mann-Whitney. L'IGS e la fecondità, invece, sono risultati significativamente diversi nelle due aree per entrambi i test. Si può ipotizzare che valori di fecondità differenti nelle due aree, nonostante in entrambi i casi il campionamento sia avvenuto durante il picco di riproduzione della specie, possono essere dovuti alla variabilità dei fattori abiotici, quali temperature e nutrienti, differenti nello Stretto di Sicilia e nell'area lungo le coste settentrionali siciliane. Temperatura e nutrienti possono essere differenti, poiché vi è un diverso movimento delle masse d'acqua causato da correnti distinte nelle due aree. Conoscere la variabilità dei parametri riproduttivi di una specie di rilevanza commerciale così alta, come l'acciuga, rappresenta uno strumento fondamentale per scegliere le misure di gestione sostenibile degli stock più appropriate per aree differenti.


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The Druze community in Israel is a distinct religious community currently undergoing important ethnolinguistic shifts. The government's implementation of an official policy has led to the deconstruction and reshaping of the Druze political and national identity to one that differs substantially from that of the Palestinian minority in Israel. In this study, I argue that the visibility, vitality and appreciation of Hebrew in the Druze linguistic landscape are indicative of new ethnolinguistic boundaries of the Druze identity in Israel. The fact that the Druze in Israel are dispersed throughout the Galilee and Mount Carmel area and experience varying levels of language contact as well as divergent economic relations with their Palestinian–Israeli and Jewish–Israeli neighbors suggests that one cannot expect uniformity in the Druze linguistic markets or the processes of social, cultural and linguistic identification. This study will show that Hebrew has become a dominant component of the linguistic repertoire and social identity of the Druze in the Mount Carmel area since it has become the first choice of communication as the linguistic landscape indicates.


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In traditional medicine of Cameroon, Nymphaea lotus Linn. (Nympheaceae) is used for treatment of male sexual disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the N. lotus flowers aqueous extracts on general mating behavior, fertility and some androgenic parameters of normoglycemic and diabetic adult male rats. Mating behavior assessment was carried out with primiparous and with oestrus female rats. Male rats were divided into 5 groups and subjected once in a day to the following treatment: distilled water (10 mL/kg), Sildenafil citrate (5mg/kg), Testosterone enanthate (5mg/kg) and plant extract (75 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg). Treatment lasted for 8 and 55 days before sacrifice. Organ weight, epididymal sperm counts, motility, viability, histomorphometric analysis, muscular strength, seminal fructose, cholesterol level, epididymal and serum proteins testicular were determined. Results showed a dose- dependant influence of the treatment in sperm count and motility which significantly increases compared to the distilled water-administered control. An increase in some sexual performance parameters (mount and intromission frequencies) was observed in both diabetic and normal rats compared to respective controls. The latencies of mount and intromission were significantly reduced. Computed frequencies of penile licking, index of libido and sexual motivation were higher in normal and diabetic extract-treated animals; which suggest an enhancement of motivational parameters. The treatment also caused significant increases in the weight of the testis, prostate, epididymis, in serum cholesterol and epididymal protein level in normal rats compared to the distilled water-administered control. These results indicate an androgenic pro-sexual potential of N. lotus in male rats and justify the empirical use of N. lotus in the management of erectile dysfunction and fertility disorders in males. Key-words: Nymphaea lotus, prosexual, androgenic, fertility, diabetic, male rat. //Selon les tradipraticiens de l’Ouest-Cameroun, Nymphaea lotus Linn. (N. lotus), de la famille des Nymphéacées, est utilisé pour le traitement des dysfonctionnements sexuels chez les hommes. Dans cette étude, l’effet de l’extrait aqueux des fleurs de N. lotus sur la fonction de reproduction des rats mâles adultes normaux et diabétiques a été évalué. Dans le but d’évaluer les effets de l’extrait aqueux des fleurs de N. lotus sur les paramètres généraux de copulation, d’androgénicité et de fertilité, les rats normoglycémiques et diabétiques ont été divisé en 3 groupes contrôle [Groupe I- recevant de l’eau distillée, Groupe II et III recevant respectivement du citrate de sildénafil (5 mg/kg) et l’énanthate de testostérone (5 mg/kg)] et deux groupes expérimentaux traités à l’extrait aux doses 75 mg/kg (Groupe IV) et 150 mg/kg (Groupe V). L’eau distillée, l’extrait et la substance de référence était administré per os une fois par jour. Pour analyser le comportement sexuel et la fertilité, des femelles primipares et en oestrus étaient utilisées. Le traitement a duré 8 et 55 jours avant le sacrifice. Le poids relatif des organes, le nombre de spermatozoïde, la motilité, les analyses morphométriques, la force musculaire, le taux de cholestérol, le taux de protéines sériques et épididymaires étaient déterminé. Le temps de latence de monte et d’intromission a diminué significativement alors que la fréquence d’éjaculation a augmenté. L’index de libido, la fréquence de monte, d’intromission, d’éjaculation, d’orientation des mâles vis-à-vis d’eux même et l’index de motivation sexuelle a augmenté chez les animaux traités l’extrait comparés à ceux ayant reçu de l’eau distillée aussi bien chez les normaux que chez le diabétiques qui n’enregistrent d’ailleurs aucune éjaculation. Le traitement a augmenté significativement (P < 0,01) le poids des testicules, de la prostate et de l’épididyme. Il est observé une augmentation dose-dépendante du nombre et de la motilité des spermatozoïdes (P < 0,05), ainsi qu’une augmentation significative (P < 0,001) temps-dépendant du taux de cholestérol sérique et de protéines épididymaires. Ces résultats indiquent un potentiel androgénique pro-érectile de N. lotus chez les rats mâles et justifient l’utilisation empirique des fleurs de N. lotus dans le traitement des dysfonctions érectiles et des problèmes de fertilité chez les hommes. Mots-clés: Nymphaea lotus, pro-érectile, androgénique, fertilité, diabétiques, rat male


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Fgfrl1 (fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1) is a transmembrane receptor that is essential for the development of the metanephric kidney. It is expressed in all nascent nephrogenic structures and in the ureteric bud. Fgfrl1 null mice fail to develop the metanephric kidneys. Mutant kidney rudiments show a dramatic reduction of ureteric branching and a lack of mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. Here, we compared the expression profiles of wildtype and Fgfrl1 mutant kidneys to identify genes that act downstream of Fgfrl1 signaling during the early steps of nephron formation. We detected 56 differentially expressed transcripts with 2-fold or greater reduction, among them many genes involved in Fgf, Wnt, Bmp, Notch, and Six/Eya/Dach signaling. We validated the microarray data by qPCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization and showed the expression pattern of candidate genes in normal kidneys. Some of these genes might play an important role during early nephron formation. Our study should help to define the minimal set of genes that is required to form a functional nephron.


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Higgins School of the Humanities/Difficult Dialogues: Video Recording from 10/18/2011 event featuring Lynn Pasquerella and David Angel titled "Livlihood and Vocation" Event Description: Some of the most vocal challenges to higher education imply that a liberal education does not have direct vocational application. What good is it? the critics ask. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg didn’t finish college. What is the responsibility of a college or university in ensuring that students have membership in an economy? And what actually best prepares them to do so? How do we define economy? Is the best preparation for a career the same or different than preparation for a discerning and meaningful life? In what ways do the humanities contribute to all these kinds of development? How can we better assist our students in joining their work with their ideals? Our guests for a conversation on livelihood are Lynn Pasquerella, President of Mount Holyoke College, and David Angel, President of Clark University.


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As a consequence of the deleterious effects of parasites on host fitness, hosts have evolved responses to minimize the negative impact of parasite infection. Facultative parasite-induced responses are favoured when the risk of infection is unpredictable and host responses are costly. In vertebrates, induced responses are generally viewed as being adaptive, although evidence for fitness benefits arising from these responses in natural host populations is lacking. Here we provide experimental evidence for direct reproductive benefits in flea-infested great tit nests arising from exposure during egg production to fleas. In the experiment we exposed a group of birds to fleas during egg laying (the exposed group), thereby allowing for induced responses, and kept another group free of parasites (the unexposed group) over the same time period. At the start of incubation, we killed the parasites in both groups and all nests were reinfested with fleas. If induced responses occur and are adaptive, we expect that birds of the exposed group mount earlier responses and achieve higher current reproductive success than birds in the unexposed group. In agreement with this prediction, our results show that birds with nests infested during egg-laying have (i) fewer breeding failures and raise a higher proportion of hatchlings to hedging age; () offspring that reach greater body mass, grow longer feathers, and hedge earlier, and (iii) a higher number of recruits and first-year grandchildren than unexposed birds. Flea reproduction and survival did not differ significantly between the two treatments. These results provide the first evidence for the occurrence and the adaptiveness of induced responses against a common ectoparasite in a wild population of vertebrates. [References: 50]


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1. Parasites might preferentially feed on hosts in good nutritional condition as such hosts provide better resources for the parasites' own growth, survival and reproduction. However, hosts in prime condition are also better able to develop costly immunological or physiological defence mechanisms, which in turn reduce the parasites' reproductive success. The interplay between host condition, host defence and parasite fitness will thus play an important part in the dynamics of host-parasite systems.;2. In a 2 x 2 design, we manipulated both the access to food in great tit Parus major broods and the exposure of the nestlings to hen fleas Ceratophyllus gallinae, a common ectoparasite of hole-breeding birds. We subsequently investigated the role of manipulated host condition, host immunocompetence, and experimentally induced host defence in nestlings on the reproductive success of individual hen flea females.;3. The food supplementation of the nestlings significantly influenced the parasites' reproductive success. Female fleas laid significantly more eggs when feeding on food-supplemented hosts.;4. Previous parasite exposure of the birds affected the reproductive success of fleas. However, the impact of this induced host response on flea reproduction depended on the birds' natural level of immunocompetence, assessed by the phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) skin test. Flea fecundity significantly decreased with increasing PHA response of the nestlings in previously parasite-exposed broods. No relationship between flea fitness and host immunocompetence was, however, found in previously unexposed broods. The PHA response thus correlates with the nestlings' ability to mount immunological or physiological defence mechanisms against hen fleas. No significant interaction effect between early flea exposure and food supplementation on the parasites' reproductive success was found.;5. Our study shows that the reproductive success of hen fleas is linked to the hosts' food supply early in life and their ability to mount induced immunological or physiological defence mechanisms. These interactions between host quality and parasite fitness are likely to influence host preference, host choice and parasite virulence and thus the evolutionary dynamics in host-parasite systems.


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Volcanic ash clouds can be fed by an upward-directed eruption column (Plinian column) or by elutriation from extensive pyroclastic-flows (coignimbrite cloud). For large-scale eruptions, there is considerable uncertainty about which mechanism is dominant. Here we analyze in a novel way a comprehensive grainsize database for pyroclastic deposits. We demonstrate that the Mount Pinatubo climactic eruption deposits were substantially derived from coignimbrite clouds, and not only by a Plinian cloud as generally thought. Coignimbrite ash-fall deposits are much richer in breathable <10 m ash (5–25 wt%) than pure Plinian ash at most distances from the source volcano. We also show that coignimbrite ash clouds, as at Pinatubo, are expected to be more water rich than Plinian clouds, leading to removal of more HCl prior to stratospheric injection, thereby reducing their atmospheric impact.


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Mount Etna, Italy, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and is also regarded as one of the strongest volcanic sources of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions to the atmosphere. Since October 2004, an automated ultraviolet (UV) spectrometer network (FLAME) has provided ground-based SO2 measurements with high temporal resolution, providing an opportunity to validate satellite SO2 measurements at Etna. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the NASA Aura satellite, which makes global daily measurements of trace gases in the atmosphere, was used to compare SO2 amount released by the volcano during paroxysmal lava-fountaining events from 2004 to present. We present the first comparison between SO2 emission rates and SO2 burdens obtained by the OMI transect technique and OMI Normalized Cloud-Mass (NCM) technique and the ground-based FLAME Mini-DOAS measurements. In spite of a good data set from the FLAME network, finding coincident OMI and FLAME measurements proved challenging and only one paroxysmal event provided a good validation for OMI. Another goal of this work was to assess the efficacy of the FLAME network in capturing paroxysmal SO2 emissions from Etna, given that the FLAME network is only operational during daylight hours and some paroxysms occur at night. OMI measurements are advantageous since SO2 emissions from nighttime paroxysms can often be quantified on the following day, providing improved constraints on Etna’s SO2 budget.


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Two volcanic debris avalanche deposits (VDADs), both attributed to sector collapse at Volcán Barú, Panama, have been identified after an investigation of deposits that covered more than a thousand square kilometers. The younger Barriles Deposit is constrained by two radiocarbon ages that are ~9 ka; the older Caisán Deposit is at or beyond the radiocarbon range, >43,500 ybp. The total runout length of the Caisán Deposit was ~50 km and it covers 1190 km2. The Barriles Deposit extended to about 45 km and covered an area of 966 km2, overlapping most of the Caisán. The VDADs are blanketed by pyroclastic deposits and contain a predominance of andesitic material likely representing volcanic dome rock which accumulated above the active vent at Barú before collapsing. Despite heavy vegetation in the field area, over 4000 individual hummocks were digitized from aerial photography. Statistical analysis of hummock locations and geometries depict flow patterns of highly- fragmented material reflecting the effects of underlying topography and also help to define the limit of Barriles’ shorter termination. Barriles and Caisán are primarily unconfined, subaerial volcanic deposits that are among the world’s most voluminous. Calculated through two different geospatial processes, thickness values from field measurements and inferences yield volumes >30 km23 for both deposits. VDADs of comparable scale come from Mount Shasta, USA; Socompa, Chile/Argentina; and Shiveluch, Russia. Currently, the modern edifice is 200-400m lower than the pre-collapse Barriles and Caisán summits and only 16-25% of the former edifice has been replaced since the last failure.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) clearance has been associated with reduced viral evolution in targeted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes, suggesting that HCV clearers may mount CTL responses with a superior ability to recognize epitope variants and prevent viral immune escape. Here, 40 HCV-infected subjects were tested with 406 10-mer peptides covering the vast majority of the sequence diversity spanning a 197-residue region of the NS3 protein. HCV clearers mounted significantly broader CTL responses of higher functional avidity and with wider variant cross-recognition capacity than nonclearers. These observations have important implications for vaccine approaches that may need to induce high-avidity responses in vivo.