921 resultados para Motor vehicles Motors Exhaust gas Environmental aspects
Seven experimental texture sections were constructed on the Polk-Jasper RP-163-1(50)--16--77 project just east of Des Moines. The experimental sections included two groove depths for a longitudinal tine texture and 13 mm (1/2 in.), 19 mm (1 in.) and variable spaced transverse tine textures. An artificial turf textured section was also included. Friction values and a rating of objectionable noise were determined for all sections. All transverse tine textures generated a high level of objectionable noise. The longitudinal tine texture was rated very good in regard to objectionable noise. At this time, all tined textures are providing satisfactory friction values.
Rumble strips are patches of specially treated pavement surfaces which are designed to produce aural and tactile stimuli inside vehicles. The intent is to alert drivers and when desirable, cause them to slow down or come to a stop. Installations were made in a three-county area in Iowa to study rumble strip effectiveness as an accident reducing measure. The investigation of accidents at the various test sites showed that rumble strips were effective in reducing certain types of intersection accidents. Although no statistically significant effect of the saturation use was found on total accidents, there are indications that accidents may be reduced when used in low density i.e., rural type areas.
Many accidents involving Iowa snowplows have happened in recent years. This study investigated the influence of time of day, sex of subject, type of snowplow sign and snowplow speed on the criteria of oncoming driver reaction time and his estimate of snowplow speed. Film strips were made of a car passing a snow-Plow under various experimental conditions. These experimental movie strips were viewed in the laboratory by college student drivers who were asked to indicate their reaction time to slow down and to estimate the speed of the snowplow being passed. The generally best sign condition for the snowplow was to have a striped rear sign and a speed-proportional flashing light in addition to the standard rotating beacon on top of the truck. Several recommendations were made.
Traffic noise monitoring using FHWA's Demonstration Projects Division Mobile Noise Laboratory at free field, single wall and parallel barrier site on I-380 in Evansdale, Iowa is described. Access to I-380 prior to its being open to traffic afforded a controlled pass-by monitoring phase involving different vehicle types. A subsequent second phase entailed identical measurement methodology to monitor "real world" I-380 traffic noise. Phase I data indicated increases in noise were significant under the parallel barrier conditions for light duty vehicles operating in the far lane. Phase II results showed that the actual I-380 traffic mix largely offset the earlier observed effect, but minor increases in traffic noise under the parallel system were noted. These differences in noise barrier system effectiveness are judged to be insignificant at this particular study location.
This appendix is divided into three sections. The first section contains abstracts of each of the eight computer programs in the system, instructions for keypunching the three input documents, and computer operating instructions pertaining to each program. The second section contains system flowcharts for the entire system as well as program flowcharts for each program. The last section contains PL/l program listings of each program.
Due to frequent accidental damage to prestressed concrete (P/C) bridges caused by impact from overheight vehicles, a project was initiated to evaluate the strength and load distribution characteristics of damaged P/C bridges. A comprehensive literature review was conducted. It was concluded that only a few references pertain to the assessment and repair of damaged P/C beams. No reference was found that involves testing of a damaged bridge(s) as well as the damaged beams following their removal. Structural testing of two bridges was conducted in the field. The first bridge tested, damaged by accidental impact, was the westbound (WB) I-680 bridge in Beebeetown, Iowa. This bridge had significant damage to the first and second beams consisting of extensive loss of section and the exposure of numerous strands. The second bridge, the adjacent eastbound (EB) structure, was used as a baseline of the behavior of an undamaged bridge. Load testing concluded that a redistribution of load away from the damaged beams of the WB bridge was occurring. Subsequent to these tests, the damaged beams in the WB bridge were replaced and the bridge retested. The repaired WB bridge behaved, for the most part, like the undamaged EB bridge indicating that the beam replacement restored the original live load distribution patterns. A large-scale bridge model constructed for a previous project was tested to study the changes in behavior due to incrementally applied damage consisting initially of only concrete removal and then concrete removal and strand damage. A total of 180 tests were conducted with the general conclusion that for exterior beam damage, the bridge load distribution characteristics were relatively unchanged until significant portions of the bottom flange were removed along with several strands. A large amount of the total applied moment to the exterior beam was redistributed to the interior beam of the model. Four isolated P/C beams were tested, two removed from the Beebeetown bridge and two from the aforementioned bridge model. For the Beebeetown beams, the first beam, Beam 1W, was tested in an "as removed" condition to obtain the baseline characteristics of a damaged beam. The second beam, Beam 2W, was retrofit with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) longitudinal plates and transverse stirrups to strengthen the section. The strengthened Beam was 12% stronger than Beam 1W. Beams 1 and 2 from the bridge model were also tested. Beam 1 was not damaged and served as the baseline behavior of a "new" beam while Beam 2 was damaged and repaired again using CFRP plates. Prior to debonding of the plates from the beam, the behavior of both Beams 1 and 2 was similar. The retrofit beam attained a capacity greater than a theoretically undamaged beam prior to plate debonding. Analytical models were created for the undamaged and damaged center spans of the WB bridge; stiffened plate and refined grillage models were used. Both models were accurate at predicting the deflections in the tested bridge and should be similarly accurate in modeling other P/C bridges. The moment fractions per beam were computed using both models for the undamaged and damaged bridges. The damaged model indicates a significant decrease in moment in the damaged beams and a redistribution of load to the adjacent curb and rail as well as to the undamaged beam lines.
This report documents Phase II activities of a potentially four-phase project. The goal of the project is to study the feasibility of using advanced technologies from other industries to improve the efficiency and safety of winter highway maintenance vehicle operations. State departments of transportation from Iowa, Minnesota, and Michigan initially formed the study consortium, and several private vendors have become project partners. The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) at Iowa State University is managing project tasks
The rules and regulations for operating a motored vehicles in Iowa.
The rules and regualtions for owning and operating a motorcycle in Iowa
The Equipment and Vehicle Revolving Fund report covers all equipment and vehicle purchases through the highway materials and equipment revolving fund during FY 2014.
Urban places attract most highway travel because more people are to be per acre in urban places than elsewhere. In the beginning of highway development the objective was to provide an all-weather road for the rural people to get to town and back to their farms, but there was no consideration of getting motor vehicles through the town to the opposite side. With the development of intercity travel, it soon became apparent that travel through the urban areas would have to be given consideration along with the travel to and from the urban areas. This consideration led to the urban bypass, a provision in highway location whereby the traveler may get to the opposite side of the urban area without going through it, or at least not through the central business district. Bypasses, although highly desired by the through travelers, were not welcomed by local business interests on the basis that the community would suffer a reduction in retail trade. Some discussion of the pros and cons of bypasses and their consequences as observed from experience will shed light upon this type of local highway. The bypass report summaries in this document were based on interviews with businessmen and community leaders of cities that have actually experienced firsthand the impacts of a highway bypass. Several of the studies were conducted by newspaper reporters, city council members and residents of Iowa cities.
In work-zone configurations where lane drops are present, merging of traffic at the taper presents an operational concern. In addition, as flow through the work zone is reduced, the relative traffic safety of the work zone is also reduced. Improving work-zone flow-through merge points depends on the behavior of individual drivers. By better understanding driver behavior, traffic control plans, work zone policies, and countermeasures can be better targeted to reinforce desirable lane closure merging behavior, leading to both improved safety and work-zone capacity. The researchers collected data for two work-zone scenarios that included lane drops with one scenario on the Interstate and the other on an urban arterial roadway. The researchers then modeled and calibrated these scenarios in VISSIM using real-world speeds, travel times, queue lengths, and merging behaviors (percentage of vehicles merging upstream and near the merge point). Once built and calibrated, the researchers modeled strategies for various countermeasures in the two work zones. The models were then used to test and evaluate how various merging strategies affect safety and operations at the merge areas in these two work zones.
La presència de pesticides en el medi ambient pot comportar efectes nocius pel propi medi i la salut humana, fet que, en alguns casos, converteix en necessària la seva eliminació. Un dels mètodes utilitzats per dur a terme aquesta eliminació és la sorció de contaminats sobre materials adsorbents. Per tal de fer d’aquest mètode un procés sostenible cal investigar nous materials capaços de retenir els contaminants. El suro és la part més externa de l’escorça de l’alzina surera: Quercus Suber L. S’extreu cada 5- 10 anys depenent de la regió i es caracteritza per ser una font natural, renovable i biodegradable amb una heterogènia composició química que el converteix en un material potencialment apte com a adsorbent d’un ampli rang de contaminants. En aquest context, l’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és investigar l’afinitat d’adsorció del suro amb quatre pesticides de diferent hidrofobicitat i estructura química i estudiar el paper que hi juguen els seus compostos químics (extractius, suberina, lignina i polisacàrids) en aquest procés de sorció. Els pesticides investigats han estat: Metamitron: poc hidrofòbic (logKow = 0.83) i de caràcter molecular, Alaclor: moderadament hidrofòbic (logKow = 2.80) i de caràcter iònic (pKa = 0.62), 2,4-D: moderadament hidrofòbic (logKow = 2.81) i de caràcter iònic (pKa = 2.64) i Clorpirifos: molt hidrofòbic (logKow = 4.92) i de caràcter molecular
In the main report concerning the role that magnesium may have in highway concrete aggregate, over 20,000 electron microprobe data were obtained, primarily from automated scans, or traverses, across dolomite aggregate grains and the adjacent cement paste. Representative traverses were shown in figures and averages of the data were presented in Table II. In this Appendix, detailed representative and selected analyses of carbonate aggregate only are presented. These analyses were not presented in the main report because they would be interesting to only a few specialists in dolomite· rocks. In this Appendix, individual point analyses of mineral compositions in the paste have been omitted along with dolomite compositions at grain boundaries and cracks. Clay minerals and quartz inclusions in the aggregate are also not included. In the analyses, the first three column headings from left to right show line number, x-axis, and y-axis (Line number is an artifact of the computer print-out for each new traverse. Consecutive line numbers indicate a continuous traverse with distances between each point of 1.5 to a few μ-m. X-axis and y-axis are coordinates on the electron microscope stage). The next columns present weight percent oxide content of FeO, K20, CaO, Si02, Al203, MgO, SrO, BaO, MnO, Na20, and C02 (calculated assuming the number of moles of C02 is equal to the sum of moles of oxides, chiefly CaO and MgO), TOTAL (the sum of all oxides), and total (sum of all oxides excluding COi). In many of the analyses total is omitted.
In 1992, the Iowa DOT installed 6200 snowplowable Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) in six areas around the state. They were evaluated at six-month intervals until the replacement of the reflective lenses in 1995. During this time, the RPM performed well. The Iowa Department of Transportation uses de-icers and sand during the winter to control snow and ice on the pavement. The sand and the chemicals reduced the reflectivity of the reflectors. With minimum or no maintenance the visibility of the RPM is low. Although the RPM appear to present a problem during snow plowing, they are an excellent device for lane delineation at night in adverse weather.