998 resultados para Moreno S., Miguel Angel.
This paper presents an assessment and evaluation of the costs of operation and maintenance (O&M) in a real PV rural electrification (PVRE) programme, with the aim of characterizing its costs structure. Based on the extracted data of the 5-years operational costs of a private operator, the programme has been analyzed to take out the most relevant costs involved in the O&M phase as well as the comparative appraisal between the 3 main activities: installation, O&M and management. Through this study we try to answer to the new challenge of decentralized rural electrification based on larger programmes (with tens of thousands of SHSs) and longer maintenance and operation periods (at least 10 years).
Mediante la elaboración de esta tesis doctoral se pretende diseñar una metodología para inventariar y documentar gráfica y cartográficamente bodegas subterráneas como componentes esenciales del paisaje cultural y patrimonio rural construido. Para desarrollar esta línea de investigación se realizarán levantamientos topográficos y fotogramétricos de algunas de ellas, previamente seleccionadas por su emplazamiento y condiciones. Estas construcciones vernáculas forman parte de un paisaje cultural rural en una expresión patrimonial muy singular, muy común en la Península Ibérica, aunque variable en sus diferentes formas y ubicaciones, en el caso que nos ocupa se ha elegido el término municipal de Atauta en Soria, en el ámbito de influencia de la cuenca del río Duero. Esta tesis incluye trabajos experimentales de los que se extraerán recomendaciones y conclusiones encaminadas a la optimización de la instrumentación utilizada, las técnicas de observación, diseño y cálculo necesarias para la ejecución de dichos levantamientos, garantizando las tolerancias mínimas exigidas. Por tanto, al final se dispondrá de una metodología adecuada que podrá ayudar a preservar, rehabilitar, restaurar o reconstruir este patrimonio como bien de interés cultural. Las aproximaciones y etapas de los trabajos que forman parte de esta investigación se han integrado en cada capítulo y son las siguientes: En el primer capítulo, titulado Introducción, se realiza una breve reflexión justificativa de la elección del tema tratado, se formula la hipótesis de partida y se enumeran los distintos objetivos que se pretenden alcanzar. En el segundo capítulo, titulado Antecedentes, se analizan, a lo largo de la historia, la presencia de las cuevas y bodegas subterráneas. También se recogen las distintas tipologías de bodegas subterráneas construidas en España. Se realiza un estudio de los distintos sistemas topográficos utilizados para la documentación y representación gráfica a lo largo del tiempo, finalmente se da un enfoque respecto de la necesidad de conservar y divulgar este patrimonio histórico cultural. En el tercer capítulo, titulado Geovisualización y representación gráfica de bodegas subterráneas: aplicación, se analiza el estudio comparativo mediante distintas técnicas de observación, cálculo y diseño para así poder seleccionar la técnica óptima para inventariar las bodegas subterráneas. El capítulo cuarto, titulado Caracterización de las bodegas subterráneas mediante la combinación de técnicas GNSS, LÍDAR y Georradar, describe la combinación de diversas técnicas para la definición precisa de los límites de las bodegas de forma individualizada o bien formando parte de un espacio singular. Esta combinación de técnicas también tiene como objetivo señalar con precisión partes enterradas y ocultas. En el capítulo cinco, titulado Propuesta metodológica, se propone y justifica la necesidad de establecer una metodología de estudio para estos espacios que conlleve un ahorro de tiempo de ejecución y recursos, tanto humanos como materiales. El último capítulo se refiere a las Conclusiones, donde se establecen una serie de resultados como consecuencia del desarrollo de los capítulos anteriores para finalizar enunciando posibles desarrollos y líneas de investigación futuros.
A high-power high-efficiency laser power transmission system at 100m based on an optimized multi-cell GaAs converter capable of supplying 9.7W of electricity is demonstrated. An I-V testing system integrated with a data acquisition circuit and an analysis software is designed to measure the efficiency and the I-V characteristics of the laser power converter (LPC). The dependencies of the converter’s efficiency with respect to wavelength, laser intensity and temperature are analyzed. A diode laser with 793nm of wavelength and 24W of power is used to test the LPC and the software. The maximum efficiency of the LPC is 48.4% at an input laser power of 8W at room temperature. When the input laser power is 24W (laser intensity of 60000W/m2), the efficiency is 40.4% and the output voltage is 4 V. The overall efficiency from electricity to electricity is 11.6%.
The definition of technical specifications and the corresponding laboratory procedures are necessary steps in order to assure the quality of the devices prior to be installed in Solar Home Systems (SHS). To clarify and unify criteria a European project supported the development of the Universal Technical Standard for Solar Home Systems (UTSfSHS). Its principles were to generate simple and affordable technical requirements to be optimized in order to facilitate the implementation of tests with basic and simple laboratory tools even on the same SHS electrification program countries. These requirements cover the main aspects of this type of installations and its lighting chapter was developed based on the most used technology at that time: fluorescent tubes and CFLs. However, with the consolidation of the new LED solid state lighting devices, particular attention is being given to this matter and new procedures are required. In this work we develop a complete set of technical specifications and test procedures that have been designed within the frame of the UTSfSHS, based on an intense review of the scientific and technical publications related to LED lighting and their practical application. They apply to lamp reliability, performance and safety under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool for any LED bulb.
Assuring the sustainability of quality in photovoltaic rural electrification programmes involves enhancing the reliability of the components of solar home systems as well as the characterization of the overall programme cost structure. Batteries and photovoltaic modules have a great impact on both the reliability and the cost assessment, the battery being the weakest component of the solar home system and consequently the most expensive element of the programme. The photovoltaic module, despite being the most reliable component, has a significant impact cost-wise on the initial investment, even at current market prices. This paper focuses on the in-field testing of both batteries and photovoltaic modules working under real operating conditions within a sample of 41 solar home systems belonging to a large photovoltaic rural electrification programme with more than 13,000 installed photovoltaic systems. Different reliability parameters such as lifetime have been evaluated, taking into account different factors, for example energy consumption rates, or the manufacturing quality of batteries. A degradation model has been proposed relating both loss of capacity and time of operation. The user e solar home system binomial is also analysed in order to understand the meaning of battery lifetime in rural electrification.
In recent years, the continuous incorporation of new technologies in the learning process has been an important factor in the educational process (1). The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) promotes educational innovation processes and develops projects related to the improvement of the education quality. The experience that we present fits into the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) of the E.U. of Agricultural Engineering of Madrid. One of the main objectives of the EIP is to Take advantage of the new opportunities offered by the Learning and Knowledge Technologies in order to enrich the educational processes and teaching management (2).
This paper proposes a method for the identification of different partial discharges (PDs) sources through the analysis of a collection of PD signals acquired with a PD measurement system. This method, robust and sensitive enough to cope with noisy data and external interferences, combines the characterization of each signal from the collection, with a clustering procedure, the CLARA algorithm. Several features are proposed for the characterization of the signals, being the wavelet variances, the frequency estimated with the Prony method, and the energy, the most relevant for the performance of the clustering procedure. The result of the unsupervised classification is a set of clusters each containing those signals which are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. The analysis of the classification results permits both the identification of different PD sources and the discrimination between original PD signals, reflections, noise and external interferences. The methods and graphical tools detailed in this paper have been coded and published as a contributed package of the R environment under a GNU/GPL license.
Solar Decathlon Europe is an international competition among universities which promotes interdisciplinary learning in engineering and architecture. Students from different disciplines participate in teams guided by several professors during a 29 month preparation period plus five weeks of on-site contest. The educational project involves designing, building and testing a solar energy house connected to the electrical grid with the strategy of maximizing self-consumption, supported by bioclimatic technologies and maintaining a low environmental footprint. It culminates in a on-site contest in which teams must assembly the house themselves, test it with ordinary real life tasks and finally disassembly it. The event has also a divulgative aim, trying to make students and visitors get interested in discovering the problems presented by real engineering and architecture applications. In addition, SDE covers R&D aspects in different fields such as energy efficiency, solar energy and bioclimatic architecture. This article presents the methodology followed during the SDE 2012 edition, in which more than 850 students participated. The obtained results show that the educational competition was a success according to the technical and professional ambitions of the students, most of them considering that their knowledge had increased in areas related to technical and multidisciplinary aspects.
Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE) is an international multidisciplinary competition in which 20 universityteams build and operate energy-efficient solar-powered houses. The aim of SDE is not only scientificbut also educational and divulgative, making visitors to understand the problems presented by realengineering applications and architecture. From a research perspective, the energy data gathered dur-ing the competition constitutes a very promising information for the analysis and understanding of thephotovoltaic systems, grid structures, energy balances and energy efficiency of the set of houses. Thisarticle focuses on the electrical energy components of SDE competition, the energy performance of thehouses and the strategies and behaviors followed by the teams. The rules evaluate the houses? electricalenergy self-sufficiency by looking at the electricity autonomy in terms of aggregated electrical energybalance; the temporary generation-consumption profile pattern correlation; and the use of electricityper measurable area. Although the houses are evaluated under the same climatological and consump-tion conditions, production results are very different due to the specific engineering solutions (differentelectrical topologies, presence or absence of batteries, diverse photovoltaic module solutions, etc.)
En la actualidad, y en todo el mundo, hay en desarrollo un muy importante número de proyectos de obras hidráulicas de diversa naturaleza (presas, canales, desaladoras, tanques de tormentas, centrales hidroeléctricas, obras de saneamiento, etc.), donde España es, en muchas ocasiones, el marco de referencia. En este artículo, se presentan algunas de las principales investigaciones en curso en el campo de la modelación física y numérica de la ingeniería de presas, con el objetivo de mejorar el conocimiento de los fenómenos hidráulicos que intervienen en su gestión y desarrollar nuevas herramientas de diseño que permitan dar solución a problemas hidráulicos complejos.
The area cultivated using conservation tillage has recently increased in central Spain. However, soil compaction and water retention with conservation tillage still remains a genuine concern for landowners in this region be- cause of its potential effect on the crop growth and yield. The aim of this research is to determine the short- term influences of four tillage treatments on soil physical properties. In the experiment, bulk density, cone index, soil water potential, soil temperature and maize (Zea mays L.) productivity have been measured. A field experiment was established in spring of 2013 on a loamy soil. The experiment compared four tillage methods (zero tillage, ZT; reservoir tillage, RT; minimum tillage, MT; and conventional tillage, CT). Soil bulk density and soil cone index were measured during maize growing season and at harvesting time. Furthermore, the soil water potential was monitored by using a wireless sensors network with sensors at 20 and 40 cm depths. Also, soil temperatures were registered at depths of 5 and 12 cm. Results indicated that there were significant differ- ences between soil bulk density and cone index of ZT method and those of RT, MT, and CT, during the growing season; although, this difference was not significant at the time of harvesting in some soil layers. Overall, in most soil layers, tillage practice affected bulk density and cone index in the order: ZT N RT N MT N CT. Regardless oftheentireobservationperiod,results exhibited that soils under ZT and RT treatments usually resulted in higher water potential and lower soil temperature than the other two treatments at both soil depths. In addition, clear differences in maize grain yield were observed between ZT and CT treatments, with a grain yield (up to 15.4%) increase with the CT treatment. On the other hand, no significant differences among (RT, MT, and CT) on maizeyieldwerefound.Inconclusion,the impact of soil compaction increase and soil temperature decrease,pro- duced by ZT treatment is a potential reason for maize yield reduction in this tillage method. We found that RT could be certainly a viable option for farmers incentral Spain,particularly when switching to conservation tillage from conventional tillage. This technique showed a moderate and positive effect on soil physical properties and increased maize yields compared to ZT and MT, and provides an opportunity to stabilize maize yields compared to CT.
En esta Tesis expongo una reflexión sobre cómo la pérdida de valores ante un cambio de paradigma social ha derivado en la disolución de la tipología de Museo generando un “Museo Contemporáneo” , mediante el estudio sistemático de la obra de los autores más significativos del siglo XX, que, frente al Museo Moderno, es un museo global, que no pertenece a ningún lugar concreto, un museo del desarraigo, desligado incluso de su función. Su origen conceptual basado en una idea “social” participativa y regeneradora ha degenerado, mayoritariamente, hacia una simplificación superficial que se resume en museos-logotipo como respuesta de supervivencia arquitectónica adaptada a este nuevo paradigma social.
La mejora continua de los procesos de fabricación es fundamental para alcanzar niveles óptimos de productividad, calidad y coste en la producción de componentes y productos. Para ello es necesario disponer de modelos que relacionen de forma precisa las variables que intervienen en el proceso de corte. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la velocidad de corte y el avance en el desgaste del flanco de los insertos de carburos recubiertos GC1115 y GC2015 y en la rugosidad superficial de la pieza mecanizada de la pieza en el torneado de alta velocidad en seco del acero AISI 316L. Se utilizaron entre otros los métodos de observación científica, experimental, medición, inteligencia artificial y estadísticos. El inserto GC1115 consigue el mejor resultado de acuerdo al gráfico de medias y de las ecuaciones de regresión múltiple de desgaste del flanco para v= 350 m/min, mientras que para las restantes velocidades el inserto GC2015 consigue el mejor desempeño. El mejor comportamiento en cuanto a la rugosidad superficial de la pieza mecanizada se obtuvo con el inserto GC1115 en las velocidades de 350 m/min y 400 m/min, en la velocidad de 450 m/min el mejor resultado correspondió al inserto GC2015. Se analizaron dos criterios nuevos, el coeficiente de vida útil de la herramienta de corte en relación al volumen de metal cortado y el coeficiente de rugosidad superficial de la pieza mecanizada en relación al volumen de metal cortado. Fueron determinados los modelos de regresión múltiple que permitieron calcular el tiempo de mecanizado de los insertos sin que alcanzaran el límite del criterio de desgaste del flanco. Los modelos desarrollados fueron evaluados por sus capacidades de predicción con los valores medidos experimentalmente. ABSTRACT The continuous improvement of manufacturing processes is critical to achieving optimal levels of productivity, quality and cost in the production of components and products. This is necessary to have models that accurately relate the variables involved in the cutting process. This research aims to determine the influence of the cutting speed and feed on the flank wear of carbide inserts coated by GC1115 and GC2015 and the surface roughness of the workpiece for turning dry high speed steel AISI 316L. Among various scientific methods this study were used of observation, experiment, measurement, statistical and artificial intelligence. The GC1115 insert gets the best result according to the graph of means and multiple regression equations of flank wear for v = 350 m / min, while for the other speeds the GC2015 insert gets the best performance. Two approaches are discussed, the life ratio of the cutting tool relative to the cut volume and surface roughness coefficient in relation to the cut volume. Multiple regression models were determined to calculate the machining time of the inserts without reaching the limit of the criterion flank wear. The developed models were evaluated for their predictive capabilities with the experimentally measured values.
Pipeline transport represents one of the most important means of moving oil derivatives to different locations. It is both a reliable and inexpensive means of transport, and it yields small variable costs along with a great degree of reliability. Pipeline scheduling is not a trivial task; it involves considerable time from schedulers. Discussed here is a real-application case of a tool that helps schedulers simulate pipeline performance as a means of creating a feasible schedule for a particular time span.
En el presente estudio se ha planteado como objetivo diseñar un modelo teórico para la definición, orientación y articulación del Sistema Nacional de Innovación en los países Iberoamericanos con el propósito de mejorar la capacidad de I+D+i en el sector industrial. Específicamente en el sector de las PYMIS. El caso de estudio se centra en la revisión del enfoque de sistema de la Política Pública de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Venezuela. El sector PYMIS constituye una proporción importante del tejido industrial de Venezuela. Sin embargo, las PYMIS presentan en su estructura deficiencias para afrontar por si solas el reto del desarrollo de proyectos de innovación de nuevos productos que les permita aprovechar las oportunidades y necesidades de innovación detectadas en el mercado nacional.