941 resultados para Moment gradient
We present a non linear technique to invert strong motion records with the aim of obtaining the final slip and rupture velocity distributions on the fault plane. In this thesis, the ground motion simulation is obtained evaluating the representation integral in the frequency. The Green’s tractions are computed using the discrete wave-number integration technique that provides the full wave-field in a 1D layered propagation medium. The representation integral is computed through a finite elements technique, based on a Delaunay’s triangulation on the fault plane. The rupture velocity is defined on a coarser regular grid and rupture times are computed by integration of the eikonal equation. For the inversion, the slip distribution is parameterized by 2D overlapping Gaussian functions, which can easily relate the spectrum of the possible solutions with the minimum resolvable wavelength, related to source-station distribution and data processing. The inverse problem is solved by a two-step procedure aimed at separating the computation of the rupture velocity from the evaluation of the slip distribution, the latter being a linear problem, when the rupture velocity is fixed. The non-linear step is solved by optimization of an L2 misfit function between synthetic and real seismograms, and solution is searched by the use of the Neighbourhood Algorithm. The conjugate gradient method is used to solve the linear step instead. The developed methodology has been applied to the M7.2, Iwate Nairiku Miyagi, Japan, earthquake. The estimated magnitude seismic moment is 2.6326 dyne∙cm that corresponds to a moment magnitude MW 6.9 while the mean the rupture velocity is 2.0 km/s. A large slip patch extends from the hypocenter to the southern shallow part of the fault plane. A second relatively large slip patch is found in the northern shallow part. Finally, we gave a quantitative estimation of errors associates with the parameters.
Samenausbreitung und Regeneration von Bäumen sind wichtig für den langfristigen Bestand von Baum- und Frugivorengemeinschaften in tropischen Regenwäldern. Zunehmende Rohdung und Degradation gefährden den Ablauf dieser mutualistischen Prozesse in diesem Ökosystem. Um den Einfluss von kleinräumiger menschlicher Störung auf die Frugivorengemeinschaft und die zentralen Ökosystemprozesse Samenausbreitung und Regeneration zu erforschen, habe ich 1) die Frugivorengemeinschaft und die Samenausbreitungsrate von Celtis durandii (Ulmaceae) und 2) den Zusammenhang zwischen Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten, Frugivoren und der Etablierung von Keimlingen dieser Baumarten in unterschiedlich stark gestörten Flächen dreier ostafrikanischer tropischer Regenwälder untersucht. Insgesamt konnte ich 40 frugivore Vogel- und Primatenarten in den drei untersuchten Waldgebieten nachweisen. Auf gering gestörten Flächen wurden mehr Frugivore als auf stark gestörten Flächen aufgenommen. Auch die Beobachtungen an C. durandii ergaben mehr frugivore Besucher in Bäumen auf gering gestörten als auf stark gestörten Flächen. Dies führte zu einer marginal signifikant höheren Samenausbreitungsrate auf den gering gestörten Flächen. Diese Ergebnisse waren auf regionaler Ebene in allen drei untersuchten Wäldern konsistent. Dies zeigt, dass kleinräumige Störung einen umfassenderen negativen Einfluss auf Frugivore und ihre Funktion als Samenausbreiter hat als zuvor angenommen. Bei der Vegetationserfassung nahm ich 131 verschiedene Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten in den drei Regenwäldern auf. Kleinräumige menschliche Störung erhöhte den Artenreichtum dieser Baumarten marginal signifikant, hatte jedoch keinen direkten Einfluss auf die Frugivorendichte und den Artenreichtum von Keimlingen dieser Baumarten. Der Artenreichtum von Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten zeigte einen marginal signifikant positiven Einfluss auf die Frugivorendichte, allerdings nicht auf die Keimlinge. Allerdings führte die Dichte der Frugivoren zu signifikant erhöhtem Artenreichtum der Keimlinge. Folglich scheint kleinräumige Störung die Keimlingsetablierung indirekt durch erhöhten Baumartenreichtum und erhöhte Frugivorendichte zu beeinflussen. Die Frugivorendichte hatte einen größeren Einfluss auf die Waldregeneration als kleinräumige Störung und Baumartenreichtum. Demnach scheint kleinräumige menschliche Störung sowohl positive als auch negative Effekte auf Samenausbreitung und Regeneration zu haben. Somit sind weitere Studien notwendig, die den Einfluss von kleinräumiger menschlicher Störung auf Mutualismen tropischer Regenwälder aufklären.
By using a symbolic method, known in the literature as the classical umbral calculus, a symbolic representation of Lévy processes is given and a new family of time-space harmonic polynomials with respect to such processes, which includes and generalizes the exponential complete Bell polynomials, is introduced. The usefulness of time-space harmonic polynomials with respect to Lévy processes is that it is a martingale the stochastic process obtained by replacing the indeterminate x of the polynomials with a Lévy process, whereas the Lévy process does not necessarily have this property. Therefore to find such polynomials could be particularly meaningful for applications. This new family includes Hermite polynomials, time-space harmonic with respect to Brownian motion, Poisson-Charlier polynomials with respect to Poisson processes, Laguerre and actuarial polynomials with respect to Gamma processes , Meixner polynomials of the first kind with respect to Pascal processes, Euler, Bernoulli, Krawtchuk, and pseudo-Narumi polynomials with respect to suitable random walks. The role played by cumulants is stressed and brought to the light, either in the symbolic representation of Lévy processes and their infinite divisibility property, either in the generalization, via umbral Kailath-Segall formula, of the well-known formulae giving elementary symmetric polynomials in terms of power sum symmetric polynomials. The expression of the family of time-space harmonic polynomials here introduced has some connections with the so-called moment representation of various families of multivariate polynomials. Such moment representation has been studied here for the first time in connection with the time-space harmonic property with respect to suitable symbolic multivariate Lévy processes. In particular, multivariate Hermite polynomials and their properties have been studied in connection with a symbolic version of the multivariate Brownian motion, while multivariate Bernoulli and Euler polynomials are represented as powers of multivariate polynomials which are time-space harmonic with respect to suitable multivariate Lévy processes.
The present study has been carried out with the following objectives: i) To investigate the attributes of source parameters of local and regional earthquakes; ii) To estimate, as accurately as possible, M0, fc, Δσ and their standard errors to infer their relationship with source size; iii) To quantify high-frequency earthquake ground motion and to study the source scaling. This work is based on observational data of micro, small and moderate -earthquakes for three selected seismic sequences, namely Parkfield (CA, USA), Maule (Chile) and Ferrara (Italy). For the Parkfield seismic sequence (CA), a data set of 757 (42 clusters) repeating micro-earthquakes (0 ≤ MW ≤ 2), collected using borehole High Resolution Seismic Network (HRSN), have been analyzed and interpreted. We used the coda methodology to compute spectral ratios to obtain accurate values of fc , Δσ, and M0 for three target clusters (San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Hawaii) of our data. We also performed a general regression on peak ground velocities to obtain reliable seismic spectra of all earthquakes. For the Maule seismic sequence, a data set of 172 aftershocks of the 2010 MW 8.8 earthquake (3.7 ≤ MW ≤ 6.2), recorded by more than 100 temporary broadband stations, have been analyzed and interpreted to quantify high-frequency earthquake ground motion in this subduction zone. We completely calibrated the excitation and attenuation of the ground motion in Central Chile. For the Ferrara sequence, we calculated moment tensor solutions for 20 events from MW 5.63 (the largest main event occurred on May 20 2012), down to MW 3.2 by a 1-D velocity model for the crust beneath the Pianura Padana, using all the geophysical and geological information available for the area. The PADANIA model allowed a numerical study on the characteristics of the ground motion in the thick sediments of the flood plain.
This thesis was undertaken to explore possible applications of high gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) for the separation of RBCs infected with Plasmodium falciparum, with the dual aim of establishing a novel and superior method for isolating late-stage infected cells, and of obtaining synchronized cell cultures.rnThe presented work presents protocols for HGMS of parasitized RBCs that fulfil these aims. Late-stage parasitized cell can be isolated essentially devoid of contamination with non-infected and ring-stage infected cells. Such an easy method for a highly quantitative and qualitative purification has not yet been reported. Synchronous cultures can be obtained both following depletion of late-stage infected cells, and following isolation of the latter. The quality of synchronization cultures matches that of sorbitol lysis, the current standard method for malaria culture synchronization. An advantage of HGMS is the avoidance of osmotic stress for RBCs. The new methods further have the appeal of high reproducibility, cost-effectiveness, and simple protocol.rnIt should be possible to take the methods beyond Plasmodium infected RBCs. Most magnetic separation techniques in the sector of biomedical research employ columns with a hydrophilic polymer-coated matrix. Our procedure employs an optimized buffer system. Polymer coating becomes unnecessary and uncoated columns are available at a fraction of the cost.
Phenotypic plasticity refers to the ability of an organism to express different morphologies depending on the abiotic and biotic environment. Depth integrating many variables (e.g. temperature, light and hydrodynamics), may affect population structure and dynamics of the populations, as well as connectivity patterns and genetic diversity. Eunicella singularis is a Mediterranean arborescent gorgonian who plays an important rule as engineer species providing biomass and complexity to coralligenous habitats. It has a wide bathymetric distribution ranging from shallow rocky bottoms to deep sublittoral reefs. The species shows two depth-related morphotypes which taxonomic status is not yet clarified. The aim of the study is to analyses genetic variability and/or structuring along a vertical gradient to test the presence of the two morphotypes. Furthermore, a preliminary analyses of the phylogenetic relationship among species of the genus Eunicella has been done. Six populations of Eunicella singularis were sampled from 10 to 60 m depth in Cap de Creus and individuals belonging to Eunicella cavolinii, E. verrucosa, E. racemosa and E. stricta aphyta were collected. The genetic analyses were carried out using five microsatellite loci and ITS-1 sequence polymorphism. The results showed a reduction of genetic variability along the vertical gradient. A threshold in connectivity was observed across 30 - 40 m depth, confirming the presence of two different Eunicella singularis morphotypes. The two morphological forms could be due to phenotypic plasticity, which allowed populations to suit different environmental conditions, or to a break in gene flow that determined the isolation of the two populations and an accumulation of genetic differences. The molecular markers used were not able to clarify the phylogenetic relationship among Eunicella species and the systematic position of the two morphotypes, conversely they risen the question on the existence of single species of Mediterranean Eunicella.
A permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron violates time reversal as well as parity symmetry. Thus it also violates the combination of charge conjugation and parity symmetry if the combination of all three symmetries is a symmetry of nature. The violation of these symmetries could help to explain the observed baryon content of the Universe. The prediction of the Standard Model of particle physics for the neutron electric dipole moment is only about 10e−32 ecm. At the same time the combined violation of charge conjugation and parity symmetry in the Standard Model is insufficient to explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Several extensions to the Standard Model can explain the observed baryon asymmetry and also predict values for the neutron electric dipole moment just below the current best experimental limit of d n < 2.9e−26 ecm, (90% C.L.) that has been obtained by the Sussex-RAL-ILL collaboration in 2006. The very same experiment that set the current best limit on the electric dipole moment has been upgraded and moved to the Paul Scherrer Institute. Now an international collaboration is aiming at increasing the sensitivity for an electric dipole moment by more than an order of magnitude. This thesis took place in the frame of this experiment and went along with the commissioning of the experiment until first data taking. After a short layout of the theoretical background in chapter 1, the experiment with all subsystems and their performance are described in detail in chapter 2. To reach the goal sensitivity the control of systematic errors is as important as an increase in statistical sensitivity. Known systematic efects are described and evaluated in chapter 3. During about ten days in 2012, a first set of data was measured with the experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. An analysis of this data is presented in chapter 4, together with general tools developed for future analysis eforts. The result for the upper limit of an electric dipole moment of the neutron is |dn| ≤ 6.4e−25 ecm (95%C.L.). Chapter 5 presents investigations for a next generation experiment, to build electrodes made partly from insulating material. Among other advantages, such electrodes would reduce magnetic noise, generated by the thermal movement of charge carriers. The last Chapter summarizes this work and gives an outlook.
A study of hadron production by photons opens unique ways to address a number of fundamental problems in strong interaction physics as well as fundamental questions in Quantum Field Theory. In particular, an understanding of two-photon processes is of crucial importance for constraining the hadronic uncertainties in precision measurements and in searches for new physics. The process of
Il collasso di diverse colonne, caratterizzate da danneggiamenti simili, quali ampie fessure fortemente inclinate ad entrambe le estremità dell’elemento, lo schiacciamento del calcestruzzo e l’instabilità dei ferri longitudinali, ha portato ad interrogarsi riguardo gli effetti dell’interazione tra lo sforzo normale, il taglio ed il momento flettente. Lo studio è iniziato con una ricerca bibliografica che ha evidenziato una sostanziale carenza nella trattazione dell’argomento. Il problema è stato approcciato attraverso una ricerca di formule della scienza delle costruzioni, allo scopo di mettere in relazione lo sforzo assiale, il taglio ed il momento; la ricerca si è principalmente concentrata sulla teoria di Mohr. In un primo momento è stata considerata l’interazione tra solo due componenti di sollecitazione: sforzo assiale e taglio. L’analisi ha condotto alla costruzione di un dominio elastico di taglio e sforzo assiale che, confrontato con il dominio della Modified Compression Field Theory, trovata tramite ricerca bibliografica, ha permesso di concludere che i risultati sono assolutamente paragonabili. L’analisi si è poi orientata verso l’interazione tra sforzo assiale, taglio e momento flettente. Imponendo due criteri di rottura, il raggiungimento della resistenza a trazione ed a compressione del calcestruzzo, inserendo le componenti di sollecitazione tramite le formule di Navier e Jourawsky, sono state definite due formule che mettono in relazione le tre azioni e che, implementate nel software Matlab, hanno permesso la costruzione di un dominio tridimensionale. In questo caso non è stato possibile confrontare i risultati, non avendo la ricerca bibliografica mostrato niente di paragonabile. Lo studio si è poi concentrato sullo sviluppo di una procedura che tenta di analizzare il comportamento di una sezione sottoposta a sforzo normale, taglio e momento: è stato sviluppato un modello a fibre della sezione nel tentativo di condurre un calcolo non lineare, corrispondente ad una sequenza di analisi lineari. La procedura è stata applicata a casi reali di crollo, confermando l’avvenimento dei collassi.
Nel presente lavoro di tesi ho sviluppato un metodo di analisi di dati di DW-MRI (Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging)cerebrale, tramite un algoritmo di trattografia, per la ricostruzione del tratto corticospinale, in un campione di 25 volontari sani. Il diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) sfrutta la capacità del tensore di diffusione D di misurare il processo di diffusione dell’acqua, per stimare quantitativamente l’anisotropia dei tessuti. In particolare, nella sostanza bianca cerebrale la diffusione delle molecole di acqua è direzionata preferenzialmente lungo le fibre, mentre è ostacolata perpendicolarmente ad esse. La trattografia utilizza le informazioni ottenute tramite il DW imaging per fornire una misura della connettività strutturale fra diverse regioni del cervello. Nel lavoro si è concentrata l’attenzione sul fascio corticospinale, che è coinvolto nella motricità volontaria, trasmettendo gli impulsi dalla corteccia motoria ai motoneuroni del midollo spinale. Il lavoro si è articolato in 3 fasi. Nella prima ho sviluppato il pre-processing di immagini DW acquisite con un gradiente di diffusione sia 25 che a 64 direzioni in ognuno dei 25 volontari sani. Si è messo a punto un metodo originale ed innovativo, basato su “Regions of Interest” (ROIs), ottenute attraverso la segmentazione automatizzata della sostanza grigia e ROIs definite manualmente su un template comune a tutti i soggetti in esame. Per ricostruire il fascio si è usato un algoritmo di trattografia probabilistica che stima la direzione più probabile delle fibre e, con un numero elevato di direzioni del gradiente, riesce ad individuare, se presente, più di una direzione dominante (seconda fibra). Nella seconda parte del lavoro, ciascun fascio è stato suddiviso in 100 segmenti (percentili). Sono stati stimati anisotropia frazionaria (FA), diffusività media, probabilità di connettività, volume del fascio e della seconda fibra con un’analisi quantitativa “along-tract”, per ottenere un confronto accurato dei rispettivi percentili dei fasci nei diversi soggetti. Nella terza parte dello studio è stato fatto il confronto dei dati ottenuti a 25 e 64 direzioni del gradiente ed il confronto del fascio fra entrambi i lati. Dall’analisi statistica dei dati inter-subject e intra-subject è emersa un’elevata variabilità tra soggetti, dimostrando l’importanza di parametrizzare il tratto. I risultati ottenuti confermano che il metodo di analisi trattografica del fascio cortico-spinale messo a punto è risultato affidabile e riproducibile. Inoltre, è risultato che un’acquisizione con 25 direzioni di DTI, meglio tollerata dal paziente per la minore durata dello scan, assicura risultati attendibili. La principale applicazione clinica riguarda patologie neurodegenerative con sintomi motori sia acquisite, quali sindromi parkinsoniane sia su base genetica o la valutazione di masse endocraniche, per la definizione del grado di contiguità del fascio. Infine, sono state poste le basi per la standardizzazione dell’analisi quantitativa di altri fasci di interesse in ambito clinico o di studi di ricerca fisiopatogenetica.
Global warming and ocean acidification, due to rising atmospheric levels of CO2, represent an actual threat to terrestrial and marine environments. Since Industrial Revolution, in less of 250 years, pH of surface seawater decreased on average of 0.1 unit, and is expected to further decreases of approximately 0.3-0.4 units by the end of this century. Naturally acidified marine areas, such as CO2 vent systems at the Ischia Island, allow to study acclimatation and adaptation of individual species as well as the structure of communities, and ecosystems to OA. The main aim of this thesis was to study how hard bottom sublittoral benthic assemblages changed trough time along a pH gradient. For this purpose, the temporal dynamics of mature assemblages established on artificial substrates (volcanic tiles) over a 3 year- period were analysed. Our results revealed how composition and dynamics of the community were altered and highly simplified at different level of seawater acidification. In fact, extreme low values of pH (approximately 6.9), affected strongly the assemblages, reducing diversity both in terms of taxa and functional groups, respect to lower acidification levels (mean pH 7.8) and ambient conditions (8.1 unit). Temporal variation was observed in terms of species composition but not in functional groups. Variability was related to species belonging to the same functional group, suggesting the occurrence of functional redundancy. Therefore, the analysis of functional groups kept information on the structure, but lost information on species diversity and dynamics. Decreasing in ocean pH is only one of many future global changes that will occur at the end of this century (increase of ocean temperature, sea level rise, eutrophication etc.). The interaction between these factors and OA could exacerbate the community and ecosystem effects showed by this thesis.
To prospectively evaluate a 3-dimensional spoiled gradient-dual-echo (3D SPGR-DE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of liver fat content (LFC) in patients with the suspicion of fatty liver disease using histopathology as the standard of reference.