889 resultados para Molecule manipulation
The growing field of ocean acidification research is concerned with the investigation of organism responses to increasing pCO2 values. One important approach in this context is culture work using seawater with adjusted CO2 levels. As aqueous pCO2 is difficult to measure directly in small-scale experiments, it is generally calculated from two other measured parameters of the carbonate system (often AT, CT or pH). Unfortunately, the overall uncertainties of measured and subsequently calculated values are often unknown. Especially under high pCO2, this can become a severe problem with respect to the interpretation of physiological and ecological data. In the few datasets from ocean acidification research where all three of these parameters were measured, pCO2 values calculated from AT and CT are typically about 30% lower (i.e. ~300 µatm at a target pCO2 of 1000 µatm) than those calculated from AT and pH or CT and pH. This study presents and discusses these discrepancies as well as likely consequences for the ocean acidification community. Until this problem is solved, one has to consider that calculated parameters of the carbonate system (e.g. pCO2, calcite saturation state) may not be comparable between studies, and that this may have important implications for the interpretation of CO2 perturbation experiments.
The ongoing oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) is significantly altering the carbonate chemistry of seawater, a phenomenon referred to as ocean acidification. Experimental manipulations have been increasingly used to gauge how continued ocean acidification will potentially impact marine ecosystems and their associated biogeochemical cycles in the future; however, results amongst studies, particularly when performed on natural communities, are highly variable, which may reflect community/environment-specific responses or inconsistencies in experimental approach. To investigate the potential for identification of more generic responses and greater experimentally reproducibility, we devised and implemented a series (n = 8) of short-term (2-4 days) multi-level (>=4 conditions) carbonate chemistry/nutrient manipulation experiments on a range of natural microbial communities sampled in Northwest European shelf seas. Carbonate chemistry manipulations and resulting biological responses were found to be highly reproducible within individual experiments and to a lesser extent between geographically separated experiments. Statistically robust reproducible physiological responses of phytoplankton to increasing pCO2, characterised by a suppression of net growth for small-sized cells (<10 µm), were observed in the majority of the experiments, irrespective of natural or manipulated nutrient status. Remaining between-experiment variability was potentially linked to initial community structure and/or other site-specific environmental factors. Analysis of carbon cycling within the experiments revealed the expected increased sensitivity of carbonate chemistry to biological processes at higher pCO2 and hence lower buffer capacity. The results thus emphasise how biogeochemical feedbacks may be altered in the future ocean.
Oxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon?photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core?valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast, the partial fluorescence yield in the wavelength window 300?650 nm and the excitation functions of selected O+ and C+ emission lines in the wavelength range 400?500 nm display all of the absorption features. The relative intensity of ionic emission in the visible range increases towards higher photon energies, which is attributed to O 1s shake-off photoionization. VUV photon?photoion coincidence spectra reveal major contributions from the C+ and O+ ions and a minor contribution from C2+. No conclusive changes in the intensity ratios among the different ions are observed above the O 1s threshold. The line shape of the VUV?O+ coincidence peak in the mass spectrum carries some information on the initial core excitation
The intensities of the X and A valence photoelectron lines of N2 have been found to display Fano line shapes as a function of photon energy around the N 1s→ Rydberg excitations. The vibrational intensity distributions of these photoelectron lines change at the N 1s→3sσ and 3pπ resonances. These effects indicate interference between direct and resonant photoionization channels. Our numerical simulations reproduce quite well the experimental results.
This paper describes the design of a modular multi-finger haptic device for virtual object manipulation. Mechanical structures are based on one module per finger and can be scaled up to three fingers. Mechanical configurations for two and three fingers are based on the use of one and two redundant axes, respectively. As demonstrated, redundant axes significantly increase workspace and prevent link collisions, which is their main asset with respect to other multi-finger haptic devices. The location of redundant axes and link dimensions have been optimized in order to guarantee a proper workspace, manipulability, force capability, and inertia for the device. The mechanical haptic device design and a thimble adaptable to different finger sizes have also been developed for virtual object manipulation.
To perform advanced manipulation of remote environments such as grasping, more than one finger is required implying higher requirements for the control architecture. This paper presents the design and control of a modular 3-finger haptic device that can be used to interact with virtual scenarios or to teleoperate dexterous remote hands. In a modular haptic device, each module allows the interaction with a scenario by using a single finger; hence, multi-finger interaction can be achieved by adding more modules. Control requirements for a multifinger haptic device are analyzed and new hardware/software architecture for these kinds of devices is proposed. The software architecture described in this paper is distributed and the different modules communicate to allow the remote manipulation. Moreover, an application in which this haptic device is used to interact with a virtual scenario is shown.
En la interacción con el entorno que nos rodea durante nuestra vida diaria (utilizar un cepillo de dientes, abrir puertas, utilizar el teléfono móvil, etc.) y en situaciones profesionales (intervenciones médicas, procesos de producción, etc.), típicamente realizamos manipulaciones avanzadas que incluyen la utilización de los dedos de ambas manos. De esta forma el desarrollo de métodos de interacción háptica multi-dedo dan lugar a interfaces hombre-máquina más naturales y realistas. No obstante, la mayoría de interfaces hápticas disponibles en el mercado están basadas en interacciones con un solo punto de contacto; esto puede ser suficiente para la exploración o palpación del entorno pero no permite la realización de tareas más avanzadas como agarres. En esta tesis, se investiga el diseño mecánico, control y aplicaciones de dispositivos hápticos modulares con capacidad de reflexión de fuerzas en los dedos índice, corazón y pulgar del usuario. El diseño mecánico de la interfaz diseñada, ha sido optimizado con funciones multi-objetivo para conseguir una baja inercia, un amplio espacio de trabajo, alta manipulabilidad y reflexión de fuerzas superiores a 3 N en el espacio de trabajo. El ancho de banda y la rigidez del dispositivo se han evaluado mediante simulación y experimentación real. Una de las áreas más importantes en el diseño de estos dispositivos es el efector final, ya que es la parte que está en contacto con el usuario. Durante este trabajo se ha diseñado un dedal de bajo peso, adaptable a diferentes usuarios que, mediante la incorporación de sensores de contacto, permite estimar fuerzas normales y tangenciales durante la interacción con entornos reales y virtuales. Para el diseño de la arquitectura de control, se estudiaron los principales requisitos para estos dispositivos. Entre estos, cabe destacar la adquisición, procesado e intercambio a través de internet de numerosas señales de control e instrumentación; la computación de equaciones matemáticas incluyendo la cinemática directa e inversa, jacobiana, algoritmos de detección de agarres, etc. Todos estos componentes deben calcularse en tiempo real garantizando una frecuencia mínima de 1 KHz. Además, se describen sistemas para manipulación de precisión virtual y remota; así como el diseño de un método denominado "desacoplo cinemático iterativo" para computar la cinemática inversa de robots y la comparación con otros métodos actuales. Para entender la importancia de la interacción multimodal, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para comprobar qué estímulos sensoriales se correlacionan con tiempos de respuesta más rápidos y de mayor precisión. Estos experimentos se desarrollaron en colaboración con neurocientíficos del instituto Technion Israel Institute of Technology. Comparando los tiempos de respuesta en la interacción unimodal (auditiva, visual y háptica) con combinaciones bimodales y trimodales de los mismos, se demuestra que el movimiento sincronizado de los dedos para generar respuestas de agarre se basa principalmente en la percepción háptica. La ventaja en el tiempo de procesamiento de los estímulos hápticos, sugiere que los entornos virtuales que incluyen esta componente sensorial generan mejores contingencias motoras y mejoran la credibilidad de los eventos. Se concluye que, los sistemas que incluyen percepción háptica dotan a los usuarios de más tiempo en las etapas cognitivas para rellenar información de forma creativa y formar una experiencia más rica. Una aplicación interesante de los dispositivos hápticos es el diseño de nuevos simuladores que permitan entrenar habilidades manuales en el sector médico. En colaboración con fisioterapeutas de Griffith University en Australia, se desarrolló un simulador que permite realizar ejercicios de rehabilitación de la mano. Las propiedades de rigidez no lineales de la articulación metacarpofalange del dedo índice se estimaron mediante la utilización del efector final diseñado. Estos parámetros, se han implementado en un escenario que simula el comportamiento de la mano humana y que permite la interacción háptica a través de esta interfaz. Las aplicaciones potenciales de este simulador están relacionadas con entrenamiento y educación de estudiantes de fisioterapia. En esta tesis, se han desarrollado nuevos métodos que permiten el control simultáneo de robots y manos robóticas en la interacción con entornos reales. El espacio de trabajo alcanzable por el dispositivo háptico, se extiende mediante el cambio de modo de control automático entre posición y velocidad. Además, estos métodos permiten reconocer el gesto del usuario durante las primeras etapas de aproximación al objeto para su agarre. Mediante experimentos de manipulación avanzada de objetos con un manipulador y diferentes manos robóticas, se muestra que el tiempo en realizar una tarea se reduce y que el sistema permite la realización de la tarea con precisión. Este trabajo, es el resultado de una colaboración con investigadores de Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory. ABSTRACT When we interact with the environment in our daily life (using a toothbrush, opening doors, using cell-phones, etc.), or in professional situations (medical interventions, manufacturing processes, etc.) we typically perform dexterous manipulations that involve multiple fingers and palm for both hands. Therefore, multi-Finger haptic methods can provide a realistic and natural human-machine interface to enhance immersion when interacting with simulated or remote environments. Most commercial devices allow haptic interaction with only one contact point, which may be sufficient for some exploration or palpation tasks but are not enough to perform advanced object manipulations such as grasping. In this thesis, I investigate the mechanical design, control and applications of a modular haptic device that can provide force feedback to the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user. The designed mechanical device is optimized with a multi-objective design function to achieve a low inertia, a large workspace, manipulability, and force-feedback of up to 3 N within the workspace; the bandwidth and rigidity for the device is assessed through simulation and real experimentation. One of the most important areas when designing haptic devices is the end-effector, since it is in contact with the user. In this thesis the design and evaluation of a thimble-like, lightweight, user-adaptable, and cost-effective device that incorporates four contact force sensors is described. This design allows estimation of the forces applied by a user during manipulation of virtual and real objects. The design of a real-time, modular control architecture for multi-finger haptic interaction is described. Requirements for control of multi-finger haptic devices are explored. Moreover, a large number of signals have to be acquired, processed, sent over the network and mathematical computations such as device direct and inverse kinematics, jacobian, grasp detection algorithms, etc. have to be calculated in Real Time to assure the required high fidelity for the haptic interaction. The Hardware control architecture has different modules and consists of an FPGA for the low-level controller and a RT controller for managing all the complex calculations (jacobian, kinematics, etc.); this provides a compact and scalable solution for the required high computation capabilities assuring a correct frequency rate for the control loop of 1 kHz. A set-up for dexterous virtual and real manipulation is described. Moreover, a new algorithm named the iterative kinematic decoupling method was implemented to solve the inverse kinematics of a robotic manipulator. In order to understand the importance of multi-modal interaction including haptics, a subject study was carried out to look for sensory stimuli that correlate with fast response time and enhanced accuracy. This experiment was carried out in collaboration with neuro-scientists from Technion Israel Institute of Technology. By comparing the grasping response times in unimodal (auditory, visual, and haptic) events with the response times in events with bimodal and trimodal combinations. It is concluded that in grasping tasks the synchronized motion of the fingers to generate the grasping response relies on haptic cues. This processing-speed advantage of haptic cues suggests that multimodalhaptic virtual environments are superior in generating motor contingencies, enhancing the plausibility of events. Applications that include haptics provide users with more time at the cognitive stages to fill in missing information creatively and form a richer experience. A major application of haptic devices is the design of new simulators to train manual skills for the medical sector. In collaboration with physical therapists from Griffith University in Australia, we developed a simulator to allow hand rehabilitation manipulations. First, the non-linear stiffness properties of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger were estimated by using the designed end-effector; these parameters are implemented in a scenario that simulates the behavior of the human hand and that allows haptic interaction through the designed haptic device. The potential application of this work is related to educational and medical training purposes. In this thesis, new methods to simultaneously control the position and orientation of a robotic manipulator and the grasp of a robotic hand when interacting with large real environments are studied. The reachable workspace is extended by automatically switching between rate and position control modes. Moreover, the human hand gesture is recognized by reading the relative movements of the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user during the early stages of the approximation-to-the-object phase and then mapped to the robotic hand actuators. These methods are validated to perform dexterous manipulation of objects with a robotic manipulator, and different robotic hands. This work is the result of a research collaboration with researchers from the Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory. The developed experiments show that the overall task time is reduced and that the developed methods allow for full dexterity and correct completion of dexterous manipulations.
The N+2 ion yield of the N2 molecule has been measured at the N 1s → Rydberg excitations. It displays Fano-type line shapes due to interference between direct outer-valence photoionization and participator decay of the core-excited Rydberg states. The N+2 ion yield is compared with the total intensity of the outer-valence photoelectron lines obtained recently with electron spectroscopy (Kivimäki et al 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 012516). The increasing difference between the two curves at the higher core-to-Rydberg excitations is most likely due to soft x-ray emission processes that are followed by autoionization. The results also suggest that resonant Auger decay from the core–valence doubly excited states contributes to the N+2 ion yield at the photon energies that are located on both sides of the N 1s ionization limit.
The 3.0-Å structure of a 190-residue fragment of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1, CD54) reveals two tandem Ig-superfamily (IgSF) domains. Each of two independent molecules dimerizes identically with a symmetry-related molecule over a hydrophobic interface on the BED sheet of domain 1, in agreement with dimerization of ICAM-1 on the cell surface. The residues that bind to the integrin LFA-1 are well oriented for bivalent binding in the dimer, with the critical Glu-34 residues pointing away from each other on the periphery. Residues that bind to rhinovirus are in the flexible BC and FG loops at the tip of domain 1, and these and the upper half of domain 1 are well exposed in the dimer for docking to virus. By contrast, a residue important for binding to Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes is in the dimer interface. The presence of A′ strands in both domains 1 and 2, conserved hydrogen bonds at domain junctions, and elaborate hydrogen bond networks around the key integrin binding residues in domain 1 make these domains suited to resist tensile forces during adhesive interactions. A subdivision of the intermediate (I) set of IgSF domains is proposed in which domain 1 of ICAM-1 and previously described I set domains belong to the I1 set and domain 2 of ICAM-1, ICAM-2, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 belong to the I2 set.
Recent studies suggested that modification of the membrane contact site of vitamin K-dependent proteins may enhance the membrane affinity and function of members of this protein family. The properties of a factor VII mutant, factor VII-Q10E32, relative to wild-type factor VII (VII, containing P10K32), have been compared. Membrane affinity of VII-Q10E32 was about 20-fold higher than that of wild-type factor VII. The rate of autoactivation VII-Q10E32 with soluble tissue factor was 100-fold faster than wild-type VII and its rate of activation by factor Xa was 30 times greater than that of wild-type factor VII. When combined with soluble tissue factor and phospholipid, activated factor VII-Q10E32 displayed increased activation of factor X. Its coagulant activity was enhanced in all types of plasma and with all sources of tissue factor tested. This difference in activity (maximum 50-fold) was greatest when coagulation conditions were minimal, such as limiting levels of tissue factor and/or phospholipid. Because of its enhanced activity, factor VII-Q10E32 and its derivatives may provide important reagents for research and may be more effective in treatment of bleeding and/or clotting disorders.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate derivative (DHEAS) are the most abundant steroids produced by the human adrenal, but no receptors have been identified for these steroids, and no function for them has been established, other than as precursors for sex steroid synthesis. DHEA and DHEAS are found in brains from many species, and we have shown that enzymes crucial for their synthesis, especially P450c17 (17α-hydroxylase/c17,20 lyase), are expressed in a developmentally regulated, region-specific fashion in the developing rodent brain. One region of embryonic expression of P450c17, the neocortical subplate, has been postulated to play a role in guiding cortical projections to their appropriate targets. We therefore determined if products of P450c17 activity, DHEA and DHEAS, regulated the motility and/or growth of neocortical neurons. In primary cultures of mouse embryonic neocortical neurons, DHEA increased the length of neurites containing the axonal marker Tau-1, and the incidence of varicosities and basket-like process formations in a dose-dependent fashion. These effects could be seen at concentrations normally found in the brain. By contrast, DHEAS had no effect on Tau-1 axonal neurites but increased the length of neurites containing the dendritic marker microtubule-associated protein-2. DHEA rapidly increased free intracellular calcium via activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. These studies provide evidence of mechanisms by which DHEA and DHEAS exert biological actions, show that they have specific functions other than as sex steroid precursors, mediate their effects via non-classic steroid hormone receptors, and suggest that their developmentally regulated synthesis in vivo may play crucial and different roles in organizing the neocortex.
The proton–sucrose symporter mediates the key transport step in the resource distribution system that allows many plants to function as multicellular organisms. In the results reported here, we identify sucrose as a signaling molecule in a previously undescribed signal-transduction pathway that regulates the symporter. Sucrose symporter activity declined in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from leaves fed exogenous sucrose via the xylem transpiration stream. Symporter activity dropped to 35–50% of water controls when the leaves were fed 100 mM sucrose and to 20–25% of controls with 250 mM sucrose. In contrast, alanine symporter and glucose transporter activities did not change in response to sucrose treatments. Decreased sucrose symporter activity was detectable after 8 h and reached a maximum by 24 h. Kinetic analysis of transport activity showed a decrease in Vmax. RNA gel blot analysis revealed a decrease in symporter message levels, suggesting a drop in transcriptional activity or a decrease in mRNA stability. Control experiments showed that these responses were not the result of changing osmotic conditions. Equal molar concentrations of hexoses did not elicit the response, and mannoheptulose, a hexokinase inhibitor, did not block the sucrose effect. These data are consistent with a sucrose-specific response pathway that is not mediated by hexokinase as the sugar sensor. Sucrose-dependent changes in the sucrose symporter were reversible, suggesting this sucrose-sensing pathway can modulate transport activity as a function of changing sucrose concentrations in the leaf. These results demonstrate the existence of a signaling pathway that can control assimilate partitioning at the level of phloem translocation.
Leukocyte interactions with vascular endothelium during inflammation occur through discrete steps involving selectin-mediated leukocyte rolling and subsequent firm adhesion mediated by members of the integrin and Ig families of adhesion molecules. To identify functional synergy between selectin and Ig family members, mice deficient in both L-selectin and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) were generated. Leukocyte rolling velocities in cremaster muscle venules were increased significantly in ICAM-1-deficient mice during both trauma- and tumor necrosis factor α-induced inflammation, but rolling leukocyte flux was not reduced. Elimination of ICAM-1 expression in L-selectin-deficient mice resulted in a sharp reduction in the flux of rolling leukocytes during tumor necrosis factor α-induced inflammation. The observed differences in leukocyte rolling behavior demonstrated that ICAM-1 expression was required for optimal P- and L-selectin-mediated rolling. Increased leukocyte rolling velocities presumably translated into decreased tissue emigration because circulating neutrophil, monocyte, and lymphocyte numbers were increased markedly in L-selectin/ICAM-1-deficient mice. Furthermore, neutrophil emigration during acute peritonitis was reduced by 80% in the double-deficient mice compared with either L-selectin or ICAM-1-deficient mice. Thus, members of the selectin and Ig families function synergistically to mediate optimal leukocyte rolling in vivo, which is essential for the generation of effective inflammatory responses.
Most genetic regulatory mechanisms involve protein–DNA interactions. In these processes, the classical Watson–Crick DNA structure sometimes is distorted severely, which in turn enables the precise recognition of the specific sites by the protein. Despite its key importance, very little is known about such deformation processes. To address this general question, we have studied a model system, namely, RecA binding to double-stranded DNA. Results from micromanipulation experiments indicate that RecA binds strongly to stretched DNA; based on this observation, we propose that spontaneous thermal stretching fluctuations may play a role in the binding of RecA to DNA. This has fundamental implications for the protein–DNA binding mechanism, which must therefore rely in part on a combination of flexibility and thermal fluctuations of the DNA structure. We also show that this mechanism is sequence sensitive. Theoretical simulations support this interpretation of our experimental results, and it is argued that this is of broad relevance to DNA–protein interactions.
Stimulation of antitumor immune mechanisms is the primary goal of cancer immunotherapy, and accumulating evidence suggests that effective alteration of the host–tumor relationship involves immunomodulating cytokines and also the presence of costimulatory molecules. To examine the antitumor effect of direct in vivo gene transfer of murine interleukin 12 (IL-12) and B7-1 into tumors, we developed an adenovirus (Ad) vector, AdIL12–B7-1, that encodes the two IL-12 subunits in early region 1 (E1) and the B7-1 gene in E3 under control of the murine cytomegalovirus promoter. This vector expressed high levels of IL-12 and B7-1 in infected murine and human cell lines and in primary murine tumor cells. In mice bearing tumors derived from a transgenic mouse mammary adenocarcinoma, a single intratumoral injection with a low dose (2.5 × 107 pfu/mouse) of AdIL12–B7-1 mediated complete regression in 70% of treated animals. By contrast, administration of a similar dose of recombinant virus encoding IL-12 or B7-1 alone resulted in only a delay in tumor growth. Interestingly, coinjection of two different viruses expressing either IL-12 or B7-1 induced complete tumor regression in only 30% of animals treated at this dose. Significantly, cured animals remained tumor free after rechallenge with fresh tumor cells, suggesting that protective immunity had been induced by treatment with AdIL12–B7-1. These results support the use of Ad vectors as a highly efficient delivery system for synergistically acting molecules and show that the combination of IL-12 and B7-1 within a single Ad vector might be a promising approach for in vivo cancer therapy.