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Quantitative data on twaite shad are collected annually in spring and autumn since 1974 by the Demersal Young Fish Survey. Results for occurrence of these anadromous species show that twaite shad has been caught in the entire Wadden Sea area despite of the poorly suited 3-m shrimp beam trawl applied in the survey. Regional differences occur: Only sporadic catches are observed in the northern part of the German Wadden Sea, while more frequent ones occurred southwards and in the East Frisian Islands region. The obvious recent increase of abundance of Alosa fallax in spring allows for a lower ranking in the Red List of Endangered Species, while Allis shad (Alosa alosa) requires the same classification, as it was the never caught during the thirty years of surveys.
Estimation of the water content of herring landings caused by pressure-vacuum double tank pumps and using of multi purpose transport containers About 80 % of herring that is landed in the fish processing company Euro-Baltic Fischverarbeitungs GmbH Mukran, on the Isle of Rügen at the Baltic coast is transported from the cutter into the processing plant by pumping. For this purpose 700 l-Euro-size polyethylene tubs (containers) are filled with herring by means of a pressure-vacuum pump-systems during the unloading of the cutter. To be able to pump the fish from the hold on board it is kept floating in water (transport water). At the end of the pumping/transporting process the fish ends in a dewatering box before reaching the tub, where the transport water is separated from the fish. Then, the not completely dewatered fish is slipped into the transport containers. The amount of transport water reaching the containers depends on the type of PV-equipment and on the amount of transport water in the fish holds of the different cutters. Methodologically the mixture of fish and water must be weighed together. For the experiments specially designed transport container were used which allow the measurement of the run-off of the water to be quantified and thus to measure the proportion of water remaining with the fish. Based on 30 experiments it could be shown that on average 6 % of remaining weight of the mixture is water. Furthermore, factors were detected which influence the variability of the proportion of water.
The international conventions for the protection of the marine environment of the North-east Atlantic Ocean including the North Sea (OSPAR) and the Baltic Sea (HELCOM) as well as the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) have modified their structures in the recent years towards a strategy directed approach. Committees and working groups have partly changed only their names but in many cases also the scope of their subjects. In the last two years activities have been initiated to coordinate the tasks of the marine conventions and the European Union and to merge them as much as meaningful and practicable, under a common EU Marine Strategy. This article will reflect how the organisational structures have changed since the last restructuring in the first half of the nineties, and how the contaminant and bioeffect monitoring activities of the Federal Research Centre for Fisheries are implemented in these international conventions.
From 1993 to 2003 special surveys were conducted to analyse temporal and spatial aspects of the spawning activities of cod in the Baltic Sea. The ICES advice for cod in the Baltic Sea is based on yearly stock assessments of two separate stocks the western (SD 22 – 24) and the eastern stock (SD 25 – 32). Both stocks are characterized by different spawning seasons. The general progression of the maturity suggests that two types of development can be distinguished. In the western Baltic Sea (SD 22) the maturity development is temporal stable, with a relative short, main spawning period from March to April - spring spawner. In the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin the main spawning season starts in June and probably finishes in September - summer spawner. The proportion of spawners in summer is significantly higher than in spring in the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin. This again underlines the importance of the Arkona Sea for the reproduction success of the eastern Baltic cod stock. The analysis furthermore show, that the proportion of male spawners was significantly higher than the proportion of female spawners in all areas and the investigated months. This observation suggests that the reproductive success is only limited by the number of female cod which participates in the spawning process.
Surveys were conducted to analyse temporal and spatial aspects of the spawning activities of cod in the Baltic Sea from 1993 to 2003. Part I of the article describes the general maturity development and the spawning activities in the western Baltic Sea, the Arkona Sea and the Bornholm Sea. The studies suggest that two types of spawner can be distinguished, the spring spawner in the western Baltic Sea and the summer spawner in the Arkona Sea and the Bornholm Basin. The descriptive analysis is supported by statistical studies presented in this article. It is shown, that the proportion of spawning individuals is significantly higher in summer than in spring in the ArkonaSea and the Bornholm Sea. Furthermore, it is shown that reproductive mixing of both types of spawner is possible in the Arkona Sea in May/June due to the hydrographical conditions in the Arkona Sea which were suitable in 8 of 10 years for successful reproduction of both Baltic cod stocks, and that spatial expansion of spawning activities of the eastern Baltic cod stock into the Arkona Sea is positive correlated with the size of spawning stock in the Bornholm Sea.
Cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, plaice, sole and Norway lobster are 7 main target species of the demersal mixed fisheries in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Eastern Channel. Gadoids and Norway lobsters are mainly taken in the nor-thern North Sea by towed gears except beam trawls while the flatfish fisheries are conducted in the southern North Sea mainly using beam trawls. Recently, the central North Sea appears less fished by demersal gears. Towed nets including seines and beam trawls equipped with meshes of more than 100 mm resp. more than 80 mm were identified as the main gears effecting the depleted cod and reduced plaice stocks. The saithe sector, using towed nets with meshes of more than110 mm, longlines, gill nets and others, appears to affect the 7 species to a lesser extend. These results support the interim effort limitations by gear types, vessel and month as enforced by the European Commission since 2003. TAC regulations alone are considered inefficient to sustainably harvest stocks by mixed fisheries. A fleet-effort management method is developed estimating the fleets’ effects based on the sum of partial exploitation rates of the species in mixed fisheries weighted by the ratio of the precautionary reference Bpa and the actual SSB size as ecological quality objective. Applying such fleet effort management could result in increased catch possibilities of some stocks by fleets selecting mainly few and non-overexploited stocks while respecting precautionary management constraints in minimum SSB or maximum exploitation rates at the same time.
A primary objective of the Common Fishery Policy of the European Union is the reduction of discards and unwanted by-catches in the fishery. In principle this could be achieved if the catching methods were optimised for this. Still high numbers of undersized flatfish are caught in the bottom trawls. Although EU regulations make the use of the BACOMA codend mandatory in the Baltic Sea cod areable to escape through square mesh escape window of the BACOMA net the whereas flatfish still remain in the cod-end. Gear experiments have been carried out with the aim to better separate cod from the flatfish fraction already when entering the rear belly, making use of the natural behaviour of the fish, i. e. the preferred swimming distance from the bottom of the net in the funnel. As cod have a natural tendency to keep a relativly great distance from the bottom, flatfish tend to stay close to it. It was attempted to separate both fractions by splitting the funnel into an upper and lower part with a horizontal panel. This wastested for two different nets, a cod trawl to separate cod from flatfish, and an eel-trawl to separate cod and flatfish from eel. Cod and flatfish separation is best at a panel distance of 50 cm from the bottom. Thus, 74 % of the cod were found in the upper panel, whereas 75 % of the flounder were in the lower section. A separation of eel from cod was however not possible, since eel tend to rise to the upper part of the net, together with cod.
Der Stratified Random Survey, der vom 22. 10. bis 3.11. 2004 in der Arkonasee, Kieler und Mecklenburger Bucht durchgef
The discrimination of stocks and separate reproductive units within fish species to facilitate fisheries management based on biological data has always been a challenge to fisheries biologists. We describe the use of three different molecular genetic techniques to detect genetic differences between stocks and closely related species. Direct sequencing of the mitochondrial ND3 gene describes the relationship between different aquaculture strains and natural populations of rainbow trout and revealed genetic homogeneity within the hatchery strains. Microsatellite analyses were used to explore the differences between redfish species from the genus Sebastes and to verify populations structure within S. mentella and S. marinus. This lead to an un equivocal discrimination of the species and an indication of populations structure within those species in the North Atlantic. The Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisum (AFLP) methodology revealed genetic differences between Baltic and North Sea dap (Limanda limanda)and a possible population structure within the North Sea.
Due to their carcinogenic properties, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are important environmental contaminants which may lead to increased levels of neoplastic aberrations in fish liver. To measure the PAH contamination of fish, concentrations of PAH metabolites were determined in the bile. The main metabolite 1-hydroxypyrene was determined in concentrations from < 0.8 to 189 ng/ml in bile of dab caught in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea re-spectively. The concentrations are comparable to levels of 1-hydroxypyrene measured in cod and herring from the Baltic Sea. The highest concentrations in dab bile were measured in fish from the inner German Bight and the Kiel Bight.
Fish research institutes in Europe have made considerable effort in developing rapid, objective sensory methods for evaluation of fish freshness. The Quality Index Method(QIM) has been recommended for a European initiative regarding standardisation and harmonisation of sensory evaluation of fish. QIM-schemes have been developed for various common European fish species. Research has now provided the industry with a convenient, objective and powerful tool for measuring freshness of fish kept in ice Further research is needed to evaluate the applicability of QIM for fish handled, stored and processed under different conditions. However, for progress and development of QIM it is now very important that the fish sector implements QIM in fish auctions and the quality management system of the fish processing plants.
NE-arctic cod, saithe, haddock, redfish and Greenland halibut are important fish stocks of the European fisheries. In many European countries national data sampling projects on commercial fisheries have been established in recent years. Since 1990 German investigations in the NE-Atlantic have been mainly carried out on the commercial trawler FMS KIEL. The results of these sea samplings are used as German basic data for stock assessments of the “Arctic Fisheries Working Group” of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES). Biological investigations were carried out in Norwegian waters, the Svalbard area and the Barents Sea (ICES Divisions I, IIa and IIb) on board FMS KIEL in March and October/November 2002. This report presents results of these cruises and an overview over the general fishery situation in 2002. Finally, results and recommendations on the scientific stock assessments of cod, saithe, haddock, redfishand Greenland halibut are reported.
German landings of brown shrimp consisted of 12 081 tonnes of consumption shrimp, 1078 tonnes of undersized shrimp and of 650 tonnes of industrial shrimp. The seasonality showed the typical pattern with very low landings in winter, a first peak of monthly landings in spring and a more pronounced second peak in autumn due to the incoming new year class of young brown shrimp, lasting until December. The comparison of monthly and summed monthly landings for the last fifteen years (1988 to 2002) showed a very high degree of variability not likely to beuseful for an acceptable and reliable prediction scheme. However, the landings of the first half of a year show apositive correlation towards the landings of the preceding six months (p = 0,01). The remaining scatter of 72 percent allows only for imprecise predictions.
Since some time fishing gear scientists express their concern over an observed tendency of the commercial fishery to proceed from codend netting yarns of 3 to 4 mm to higher values or to switch to the use of double instead of single yarn. A recent large EU-financed project collected statistical evidence on the detrimental effect of such behaviour on the selectivity of the codends. In this context data on cod are very scarce. German-Polish experiments in the Baltic from 1999 to 2001 aimed at filling this gap. The investigations prove a clear evidence of a negativ ecorrelation between netting yarn diameter and selectivity factor and/or L50. In addition they demonstrate a clear negative effect on selectivity when switching from single to double yarn The effects are of an order of magnitude that counteracting effects as catch size are masked and support the decision of the IBSFC to define maximum yarn diameters both for single and double yarn netting. A measuring instrument for the enforcement of these new regulations was introduced right in time.
Die WEFTA (West European Fish Technologists Association – gegründet 1970) ist ein Zusammenschluß von Europäischen Instituten, die auf dem Gebiet Fischerei, Fischqualität und –verarbeitung arbeiten und forschen. Ziele der WEFTA sind der Informationsaustausch zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Fischindustrie auf Jahrestreffen und Arbeitsgruppen sowie die Ausweitungund Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Interessengruppen und Instituten in Projekten. Weitere Informationen können der Homepage der WEFTA (www.wefta.nl) zu entnommen werden.