692 resultados para Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth
Hibbertia commutata (Steudel), H. amplexicaulis (Steudel), Chameascilla corymbosa [(R.Br.) F.Muell. Ex Benth.] and Leucopogon nutans (E. Pritzel) are four Australian species that are difficult to germinate during mine-site rehabilitation. Laboratory germination trails were conducted to identify dormancy mechanisms and to improve germination response. Treatments applied to all species included scarification and scarification followed by soaking seeds in smoke water (1, 5 or 10%) or gibberellic-acid solution (50, 200 or 1000 muM). Additional treatments with kinetin solution (50, 200 or 1000 muM) and smoke water (50 or 100%) were applied to scarified or unscarified seeds of C. corymbosa. Thermal-shock treatment was applied to L. nutans fruit, some of which were subsequently scarified and subjected to both smoke water (10%) and gibberellic-acid solution (1000 muM). Significant germination increases were obtained by using dormancy-breaking treatments on H. commutata ( from 12.8 to 76.0%), H. amplexicaulis (from 6.8 to 55.1%) and C. corymbosa (from 48.5 to 86.4%). Scarification alone increased germination of both Hibbertia species, suggesting that these species display a physical seed coat-imposed dormancy mechanism. Germination of H. amplexicaulis was further increased by the application of gibberellic-acid solution, indicating a possible embryo-imposed dormancy mechanism. Scarification followed by the application of smoke water produced the highest germination response for C. corymbosa seeds. Scarification alone did not significantly increase germination, inferring the existence of a smoke-responsive embryo dormancy mechanism. Seeds of L. nutans, although viable, failed to germinate and are thought to display complex seed coat- and embryo-imposed dormancy mechanisms.
Shoot biomass and lignotuber size of seedlings of three eucalypt species, Eucalyptus acmenoides Schauer, E. siderophloia Benth. and Corymbia variegata [syn. E. maculata (F. Muell.)K. D. Hill and L. A. S. Johnson], were measured for glasshouse-grown seedlings established under two water and nutrient regimes. Seedlings were subjected to shoot removal (clipping) at ages from 9 to 19 weeks, and transferred to the high water treatment for a further 8 weeks to assess shoot emergence from lignotubers. Seedling shoot biomass was greater in both the high than the low nutrient and water treatments, but lignotuber diameter was not affected significantly. C. variegata seedlings had the largest lignotuber diameters, followed by E. siderophloia and E. acmenoides, respectively. Although growth of shoots was influenced by nutrient availability, results suggest that species differences in the growth of lignotubers was less affected. It is suggested that lignotuber growth was strongly influenced by genotype. More than 70% of C. variegata seedlings clipped at 9 weeks sprouted, compared with only 5 and 10% of seedlings of E. siderophloia and E. acmenoides, respectively. All C. variegata seedlings sprouted after being clipped at 19 weeks, but < 80% of E. siderophloia and < 60% of E. acmenoides sprouted when clipped at the same age. It was concluded that seedlings forming part of the regeneration stratum in dry sclerophyll forests need to be protected from damage for at least 4 months (for C. variegata) or at least 6 months (for E. siderophloia and E. acmenoides) if they are to survive by sprouting from lignotubers.
This study surveys the occurrence of nodulation in woody legume species in Panamá and Costa Rica, describes nodule and root characteristics, and researches host-bacteria specificity, nodulation potential of soils, and the effects of light, added nitrogen, and rhizobia and VA mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on seedling growth. I examined 83 species in 37 genera and found 80% to be nodulated. Percent nodulated species in the Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, and Papilionoideae was 17, 95, and 86, respectively, with no correlation between nodule morphology and tribal classification. Nodules formed mainly at root branch points which supports epidermal breaks as an important rhizobia infection route. More non-nodulated than nodulated species had root hairs. Several species emitted volatile sulfur-containing compounds, including the toxic compound ethylmercaptan, from roots, germinating seeds, and other tissues. These emissions may have an allelopathic action against pathogens, predators, or other plants. In contrast to the general non-specificity of most legumes for rhizobia, Mimosa pigra L. was highly specific and only nodulated in flooded soils. This species' specificity, combined with a limited occurrence of its root nodule bacteria may limit its natural distribution, but its spread as an invasive weed is facilitated when fill material from rivers is deposited in other areas. ^ An experimental light level of 1.5% of full sun completely inhibited seedling nodulation, as do similar naturally low levels in forest understory. In the forest, trees and seedlings were not nodulated. in some soils with suspected high N content. For six experimental species, added N progressively increased seedling growth while decreasing nodule biomass; at the highest level of added N nodulation was completely suppressed. Species and individuals showed variation in nodule biomass at high N applications which may indicate an opportunity for genetic selection for optimal N acquisition. Rhizobia inoculation had a small positive effect on seedling shoot growth, but VA mycorrhiza inoculation overwhelmingly increased seedling size, biomass, and leaf mineral concentration. In lowland tropical forest, VA mycorrhizal colonization appears indispensable for legume nodulation because of the fungus' ability to supply P in deficient soils. This requirement makes the legume-rhizobia-mycorrhiza association obligately tripartite. ^
In this work it were developed synthetic and theoretical studies for clerodane-type diterpenes obtained from Croton cajucara Benth which represents one of the most important medicinal plant of the Brazil amazon region. Specifically, the majoritary biocompound 19-nor-clerodane trans-dehydrocrotonin (t-DCTN) isolated from the bark of this Croton, was used as target molecule. Semi-synthetic derivatives were obtained from t-DCTN by using the followed synthetic procedures: 1) catalytic reduction with H2, 2) reduction using NaBH4 and 3) reduction using NaBH4/CeCl3. The semi-synthetic 19-nor-furan-clerodane alcohol-type derivatives were denominated such as t-CTN, tCTN-OL, t-CTN-OL, t-DCTN-OL, t-DCTN-OL, being all of them characterized by NMR. The furan-clerodane alcohol derivatives t-CTN-OL and tCTN-OL were obtained form the semi-synthetic t-CTN, which can be isolated from the bark of C. cajucara. A theoretical protocol (DFT/B3LYP) involving the prevision of geometric and magnetic properties such as bond length and angles, as well as chemical shifts and coupling constants, were developed for the target t-DCTN in which was correlated NMR theoretical data with structural data, with satisfactory correlation with NMR experimental data (coefficients ranging from 0.97 and 0.99) and X-ray diffraction data. This theoretical methodology was also validated for all semi-synthetic derivatives described in this work. In addition, topological data from the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) showed the presence of H-H and (C)O--H(C) intramolecular stabilized interactions types for t-DCTN e t-CTN, contributing to the understanding of the different reactivity of this clerodanes in the presence of NaBH4.
Introduction: Licania rigida Benth and Turnera ulmifolia Linn. var. elegans are species of semi-arid regional plants used in the treatment of various diseases. Objectives: The purpose of this study was chemically characterize the extracts and fractions and investigate the antimicrobial and antioxidant potential. Methods: For chemical analysis, were performed spectrophotometric quantification of the total phenolic and characterization of the extracts by chromatographic analysis. Evaluation of antioxidant activity was done by determining the radical scavenging capacity DPPH •. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated by agar diffusion, broth microdilutionand time-kill assays. Results: The extracts and fractions L. rigid and T. ulmifolia showed a high phenolic content, the presence of flavonoids, which were determined as chemical markers. It was observed that the extracts of both species performed as sequestering agents in the trial of antioxidant activity in vitro. The L. rigida extract was the only active front strains of S. aureus 33591 (methicillin-resistant), S. aureus 29213, S. epidermidis 12228, and also against the yeast, Candida albicans, Candida dubliniensis, Candida tropicalis, Candida parapsilosis, Candida rugosa, Candida krusei eTrichosporon asahii. Conclusions: Based on these results it is possibly affirm the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of L. rigida and attributed the presence of polyphenolic flavonoid like responsible.
The oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the late Quaternary California margin experienced abrupt and dramatic changes in strength and depth in response to changes in intermediate water ventilation, ocean productivity, and climate at orbital through millennial time scales. Expansion and contraction of the OMZ is exhibited at high temporal resolution (107-126 year) by quantitative benthic foraminiferal assemblage changes in two piston cores forming a vertical profile in Santa Barbara Basin (569 m, basin floor; 481 m, near sill depth) to 34 and 24 ka, respectively. Variation in the OMZ is quantified by new benthic foraminiferal groupings and new dissolved oxygen index based on documented relations between species and water-mass oxygen concentrations. Foraminiferal-based paleoenvironmental assessments are integrated with principal component analysis, bioturbation, grain size, CaCO3, total organic carbon, and d13C to reconstruct basin oxygenation history. Fauna responded similarly between the two sites, although with somewhat different magnitude and taxonomic expression. During cool episodes (Younger Dryas and stadials), the water column was well oxygenated, most strongly near the end of the glacial episode (17-16 ka; Heinrich 1). In contrast, the OMZ was strong during warm episodes (Bølling/Allerød, interstadials, and Pre-Boreal). During the Bølling/Allerød, the OMZ shoaled to <360 m of contemporaneous sea level, its greatest vertical expansion of the last glacial cycle. Assemblages were then dominated by Bolivina tumida, reflecting high concentrations of dissolved methane in bottom waters. Short decadal intervals were so severely oxygen-depleted that no benthic foraminifera were present. The middle to late Holocene (6-0 ka) was less dysoxic than the early Holocene.
The Holocene sediment record of Lake Tiefer See exhibits striking alternations between well-varved and non-varved intervals. Here we present a high resolution multi-proxy record for the past ~6000 years and discuss possible causes for the observed sediment variability. This approach comprises of microfacies, geochemical and microfossil analyses as well as of a multiple dating concept including varve counting, tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating. Four periods of predominantly well-varved sediment were identified at 6000-3950 cal. a BP, 3100-2850 cal. a BP, 2100-750 cal. a BP and AD 1924-present. Except of sub-recent varve formation, these periods are considered to reflect reduced lake circulation and consequently, stronger anoxic bottom water conditions. In contrast, intercalated intervals of poor varve preservation or even extensively mixed non-varved sediments indicate strengthened lake circulation. Sub-recent varve formation since AD 1924 is, in addition to natural forcing, influenced by enhanced lake productivity due to modern anthropogenic eutrophication. The general increase in periods of intensified lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See since ~4000 cal. a BP presumably is caused by gradual changes in Northern Hemisphere orbital forcing, leading to cooler and windier conditions in Central Europe. Superimposed decadal to centennial scale variability of the lake circulation regime likely is the result of additional human-induced changes of the catchment vegetation. The coincidence of major non-varved periods at Lake Tiefer See and intervals of bioturbated sediments in the Baltic Sea implies a broader regional significance of our findings.
Detailed analysis of over 200 samples of uppermost Cretaceous and Paleocene sediments from Atlantic Ocean DSDP Sites 384, 86, 95, 152, 144, 20C, 21, 356, 357, and 329 provides new information on the temperature stratification of Paleocene planktonic foraminifera, the temperature and carbon isotopic changes across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, and the fluctuating temperature and carbon isotopic records through the Paleocene ~64.5-54 m.y.). There was a significant temperature rise across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary both at the surface and in deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This temperature rise occurred before the basal Tertiary 'Globigerina' eugubina Zone, so that in the oldest Paleocene sample yet analyzed from the deep sea (Site 356) temperatures are already three degrees higher at the bottom and at the surface than in the Cretaceous. The temperature rise across the boundaryis more pronounced on the bottom and in samples from higher latitudes. Accompanying the temperature rise across the boundary there is a significant shift in the carbon isotope profile. In the basal Paleocene the foraminifera of the surface zone demonstrate very negative carbon isotope values (unlike in the Cretaceous of today's ocean), while deeper dwelling species have more positive values which then decrease to the bottom. The unusual carbon isotope gradients persist through the first three million years of the Paleocene until towards the top of planktonic foraminiferal Zone P.1 (G. trinidadensis Zone) the foraminifera record a profile more positive at the surface and decreasing towards the bottom (as in today's ocean). During the Paleocene there are two noteworthy rises in surface water temperature; the first around 62-61 m.y. (G. trinidadensis Zone), and the second near the base of the Globorotalia angulata Zone, 60-59 m.y. At this time surface temperatures at low to mid latitudes reached values near 25°C, while at mid-latitude Site 384 temperature highs near 22°C were registered. At a sample spacing of around one per million years, we have only produced some of the detail of these temperature fluctuations. The later Paleocene is generally cooler and there do not seem to be any large variations either through time or latitude. Middle-latitude sites average temperatures near 15°C at the surface, while high lower latitude site temperatures range near 18°C. The most salient feature of the bottom temperature record (based on multispecific samples) through the Paleocene is its lack of fluctuations. There is an overall temperature range of 5°C at these intermediate depth sites (paleodepth estimates between 1500 and 3000 m). Higher values near 13°C accompany the surface temperature peaks around 62 and 60 m.y., while low values near 8°C occur in Zone P.2 (61-60 m.y.). We detected no change in bottom temperature across the paleocene/Eocene boundary in the few samples studied so far. While there are several fluctuations in the carbon isotope values through the early Paleocene, the general trend is one of increasingly positive values at the surface and at depth. This trend culminates in the late Paleocene (upper Zone P.4, about 56-57 m.y.) with a major excursion in the carbon isotope values. At low latitudes the range between the surface and the deepest planktonic foraminifera is a delta13C of 4 per mil as compared with a range of 2 per mil today. The carbon values drop off slightly, but remain strongly positive through the remainder of the Paleocene at most sites. Accompanying the carbon isotope excursion at Site 384 is a productivity increase and a proposed rise in the CCD.
In tropical eastern Africa, vegetation distribution is largely controlled by regional hydrology, which has varied over the past 20 000 years. Therefore, accurate reconstructions of past vegetation and hydrological changes are crucial for a better understanding of climate variability in the tropical southeastern African region. We present high-resolution pollen records from a marine sediment core recovered offshore of the Rufiji River delta. Our data document significant shifts in pollen assemblages during the last deglaciation, identifying, through changes in both upland and lowland vegetation, specific responses of plant communities to atmospheric (precipitation) and coastal (coastal dynamics and sea-level changes) alterations. Specifically, arid conditions reflected by a maximum pollen representation of dry and open vegetation occurred during the Northern Hemisphere cold Heinrich event 1 (H1), suggesting that the expansion of drier upland vegetation was synchronous with cold Northern Hemisphere conditions. This arid period is followed by an interval in which forest and humid woodlands expanded, indicating a hydrologic shift towards more humid conditions. Droughts during H1 and the shift to humid conditions around 14.8 kyr BP in the uplands are consistent with latitudinal shifts of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) driven by high-latitude Northern Hemisphere climatic fluctuations. Additionally, our results show that the lowland vegetation, consisting of well-developed salt marshes and mangroves in a successional pattern typical for vegetation occurring in intertidal habitats, has responded mainly to local coastal dynamics related to marine inundation frequencies and soil salinity in the Rufiji Delta as well as to the local moisture availability. Lowland vegetation shows a substantial expansion of mangrove trees after ~ 14.8 kyr BP, suggesting an increased moisture availability and river runoff in the coastal area. The results of this study highlight the decoupled climatic and environmental processes to which the vegetation in the uplands and the Rufiji Delta has responded during the last deglaciation.
Sporomorphs and dinoflagellate cysts from site GIK16867 in the northern Angola Basin record the vegetation history of the West African forest during the last 700 ka in relation to changes in salinity and productivity of the eastern Gulf of Guinea. During most cool and cold periods, the Afromontane forest, rather than the open grass-rich dry forest, expanded to lower altitudes partly replacing the lowland rain forest of the borderlands east of the Gulf of Guinea. Except in Stage 3, when oceanic productivity was high during a period of decreased atmospheric circulation, high oceanic productivity is correlated to strong winds. The response of marine productivity in the course of a climatic cycle, however, is earlier than that of wind vigour and makes wind-stress-induced oceanic upwelling in the area less likely. Monsoon variation is well illustrated by the pollen record of increased lowland rain forest that is paired to the dinoflagellate cyst record of decreased salinity forced by increased precipitation and run-off.
Palynological investigation of the marine core, GeoB1008-3, from near the mouth of the Congo river (6°35.6'S/10°19.1'E), provides information about the changes in vegetation and climate in West Equatorial Africa during the last 190 ka. The pollen diagram is divided into zones 1-6 which are considered to correspond in time with the marine isotope stages 1-6. Oscillations in temperature and moisture are indicated during the cold stage 6. During stage 5, two cooler periods (5d and 5b) can be shown with an expansion of Podocarpus forests to lower elevations on the expense of lowland rain forest. Extended mangrove swamps existed along the coast in times of high sea level (stages 5 and 1).
Palynological data of the marine core M 16415-2 show latitudinal shifts of the northern fringe of the tropical rain forest in north-west Africa during the last 700 ka. Savanna and dry open forest expanded southwards and tropical rain forest expanded northwards during dry and humid periods, respectively. Until 220 ka B.P., the tropical rain forest probably kept its zonal character in West Africa during glacials and interglacials. It is only during the last two glacial periods that the rain forest possibly fragmented into refugia. Throughout the Brunhes chron, pollen and spore transport was mainly by trade winds.
Biological control of weeds in Vanuatu began in 1935, with the introduction of the tingid Teleonemia scrupulosa to control Lantana camara. To date, nine biological control agents have been intentionally introduced to control eight weed species. Seven of these agents have established on their respective hosts while an eighth, Zygogramma bicolorata, an agent for Parthenium hysterophorus has only recently been released and establishment is unlikely. The fate of a ninth agent, Heteropsylla spinulosa, released for the control of Mimosa diplotricha is unclear. Six other biological control agents, including Epiblema strenuana which was first detected in 2014 on P. hysterophorus on Efate have spread into the country unintentionally. Control of the target weeds range from inadequate to very good. By far the most successful agent has been Calligrapha pantherina which was introduced to control Sida acuta and Sida rhombifolia. The beetle was released on 14 islands and managed to spread to at least another 10 islands where it has effectively controlled both Sida spp. Control of the two water weeds, Eichhornia crassipes by Neochetina bruchi and N. eichhorniae and Pistia stratiotes by Neohydronomus affinis, has also been fairly good in most areas. Two agents, T. scrupulosa and Uroplata girardi, were released on L. camara, and four other agents have been found on the weed, but L. camara is still not under adequate control. The rust Puccinia spegazzinii was first released on Mikania micrantha in 2012 and successfully established. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it is having an impact on M. micrantha, but detailed monitoring is required to determine its overall impact. Future prospects for weed biological control in Vanuatu are positive, with the expected greater spread of recently released agents and the introduction of new agents for P. hysterophorus, L. camara, Dolichandra unguis-cati and Spathodea campanulata.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2015.
In general, among the corrosion inhibitors surfactants are the most commonly used compounds, because they are significantly effective by forming protective films on anodic and cathodic areas. In this study, microemulsions containing he biodegradable saponified coconut oil as surfactant (SME-OCS) was used as green corrosion inhibitors. With this purpose, methanolic extracts of Ixora coccinea Linn (IC) and a polar fraction rich in alkaloids (FA) obtained from Croton cajucara Benth solubilized in the SME-OCS system were examined in the presence of AISI 1020 carbon steel, in saline solution (NaCl 3,5 %). The efficiency of corrosion inhibition of IC and FA were evaluated in the following microemulsions: SME-OCS-IC and SME-OCS-FA. The microemulsion system SME-OCS in the presence and absence of IC and FA was assessed by measurements of weight loss and the electrochemical method of polarization resistance, with variation in the concentration of IC and FA (50 - 400 ppm), showing significant results of corrosion inhibition (83,6 % SME-OCS; 92,2 % SME-OCS-FA; and 95,3 % SME-OCS-IC)