913 resultados para Military dictatorship in Argentina


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A basic understanding of the ballistic behaviour of projectiles or fragments after entering the human body is essential for the head and neck surgeon in the military environment in order to anticipate the diagnostic and therapeutic consequences of this type of injury. Although a large number of factors influence the missile in flight and after penetration of the body, the most important factor is the amount of energy transmitted to the tissue. Long guns (rifles or shotguns) have a much higher muzzle energy compared to handguns, explaining why the remote effects beyond the bullet track play a major role. While most full metal jacket bullets release their energy after 12-20 cm (depending on the calibre), soft point bullets release their energy immediately after entry into the human body. This results in a major difference in extremity wounds, but not so much in injuries with long bullet paths (e.g. diagonal shots). Shrapnel wounds are usually produced with similarly high kinetic energy to those caused by hand- and long guns. However, fragments tend to dissipate the entire amount of energy within the body, which increases the degree of tissue disruption. Of all relevant injuries in the head and neck region, soft tissue injuries make up the largest proportion (60%), while injuries to the face are seen three times more often than injuries to the neck. Concomitant intracranial or spinal injury is seen in 30% of cases. Due to high levels of wound contamination, the infection rate is approximately 15%, often associated with a complicated and/or multiresistant spectrum of germs.


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In the present era of transnational capitalism, some scholars contend that capital accumulation is achieved primarily through dispossession. This paper seeks to analyze the effects of this dispossession upon small agricultural producers in the developing world. By employing the example of soy producers in Argentina, it should become abundantly clear that the issues confronting these farmers are not simply domestic questions but rather indicative of larger structural issues embedded in the global capitalist system.


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Under President Ronald Reagan, the White House pursued a complex foreign policy towards the Contras, rebels in trying to overthrow the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua, in Nicaragua. In 1979, the leftist Sandinista government seized power in Nicaragua. The loss of the previous pro-United States Somoza military dictatorship deeply troubled the conservatives, for whom eradication of communism internationally was a top foreign policy goal. Consequently, the Reagan Administration sought to redress the policy of his predecessor, Jimmy Carter, and assume a hard line stance against leftist regimes in Central America. Reagan and the conservatives within his administration, therefore, supported the Contra through military arms, humanitarian aid, and financial contributions. This intervention in Nicaragua, however, failed to garner popular support from American citizens and Democrats. Consequently, between 1982 and 1984 Congress prohibited further funding to the Contras in a series of legislation called the Boland Amendments. These Amendments barred any military aid from reaching the Contras, including through intelligence agencies. Shortly after their passage, Central Intelligence Agency Director William Casey and influential members of Reagan¿s National Security Council (NSC) including National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, NSC Aide Oliver North, and Deputy National Security Advisor John Poindexter cooperated to identify and exploit loopholes in the legislation. By recognizing the NSC as a non-intelligence body, these masterminds orchestrated a scheme in which third parties, including foreign countries and private donors, contributed both financially and through arms donations to sustain the Contras independently of Congressional oversight. This thesis explores the mechanism and process of soliciting donations from private individuals, recognizing the forces and actors that created a situation for covert action to continue without detection. Oliver North, the main actor of the state, worked within his role as an NSC bureaucrat to network with influential politicians and private individuals to execute the orders of his superiors and shape foreign policy. Although Reagan articulated his desire for the Contras to remain a military presence in Nicaragua, he delegated the details of policy to his subordinates, which allowed this scheme to flourish. Second, this thesis explores the individual donors, analyzing their role as private citizens in sustaining and encouraging the policy of the Reagan Administration. The Contra movement found non-state support from followers of the New Right, demonstrated through financial and organizational assistance, that allowed the Reagan Administration¿s statistically unpopular policy in Nicaragua to continue. I interpret these donors as politically involved, but politically philanthropic, individuals, donating to their charity of choice to further the principles of American freedom internationally in a Cold War environment. The thesis then proceeds to assess the balance of power between the executive and other political actors in shaping policy, concluding that the executive cannot act alone in the formulation and implementation of foreign policy.


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OBJECTIVES Smoking is related to income and education and contributes to social inequality in morbidity and mortality. Socialisation theories focus on one's family of origin as regards acquisition of norms, attitudes and behaviours. Aim of this study is to assess associations of daily smoking with health orientation and academic track in young Swiss men. Further, to assess associations of health orientation and academic track with family healthy lifestyle, parents' cultural capital, and parents' economic capital. METHODS Cross-sectional data were collected during recruitment for compulsory military service in Switzerland during 2010 and 2011. A structural equation model was fitted to a sample of 18- to 25-year-old Swiss men (N = 10,546). RESULTS Smoking in young adults was negatively associated with academic track and health orientation. Smoking was negatively associated with parents' cultural capital through academic track. Smoking was negatively associated with health orientation which in turn was positively associated with a healthy lifestyle in the family of origin. CONCLUSIONS Results suggest two different mechanisms of intergenerational transmissions: first, the family transmission path of health-related dispositions, and secondly, the structural transmission path of educational inequality.


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The oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation (δ18Oprec) is well known to be a valuable (paleo-)climate proxy. Paleosols and sediments and hemicelluloses therein have the potential to serve as archives recording the isotopic composition of paleoprecipitation. In a companion paper (Zech et al., 2014) we investigated δ18Ohemicellulose values of plants grown under different climatic conditions in a climate chamber experiment. Here we present results of compound-specific δ18O analyses of arabinose, fucose and xylose extracted from modern topsoils (n = 56) along a large humid-arid climate transect in Argentina in order to answer the question whether hemicellulose biomarkers in soils reflect δ18Oprec. The results from the field replications indicate that the homogeneity of topsoils with regard to δ18Ohemicellulose is very high for most of the 20 sampling sites. Standard deviations for the field replications are 1.5‰, 2.2‰ and 1.7‰, for arabinose, fucose and xylose, respectively. Furthermore, all three hemicellulose biomarkers reveal systematic and similar trends along the climate gradient. However, the δ18Ohemicellulose values (mean of the three sugars) do not correlate positively with δ18Oprec (r = −0.54, p < 0.014, n = 20). By using a Péclet-modified Craig-Gordon (PMCG) model it can be shown that the δ18Ohemicellulose values correlate highly significantly with modeled δ18Oleaf water values (r = 0.81, p < 0.001, n = 20). This finding suggests that hemicellulose biomarkers in (paleo-)soils do not simply reflect δ18Oprec but rather δ18Oprec altered by evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water due to evapotranspiration. According to the modeling results, evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water is relatively low (∼10‰) in the humid northern part of the Argentinian transect and much higher (up to 19‰) in the arid middle and southern part of the transect. Model sensitivity tests corroborate that changes in relative air humidity exert a dominant control on evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water and thus δ18Ohemicellulose, whereas the effect of temperature changes is of minor importance. While oxygen exchange and degradation effects seem to be negligible, further factors needing consideration when interpreting δ18Ohemicellulose values obtained from (paleo-)soils are evaporative 18O enrichment of soil water, seasonality effects, wind effects and in case of abundant stem/root-derived organic matter input a partial loss of the evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water. Overall, our results prove that compound-specific δ18O analyses of hemicellulose biomarkers in soils and sediments are a promising tool for paleoclimate research. However, disentangling the two major factors influencing δ18Ohemicellulose, namely δ18Oprec and relative air humidity controlled evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water, is challenging based on δ18O analyses alone.


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Major objectives within Healthy People 2010 include improving hypertension and mental health management of the American population. Both mental health issues and hypertension exist in the military which may decrease the health status of military personnel and diminish the ability to complete assigned missions. Some cases may be incompatible with military service even with optimum treatment. In the interest of maintaining a fit fighting force, the Department of Defense regularly conducts a survey of health related behaviors among active duty military personnel. The 2005 DoD Survey was conducted to obtain information regarding health and behavioral readiness among active duty military personnel to assess progress toward selected Healthy People 2010 objectives. ^ This study is a cross-sectional prevalence design looking at the association of hypertension treatment with mental health issues (either treatment or perceived need for treatment) within the military population sampled in the 2005 DoD Survey. There were 16,946 military personnel in the final cross-sectional sample representing 1.3 million active duty service members. The question is whether there is a significant association between the self-reported occurrence of hypertension and the self-reported occurrence of mental health issues in the 2005 DoD Survey. In addition to these variables, this survey examined the contribution of various sociodemographic, occupational, and behavioral covariates. An analysis of the demographic composition of the study variables was followed by logistic analysis, comparing outcome variables with each of the independent variables. Following univariate regression analysis, multivariate regression was performed with adjustment (for those variables with an unadjusted alpha level less than or equal to 0.25). ^ All the mental health related indicators were associated with hypertension treatment. The same relationship was maintained after multivariate adjustment. The covariates remaining as significant (p < 0.05) in the final model included gender, age, race/ethnicity and obesity. There is a need to recognize and treat co-morbid medical diagnoses among mental health patients and to improve quality of life outcomes, whether in the military population or the general population. Optimum health of the individual can be facilitated through discovery of treatable cases, to minimize disruptions of military missions, and even allow for continued military service. ^


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Para entender la relación entre religión y política en Argentina, necesario reconocer las tendencias de justificación sagrada en los imaginarios religiosos. En este sentido, la legitimidad religiosa es construida sobre la crítica de la política neoliberal y sus consecuencias en la vida social (pobreza, exclusión, marginalidad). La presencia católica, las manifestaciones protestantes, y la crítica de otros grupos religiosos (por ejemplo, la crítica del rabino Alejandro Bloch) tienen en común una profunda objeción al neoliberalismo.


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A partir del golpe de estado de 1976 se impone en la Argentina, sobre las ruinas del proceso de industrialización, una nueva forma de acumulación del capital que subsiste hasta hoy: el modelo "aperturista", "neoliberal" o "rentístico-financiero". Contra la idea de la desaparición del poder del Estado a favor del poder económico, éste artículo analiza el importante papel de este Aparato en la emergencia y consolidación del nuevo patrón y en la reproducción del capital monopolista, así como las transformaciones que las políticas estatales, fundamentalmente económicas, producen en la estructura social, tanto en los sectores dominantes como en los dominados.


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En Argentina, el liberalismo y el conservadorismo, constituyen el trasfondo ideológico del sistema político de la generación de 1880. A partir de 1880 se consolidan las instituciones políticas y se definen los rasgos centrales de la sociedad argentina, la que sufrirá profundas transformaciones al influjo del crecimiento económico, demográfico y de las políticas de educación pública. La empresa política es protagonizada por los hombres del "80", quienes constituyen la primera "generación argentina" que concreta ese nuevo espíritu que surge en el "53": coexistencia de amplias libertades civiles y económicas junto a una estructura con rasgos centralizadores, con claro predominio del órgano ejecutivo como reaseguro contra las tendencias anárquicas.


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Con el presente trabajo se intenta realizar un análisis de la crisis Argentina y las políticas sociales en la provincia de Mendoza desde una perspectiva crítica. Asumimos el rol de sujetos preocupados por el acelerado proceso de exclusión y desafiliación social que se ha dado desde los 80 hasta la actualidad en la Argentina. El devenir de los procesos históricos estudiados puede inscribirse en distintos discursos, generando debates y conflictos entre las diferentes interpretaciones en el campo de las ciencias sociales y la teoría política. En este sentido analizamos los valores compartidos y sustentados por el neoliberalismo como parte de la cultura política y los efectos en la mayoría de la población de la Argentina en interrelación con la condición de ser ciudadano.


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En este artículo intentamos esbozar brevemente la influencia de la "globalización" sobre la ciudadanía de las mujeres en la Argentina, con especial énfasis en cuanto a los derechos reproductivos se refiere. Vale decir, cómo se han conjugado contexto internacional y nacional - tanto desde el punto de vista económico, político, social, etc., como desde el punto de vista del movimiento de mujeres- en relación con el debate sobre derechos sexuales y reproductivos en nuestro país en los últimos años.


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La producción de aceite de oliva genera distintos subproductos entre los cuales el efluente o alpechín representa un serio problema mediambiental. En los países productores el alpechín es un residuo muy contaminante debido a su elevada composición orgánica, sus efectos inhibitorios y la tendencia de sus componentes a sufrir oxidación biológica. Estas características y la estacionalidad de su producción dificultan su eliminación. La industria del aceite de oliva está actualmente en expansión en Argentina. En Mendoza, dicha actividad tiene una gran tradición y un impacto ambiental considerable. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los caracteres físico- químicos de los efluentes de fábricas de aceite oliva en Mendoza (Argentina) para conocer la realidad de la industria local y rever las especificaciones legales para efluentes. Los efluentes de dos fábricas fueron evaluados en tres puntos de muestreo: agua de entrada al proceso, salida de la fábrica y pileta de deposición final de los efluentes. Se analizó el contenido de iones, pH, conductividad eléctrica, DBO y DQO. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que las características del efluente dependen del método de extracción utilizado y la eventual dilución con agua de lavado. La calidad del agua subterránea utilizada en el proceso no es un factor determinante para lograr un efluente fácilmente tratable. El problema medioambiental que se plantea es la producción de un efluente con alto contenido orgánico, salino y bajo pH, caracteres que impiden su vuelco en cursos de agua superficial o red de cloacas, por no cumplir con los requisitos indicados en la normativa vigente. Por lo tanto, las fábricas elaboradoras de aceite de oliva serán las encargadas de que dichos efluentes reciban un adecuado proceso de depuración que permita su eliminación o reutilización.


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Leveillula taurica (Lév.) Salm. es un hongo patógeno que se encuentra actualmente en expansión en nuestro país y en particular en la provincia de Mendoza. Physalis viscosa (camambú) es una especie muy difundida en Argentina. La misma es principalmente una maleza que crece espontáneamente en numerosos cultivos de interés económico y en sus alrededores. El hallazgo de L. taurica sobre una especie tan difundida fue el motivo de su estudio. Los síntomas característicos observados fueron parches cuneiformes amarillos en la cara adaxial de las hojas y en correspondencia con los mismos, en la abaxial se presentó un afelpado blanquecino formado por las fructificaciones asexuales del patógeno. El estudio etiológico realizado mediante la histopatología de los órganos afectados y la morfometría del patógeno confirmó la presencia del hongo parásito obligado Leveillula taurica (Lév.) Salm., en su forma anamórfica Oidiopsis taurica Sal. [= Oidiopsis sicula (Scal)]. La enfermedad en el camambú se ha difundido en forma importante en la provincia de Mendoza desde su primer hallazgo en el departamento de Tupungato en 1996. Se encuentra presente desde diciembre hasta mayo. Este prolongado período puede representar una importante fuente de inóculo para cultivos susceptibles al patógeno. La presente constituye la primera cita, no sólo a nivel nacional sino también mundial, de L. taurica sobre Physalis viscosa.


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La caléndula (Calendula officinalis) es una planta herbácea utilizada por sus hermosas flores amarillas o naranjas en borduras, jardinería y como flor de corte. Está ampliamente difundida en el mundo, no sólo por la belleza de sus flores o por su uso en la cosmética sino por ser resistente, de fácil cultivo y poco exigente en condiciones ambientales. En Mendoza es muy empleada como ornamental y todos los años es afectada por una enfermedad denominada oídio. En Argentina se mencionan como agentes etiológicos del oídio diversas especies del género Erysiphe y Oidium erysiphoides, pero no se había descripto la forma teleomórfica sino hasta 1991 en Corrientes y Córdoba, cuando fue citada como Sphaerotheca fusca. En 2004, en Mendoza, se produjo un intenso ataque de oídio sobre esta especie floral y al estudiar la pulverulencia típica de la enfermedad se observaron cuerpos negros, lo que motivó el estudio etiológico de la enfermedad en dicha provincia. Se muestrearon ejemplares de caléndula afectados procedentes de distintos orígenes. En laboratorio se realizaron observaciones y estudios morfométricos que permitieron reconocer Podosphaera fusca (=Sphaerotheca fusca) como agente responsable del oídio de la caléndula en Mendoza.


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Nos proponemos indagar en este artículo la concepción de lo político en la obra Los nuevos caminos (1904) del escritor anarquista argentino Alberto Ghiraldo. Analizamos en ella las consecuencias teóricas de la valoración anarquista de lo político como encubrimiento simbólico de de las relaciones materiales de dominio.