870 resultados para Metal-ceramic joint. Mechanical metallization. Brazing. Zirconia and stainless steel
Stimulating neural electrodes are required to deliver charge to an environment that presents itself as hostile. The electrodes need to maintain their electrical characteristics (charge and impedance) in vivo for a proper functioning of neural prostheses. Here we design implantable multi-walled carbon nanotubes coating for stainless steel substrate electrodes, targeted at wide frequency stimulation of deep brain structures. In well-controlled, low-frequency stimulation acute experiments, we show that multi-walled carbon nanotube electrodes maintain their charge storage capacity (CSC) and impedance in vivo. The difference in average CSCs (n = 4) between the in vivo (1.111 mC cm(-2)) and in vitro (1.008 mC cm(-2)) model was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05 or P-value = 0.715, two tailed). We also report on the transcription levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 beta and TLR2 receptor as an immediate response to low-frequency stimulation using RT-PCR. We show here that the IL-1 beta is part of the inflammatory response to low-frequency stimulation, but TLR2 is not significantly increased in stimulated tissue when compared to controls. The early stages of neuroinflammation due to mechanical and electrical trauma induced by implants can be better understood by detection of pro-inflammatory molecules rather than by histological studies. Tracking of such quantitative response profits from better analysis methods over several temporal and spatial scales. Our results concerning the evaluation of such inflammatory molecules revealed that transcripts for the cytokine IL-1 beta are upregulated in response to low-frequency stimulation, whereas no modulation was observed for TLR2. This result indicates that the early response of the brain to mechanical trauma and low-frequency stimulation activates the IL-1 beta signaling cascade but not that of TLR2.
Endothelins (ETs) are involved in inflammatory events, including pain, fever, edema, and cell migration. ET-1 levels are increased in plasma and synovial membrane of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, but the evidence that ETs participate in RA physiopathology is limited. The present study investigated the involvement of ETs in neutrophil accumulation and edema formation in the murine model of zymosan-induced arthritis. Intra-articular (i.a.) administration of selective ETA or ETB receptor antagonists (BQ-123 and BQ-788, respectively; 15 pmol/cavity) prior to i.a. zymosan injection (500 mu g/cavity) markedly reduced knee-joint edema formation and neutrophil influx to the synovial cavity 6 h and 24 h after stimulation. Histological analysis showed that ETA or ETB receptor blockade suppressed zymosan-induced neutrophil accumulation in articular tissue at 6 h. Likewise, dual blockade of ETA/ETB with bosentan (10 mg/kg, i.v.) also reduced edema formation and neutrophil counts 6 h after zymosan stimulation. Pretreatment with BQ-123 or BQ-788 (i.a.; 15 pmol/cavity) also decreased zymosan-induced TNF-alpha production within 6 h, keratinocyte-derived chemokine/CXCL1 production within 24 h, and leukotriene B-4 at both time-points. Consistent with the demonstration that ET receptor antagonists inhibit zymosan-induced inflammation, i.a. injection of ET-1 (1-30 pmol/cavity) or sarafotoxin S6c (0.1-30 pmol/cavity) also triggered edema formation and neutrophil accumulation within 6 h. Moreover, knee-joint synovial tissue expressed ETA and ETB receptors. These findings suggest that endogenous ETs contribute to knee-joint inflammation, acting through ETA and ETB receptors and modulating edema formation, neutrophil recruitment, and production of inflammatory mediators.
This study assessed the effect of the agonist 15d-PGJ(2) administered into the rat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on nociceptive behavioral and the anti-inflammatory potential of this prostaglandin on TMJ. It was observed that 15-deoxy-(Delta 12,14)-prostaglandin J(2) (15d-PGJ(2)) significantly reduced formalin-induced nociceptive behavior in a dose dependent manner, however injection of 15d-PGJ(2) into the contralateral TMJ failed to reduce such effects. This antinociceptive effect is dependent on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors-gamma (PPAR-gamma) since pre-treatment with GW9662 (PPAR-gamma receptor antagonist) blocked the antinociceptive effect of 15d-PGJ(2) in the TMJ. In addition, the antinociceptive effect of 15d-PGJ(2) was also blocked by naloxone suggesting the involvement of peripheral opioids in the process. Confirming this hypothesis pre-treatment with kappa, delta, but not mu receptor antagonists significantly reduced the antinociceptive effect of 15d-PGJ(2) in the TMJ. Similarly to opioid agonists, the 15d-PGJ(2) antinociceptive action depends on the nitric oxide (NO)/guanilate cyclase (cGMP)/ATP-sensitive potassium channel blocker(K(ATP)(+)) channel pathway since it was prevented by the pre-treatment with the inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS; aminoguanidine), cGMP (ODQ), or the K(ATP)(+) (glibenclamide). In addition, 15d-PGJ(2) (100 ng/TMJ) inhibits 5-HT-induced TMJ hypernociception. Besides, TMJ treated with 15d-PGJ(2) showed lower vascular permeability, assessed by Evan`s Blue extravasation, and also lower neutrophil migration induced by carrageenan administration. Taken together, these results demonstrate that 15d-PGJ(2) has a potential peripheral antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect in the TMJ via PPAR-gamma activation. The results also suggest that 15d-PGJ(2) induced-peripheral antinociceptive response in the TMJ is mediated by kappa/delta opioid receptors by the activation of the intracellular L-arginine/NO/cGMP/K(ATP)(+) channel pathway. The pharmacological properties of the peripheral administration of 15d-PGJ(2) highlight the potential use of this PPAR-gamma agonist on TMJ inflammatory pain conditions. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study investigated the role of kinins, prostaglandins (PGs) and nitric oxide (NO) in mechanical hypernociception, Spontaneous nociception and paw oedema after intraplantar (ipl) injection of Tityus serrulatus venom (Tsv) in male Wistar rats. Tsv was ipl-injected in doses of 0.01-10 mu g/paw. Pre-treatment (30 min prior) with DALBK (100 nmol/paw) and icatibant (10 nmol/paw), B1 and B2 selective kinin receptor antagonists, L-NAME (50 mg/kg, i.p., a non-selective nitric oxide synthase inhibitor) or celecoxib, selective COX-2 inhibitor, was given 1 h prior per os (5 mg/kg, p.o.), significantly reduced the hypernociceptive response (Von Frey method), the spontaneous nociception (determined by counting the number of flinches) and paw oedema (plethysmometer method) induced by Tsv at doses of 1.0 and 10 mu g/paw for both nociceptive and oedematogenic responses, respectively. Nevertheless, indomethacin (5 mg/kg, i.p.. 30 min prior) was ineffective in altering all of these events. The results of the present study show that Tsv, injected ipl into the rat paw, causes a dose-dependent paw oedema, mechanical hypernociception and flinches (a characteristic biphasic response) in which kinins and NO are substantially involved. Although celecoxib was effective against the oedema and pain caused by Tsv, COX-2 does not seem to be involved in the inflammatory response caused by Tsv. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (the Reef Plan) is a joint initiative of the Australian and Queensland Governments. The Reef Plan aims to progress an integrated approach to natural resource management planning by building on the existing partnerships between the different levels of government, industry groups, the community and research providers within the Reef catchments, principally through partnerships with the regional natural resource management (NRM) bodies.
The orientation relationships between hexagonal Mo2C precipitates (H) in ferrite (B) have been determined by electron diffraction to an accuracy of +/-2degrees. With one exception, the 19 results are consistent with the previously reported Pitsch and Schrader (P/S) orientation relationship. However, these more accurate determinations show clearly that there is a systematic deviation of up to 5.5degrees from the exact P/S relationship and that this deviation consists of a small rotation about the parallel close packed directions-[100](B)//[2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H). The long direction of the Mo2C needles has been determined unequivocally in terms of the orientation relationship to be [100](B)//[2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H). Moire fringes between precipitate and matrix have been used to improve the accuracy of the orientation relationship results and to determine the lattice parameters of the carbide precipitates investigated. The Moire fringe analysis has shown small systematic departures from the exact parallelism between [100](B) and [2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H) along the length of Mo2C needles and a lowering of the carbide lattice parameter that is consistent with the replacement of Mo by Fe in the carbide. The orientation relationship results, including the observed systematic deviation from the exact P/S relationship, are shown to be consistent with the edge-to-edge model. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Orebody modelling, support effects and the estimation of recoverable reserves are key parts of open pit optimization studies. A case study is presented on the estimation of recoverable reserves using an implementation of indicator kriging where metal quantity is used to select cutoffs, and support corrections founded on a conditional simulation approach. Mining selectivity is explored in the subsequent optimization study to compare results from indicator kriging of grade estimates on a regular size blocks and indicator kriging estimates on small size blocks. The use of indicator kriging models adjusted for a given selectivity and the use of grade proportions in each block for the optimization study, provide a presentation of the expected ore recovery for a predefined level of selectivity. The case study shows that indicator kriging estimation with full accounting of block grade distributions generates substantially better results in the pit optimization study. In addition, the adverse effects of small blocks and over-smoothing on optimization results are illustrated.
The grazing trial at Kidston Gold Mine, North Queensland, was aimed specifically to assess the uptake of metals from the tailing and the potential for unacceptable contamination of saleable meat. Further aims included estimating metal dose rates and identifying potential exposure pathways including plant uptake of heavy metals, mine tailings adhered to plants and direct ingestion of mine tailing. It was found that of the 11 metals analysed (As, Zn, Co, Cd, Cr, Sn, Pb, Sb, Hg, Se and Ni) in the animal's liver, muscle and blood during the 8-month trial period, only accumulation of arsenic and zinc occurred. A risk assessment including these two metals was conducted to determine the potential for chronic metal toxicity and long-term contamination, using the estimates of metal dose rate. It was concluded that no toxicity or long-term contamination in cattle was likely at this site. Management procedures were therefore not required at this site; however, the results highlight percent ground cover and standing dry matter (DM) as important factors in decreasing metal exposure from direct ingestion of tailings and dust adhered to plants. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Organic binders are used in premixes for powder metallurgy applications to prevent dusting and segregation. This is a particular problem for aluminium powder metallurgy because the dust is a potential safety hazard. The binder must also burn out completely at low temperatures in an inert environment and not react with the metal powders. It is demonstrated that cellulose acetate, polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl alcohol are effective dedusting agents but they react with the metal powders during sintering and decrease the sintered density. Paraffin wan is an effect dedusting agent that provided die wall lubricity, does not interfere with sintering and increases tensile strength and ductility.
This is the first report of surface-active phospholipid as the boundary lubricant in total hip arthroplasty. Aspirate and rinsings from the bearing surfaces of 25 revision operations and one primary surgery were analyzed from 3 weeks to 26 years postoperatively. All samples contained substantial amounts of surface-active phospholipids ranging from 14 to 4186 μg. These findings indicate that synoviocytes continue producing the lubricant in significant quantities after arthroplasty surgery independent of the type of joint replacement and its fixation. Surface-active phospholipid was found on all bearing surfaces analyzed including polyethylene, stainless steel, chrome cobalt, alumina, zirconia, and titanium.
A supersweet sweet corn hybrid, Pacific H5, was planted at weekly intervals (P-1 to P-5) in spring in South-Eastern Queensland. All plantings were harvested at the same time resulting in immature seed for the last planting (P-5). The seed was handled by three methods: manual harvest and processing (M-1), manual harvest and mechanical processing (M-2) and mechanical harvest and processing (M-3), and later graded into three sizes (small, medium and large). After eight months storage at 12-14degreesC, seed was maintained at 30degreesC with bimonthly monitoring of germination for fourteen months and seed damage at the end of this period. Seed quality was greatest for M-1 and was reduced by mechanical processing but not by mechanical harvesting. Large and medium seed had higher germination due to greater storage reserves but also more seed damage during mechanical processing. Immature seed from premature harvest (P-5) had poor quality especially when processed mechanically and reinforced the need for harvested seed to be physiologically mature.
We discuss the operation of a new type of optical sensor (MISCam) based on a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure. The operation principle relies on light-induced changes of the band bending and barrier height at the interface between semiconductor and insulator. An image is obtained from the quenching of the ac signal in analogy to the principle of the laser-scanned photodiode (LSP). Lateral resolution depends on the semiconductor material chosen. We have characterised the MIS structures by C-V, I-V, and spectral response measurements testing different types of insulators like a-Si3N4, SiO2, and AlN. The presence of slow interface charges allows for image memory. Colour sensors can be realised by controlling sign and magnitude of the electric fields in the base and the interface region.
In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns at the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. In the same way, distributed generation has gained increasing importance in the operation and planning of power systems. Grid operators and utilities are taking new initiatives, recognizing the value of demand response and of distributed generation for grid reliability and for the enhancement of organized spot market´s efficiency. Grid operators and utilities become able to act in both energy and reserve components of electricity markets. This paper proposes a methodology for a joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation to provide energy and reserve by a virtual power player that operates a distribution network. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32 bus distribution network with 32 medium voltage consumers.
This study examined the joint effects of home environment and center-based child care quality on children’s language, communication, and early literacy development, while also considering prior developmental level. Participants were 95 children (46 boys), assessed as toddlers (mean age = 26.33 months;Time 1) and preschoolers (mean age = 68.71 months; Time 2) and their families. At both times, children attended center-based child care classrooms in the metropolitan area of Porto, Portugal. Results from hierarchical linear models indicated that home environment and preschool quality, but not center-based toddler child care quality, were associated with children’s language and literacy outcomes at Time 2. Moreover, the quality of preschool classrooms moderated the association between home environment quality and children’s language and early literacy skills – but not communication skills – at Time 2, suggesting the positive cumulative effects of home environment and preschool quality. Findings further support the existence of a detrimental effect of low preschool quality on children’s language and early literacy outcomes: positive associations among home environment quality and children’s developmental outcomes were found to reduce substantially when children attended low-quality preschool classrooms.