867 resultados para Membrane protrusion
This paper presents a method to design membrane elements of concrete with orthogonal mesh of reinforcement which are subject to compressive stress. Design methods, in general, define how to quantify the reinforcement necessary to support the tension stress and verify if the compression in concrete is within the strength limit. In case the compression in membrane is excessive, it is possible to use reinforcements subject to compression. However, there is not much information in the literature about how to design reinforcement for these cases. For that, this paper presents a procedure which uses the model based on Baumann's [1] criteria. The strength limits used herein are those recommended by CEB [3], however, a model is proposed in which this limit varies according to the tensile strain which occur perpendicular to compression. This resistance model is based on concepts proposed by Vecchio e Collins [2].
Structural properties of model membranes, such as lipid vesicles, may be investigated through the addition of fluorescent probes. After incorporation, the fluorescent molecules are excited with linearly polarized light and the fluorescence emission is depolarized due to translational as well as rotational diffusion during the lifetime of the excited state. The monitoring of emitted light is undertaken through the technique of time-resolved fluorescence: the intensity of the emitted light informs on fluorescence decay times, and the decay of the components of the emitted light yield rotational correlation times which inform on the fluidity of the medium. The fluorescent molecule DPH, of uniaxial symmetry, is rather hydrophobic and has collinear transition and emission moments. It has been used frequently as a probe for the monitoring of the fluidity of the lipid bilayer along the phase transition of the chains. The interpretation of experimental data requires models for localization of fluorescent molecules as well as for possible restrictions on their movement. In this study, we develop calculations for two models for uniaxial diffusion of fluorescent molecules, such as DPH, suggested in several articles in the literature. A zeroth order test model consists of a free randomly rotating dipole in a homogeneous solution, and serves as the basis for the study of the diffusion of models in anisotropic media. In the second model, we consider random rotations of emitting dipoles distributed within cones with their axes perpendicular to the vesicle spherical geometry. In the third model, the dipole rotates in the plane of the of bilayer spherical geometry, within a movement that might occur between the monolayers forming the bilayer. For each of the models analysed, two methods are used by us in order to analyse the rotational diffusion: (I) solution of the corresponding rotational diffusion equation for a single molecule, taking into account the boundary conditions imposed by the models, for the probability of the fluorescent molecule to be found with a given configuration at time t. Considering the distribution of molecules in the geometry proposed, we obtain the analytical expression for the fluorescence anisotropy, except for the cone geometry, for which the solution is obtained numerically; (II) numerical simulations of a restricted rotational random walk in the two geometries corresponding to the two models. The latter method may be very useful in the cases of low-symmetry geometries or of composed geometries.
Undoubtedly the most important result of the investigations in physiology and biophysics was the discovery of the electrochemical mechanism of propagation of the action potential in nerves that was made by Hodgkin and Huxley during the first half of the past century. Since some decades ago diverse experiments about the electro optical properties of the axon membrane there was published using the most diverse optical experimental ‘procedures POT 6-10’. In this paper some results of a dynamical speckle technique applied for obtaining microscopic images of a section of a squid giant axon membrane during the activation by electrical impulses and his digital process are presented.
In this work we propose the use of experimental and theoretical reflectance anisotropy spectra (RAS) as a new tool to identify structural and dynamical aspects of the bilipid membrane and its various constituent molecules. The role of geometric details at the atomic level and macroscopic quantities, such as the membrane curvature and tilt for the different gel phases, in the theoretical RAS spectra (using Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT)) are presented. Then the results are compared to the experimentally measured spectra taken from other techniques.
In this work we propose the use of experimental and theoretical reflectance anisotropy spectra (RAS) as a new tool to identify structural and dynamical aspects of the bilipid membrane and its various constituent molecules. The role of geometric details at the atomic level and macroscopic quantities, such as the membrane curvature and tilt for the different gel phases, in the theoretical RAS spectra (using Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT)) are presented. Then the results are compared to the experimentally measured spectra taken from other techniques.
S100A12 (Calgranulin C) is a small acidic calcium-binding peripheral membrane protein with two EF-hand structural motifs. It is expressed in macrophages and lymphocytes and highly up-regulated in several human inflammatory diseases. In pigs, S100A12 is abundant in the cytosol of granulocytes, where it is believed to be involved in signal modulation of inflammatory process. In this study, we investigated the interaction of the porcine S100A12 with phospholipid bilayers and the effect that ions (Ca2+, Zn2+ or both together) have in modifying protein-lipid interactions. More specifically, we intended to address issues such as: (1) is the protein-membrane interaction modulated by the presence of ions? (2) is the protein overall structure affected by the presence of the ions and membrane models simultaneously? (3) what are the specific conformational changes taking place when ions and membranes are both present? (4) does the protein have any kind of molecular preferences for a specific lipid component? To provide insight into membrane interactions and answer those questions, synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and surface plasmon resonance were used. The use of these combined techniques demonstrated that this protein was capable of interacting both with lipids and with ions in solution, and enabled examination of changes that occur at different levels of structure organization. The presence of both Ca2+ and Zn2+ ions modify the binding, conformation and thermal stability of the protein in the presence of lipids. Hence, these studies examining molecular interactions of porcine S100A12 in solution complement the previously determined crystal structure information on this family of proteins, enhancing our understanding of its dynamics of interaction with membranes.
Membrane proteins are a large and important class of proteins. They are responsible for several of the key functions in a living cell, e.g. transport of nutrients and ions, cell-cell signaling, and cell-cell adhesion. Despite their importance it has not been possible to study their structure and organization in much detail because of the difficulty to obtain 3D structures. In this thesis theoretical studies of membrane protein sequences and structures have been carried out by analyzing existing experimental data. The data comes from several sources including sequence databases, genome sequencing projects, and 3D structures. Prediction of the membrane spanning regions by hydrophobicity analysis is a key technique used in several of the studies. A novel method for this is also presented and compared to other methods. The primary questions addressed in the thesis are: What properties are common to all membrane proteins? What is the overall architecture of a membrane protein? What properties govern the integration into the membrane? How many membrane proteins are there and how are they distributed in different organisms? Several of the findings have now been backed up by experiments. An analysis of the large family of G-protein coupled receptors pinpoints differences in length and amino acid composition of loops between proteins with and without a signal peptide and also differences between extra- and intracellular loops. Known 3D structures of membrane proteins have been studied in terms of hydrophobicity, distribution of secondary structure and amino acid types, position specific residue variability, and differences between loops and membrane spanning regions. An analysis of several fully and partially sequenced genomes from eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and archaea has been carried out. Several differences in the membrane protein content between organisms were found, the most important being the total number of membrane proteins and the distribution of membrane proteins with a given number of transmembrane segments. Of the properties that were found to be similar in all organisms, the most obvious is the bias in the distribution of positive charges between the extra- and intracellular loops. Finally, an analysis of homologues to membrane proteins with known topology uncovered two related, multi-spanning proteins with opposite predicted orientations. The predicted topologies were verified experimentally, providing a first example of "divergent topology evolution".
Nanofiltration (NF) is a pressure-driven membrane process, intermediate between reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. Commercially available polymeric membranes have been used in a wide range of applications, such as drinking, process industry and waste water treatment. For all the applications requiring high stability and harsh washing procedures inorganic membranes are preferred due to their high chemical inertia. Typically, γ – Al2O3 as well as TiO2 and ZrO2 selective layers are used; the latter show higher chemical stability in a wide range of pH and temperatures. In this work the experimental characterization of two different type of membrane has been performed in order to investigate permeation properties, separation performance and efficiency with aqueous solutions containing strong inorganic electrolytes. The influence of salt concentration and feed pH as well as the role of concentration polarization and electrolyte type on the membrane behavior are investigated. Experimentation was performed testing a multi–layer structured NF membrane in α-Al2O3, TiO2 and ZrO2, and a polymeric membrane, in polyamide supported on polysulfone, with binary aqueous solutions containing NaCl, Na2SO4 or CaCl2; the effect of salt composition and pH in the feed side was studied both on flux and salt rejection. All the NF experimental data available for the two membranes were used to evaluate the volumetric membrane charge (X) corresponding to each operative conditions investigated, through the Donnan Steric Pore Model and Dielectric Exclusion (DSPM&DE). The results obtained allow to understand which are the main phenomena at the basis of the different behaviors observed.
The work of this thesis has been focused on the characterisation of inorganic membranes for the hydrogen purification from steam reforming gas. Composite membranes based on porous inorganic supports coated with palladium silver alloys and ceramic membranes have been analysed. A brief resume of theoretical laws governing transport of gases through dense and porous inorganic membranes and an overview on different methods to prepare inorganic membranes has been also reported. A description of the experimental apparatus used for the characterisation of gas permeability properties has been reported. The device used permits to evaluate transport properties in a wide range of temperatures (till 500°C) and pressures (till 15 bar). Data obtained from experimental campaigns reveal a good agreement with Sievert law for hydrogen transport through dense palladium based membranes while different transport mechanisms, such as Knudsen diffusion and Hagen-Poiseuille flow, have been observed for porous membranes and for palladium silver alloy ones with pinholes in the metal layer. Mixtures permeation experiments reveal also concentration polarisation phenomena and hydrogen permeability reduction due to carbon monoxide adsorption on metal surface.
Fenomeni di trasporto ed elettrostatici in membrane da Nanofiltrazione La capacità di predire le prestazioni delle membrane da nanofiltrazione è molto importante per il progetto e la gestione di processi di separazione a membrana. Tali prestazioni sono strettamente legate ai fenomeni di trasporto che regolano il moto dei soluti all’interno della matrice della membrana. Risulta, quindi, di rilevante importanza la conoscenza e lo studio di questi fenomeni; l’obiettivo finale è quello di mettere a punto modelli di trasporto appropriati che meglio descrivano il flusso dei soluti all’interno della membrana. A fianco dei modelli di trasporto ricopre, quindi, una importanza non secondaria la caratterizzazione dei parametri aggiustabili propri della membrana sulla quale si opera. La procedura di caratterizzazione di membrane deve chiarire le modalità di svolgimento delle prove sperimentali e le finalità che esse dovrebbero conseguire. Tuttavia, nonostante i miglioramenti concernenti la modellazione del trasporto di ioni in membrana ottenuti dalla ricerca negli ultimi anni, si è ancora lontani dall’avere a disposizione un modello univoco in grado di descrivere i fenomeni coinvolti in maniera chiara. Oltretutto, la palese incapacità del modello di non riuscire a prevedere gli andamenti sperimentali di reiezione nella gran parte dei casi relativi a miscele multicomponenti e le difficoltà legate alla convergenza numerica degli algoritmi risolutivi hanno fortemente limitato gli sviluppi del processo anche e soprattutto in termini applicativi. Non da ultimo, si avverte la necessità di poter prevedere ed interpretare l’andamento della carica di membrana al variare delle condizioni operative attraverso lo sviluppo di un modello matematico in grado di descrivere correttamente il meccanismo di formazione della carica. Nel caso di soluzioni elettrolitiche, infatti, è stato riconosciuto che la formazione della carica superficiale è tra i fattori che maggiormente caratterizzano le proprietà di separazione delle membrane. Essa gioca un ruolo importante nei processi di trasporto ed influenza la sua selettività nella separazione di molecole caricate; infatti la carica di membrana interagisce elettrostaticamente con gli ioni ed influenza l’efficienza di separazione degli stessi attraverso la partizione degli elettroliti dalla soluzione esterna all’interno dei pori del materiale. In sostanza, la carica delle membrane da NF è indotta dalle caratteristiche acide delle soluzioni elettrolitiche poste in contatto con la membrana stessa, nonché dal tipo e dalla concentrazione delle specie ioniche. Nello svolgimento di questo lavoro sono stati analizzati i principali fenomeni di trasporto ed elettrostatici coinvolti nel processo di nanofiltrazione, in particolare si è focalizzata l’attenzione sugli aspetti relativi alla loro modellazione matematica. La prima parte della tesi è dedicata con la presentazione del problema generale del trasporto di soluti all’interno di membrane da nanofiltrazione con riferimento alle equazioni alla base del modello DSP&DE, che rappresenta una razionalizzazione dei modelli esistenti sviluppati a partire dal modello DSPM, nel quale sono stati integrarti i fenomeni di esclusione dielettrica, per quanto riguarda la separazione di elettroliti nella filtrazione di soluzioni acquose in processi di Nanofiltrazione. Il modello DSP&DE, una volta definita la tipologia di elettroliti presenti nella soluzione alimentata e la loro concentrazione, viene completamente definito da tre parametri aggiustabili, strettamente riconducibili alle proprietà della singola membrana: il raggio medio dei pori all’interno della matrice, lo spessore effettivo e la densità di carica di membrana; in più può essere considerato un ulteriore parametro aggiustabile del modello il valore che la costante dielettrica del solvente assume quando confinato in pori di ridotte dimensioni. L’impostazione generale del modello DSP&DE, prevede la presentazione dei fenomeni di trasporto all’interno della membrana, descritti attraverso l’equazione di Nerst-Planck, e lo studio della ripartizione a ridosso dell’interfaccia membrana/soluzione esterna, che tiene in conto di diversi contributi: l’impedimento sterico, la non idealità della soluzione, l’effetto Donnan e l’esclusione dielettrica. Il capitolo si chiude con la presentazione di una procedura consigliata per la determinazione dei parametri aggiustabili del modello di trasporto. Il lavoro prosegue con una serie di applicazioni del modello a dati sperimentali ottenuti dalla caratterizzazione di membrane organiche CSM NE70 nel caso di soluzioni contenenti elettroliti. In particolare il modello viene applicato quale strumento atto ad ottenere informazioni utili per lo studio dei fenomeni coinvolti nel meccanismo di formazione della carica; dall’elaborazione dei dati sperimentali di reiezione in funzione del flusso è possibile ottenere dei valori di carica di membrana, assunta quale parametro aggiustabile del modello. che permettono di analizzare con affidabilità gli andamenti qualitativi ottenuti per la carica volumetrica di membrana al variare della concentrazione di sale nella corrente in alimentazione, del tipo di elettrolita studiato e del pH della soluzione. La seconda parte della tesi relativa allo studio ed alla modellazione del meccanismo di formazione della carica. Il punto di partenza di questo studio è rappresentato dai valori di carica ottenuti dall’elaborazione dei dati sperimentali di reiezione con il modello di trasporto, e tali valori verranno considerati quali valori “sperimentali” di riferimento con i quali confrontare i risultati ottenuti. Nella sezione di riferimento è contenuta la presentazione del modello teorico “adsorption-amphoteric” sviluppato al fine di descrivere ed interpretare i diversi comportamenti sperimentali ottenuti per la carica di membrana al variare delle condizioni operative. Nel modello la membrana è schematizzata come un insieme di siti attivi di due specie: il gruppo di siti idrofobici e quello de siti idrofilici, in grado di supportare le cariche derivanti da differenti meccanismi chimici e fisici. I principali fenomeni presi in considerazione nel determinare la carica volumetrica di membrana sono: i) la dissociazione acido/base dei siti idrofilici; ii) il site-binding dei contro-ioni sui siti idrofilici dissociati; iii) l’adsorbimento competitivo degli ioni in soluzione sui gruppi funzionali idrofobici. La struttura del modello è del tutto generale ed è in grado di mettere in evidenza quali sono i fenomeni rilevanti che intervengono nel determinare la carica di membrana; per questo motivo il modello permette di indagare il contributo di ciascun meccanismo considerato, in funzione delle condizioni operative. L’applicazione ai valori di carica disponibili per membrane Desal 5-DK nel caso di soluzioni contenenti singoli elettroliti, in particolare NaCl e CaCl2 permette di mettere in evidenza due aspetti fondamentali del modello: in primis la sua capacità di descrivere andamenti molto diversi tra loro per la carica di membrana facendo riferimento agli stessi tre semplici meccanismi, dall’altra parte permette di studiare l’effetto di ciascun meccanismo sull’andamento della carica totale di membrana e il suo peso relativo. Infine vengono verificate le previsioni ottenute con il modello dal suddetto studio attraverso il confronto con dati sperimentali di carica ottenuti dall’elaborazione dei dati sperimentali di reiezione disponibili per il caso di membrane CSM NE70. Tale confronto ha messo in evidenza le buone capacità previsionali del modello soprattutto nel caso di elettroliti non simmetrici quali CaCl2 e Na2SO4. In particolare nel caso un cui lo ione divalente rappresenta il contro-ione rispetto alla carica propria di membrana, la carica di membrana è caratterizzata da un andamento unimodale (contraddistinto da un estremante) con la concentrazione di sale in alimentazione. Il lavoro viene concluso con l’estensione del modello ADS-AMF al caso di soluzioni multicomponenti: è presentata una regola di mescolamento che permette di ottenere la carica per le soluzioni elettrolitiche multicomponenti a partire dai valori disponibili per i singoli ioni componenti la miscela.
The work of this thesis has been focused on the characterization of metallic membranes for the hydrogen purification from steam reforming process and also of perfluorosulphonic acid ionomeric (PFSI) membranes suitable as electrolytes in fuel cell applications. The experimental study of metallic membranes was divided in three sections: synthesis of palladium and silver palladium coatings on porous ceramic support via electroless deposition (ELD), solubility and diffusivity analysis of hydrogen in palladium based alloys (temperature range between 200 and 400 °C up to 12 bar of pressure) and permeation experiments of pure hydrogen and mixtures containing, besides hydrogen, also nitrogen and methane at high temperatures (up to 600 °C) and pressures (up to 10 bar). Sequential deposition of palladium and silver on to porous alumina tubes by ELD technique was carried out using two different procedures: a stirred batch and a continuous flux method. Pure palladium as well as Pd-Ag membranes were produced: the Pd-Ag membranes’ composition is calculated to be close to 77% Pd and 23% Ag by weight which was the target value that correspond to the best performance of the palladium-based alloys. One of the membranes produced showed an infinite selectivity through hydrogen and relatively high permeability value and is suitable for the potential use as a hydrogen separator. The hydrogen sorption in silver palladium alloys was carried out in a gravimetric system on films produced by ELD technique. In the temperature range inspected, up to 400°C, there is still a lack in literature. The experimental data were analyzed with rigorous equations allowing to calculate the enthalpy and entropy values of the Sieverts’ constant; the results were in very good agreement with the extrapolation made with literature data obtained a lower temperature (up to 150 °C). The information obtained in this study would be directly usable in the modeling of hydrogen permeation in Pd-based systems. Pure and mixed gas permeation tests were performed on Pd-based hydrogen selective membranes at operative conditions close to steam-reforming ones. Two membranes (one produced in this work and another produced by NGK Insulators Japan) showed a virtually infinite selectivity and good permeability. Mixture data revealed the existence of non negligible resistances to hydrogen transport in the gas phase. Even if the decrease of the driving force due to polarization concentration phenomena occurs, in principle, in all membrane-based separation systems endowed with high perm-selectivity, an extensive experimental analysis lack, at the moment, in the palladium-based membrane process in literature. Moreover a new procedure has been introduced for the proper comparison of the mass transport resistance in the gas phase and in the membrane. Another object of study was the water vapor sorption and permeation in PFSI membranes with short and long side chains was also studied; moreover the permeation of gases (i.e. He, N2 and O2) in dry and humid conditions was considered. The water vapor sorption showed strong interactions between the hydrophilic groups and the water as revealed from the hysteresis in the sorption-desorption isotherms and thermo gravimetric analysis. The data obtained were used in the modeling of water vapor permeation, that was described as diffusion-reaction of water molecules, and in the humid gases permeation experiments. In the dry gas experiments the permeability and diffusivity was found to increase with temperature and with the equivalent weight (EW) of the membrane. A linear correlation was drawn between the dry gas permeability and the opposite of the equivalent weight of PFSI membranes, based on which the permeability of pure PTFE is retrieved in the limit of high EW. In the other hand O2 ,N2 and He permeability values was found to increase significantly, and in a similar fashion, with water activity. A model that considers the PFSI membrane as a composite matrix with a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic phase was considered allowing to estimate the variation of gas permeability with relative humidity on the basis of the permeability in the dry PFSI membrane and in pure liquid water.
Chromatography represents one of the most important and widely used unit operation in the biotechnology industry. However this technique suffers from several limitations such as high pressure drop, slow mass transfer through the diffusive pores and strong dependence of the binding capacity on flow rate. In this work, affinity membranes with improved capacity have been considered as an alternative technology for the capturing step in antibody manufacturing. Several affinity membranes have been prepared starting from various membrane supports. Different affinity ligands have been utilized like Protein A, the natural ligand of choice for antibodies, as well as synthetic ligands that exhibit affinity for the Fc portion of antibodies. The membranes have been characterized in detail: binding and elution performance was evaluated in adsorption experiments using pure IgG solutions, while membrane selectivity was evaluated using complex solutions like a cell culture supernatant. The most promising affinity membranes were extensively tested in dynamic experiments. The effects of operating parameters like feed concentration and flow rate on separation performances like binding capacity, selectivity and process yield have been studied in detail in order to find the optimal conditions for binding and elution steps. The membranes have been used over several complete chromatographic cycles to evaluate the effects of ageing and of membrane regeneration on dynamic binding capacity. A novel mathematical model is proposed that can describe all the chromatographic steps involved in the membrane affinity chromatography process for protein purification. The mathematical description is based on the species continuity equation coupled with a proper binding kinetic equation, and suitable to describe adequately the dispersion phenomena occurring both in the micro-porous membranes as well as in the extra-column devices used in the system. The model considers specifically all the different chromatographic steps, namely adsorption, washing and elution. The few relevant fitting parameters of the model were derived from a calibration with the experimental affinity cycles performed with pure IgG solutions, then the model is used to describe experimental data obtained in chromatographic cycles carried out with complex feeds as the cell culture supernatant. Simulations reveal a good agreement with experimental data in all the chromatography steps, both in the case of pure IgG solutions and for the cell culture supernatant considered.
The aim of the present study is understanding the properties of a new group of redox proteins having in common a DOMON-type domain with characteristics of cytochromes b. The superfamily of proteins containing a DOMON of this type includes a few protein families. With the aim of better characterizing this new protein family, the present work addresses both a CyDOM protein (a cytochrome b561) and a protein only comprised of DOMON(AIR12), both of plant origin. Apoplastic ascorbate can be regenerated from monodehydroascorbate by a trans-plasma membrane redox system which uses cytosolic ascorbate as a reductant and comprises a high potential cytochrome b. We identified the major plasma membrane (PM) ascorbate-reducible b-type cytochrome of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max) hypocotyls as orthologs of Arabidopsis auxin-responsive gene air12. The protein, which is glycosylated and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored to the external side of the PM in vivo, was expressed in Pichia pastoris in a recombinant form, lacking the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-modification signal, and purified from the culture medium. Recombinant AIR12 is a soluble protein predicted to fold into a β-sandwich domain and belonging to the DOMON superfamily. It is shown to be a b-type cytochrome with a symmetrical α-band at 561 nm, to be fully reduced by ascorbate and fully oxidized by monodehydroascorbate. Redox potentiometry suggests that AIR12 binds two high-potential hemes (Em,7 +135 and +236 mV). Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the auxin-responsive genes AIR12 constitute a new family of plasma membrane b-type cytochromes specific to flowering plants. Although AIR12 is one of the few redox proteins of the PM characterized to date, the role of AIR12 in trans-PM electron transfer would imply interaction with other partners which are still to be identified. Another part of the present project was aimed at understanding of a soybean protein comprised of a DOMON fused with a well-defined b561 cytochrome domain (CyDOM). Various bioinformatic approaches show this protein to be composed of an N-terminal DOMON followed by b561 domain. The latter contains five transmembrane helices featuring highly conserved histidines, which might bind haem groups. The CyDOM has been cloned and expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris, and spectroscopic analyses have been accomplished on solubilized yeast membranes. CyDOM clearly reveal the properties of b-type cytochrome. The results highlight the fact that CyDOM is clearly able to lead an electron flux through the plasmamembrane. Voltage clamp experiments demonstrate that Xenopus laevis oocytes transformed with CyDOM of soybean exhibit negative electrical currents in presence of an external electron acceptor. Analogous investigations were carried out with SDR2, a CyDOM of Drosophila melanogaster which shows an electron transport capacity even higher than plant CyDOM. As quoted above, these data reinforce those obtained in plant CyDOM on the one hand, and on the other hand allow to attribute to SDR2-like proteins the properties assigned to CyDOM. Was expressed in Regenerated tobacco roots, transiently transformed with infected a with chimeral construct GFP: CyDOM (by A. rhizogenes infection) reveals a plasmamembrane localization of CyDOM both in epidermal cells of the elongation zone of roots and in root hairs. In conclusion. Although the data presented here await to be expanded and in part clarified, it is safe to say they open a new perspective about the role of this group of proteins. The biological relevance of the functional and physiological implications of DOMON redox domains seems noteworthy, and it can but increase with future advances in research. Beyond the very finding, however interesting in itself, of DOMON domains as extracellular cytochromes, the present study testifies to the fact that cytochrome proteins containing DOMON domains of the type of “CyDOM” can transfer electrons through membranes and may represent the most important redox component of the plasmamembrane as yet discovered.