800 resultados para Medium-sized cities urban planning
La questione energetica ha assunto, negli ultimi anni, un ruolo centrale nel dibattito mondiale in relazione a quattro fattori principali: la non riproducibilità delle risorse naturali, l’aumento esponenziale dei consumi, gli interessi economici e la salvaguardia dell'equilibrio ambientale e climatico del nostro Pianeta. E’ necessario, dunque, cambiare il modello di produzione e consumo dell’energia soprattutto nelle città, dove si ha la massima concentrazione dei consumi energetici. Per queste ragioni, il ricorso alle Fonti Energetiche Rinnovabili (FER) si configura ormai come una misura necessaria, opportuna ed urgente anche nella pianificazione urbanistica. Per migliorare la prestazione energetica complessiva del sistema città bisogna implementare politiche di governo delle trasformazioni che escano da una logica operativa “edificio-centrica” e ricomprendano, oltre al singolo manufatto, le aggregazioni di manufatti e le loro relazioni/ interazioni in termini di input e output materico-energetiche. La sostituzione generalizzata del patrimonio edilizio esistente con nuovi edifici iper-tecnologici, è improponibile. In che modo quindi, è possibile ridefinire la normativa e la prassi urbanistica per generare tessuti edilizi energeticamente efficienti? La presente ricerca propone l’integrazione tra la nascente pianificazione energetica del territorio e le più consolidate norme urbanistiche, nella generazione di tessuti urbani “energy saving” che aggiungano alle prestazioni energetico-ambientali dei singoli manufatti quelle del contesto, in un bilancio energetico complessivo. Questo studio, dopo aver descritto e confrontato le principali FER oggi disponibili, suggerisce una metodologia per una valutazione preliminare del mix di tecnologie e di FER più adatto per ciascun sito configurato come “distretto energetico”. I risultati di tale processo forniscono gli elementi basilari per predisporre le azioni necessarie all’integrazione della materia energetica nei Piani Urbanistici attraverso l’applicazione dei principi della perequazione nella definizione di requisiti prestazionali alla scala insediativa, indispensabili per un corretto passaggio alla progettazione degli “oggetti” e dei “sistemi” urbani.
Bei Einzel‐ und Kleinserienfertigung müssen sowohl langfristige Kooperationspartner als auch auftrags-spezifische, internationale Partner und Lieferanten in die Produktion komplexer Investitionsgüter einbezogen werden. Zunehmend sind kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) herausgefordert nicht nur technische Komponenten zu liefern, sondern die komplette Projektplanung zu realisieren. Im Forschungsprojekt „PIP“ soll ein Verfahren entwickelt werden, das gerade KMU des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus bei der aufwandsmi-nimierten Partner- und Lieferantenauswahl sowie der Einschätzung möglicher Projektrisiken unterstützt. Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt Rahmenbedingungen beim Aufbau projektspezifischer Produktionsnetzwerke sowie Lösungsansätze zu deren verbesserter Planung und Risikobewertung.
This study uses survey data to investigate attitudes among Swiss voters to different models offering more freedom of choice in the educational system. There is a clear opposition to the use of taxpayer money to fund private schools, while free choice between public schools seems to appeal to a majority. The opinions appear to be based on a rational calculation of personal utility. For both types of choice, approval rates are lower for middle to high-income groups and individuals with a teaching qualification. Furthermore, residents of small to medium-sized towns are opposed to more school choice. On the support side, approval rates for private school choice are higher among parents of school-age children and residents in urban areas. The results also indicate differences between the country's language regions, attributable to intercultural differences in what people consider the role of the state.
In an age where the globalization process is threatening the uniqueness and vitality of small towns, and where most urban planning discourse is directed at topics such as metropol-regions or mega-regions and world cities, the authors here emphasize the need to critically reflect on the potential of small towns. The second edition is expanded to cover the intensive development of small towns in China and Korea. In addition, the authors examine the impact of the economic crisis on small towns and the recent development of the Slow City movement.
In studies assessing outdoor range use of laying hens, the number of hens seen on outdoor ranges is inversely correlated to flock size. The aim of this study was to assess individual ranging behavior on a covered (veranda) and an uncovered outdoor run (free-range) in laying hen flocks varying in size. Five to ten percent of hens (aged 9–15 months) within 4 small (2–2500 hens), 4 medium (5–6000), and 4 large (≥9000) commercial flocks were fitted with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. Antennas were placed at both sides of all popholes between the house and the veranda and the veranda and the free-range. Ranging behavior was directly monitored for approximately three weeks in combination with hourly photographs of the free-range for the distribution of hens and 6h long video recordings on two parts of the free-range during two days. Between 79 and 99% of the tagged hens were registered on the veranda at least once and between 47 and 90% were registered on the free-range at least once. There was no association between the percentage of hens registered outside the house (veranda or free-range) and flock size. However, individual hens in small and medium sized flocks visited the areas outside the house more frequently and spent more time there than hens from large flocks. Foraging behavior on the free-range was shown more frequently and for a longer duration by hens from small and medium sized flocks than by hens from large flocks. This difference in ranging behavior could account for the negative relationship between flock size and the number of hens seen outside at one point of time. In conclusion, our work describes individual birds’ use of areas outside the house within large scale commercial egg production.
It is analyzed, in this paper, the conflicts involving a family of small dairy cattle breeders, faced with the opposition of society and restrictions imposed by the local authorities, against the livestock grazing on public lands in peri-urban zone of a medium-sized Amazonian city. The case study employed participant observation, interviews and document research. Despite the subordinate position occupied by the focused group in the credibility hierarchy of versions issued on the conflict, the group maintains a resistance conduct, based both in the need for sustenance, and in an attempt to preserve a way of life cherished by its members
En el presente trabajo se aborda la problemática de las nuevas periferias en el proceso de expansión urbana a través del estudio de caso del Partido de La Plata. A partir de las transformaciones urbanas que se vienen produciendo en el Partido, fundamentalmente desde fines de los años '80, se observa un notable cambio en la morfología de la ciudad, con importantes transformaciones en la estructura periférica. Esta emigración de la población hacia la periferia se traduce en un aumento de la ocupación de nuevas superficies en los límites físicos de la ciudad, concretamente en el espacio periurbano. En este marco, el objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en reconocer las nuevas y diferentes formas que adopta la expansión residencial en el Partido de La Plata, a través de los cambios producidos en el uso y ocupación del suelo de su área periurbana en los últimos años.
It is analyzed, in this paper, the conflicts involving a family of small dairy cattle breeders, faced with the opposition of society and restrictions imposed by the local authorities, against the livestock grazing on public lands in peri-urban zone of a medium-sized Amazonian city. The case study employed participant observation, interviews and document research. Despite the subordinate position occupied by the focused group in the credibility hierarchy of versions issued on the conflict, the group maintains a resistance conduct, based both in the need for sustenance, and in an attempt to preserve a way of life cherished by its members
It is analyzed, in this paper, the conflicts involving a family of small dairy cattle breeders, faced with the opposition of society and restrictions imposed by the local authorities, against the livestock grazing on public lands in peri-urban zone of a medium-sized Amazonian city. The case study employed participant observation, interviews and document research. Despite the subordinate position occupied by the focused group in the credibility hierarchy of versions issued on the conflict, the group maintains a resistance conduct, based both in the need for sustenance, and in an attempt to preserve a way of life cherished by its members
En el presente trabajo se aborda la problemática de las nuevas periferias en el proceso de expansión urbana a través del estudio de caso del Partido de La Plata. A partir de las transformaciones urbanas que se vienen produciendo en el Partido, fundamentalmente desde fines de los años '80, se observa un notable cambio en la morfología de la ciudad, con importantes transformaciones en la estructura periférica. Esta emigración de la población hacia la periferia se traduce en un aumento de la ocupación de nuevas superficies en los límites físicos de la ciudad, concretamente en el espacio periurbano. En este marco, el objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en reconocer las nuevas y diferentes formas que adopta la expansión residencial en el Partido de La Plata, a través de los cambios producidos en el uso y ocupación del suelo de su área periurbana en los últimos años.
It is analyzed, in this paper, the conflicts involving a family of small dairy cattle breeders, faced with the opposition of society and restrictions imposed by the local authorities, against the livestock grazing on public lands in peri-urban zone of a medium-sized Amazonian city. The case study employed participant observation, interviews and document research. Despite the subordinate position occupied by the focused group in the credibility hierarchy of versions issued on the conflict, the group maintains a resistance conduct, based both in the need for sustenance, and in an attempt to preserve a way of life cherished by its members
En el presente trabajo se aborda la problemática de las nuevas periferias en el proceso de expansión urbana a través del estudio de caso del Partido de La Plata. A partir de las transformaciones urbanas que se vienen produciendo en el Partido, fundamentalmente desde fines de los años '80, se observa un notable cambio en la morfología de la ciudad, con importantes transformaciones en la estructura periférica. Esta emigración de la población hacia la periferia se traduce en un aumento de la ocupación de nuevas superficies en los límites físicos de la ciudad, concretamente en el espacio periurbano. En este marco, el objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en reconocer las nuevas y diferentes formas que adopta la expansión residencial en el Partido de La Plata, a través de los cambios producidos en el uso y ocupación del suelo de su área periurbana en los últimos años.
This paper will document financial aspects of transactions, and trade credit supply behavior with FDI among small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) based on two original surveys, conducted in four cities in China in 2003. The survey was designed to capture the nature of inter-firm transactions, trade credit and other financial conditions. Literature on FDI mainly refers to technology transfer, employment or investment. This paper focuses on the role and significance of FDI in the supply of trade credit due to its trade credit enforcement technology. Yanagawa, Ito and Watanabe [2006] developed a model which indicates that when a seller has higher enforcement technology or a buyer has richer liquidity, both trade credit and transaction volume will be increased. In this paper, we confirmed that FDI and G contributed to the provision of trade credit and had a positive external effect on trade credit enforcement towards China’s economy. (1) Sales towards FDI customers have the power to increase the trade credit ratio,even when controlling other factors such as choice of payment instrument, competitiveness, and expost default management. This implies that FDI does provide trade credit, not only because it has superior liquidity, but because it is also superior in terms of enforcement of trade credit repayment.(2) Cash constraints of the buyer influence the decisions concerning trade credit provided by the seller, as a model in Yanagawa, et al. [2006] predicted, and this implies that strategic default is a serious concern among SMEs in China. (3) Spillover effect exists in payment enforcement technology in transactions with FDI customers.
In Rangoon/Yangon, the ex-capital city of Burma/Myanmar, there still remain many old buildings today. Those buildings were constructed in the British colonial period, especially from the 1900s to the 1930s, and formed Rangoon's built environment as something modern. In focusing on the period before and after the inauguration of the Rangoon Development Trust in 1921, this paper describes how the colonial administrative authorities perceived urban problems and how their policy and practice affected urban society. It also suggests the possibility that competition for habitation among the lower strata of Rangoon society was a cause of the serious urban riot in 1930.