997 resultados para Medicine, Experimental.


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Much work has been done on obtaining empirical stress-velocity relations and evaluating the temperature dependence and activation energy of plastic deformation /1, 2/. Another prevalent concept is that of the drag coefficient and its variation with degree of crystal imperfection /3/. Significant differences and discrepancies exist in the reported values /2, 4/. Although it is recognised that the yield point is caused by point interstitials and aggregates, little has been done on the evaluation of specific crystal-solute combinations and interaction parameters. Some of the first efforts, in this direction were performed by Wain and Cottrell /5/.


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The effect of some experimental parameters, namely sample weight, particle size and its distribution, heating rate and flow rate of inert gas, on the fractional decomposition of calcium carbonate samples have been studied both experimentally and theoretical. The general conclusions obtained from theoretical analysis are corroborated qualitatively by the experimental data. The analysis indicates that the kinetic compensating effect may be partly due to the variations in experimental parameters for different experiments.


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Androgens control a variety of developmental processes that create the male phenotype and are important for maintaining male fertility and normal functions of tissues and organs that are not directly involved in procreation. Androgen receptor (AR) that mediates the biological actions of androgens is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily of ligand-inducible transcription factors. Although AR was cloned over 15 years ago, the mechanisms by which it regulates gene expression are not well understood. A growing body of in vitro experimental evidence suggests that a complex network of proteins is involved in the androgen-dependent transcriptional regulation. However, the process of AR-dependent transcriptional regulation under physiological conditions is largely elusive. In the present study, a series of experiments were performed, including quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, to investigate AR-mediated transcription process using living prostate cancer cells. Our results show that the loading of AR and recruitment of coactivators and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) to both the promoter and enhancer of AR target genes are a transient and cyclic event that in addition to hyperacetylation, also involves dynamic changes in methylation, phosphorylation of core histone H3 in androgen-treated LNCaP cells. The dynamics of testosterone (T)-induced loading of AR onto the proximal promoters of the genes clearly differed from that loaded onto the distal enhancers. Significantly, more holo-AR was loaded onto the enhancers than the promoters, but the principal Pol II transcription complex was assembled on the promoters. By contrast, the pure antiandrogen bicalutamide (CDX) complexed to AR elicited occupancy of the PSA promoter, but was unable to load onto the PSA enhancer and was incapable of recruiting Pol II, coactivators and following changes of covalent histone modifications. The partial antagonist cyproterone acetate (CPA) and mifepristone (RU486) were capable of promoting AR loading onto both the PSA promoter and enhancer at a comparable efficiency with androgen in LNCaP cells expressing mutant AR. However, CPA- and RU486-bound AR not only recruited Pol II and coactivator p300 and GRIP1 onto the promoter and enhancer, but also recruited the corepressor NCoR onto the promoter as efficiently as CDX. In addition, we demonstrate that both proteasome and protein kinases are implicated in AR-mediated transcription. Even though proteasome inhibitor MG132 and protein kinase inhibitor DRB (5, 6-Dichlorobenzimidazole riboside) can block ligand-dependent accumulation of PSA mRNA with same efficiency, their use results in different molecular profiles in terms of the formation of AR-mediated transcriptional complex. Collectively, these results indicate that transcriptional activation by AR is a complicated process, which includes transient loading of holo-AR and recruitment of Pol II and coregulators accompanied by a cascade of distinct covalent histone modifications; This process involves both the promoter and enhancer elements, as well as other general components of the cell machineries e.g. proteasome and protein kinase; The pure antiandrogen CDX and the partial antagonist CPA and RU486 exhibit clearly different profiles in terms of their ability to induce the formation of AR-dependent transcriptional complexes and the histone modifications associated with the target genes in human prostate cancer cells. Finally, by using quantitative RT-PCR to compare the expression of sixteen AR co-regulators in prostate cancer cell lines, xenografts, and clinical prostate cancer specimens we suggest that AR co-regulators protein inhibitor of activated STAT1 (PIAS1) and steroid receptor coactivator 1(SRC1) could be involved in the progression of prostate cancer.


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To experimentally investigate the effect of vertical artificial substrate and different densities of the banana prawn Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) merguiensis on nutrient levels in prawn pond effluent, a time series experiment was conducted in a replicated tank system supplied periodically with discharge from a prawn production pond. Few differences (P>0.05) were detected between tanks without prawns, and tanks with low densities (5 prawns in 1700 litres) of prawns (10-12 g), in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water column over the 28-day experimental period. Higher densities of prawns (starting at 25 or 50 per tank) caused an elevation of these macronutrients in the water column. This was partly due to prawn biomass losses from mortalities and weight reductions in the tank system. The survival and condition of prawns was significantly (P<0.05) reduced in tanks at these higher densities. The presence of artificial substrate (2 m2 tank-1) did not affect (P>0.05) the levels of nutrients in tank water columns, but significantly (P<0.05) increased the amount of nitrogen in tank residues left at the end of the trial when no prawns were present. The prawns had obviously been grazing on surfaces inside the tanks, and their swimming actions appeared to keep light particulate matter in suspension. Higher prawn densities increased microalgal blooms, which presumably kept ammonia levels low, and it is suggested that this association may provide the means for improved remediation of prawn farm effluent in the future.


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Increased consumption of low-fat milk products is inversely associated with the risk of hypertension. The beneficial effect of milk on blood pressure is attributed to high calcium and potassium content but also to specific peptide sequences, which are cleaved from milk protein during gastrointestinal digestion, fermentation of milk with proteolytic starter cultures or enzymatic hydrolysis. Milk products fermented with Lactobacillus helveticus contain casein-derived tripeptides isoleucine-proline-proline (Ile-Pro-Pro) and valine-proline-proline (Val-Pro-Pro), which have been shown to possess antihypertensive effects in humans and in experimental animals. The aim of the present series of studies was to investigate the effects of tripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro or fermented milk products containing them on vascular function and blood pressure and to elucidate the mechanisms behind them by using different experimental models of hypertension. Another aim was to characterize the acute effects of tripeptides on blood pressure and arterial stiffness in mildly hypertensive humans. Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro or fermented milk products containing them attenuated the development of hypertension in two experimental models of hypertension, spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat fed with high-salt diet. Significant differences in systolic blood pressure (SBP) were seen after 8 weeks treatment with tripeptide-containing products compared to control product. Plant sterols did not enhance this effect. Two differently produced tripeptide powders produced a similar attenuating effect on SBP in SHR. In mildly hypertensive subjects, a single administration of tripeptide- and plant sterol-containing fermented milk product decreased both SBP and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) over a period of 8 hours. Protective effect of tripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro and fermented milk products containing them on vascular function was demonstrated in in vitro studies and long-term experimental studies. The effect was shown to be endothelium-dependent and possibly involving endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF). In the clinical study, single administration of tripeptide-containing fermented milk product did not affect measures of arterial stiffness. Long-term treatment with fermented milk product containing Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro inhibited angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and decreased aldosterone levels thus showing beneficial effects on the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in SHR and GK. No changes in the components of RAS were observed by the single administration of the same product in mildly hypertensive subjects. Increased levels of cGMP, NOx and citrulline suggest increased nitric oxide (NO) production by the tripeptides. Taken together, Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro -containing products attenuate the development of hypertension after long-term treatment in experimental models of hypertension and possess an acute antihypertensive effect in mildly hypertensive subjects. In addition, these tripeptides show endothelium-mediated beneficial effects on vascular function. Attenuation of blood pressure increase by the tripeptides in experimental animals involves RAS, but its role in the antihypertensive effect in humans remains to be elucidated.


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A strain gauge load cell with separate bridges for measurement of the pull and the bending moment in the plane containing the net neck load and pull was developed and fixed in the longitudinal member of an experimental cart. A cart fitted first with pneumatic wheels and then with steel-rimmed wooden wheels was tested on three terrains—tar road, mud road and grassy terrain. Pull vs time and moment vs time records were obtained in each test and analysed. It is found that the bullocks pull the cart rather discontinuously at the low velocities at which these carts normally operate. On the tar road and the grassy terrain, the mean static coefficient of friction is significantly higher for the cart with steelrimmed wooden wheels. The dynamic frictional resistance of the terrain for the cart with steel-rimmed wooden wheels is lower than for the cart with pneumatic wheels so long as the wheels do not dig or sink into the terrain. The fluctuation in the neck load is lower in the cart fitted with pneumatic wheels. Also, the ground-induced low-amplitude high-frequency vibratory load content in the neck load is lower in the cart with pneumatic wheels.


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The biological function of nitric oxide and its oxidized forms has received a great deal of attention over the past two decades. However much less attention has been focused on the reduced nitric oxide, nitroxyl (HNO). Unlike NO, HNO is highly reactive species and thus it needs to be generated by using donor compounds under experimental conditions. Currently there is only one donor available, Angeli s salt, which releases HNO in a controlled fashion under pysiological conditions. Prior studies have shown the pro-oxidative and cytotoxic potential of Angeli s salt compared to NO donors. The high reactivity of HNO with cysteine thiols is considered to form the biochemical basis for its unique properties compared to other nitrogen oxides. Such thiol modification cold result in disturbances of vital cellular functions and subsequently to death of disturbance sensitive cells, such as neurons. Therefore modification of proteins and lipids was studied in vitro and the potential neurotoxicity was studied in vivo by local infusion of Angeli s salt into the rat central nervous system. The results show that under aerobic in vitro conditions, HNO can, subsequent to autoxidation, cause irreversible oxidative modification of proteins and lipids. These effects are not however seen in cell culture or following infusion of Angeli s salt directly into the rat central nervous tissue likely due to presence of lower oxygen and higher thiol concentration. However, due to high reactivity with thiols, HNO can cause irreversible inactivation of cysteine modification sensitive enzymes such as cysteine proteases papain in vitro and cathepsin B in cell culture. Furthermore it was shown that infusion of HNO releasing Angeli s salt into the rat central nervous system causes necrotic cell death and motor dysfunction following infusion into the lumbal intrathecal space. In conclusion, the acute neurotoxic potential of Angeli s salt was shown to be relatively low, but still higher compared to NO donors. HNO was shown to affect numerous cellular processes which could result in neurotoxicity if HNO was produced in vivo.


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Superconducting and magnetically long-range ordered states were believed to be mutually exclusive phenomena. The discovery of rare-earth compounds in recent years, which exhibit both superconductivity and magnetic ordering (ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic or sinusoidal), has led to considerable theoretical and experimental work on such systems. In the present article, we give a review of various theoretical models and important experimental results. In the theoretical sections, we start with the Abrikosov-Gorkov pair breaking theory for dilute alloys and discuss its improvement in the work of Müller-Hartmann and Zittartz. Then, in the context of magnetic superconductors, various microscopic theories that have been advanced are presented. These predict re-entrant behaviour in some systems (ferromagnetic superconductors) and coexistence regions in others (particularly antiferromagnetic superconductors). Following this, phenomenological generalized Ginzburg-Landau theories for two kinds of orders (superconducting and magnetic) are presented. A section dealing with renormalization group analysis of phase diagrams in magnetic superconductors is given. In experimental sections, the properties of each rare-earth compounds (ternary as well as some tetranery) are reviewed. These involve susceptibility, heat capacity, resistivity, upper critical field, neutron scattering and magnetic resonance measurements. The anomalous behaviour of the upper critical field of antiferromagnetic superconductors near the Néel temperature is discussed both in theory sections and experimental section for various systems.


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The heat capacity of a substance is related to the structure and constitution of the material and its measurement is a standard technique of physical investigation. In this review, the classical methods are first analyzed briefly and their recent extensions are summarized. The merits and demerits of these methods are pointed out. The newer techniques such as the a.c. method, the relaxation method, the pulse methods, the laser flash calorimetry and other methods developed to extend the heat capacity measurements to newer classes of materials and to extreme conditions of sample geometry, pressure and temperature are comprehensively reviewed. Examples of recent work and details of the experimental systems are provided for each method. The introduction of automation in control systems for the monitoring of the experiments and for data processing is also discussed. Two hundred and eight references and 18 figures are used to illustrate the various techniques.


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Palladin is a novel actin microfilament associated protein, which together with myotilin and myopalladin forms a novel cytoskeletal IgC2 domain protein family. Whereas the expression of myotilin and myopalladin is limited mainly to striated muscle, palladin is widely expressed in both epithelial and mesenchymal tissues, including heart and the nervous system. Palladin has a complex genetic structure and it is expressed as several different sized and structured splice variants, which also display differences in their expression pattern and interactions. In muscle cells, all the family members localize to the sarcomeric Z-disc, and in non-muscle cells palladin also localizes to the stress-fiber-dense regions, lamellipodia, podosomes and focal adhesions. A common feature of this protein family is the binding to α-actinin, but other interactions are mostly unique to each member. Palladin has been shown to interact with several proteins, including VASP, profilin, Eps8, LASP-1 and LPP. Its domain structure, lack of enzymatic activity and multiple interactions define it as a molecular scaffolding protein, which links together proteins with different functional modalities into large complexes. Palladin has an important role in cytoskeletal regulation, particularly in stress fiber formation and stabilization. This assumption is supported by several experimental results. First, over-expression of palladin in non-muscle cells results in rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and formation of thick actin bundles. Second, the knock-down of palladin with anti-sense and siRNA techniques or knock-out by genetic methods leads to defective stress fiber formation. Furthermore, palladin is usually up-regulated in situations requiring a highly organized cytoskeleton, such as differentiation of dendritic cells, trophoblasts and myofibroblasts, and activation of astrocytes during glial scar formation. The protein family members have also direct disease linkages; myotilin missense mutations are the cause of LGMD1A and myofibrillar myopathy. Palladin mutations and polymorphisms, on the other hand, have been linked to hereditary pancreatic cancer and myocardial infarction, respectively. In this study we set out to characterize human palladin. We identified several palladin isoforms, studied their tissue distribution and sub-cellular localization. Four novel interaction partners were identified; ezrin, ArgBP2, SPIN90 and Src-kinase.The previously identified interaction between palladin and α-actinin was also characterized in detail. All the identified new binding partners are actin cytoskeleton associated proteins; ezrin links the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton, ArgBP2 and SPIN90 localize, among other structures, to the lamellipodia and in cardiomyocytes to the Z-disc. Src is a transforming tyrosine kinase, which besides its role in oncogenesis has also important cytoskeletal associations. We also studied palladin in myofibroblasts, which are specialized cells involved in diverse physiological and pathological processes, such as wound healing and tissue fibrosis. We demonstrated that palladin is up-regulated during the differentiation of myofibroblasts in an isoform specific manner, and that this up-regulation is induced by TGF-β via activation of both the SMAD and MAPK signalling cascades. In summary, the results presented here describe the initial characterization of human palladin and offer a basis for further studies.


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End-stage renal disease is an increasingly common pathologic condition, with a current incidence of 87 per million inhabitants in Finland. It is the end point of various nephropathies, most common of which is the diabetic nephropathy. This thesis focuses on exploring the role of nephrin in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. Nephrin is a protein of the glomerular epithelial cell, or podocyte, and it appears to have a crucial function as a component of the filtration slit diaphragm in the kidney glomeruli. Mutations in the nephrin gene NPHS1 lead to massive proteinuria. Along with the originally described location in the podocyte, nephrin has now been found to be expressed in the brain, testis, placenta and pancreatic beta cells. In type 1 diabetes, the fundamental pathologic event is the autoimmune destruction of the beta cells. Autoantibodies against various beta cell antigens are generated during this process. Due to the location of nephrin in the beta cell, we hypothesized that patients with type 1 diabetes may present with nephrin autoantibodies. We also wanted to test whether such autoantibodies could be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. The puromycin aminonucleoside nephrosis model in the rat, the streptozotocin model in the rat, and the non-obese diabetic mice were studied by immunochemical techniques, in situ -hybridization and the polymerase chain reaction -based methods to resolve the expression of nephrin mRNA and protein in experimental nephropathies. To test the effect of antiproteinuric therapies, streptozotocin-treated rats were also treated with aminoguanidine or perindopril. To detect nephrin antibodies we developed a radioimmunoprecipitation assay and analyzed follow-up material of 66 patients with type 1 diabetes. In the puromycin aminonucleoside nephrosis model, the nephrin expression level was uniformly decreased together with the appearance of proteinuria. In the streptozotocin-treated rats and in non-obese diabetic mice, the nephrin mRNA and protein expression levels were seen to increase in the early stages of nephropathy. However, as observed in the streptozotocin rats, in prolonged diabetic nephropathy the expression level decreased. We also found out that treatment with perindopril could not only prevent proteinuria but also a decrease in nephrin expression in streptozotocin-treated rats. Aminoguanidine did not have an effect on nephrin expression, although it could attenuate the proteinuria. Circulating antibodies to nephrin in patients with type 1 diabetes were found, although there was no correlation with the development of diabetic nephropathy. At diagnosis, 24% of the patients had these antibodies, while at 2, 5 and 10 years of disease duration the respective proportions were 23%, 14% and 18%. During the total follow-up of 16 to 19 years after diagnosis of diabetes, 14 patients had signs of nephropathy and 29% of them tested positive for nephrin autoantibodies in at least one sample. In conclusion, this thesis work could show changes of nephrin expression along with the development of proteinuria. The autoantibodies against nephrin are likely generated in the autoimmune process leading to type 1 diabetes. However, according to the present work it is unlikely that these autoantibodies are contributing significantly to the development of diabetic nephropathy.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Both environmental factors and several predisposing genes are required to generate MS. Despite intensive research these risk factors are still largely unknown, the pathogenesis of MS demyelination is poorly understood, and no curative treatment exists. Both prevalence and familial occurrence of MS are exceptionally high in a Finnish population subisolate, Southern Ostrobothnia, presumably due to enrichment of predisposing genetic variants within this region. Previous linkage scan on MS pedigrees from Southern Ostrobothnia detected three main MS loci on chromosomes 5p, 6p (HLA) and 17q. Linkage studies in other populations have also provided independent evidence for the location of MS susceptibility genes in these regions. Further, these loci are syntenic to the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) susceptibility loci of rodents. In this thesis work an effort was made to localize MS predisposing alleles of the linked loci outside the HLA region by studying familial MS cases from the Southern Ostrobothnia isolate. Analysis of the 5p locus revealed one region, flanking the complement component 7 (C7) gene. The identified relatively rare haplotype seems to have a fairly large effect on genetic susceptibility of MS (frequency MS 12%, controls 4%; p=0.000003, OR=2.73). Evidence for association with alleles of the region and MS was seen also in more heterogeneous populations. Convincingly, plasma C7 protein levels and complement activity correlated with the risk haplotype identified. The finding stimulated us to study other complement cascade genes in MS. No evidence for association could be observed with the complement component coding genes outside 5p. A scan of the 17q locus provided evidence for association with variants of the protein kinase C alpha (PRKCA) gene (p=0.0001). Modest evidence for association with PRKCA was observed also in Canadian MS families. Finally we used a candidate gene based approach to identify potential MS loci. Mutations of DAP12 and TREM2 cause a recessively inherited CNS white matter disease PLOSL. Interestingly, DAP12 and TREM2 are located in MS regions on 6p and 19q, and we tested them as potential candidate genes in the Finnish MS sample. No evidence for association with MS was observed. This thesis provides an example of how extended families from special populations can be utilized in fine-mapping of the linked loci. A first relatively rare MS variant was identified utilizing the strength of a Finnish population subisolate. This variant seems to have an effect on activity of the complement system, which has previously been suggested to have an important role in the pathogenesis of MS.


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Paracrine regulation between the components of the tumour microenvironment cancer cells, activated fibroblasts, immune and endothelial cells is under intense investigation. The signals between the different cell types are mediated by soluble factors, such as growth factors, proinflammatory cytokines and proteolytic enzymes. Nemosis is an experimental in vitro model of fibroblast activation, leading to increased production of such mediators. Nemotic activation of fibroblasts occurs as they are forced to cluster thereby forming a multicellular spheroid. The aim of the present studies was to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the nemotic response of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) and the role of nemosis in paracrine regulation between activated fibroblasts and benign and malignant epithelial cells. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that the nemotic response of CAFs and normal fibroblasts differs, and inter-individual variations exist between fibroblast populations. In co-culture experiments, fibroblasts increased colony formation of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells, and CAFs further augmented this, highlighting the tumour-evolving properties of CAFs. Furthermore, fibroblast monolayers in those co-cultures started to cluster spontaneously. This kind of spontaneous nemosis response might take place also in vivo, although more direct evidence of this still needs to be obtained. The HaCaT skin carcinoma progression model was used to study the effects of benign and malignant keratinocytes on fibroblast nemosis. Benign HaCaT cells inhibited fibroblast nemosis, observed as inhibition of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) induction in nemotic spheroids. In contrast, malignant HaCaTs further augmented the nemotic response by increasing expression of COX-2 and the growth factors hepatocyte growth factor / scatter factor (HGF/SF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), as well as causing a myofibroblastic differentiation of nemotic fibroblasts into fibroblasts resembling CAFs. On the other side of this reciprocal signalling, factors secreted into conditioned medium by the nemotic fibroblasts promoted proliferation and motility of the HaCaT cell lines. Notably, the nemotic fibroblast medium increased the expression of p63, a transcription factor linked to carcinogenesis, also in the highly metastatic HaCaT cells. These results emphasize the paracrine role of factors secreted by activated fibroblasts in driving tumour progression. We also investigated the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of the HaCaT clones in response to transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), which is a well-characterized inducer of EMT. TGF-β caused growth arrest and loss of epithelial cell junctions in the HaCaT derivatives, but mesenchymal markers were not induced, suggesting a partial, but not complete EMT response. Inflammation induced by COX-2 has been proposed to be a key mechanism in EMT of benign cells. Corroborating this notion, COX-2 was induced only in benign, not in malignant HaCaT derivatives. Furthermore, in cells in which TGF-β caused COX-2 induction, migration was clearly augmented. The concept of treating cancer is changing from targeting solely the cancer cells to targeting the whole microenvironment. The results of this work emphasise the role of activated fibroblasts in cancer progression and that CAFs should also be taken into consideration in the treatment of cancer. The results from these studies suggests that nemosis could be used as a diagnostic tool to distinguish in vitro activated fibroblasts from tumour stroma and also in studying the paracrine signalling that is mediated to other cell types via soluble factors.