967 resultados para Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879.
An announcement "inaugurating direct sales and Canadian shipments from our home distilleries James & George Stodart Established 1835, 80 West Nile St., Glasgow, Scotland, beg to announce appointment of Stodart's Canadian Agency Limited". Included in the brochure are prices, brands, guarantees and order information.
The marriage certificate of Mr. Hamilton K. Woodruff of St. Catharines and Miss Julia C. Cleveland of Erie, Pennsylvania. This is certificate no. 5221 signed by James C. Wilson. This is accompanied by 2 envelopes; one envelope is from Henry L. Rea, clerk of courts, Erie Pennsylvania to Mr. H. K. Woodruff, the other envelope just says "marriage certificate Mrs. H. K. Woodruff", Nov. 21, 1894.
Last Will and Testament of James Senior of Niagara Township leaving all his goods and chattels and part of Lot 94 in Niagara Township to his friend, Richard Woodruff, August 6, 1832. There are three names listed as witnesses, William Woodruff, Moses Chase and a third name.
Notice regarding the late James Middough that anything concerning his will is granted to William Woodruff and Richard Woodruff (merchants) executors of the will, August 3, 1839.
A fragment of account information for James Elliot dated 1853 and 1854.
Indenture regarding land sold by Hart Smith of Lincoln County to James Fields of Newark in Oxford County, First Concession, Lot no. 3. October 11, 1797.
Indenture of bargain between James and Hannah Vine of the Town of Niagara and James Butler of Niagara Township for 1/2 an acre and 6/10 of an acre of Lot no. 113 in the Township of Niagara. The instrument no. is 6325. May 11, 1855.
Indenture (vellum) of bargain and sale between James Henderson of the City of Toronto and James Zimmerman of the Town of Clifton to Thomas S. Helliwell of St. Catharines for the east half of Lot no. 18 in the Township of Warwick. This was recorded on June 13, 1857 in Liber B for Warwick, folio 283 memorial no. 714, June 4, 1857.
Receipt from the city clerk’s office of St. Catharines to H.K. Woodruff for payment of $11.20 for additional cemetery land. Accompanying this document is a crudely drawn map of graves along Queenston Road and rough notes on Deed no. 419, Oct. 16, 1901.
Certificate for 600 common shares in James A. Forrest and Company Distillers Limited – 600 common shares to the estate of Hamilton K Woodruff, Jan. 31, 1936.
1. Invitation and program to the Merritton Hose Co. No. 1 Grand Masquerade Ball and Supper. The invitation is for Mrs. J. Wilson. Ladies are by invitation only. Ladies without masks are charged 10 cents. The supper was held at the Union Hall and the dance was held in the Merritton Town Hall. Phalen’s Full Orchestra was providing the music, Feb. 16, 1900. 2. Business card of Long’s Hotel of Niagara. Rooms were $1.50 per day and the proprietor was Wm. Long, n.d. 3. Business card of Niagara Tannery of Niagara, Ontario. Blake and Burk were the proprietors. They were wholesale manufacturers of oak tanned, hose, belting and harness leather, n.d. 4. Business card of James B. Secord of Niagara, Ontario. His office was in the town hall. He was a notary public, conveyancer, clerk of first division court and Commissioner. He also had money to loan, n.d.
Letter written to “my dear” [James D. Tait] and it asks the recipient to tell Belle to give back the white tablecloth and napkins, bookcase, chafing dish and other items. The letter is signed “with love, your wife, Jane Eliot [Tait], n.d.
Printed blank from James McWhirter of Woodstock, official assignee, addressed to S.D. Woodruff in regard to the Oct. 10th meeting regarding William Little, an insolvent. This document is slightly stained. This does not affect the text, Sept. 20, 1866.
Printed blank regarding the Insolvent Act of 1864, this was sent to S. D. Woodruff in the matter of William Little, an insolvent. There was to be a meeting on the 10th day of October for public examination of the insolvent. The document was signed by James McWhirter, official assignee, Sept. 20, 1866.
Letter to Mr. Lee who was clerk of the Heir Devisee Committee in Toronto from Samuel D. Woodruff. [The Heir and Devisee Committee was formed to clarify the titles to land of heirs of people who had been assigned Crown lands before 1795. Many of the original grantees had not taken out patents to confirm their legal right to the land.] This letter confirms that steps have been taken to issue the patent, July 19, 1847.