984 resultados para Maryland. Penitentiary, Baltimore.
El tema del projecte consisteix a treballar les habilitats de relació interpersonal i de comunicació dels interns del Centre Penitenciari de Joves de Barcelona com un possible ajut de cara a la seva reinserció i integració social posterior, ja que un domini adequat de les habilitats socials és del tot imprescindible perquè qualsevol persona pugui encaixar socialment.
Goal: To learn more about the social support available to patients participating in a prison methadone maintenance program (PMM). Methodology: Descriptive, with controls. Setting: A penitentiary in Albolote (Granada) Population Sample: The total prison population was 1,579; 364 patients were included in the PMM; 35 were female and 329 were male. 60 patients, 7 women and 53 men, were used as cases. 30 non-drug dependent prisoners, 3 women and 27 men, were the control group. They had no antecedents of problems with drug addiction. Interventions: Interviews with cases and controls to learn about their addictive antecedents, family structure, socio-economic level, and a hetero-applied MOS questionnaire was completed. Percentages of each social support variable were obtained and compared using the chi-squared technique. Results: The overall support received is low in 38 cases (74.5%) and in 9 controls (30%): p = 0.0001. OR 0.1466, confidence interval at 95% (0.0538-0.3989). Support received is normal in 13 cases (25%) and 21 controls (70%): p = 0.0007. OR 0.69, confidence interval at 95% (0.44-0.93). All of the variables were statistically significant for non-drug addicts, except for emotional support, which was the same for both groups. Conclusion: The perception of inmates participating in the methadone maintenance program was that they received less social support than the non-drug dependent inmates.
Glucokinase is essential for glucose-stimulated insulin release from the pancreatic beta-cell, serving as glucose sensor in humans. Inactivating or activating mutations of glucokinase lead to different forms of glucokinase disease, i.e. GCK-monogenic diabetes of youth, permanent neonatal diabetes (inactivating mutations), and congenital hyperinsulinism, respectively. Here we present a novel glucokinase gene (GCK)-activating mutation (p.E442K) found in an infant with neonatal hypoglycemia (1.5 mmol/liter) and in two other family members suffering from recurrent hypoglycemic episodes in their childhood and adult life. In contrast to the severe clinical presentation in the index case, functional studies showed only a slight activation of the protein (relative activity index of 3.3). We also report on functional studies of two inactivating mutations of the GCK (p.E440G and p.S441W), contiguous to the activating one, that lead to monogenic diabetes of youth. Interestingly, adult family members carrying the GCK pE440G mutation show an unusually heterogeneous and progressive diabetic phenotype, a feature not typical of GCK-monogenic diabetes of youth. In summary, we identified a novel activating GCK mutation that although being associated with severe neonatal hypoglycemia is characterized by the mildest activation of the glucokinase enzyme of all previously reported.
L’estudi té per objectiu conèixer la reincidència penitenciària de la població excarcerada de les presons catalanes l’any 1997, fent el seguiment durant 5 anys en tot el territori Espanyol. La població total es composa de 3.898 persones, de les que la mostra estudiada ha estat de 1.555 persones. S’ha treballat amb els expedients informàtics dels interns que composen la mostra, identificats amb codis numèrics per garantir la privacitat de les dades. A part d’actualitzar la taxa de reincidència penitenciària (la última datava de l’any 1994 i es referia a les dades de 1987), l’estudi també descriu e les relacions significatives entre determinades variables individuals i d’historial delictiu i penitenciari, i el fet que es reincideixi o no. També identifica el perfil més comú de les persones reincidents front a les que no ho són. I, finalment, es desenvolupa un model predictiu de la reincidència mitjançant l’aplicació de tècniques d’anàlisi multivariat.
Aproximadament un 40% dels subjectes de la mostra de 1.14a subjectes no han arribat a ser considerats per a l’alliberament condicional, tot i haver complert les 3/4 parts de la condemna. La modalitat de llibertat condicional ordinària en complir les ¾ parts de la condemna predomina sobre la resta de modalitats d’alliberament. En el cas d’aquest estudi, només un 7,6% havia accedit al benefici de la llibertat condicional avançada. Respecte a la incidència de les variables personals en l’accés a la llibertat condicional, ser dona, tenir nacionalitat espanyola i un nivell molt baix o un nivell alt de formació influeix positivament en l’obtenció de la llibertat condicional. La variable nacionalitat estrangera té una influència molt negativa en la concessió de la llibertat condicional. Respecte a les variables penals, els delictes de lesions, seguits dels delictes contra la propietat, com tots els tipus de robatoris, tenen els percentatges de denegació de la llibertat condicional més alts. Respecte a les variables penitenciàries, es conclou que com més obert sigui el règim inicialment aplicat, més probabilitats hi ha de sortir en llibertat condicional. Les activitats realitzades durant el compliment de la condemna no semblen tenir, en general, una incidència positiva en la concessió de la llibertat condicional. En aquest sentit, es podria dir que ja a l’inici de la condemna es pot determinar les possibilitats que es tindran de sortir en llibertat condicional, independentment dels progressos o canvis que es realitzin durant el compliment de la condemna. Les variables més significatives en la concessió de la llibertat condicional, segons l’anàlisi de regressió logística, són 4: l’habitualitat, els dies totals de sortida en funció del temps, el temps passat com a preventiu i el nombre de faltes greus. La regressió logística ha permès construir una equació amb aquestes 4 variables independents, que dibuixa el perfil d’un intern en llibertat condicional, i també descriu quins són els interns susceptibles de gaudir de la llibertat condicional o no, amb la probabilitat d’encertar en 80 de cada 100 casos.
La finalitat de la recerca és aportar una informació estructurada sobre les persones que es troben ingressades a presó per delictes relacionats amb la seguretat viària, tant pel que fa a les característiques dels infractors com dels programes i intervencions específiques que se’ls apliquen, per tal que aquesta informació pugui contribuir a millorar l‘aplicació de les intervencions que porten a terme els serveis penitenciaris. Els objectius generals de la investigació són tres: 1- Descriure el tractament penitenciari dels infractors de trànsit i comparar-lo amb les actuacions que es duen a terme a la resta de l’Estat i a d’altres quatre països europeus (Holanda, Alemanya, Suècia i Regne Unit). 2- Identificar les principals característiques sociodemogràfiques, personals i penitenciàries d’una mostra d’interns que hagin comès algun delicte relacionat amb la seguretat viària. 3- Identificar les possibles diferències entre les característiques psicològiques, sociodemogràfiques i personals, i l’estil de conducció d’una mostra d’interns amb algun delicte relacionat amb la seguretat viària i una mostra d’infractors condemnats a una mesura penal alternativa pel mateix tipus de delicte. Podem concloure que pel que fa a les variables psicològiques i l’estil de conducció hi ha algunes diferències significatives entre els grups analitzats però en general són petites. Això fa pensar que una part dels casos condemnats a pena de presó podrien ser abordats des de l’àmbit de les mesures penals alternatives. Una altra conclusió important és que l’abordatge d’aquests infractors no s’hauria de centrar tant en el delicte comès com en les seves necessitats criminògenes individuals.
La finalidad de la investigación es aportar información estructurada sobre las personas que se encuentran ingresadas en prisión por delitos relacionados con la seguridad vial, respecto a las características de los infractores, como los programas e intervenciones específicas que se les aplican, para que esta información pueda contribuir a mejorar la aplicación de las intervenciones que llevan a cabo los servicios penitenciarios. Los objetivos generales de la investigación son tres: 1 - Describir el tratamiento penitenciario de los infractores de tráfico y compararlo con las actuaciones a nivel español y en otros cuatro países europeos (Holanda, Alemania, Suecia y Reino Unido). 2 - Identificar las principales características sociodemográficas, personales y penitenciarias de una muestra de internos que hayan cometido algún delito relacionado con la seguridad vial. 3 - Identificar las posibles diferencias entre las características psicológicas, sociodemográficas y personales y el estilo de conducción de una muestra de internos con algún delito relacionado con la seguridad vial y una muestra de infractores condenados a una medida penal alternativa por el mismo tipo de delito. Podemos concluir que respecto a las variables psicológicas y el estilo de conducción hay algunas diferencias significativas entre los grupos analizados pero en general son pequeñas. Esto hace pensar que gran parte de estos casos podrían ser abordados desde el ámbito de las medidas penales alternativas. Otra conclusión importante es que el abordaje de estos infractores no se tendría que centrar tanto en el delito cometido como en las necesidades criminógenas individuales.
Forest fires are defined as uncontrolled fires often occurring in wildland areas, but that can also affect houses or agricultural resources. Causes are both natural (e.g.,lightning phenomena) and anthropogenic (human negligence or arsons).Major environmental factors influencing the fire ignition and propagation are climate and vegetation. Wildfires are most common and severe during drought period and on windy days. Moreover, under water-stress conditions, which occur after a long hot and dry period, the vegetation is more vulnerable to fire. These conditions are common in the United State and Canada, where forest fires represent a big problem. We focused our analysis on the state of Florida, for which a big dataset on forest fires detection is readily available. USDA Forest Service Remote Sensing Application Center, in collaboration with NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Maryland, has compiled daily MODIS Thermal Anomalies (fires and biomass burning images) produced by NASA using a contextual algorithm that exploits the strong emission of mid-infrared radiation from fires. Fire classes were converted in GIS format: daily MODIS fire detections are provided as the centroids of the 1 kilometer pixels and compiled into daily Arc/INFO point coverage.
Distinguishing drug-induced liver injury (DILI) from idiopathic autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) can be challenging. We performed a standardized histologic evaluation to explore potential hallmarks to differentiate AIH versus DILI. Biopsies from patients with clinically well-characterized DILI [n = 35, including 19 hepatocellular injury (HC) and 16 cholestatic/mixed injury (CS)] and AIH (n = 28) were evaluated for Ishak scores, prominent inflammatory cell types in portal and intra-acinar areas, the presence or absence of emperipolesis, rosette formation, and cholestasis in a blinded fashion by four experienced hepatopathologists. Histologic diagnosis was concordant with clinical diagnosis in 65% of cases; but agreement on final diagnosis among the four pathologists was complete in only 46% of cases. Interface hepatitis, focal necrosis, and portal inflammation were present in all evaluated cases, but were more severe in AIH (P < 0.05) than DILI (HC). Portal and intra-acinar plasma cells, rosette formation, and emperiopolesis were features that favored AIH (P < 0.02). A model combining portal inflammation, portal plasma cells, intra-acinar lymphocytes and eosinophils, rosette formation, and canalicular cholestasis yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.90 in predicting DILI (HC) versus AIH. All Ishak inflammation scores were more severe in AIH than DILI (CS) (P ≤ 0.05). The four AIH-favoring features listed above were consistently more prevalent in AIH, whereas portal neutrophils and intracellular (hepatocellular) cholestasis were more prevalent in DILI (CS) (P < 0.02). The combination of portal inflammation, fibrosis, portal neutrophils and plasma cells, and intracellular (hepatocellular) cholestasis yielded an AUC of 0.91 in predicting DILI (CS) versus AIH. Conclusion: Although an overlap of histologic findings exists for AIH and DILI, sufficient differences exist so that pathologists can use the pattern of injury to suggest the correct diagnosis.
Report #02-04 Concerns about the death of two Iowa inmates at the Anamosa State Penitentiary, asked the Ombudsman Office to review the incidents and provide an assessment of each incident. The Governor also asked the Ombudsman Office to propose a set of recommendations for improving inmate and staff safety within Anamosa State Penitentiary.
Case Number 91-151 Craig Gardner, an inmate in the Iowa prison system, was the subject of a force move by correctional officers while incarcerated at the Iowa State Penitentiary (ISP). This action involved the use of a chemical agent. This investigation began as a review of the use of a chemical agent in a forced cell move on June 30, 1991.
Contexte La tétralogie de Fallot est la cardiopathie congénitale cyanogène la plus courante. Elle se présente avec une prévalence de 1/3000 naissances et sa proportion dans les malformations cardiaques congénitales est de 6.8% (Baltimore-Washington Infant Study). La correction, qui doit être chirurgicale, est généralement faite dans la première année de vie avec une intervention à coeur ouvert qui permet la réparation des différentes malformations. Dans certains cas on effectue d'abord une intervention de type palliatif, qui sera suivie d'une deuxième pour la réparation complète. Objectifs Les objectifs de ce travail sont de présenter les différentes stratégies de correction cardio-chirurgicale pratiquées actuellement et les raisons du choix; d'évaluer les complications rencontrées à long terme et leur prise en charge; ainsi que d'analyser les possibles différences dans l'évolution clinique à long terme de patients ayant subi une réparation unique vs. en deux stades. Méthode Revue de la littérature spécialisée, avec une attention particulière aux études qui traitent du decours clinique à long terme et des complications rencontrées après correction chirurgicale de la tétralogie de Fallot. Comparaison des informations récoltées concernant les deux stratégies pratiquées actuellement: réparation complète précédée ou non d'un traitement palliatif néonatal. Conclusions Ce travail résumera les connaissances actuelles sur le traitement chirurgical de cette anomalie cardiaque. Il permettra d'avoir une analyse récente des dernières études concernant l'évolution à long terme après sa correction et offrira une base de comparaison entre les différentes stratégies de réparation.
AbstractOBJECTIVEOf this study were to evaluate the functional independence of patients with intermittent claudication and to verify its association with sociodemographic and clinical variables, walking ability and physical activity level.METHODThis was a descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Fifty participants (66.4 years; 68% male) were recruited from Claudication Unit of a tertiary hospital. Functional Independence Measure were used to evaluate functional incapacity; the Baltimore Activity Scale, to estimate the physical activity level and the Walking Impairement Questionnaire, the walking ability.RESULTSParticipants had complete functional independence (124.8 + 2.0), low levels of physical activity (4.2 + 2.0), and impairment of walking ability; the worst performance was found in walking velocity domain (21.2 + 16.4). The functional independence score was associated with physical activity (r=0,402) and walking ability scores (distance, r=0,485; speed, r=0,463; stairs, r=0,337).CONCLUSIONIn conclusion, the level of functionality is associated with functional capacity in these patients.
*********** Some files are large and will take time to load. *********** Seven Files: 1)Report Cover, 2)Table of Contents, 3)Statewide Financial Summaries, 4)Department Budgets, 5)Capitol Projects, 6)Associated Financial Documents, 7)Budget Report. To Members of the 82nd General Assembly, As we begin the second year of our Administration, we are pleased to submit the Fiscal Year 2009 budget for the State of Iowa pursuant to Iowa Code Section 8.21 and our constitutional authority. This budget recognizes the progress that we began last year with improvements in education, economic development, energy independence, and health care; provides funding for new policy initiatives in these areas; and is based on fiscally sound budget practices. Building on last year’s accomplishments, our Fiscal Year 2009 General Fund budget proposes an additional $75 million for increasing teachers’ salaries as part of our goal to move Iowa closer to the national average. We lay the foundation for student achievement by recommending $32.1 million for pre-school education, and we also propose $177.5 million in total for community colleges and $726.2 million in total for Regents universities. To make our State more energy independent, our General Fund budget appropriates the second-year funding of $25 million for the new Iowa Power Fund. The newly established Office of Energy Independence will soon start making awards from the Power Fund. Apart from the budget, we will be making several proposals to implement the new State energy plan. We have pledged to expand the number of Iowans who have health-care coverage. As a result, we are recommending additional funding for enrollment growth in the State Children Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). These additional funds will help the State provide coverage for another 25 percent of children who are eligible but not yet enrolled in hawk-i and the Iowa Medicaid Program. To protect the safety of Iowans, we are recommending issuance of revenue bonds for approximately $260 million in net proceeds to build a new state penitentiary in Ft. Madison, renovate and expand the Women’s Correctional Institution at Mitchellville, upgrade kitchen facilities at the Rockwell City and Mt. Pleasant Correctional Institutions, and expand Community-Based Correctional Facilities in Ottumwa, Sioux City, Waterloo, and Des Moines. Additionally, we are including funding for developing a prototype program for providing parolees and low-risk offenders with mental health and drug abuse treatment and educational services to help them make a crime-free re-entry into our communities. As part of this Capitals Budget, we also propose using $20 million for the State’s matching share for building new facilities at the Iowa Veterans Home. Iowa Budget Report iv Fiscal Year 2009 Importantly, our budget continues to fully fund our State’s Reserve Funds to help buffer Iowa from any future economic downturn. We recommend reimbursing $78.2 million to the Property Tax Credit Fund as part of our multi-year proposal to correct bad budgeting practices and eventually restore $160.0 million to this Fund. To provide more transparency, we are transferring operational expenditures in the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund to the General Fund and expenditures from the Endowment for Healthy Iowans and Healthy Iowans Tobacco Trust Funds to the General Fund. We believe that Iowa has charted a new course of becoming energy independent, providing quality pre-school education, recognizing the importance of our teachers, and providing greater health coverage for children. Our Fiscal Year 2009 budget and policy priorities reflect our continuing faith in Iowa’s ability to be the best state in the nation. We look forward to working with you in a bi-partisan and all-inclusive manner to build on our progress and protect our priorities. Sincerely, Chester J. Culver Governor Patty Judge Lt. Governor