1000 resultados para Malalties immunològiques -- Diagnòstic
Des de principi dels anys 90, els programes per a la detecció universal neonatal de la sordesa -DUNS- s'han anat implementant arreu del món. La seva aportació a la millora de la competència en llenguatge dels infants sords ha estat forca significativa. A l'Estat espanyol, la DUNS esta possibilitant una detecció molt més precç de la sordesa, cosa que accelera l'establiment del diagnostic i del tractament, i augmenta així les probabilitats que la rehabilitació auditiva dels infants sords sigui reeixida. Des de la perspectiva de l'atenció integral de la sordesa infantil, aquests programes tenen com a objectiu la detecció de la patologia dins el primer mes de vida, el diagnòstic als tres mesos i la instauració del tractament al voltant dels sis mesos. Aquests terminis suposen un autèntic repte que exigeix, d'una banda, la creació de centres qualificats i, de l'altra, la reformulació dels protocols d'actuació dels professionals de les distintes disciplines i la seva adaptació a les noves eines disponibles per al diagnòstic, l'adaptació protètica i la rehabilitació auditiva del nadó sord. Si en un article anterior abordava el futur de la intervenció amb infants sords, tot considerant els avenços tècnics ja existens (Valero, 2002); ara em proposo revisar breument l'estat de la qüestió a Catalunya, alhora que es faran una sèrie de reflexions sobre els canvis que la detecció molt primerenca d'infants sords pot reportar tant per als mateixos sords com per als professionals que els hem d'atendre.
La disfonia és una alteració de les qualitats bàsiques de la veu (timbre, alçada, intensitat) que pot afectar la vida social i professional del pacient. La valoració de la disfonia en els protocols mèdics actuals incideix, d'una banda, en els mitjans tecnics que ajuden a definir les característiques d'aquesta disfonia (anàlisi acústica informatitzada) i, de l'altra, en l'exploració de la laringe que permet una classificació de les lesions orgàniques i de la funcionalitat laríngia (laringoestrobosòpia), així com la valoració subjectiva del pacient del seu handicap vocal. Aquest article aborda la multifactorialitat de la disfonia com a símptoma i no com a causa, valorant especialment els aspectes emocionals, i constata la manca de mitjans simples i significatius per a una valoració d'aquests aspectes. D'aquí se'n deriva la necessitat de l'abordatge multidisciplinari, tant en el diagnòstic com en la intervenció en els trastorns de la veu.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) produced by Treponema pallidum, which mainly affects humans and is able to invade practically any organ in the body. Its infection facilitates the transmission of other STDs. Since the end of the last decade, successive outbreaks of syphilis have been reported in most western European countries. Like other STDs, syphilis is a notifiable disease in the European Union. In Spain, epidemiological information is obtained nationwide via the country"s system for recording notifiable diseases (Spanish acronym EDO) and the national microbiological information system (Spanish acronym SIM), which compiles information from a network of 46 sentinel laboratories in twelve Spanish regions. The STDs that are epidemiologically controlled are gonococcal infection, syphilis, and congenital syphilis. The incidence of each of these diseases is recorded weekly. The information compiled indicates an increase in the cases of syphilis and gonococcal infection in Spain in recent years. According to the EDO, in 1999, the number of cases of syphilis per 100,000 inhabitants was recorded to be 1.69, which has risen to 4.38 in 2007. In this article, we review the reappearance and the evolution of this infectious disease in eight European countries, and alert dentists to the importance of a) diagnosing sexuallytransmitted diseases and b) notifying the centres that control them
Objectives: Our aim in this study was to determine the concentration of salivary glucose in healthy individuals and to compare it with the capillary glycemia. Study design: Samples of unstimulated whole saliva were collected from 63 non-diabetic patients. The concentration of salivary glucose and capillary blood was measured in all of the patients. The salivary glucose was determined by enzymatic method and spectrophotometry. The data was then analyzed using the Spearman correlation test, considering values of p<0.05 to be significant. Results: The whole sample consisted of 47.6% males and 52.4% women, with an average age of 37.5±15.7 years old. The average rates of unstimulated salivary flow were 0.41±0.21 ml/min among males and 0.31±0.15 ml/min among females. No significant difference was found based on these results (p=0.078). The average blood glucose among the males studied was 100.05±13.51 mg/dL, and among females, it was 99.5±13.9 mg/dL. The average salivary glucose for the whole sample was 5.97±1.87 mg/dL, with 5.91±2.19 mg/dL among males and 5.97±1.56 mg/dL among females, respectively, without presenting any significant differences (p=0.908). The concentration of salivary glucose did not present any statistically significant correlation with the capillary glycemia (p=0.732). Conclusions: The results suggest that the concentration of salivary glucose is not dependent on capillary glycemia and that the concentration of salivary glucose does not present significant differences between the measurements for males and females.
Music is a highly complex and versatile stimulus for the brain that engages many temporal, frontal, parietal, cerebellar, and subcortical areas involved in auditory, cognitive, emotional, and motor processing. Regular musical activities have been shown to effectively enhance the structure and function of many brain areas, making music a potential tool also in neurological rehabilitation. In our previous randomized controlled study, we found that listening to music on a daily basis can improve cognitive recovery and improve mood after an acute middle cerebral artery stroke. Extending this study, a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis utilizing cost function masking was performed on the acute and 6-month post-stroke stage structural magnetic resonance imaging data of the patients (n = 49) who either listened to their favorite music [music group (MG), n = 16] or verbal material [audio book group (ABG), n = 18] or did not receive any listening material [control group (CG), n = 15] during the 6-month recovery period. Although all groups showed significant gray matter volume (GMV) increases from the acute to the 6-month stage, there was a specific network of frontal areas [left and right superior frontal gyrus (SFG), right medial SFG] and limbic areas [left ventral/subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (SACC) and right ventral striatum (VS)] in patients with left hemisphere damage in which the GMV increases were larger in the MG than in the ABG and in the CG. Moreover, the GM reorganization in the frontal areas correlated with enhanced recovery of verbal memory, focused attention, and language skills, whereas the GM reorganization in the SACC correlated with reduced negative mood. This study adds on previous results, showing that music listening after stroke not only enhances behavioral recovery, but also induces fine-grained neuroanatomical changes in the recovering brain.
The possible connection between chronic oral inflammatory processes, such as apical periodontitis and periodontal disease (PD), and systemic health is one of the most interesting aspects faced by the medical and dental scientific community. Chronic apical periodontitis shares important characteristics with PD: 1) both are chronic infections of the oral cavity, 2) the Gram-negative anaerobic microbiota found in both diseases is comparable, and 3) in both infectious processes increased local levels of inflammatory mediators may have an impact on systemic levels. One of the systemic disorders linked to PD is diabetes mellitus (DM); is therefore plausible to assume that chronic apical periodontitis and endodontic treatment are also associated with DM. The status of knowledge regarding the relationship between DM and endodontics is reviewed. Upon review, we conclude that there are data in the literature that associate DM with a higher prevalence of periapical lesions, greater size of the osteolityc lesions, greater likelihood of asymptomatic infections and worse prognosis for root filled teeth. The results of some studies suggest that periapical disease may contribute to diabetic metabolic dyscontrol
Numerous health benefits have been attributed to cocoa and its derived products in the last decade including antioxidant, anti-platelet and positive effects on lipid metabolism and vascular function. Inflammation plays a key role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. However, cocoa feeding trials focused on inflammation are still rare and the results yielded are controversial. Health effects derived from cocoa consumption have been partly attributed to its polyphenol content, in particular of flavanols. Bioavailability is a key issue for cocoa polyphenols in order to be able to exert their biological activities. In the case of flavanols, bioavailability is strongly influenced by several factors, such as their degree of polymerization and the food matrix in which the polyphenols are delivered. Furthermore, gut has become an active site for the metabolism of procyanidins (oligomeric and polymeric flavanols). Estimation of polyphenol consumption or exposure is also a very challenging task in Food and Nutrition Science in order to correlate the intake of phytochemicals with in vivo health effects. In the area of nutrition, modern analytical techniques based on mass spectrometry are leading to considerable advances in targeted metabolite analysis and particularly in Metabolomics or global metabolite analysis. In this chapter we have summarized the most relevant results of our recent research on the bioavailability of cocoa polyphenols in humans and the effect of the matrix in which cocoa polyphenols are delivered considering both targeted analysis and a metabolomic approach. Furthermore, we have also summarized the effect of long-term consumption of cocoa powder in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) on the inflammatory biomarkers of atherosclerosis.
The objective of this study was to investigate the association of functional variants of the human CX3CR1 gene (Fractalkine receptor) with the risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis disease (ALS), the survival and the progression rate of the disease symptoms in a Spanish ALS cohort. 187 ALS patients (142sporadic [sALS] and 45 familial) and 378 controls were recruited. We investigated CX3CR1 V249I (rs3732379) and T280M (rs3732378) genotypes and their haplotypes as predictors of survival, the progression rate of the symptoms (as measured by ALSFRS-R and FVC decline) and the risk of suffering ALS disease. The results indicated that sALS patients with CX3CR1 249I/I or 249V/I genotypes presented a shorter survival time (42.21±4.82) than patients with 249V/V genotype (67.48±7.28; diff=-25.27 months 95%CI [-42.09,-8.45]; p=0.003). The survival time was shorter in sALS patients with spinal topography and CX3CR1 249I alleles (diff -29.78 months; 95%CI [-49.42,-10.14]; p=0.003). The same effects were also observed in the spinal sALS patients with 249I-280M haplotype (diff=-27.23 months; 95%CI [-49.83,-4.64]; p=0.018). In the sALS group, the CX3CR1 249I variant was associated with a faster progression of the disease symptoms (OR= 2.32; 95IC%[1.24, 4.33]; p=0.007). There was no evidence for association of these two CX3CR1 variants with ALS disease risk. The association evidenced herein is clinically relevant and indicates that CX3CR1 could be a disease-modifying gene in sALS. The progression rate of the disease"s symptoms and the survival time is affected in patients with one or two copies of the CX3CR1 249I allele. The CX3CR1 is the most potent ALS survival genetic factor reported to date. These results reinforce the role of the immune system in ALS pathogenesis.
En els darrers anys s’han publicat diversos articles que descriuen l’epidemiologia de les malalties i lesions patides per persones que practiquen diferents esports. Aquestes investigacions s’han fet a partir de les dades reco· llides durant períodes d’entrenament de diversa durada o bé durant unes competicions concretes, com poden ser uns Jocs Olímpics. L’objectiu del present estudi va ser el de recollir i analitzar les dades epidemiològiques de les lesions patides per una població d’esportistes del nostre país, durant un període de temps determinat que inclou tant el temps d’entrenament com el de competició. La informació va ser recollida en el servei mèdic d’un centre d’entrenament esportiu, a partir de les dades de les visites mèdiques recollides en l’historial clínic de cada espor· tista. Es van revisar 16.925 visites mèdiques, realitzades en 45 mesos, d’esportistes d’ambdós gèneres i de 29 esports diferents. Les variables que es van analitzar van ser el tipus de lesió, les circumstàncies de producció de la lesió i la topografia de la lesió.Es va veure que el 90 % de totes les lesions es van produir durant l’entrenament. Les més freqüents van ser les agudes (75 %). Les parts del cos més afectades van ser el genoll (17 %), el turmell (12 %), el peu (11%), la cintura escapular (10 %) i la regió lumbar (10 %).
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome is a genetic disorder that was first described by Richard Ellis and Simon van Creveld in 1940. The four principal characteristics are chondrodysplasia, polydactyly, ectodermal dysplasia and congenital heart defects. The orofacial manifestations include multiple gingivolabial musculofibrous fraenula, dental anomalies, hypodontia and malocclusion. The disease can be diagnosed at any age, even during pregnancy. The differentiation should be made between Jeune syndrome and other orofaciodigital syndromes
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome is a genetic disorder that was first described by Richard Ellis and Simon van Creveld in 1940. The four principal characteristics are chondrodysplasia, polydactyly, ectodermal dysplasia and congenital heart defects. The orofacial manifestations include multiple gingivolabial musculofibrous fraenula, dental anomalies, hypodontia and malocclusion. The disease can be diagnosed at any age, even during pregnancy. The differentiation should be made between Jeune syndrome and other orofaciodigital syndromes
El foc bacterià és una malaltia de quarantena a la Unió Europea causada pel bacteri Erwinia amylovora. Aquesta malaltia afecta fonamentalment a plantes de la família de les Rosàcies, en la que s’inclouen arbres fruiters de gran interès econòmic i diverses espècies ornamentals i silvestres.Els mètodes disponibles pel control del foc bacterià es limiten a tractaments amb productes químics combinats amb pràctiques culturals. A la Unió Europea, hi ha pocs productes basats en compostos químics autoritzats i els disponibles tenen una eficàcia reduïda i es restringeixen pràcticament als derivats del coure. Degut a aquesta limitació existeix la necessitat de continuar investigant i estudiar estratègies alternatives o complementàries a l’ús de productes químics pel control d’aquesta malaltia.Aquest treball de fi de carrera s’inclou dins el grup de patologia vegetal de l’INTEA-CIDSAV (Institut de Tecnologia Alimentària - Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament en Sanitat Vegetal) de la Universitat de Girona i s’emmarca dins el projecte d’investigació de control biotecnològic del foc bacterià. Aquest projecte té com a objectiu obtenir soques de bacteris de l’àcid làctic, amb activitat antibacteriana per a ser utilitzades com a agents de control biològic. El treball es centra principalment en la determinació ex vivo (sobre teixit biològic però fora de l’organisme en condicions naturals) i in vivo (sobre l’organisme viu) de l’eficàcia de diferents soques de bacteris de l’àcid làctic pel control de la infecció causada per E. amylovora; i en l’avaluació de la capacitat de supervivència i colonització dels bacteris de l’àcid làctic en material vegetal. De les soques de bacteris de l’àcid làctic estudiades, es seleccionen les més eficaces pel control de la infecció per E. amylovora en fulla
'Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration: Local Effect and Global Impact' was the theme of the Xi"an International Neurotoxicology Conference (XINC), held in Xi"an, June 2011. The Conference was a joint event of the 13th Biennial Meeting of the International Neurotoxicology Association (INA-13) and the 11th International Symposium on Neurobehavioral Methods and Effects in Occupational and Environmental Health (NEUREOH-11) of the Scientific Committee on Neurotoxicology and...
'Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration: Local Effect and Global Impact' was the theme of the Xi"an International Neurotoxicology Conference (XINC), held in Xi"an, June 2011. The Conference was a joint event of the 13th Biennial Meeting of the International Neurotoxicology Association (INA-13) and the 11th International Symposium on Neurobehavioral Methods and Effects in Occupational and Environmental Health (NEUREOH-11) of the Scientific Committee on Neurotoxicology and...
High blood pressure (BP) has been ranked as the most important risk factor worldwide regarding attributable deaths. Dietary habits are major determinants of BP. Among them, frequent intake of low-fat dairy products may protect against hypertension. Our aim was to assess the relationship between low-fat dairy product intake and BP levels and their changes after 12 month follow-up in a cohort of asymptomatic older persons at high cardiovascular risk recruited into a large-scale trial assessing the effects of Mediterranean diets on cardiovascular outcomes. Data from 2290 participants, including 1845 with hypertension, were available for analyses. Dairy products were not a specific part of the intervention; thus, data were analysed as an observational cohort. Dietary information was collected with validated semi-quantitative FFQ and trained personnel measured BP. To assess BP changes, we undertook cross-sectional analyses at baseline and at the end of follow-up and longitudinal analyses. A statistically significant inverse association between low-fat dairy product intake and systolic BP was observed for the 12-month longitudinal analysis. In the longitudinal analysis, the adjusted systolic and diastolic BP were significantly lower in the highest quintile of low-fat dairy product intake ( 2 4·2 (95% CI 2 6·9, 2 1·4) and 2 1·8 (95% CI 2 3·2, 2 0·4) mmHg respectively), whereas the point estimates for the difference in diastolic BP indicated a modest non-significant inverse association. Intake of low-fat dairy products was inversely associated with BP in an older population at high cardiovascular risk, suggesting a possible protective effect against hypertension.