964 resultados para Magma fragmentation
The existence of fluids and partial melt in the lower crust of the seismically active Kutch rift basin (on the western continental margin of India) owing to underplating has been proposed in previous geological and geophysical studies. This hypothesis is examined using magnetotelluric (MT) data acquired at 23 stations along two profiles across Kutch Mainland Uplift and Wagad Uplift. A detailed upper crustal structure is also presented using twodimensional inversion of MT data in the Bhuj earthquake (2001) area. The prominent boundaries of reflection in the upper crust at 5, 10 and 20 km obtained in previous seismic reflection profiles correlate with conductive structures in our models. The MT study reveals 1-2 km thick Mesozoic sediments under the Deccan trap cover. The Deccan trap thickness in this region varies from a few meters to 1.5 km. The basement is shallow on the northern side compared to the south and is in good agreement with geological models as well as drilling information. The models for these profiles indicate that the thickness of sediments would further increase southwards into the Gulf of Kutch. Significant findings of the present study indicate 1) the hypocentre region of the earthquake is devoid of fluids, 2) absence of melt (that is emplaced during rifting as suggested from the passive seismological studies) in the lower crust and 3) a low resistive zone in the depth range of 5-20 km. The present MT study rules out fluidsand melt (magma) as the causative factors that triggered the Bhuj earthquake. The estimated porosity value of 0.02% will explain 100-500 ohm·m resistivity values observed in the lower crust. Based on the seismic velocities and geochemical studies, presence of garnet is inferred. The lower crust consists of basalts - probably generated by partial melting of metasomatised garnet peridotite at deeper depths in the lithosphere - and their composition might be modified by reaction with the spinel peridotites.
The Upper Cretaceous volcanic succession of Hannah Point is the best exposure of the Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Group on L ivingston Island. The aim of the present paper is to contribute to the characterisation of the stratigr a p hy and petrogr a p hy of this little studied succession, and briefly discuss some aspects of the eru p t ive style of its volcanism. The succession is about 470 m thick and is here subdivided into five lithostratigraphic units (A to E from base to top). Unit A, approximately 120 m thick, is mainly composed of polymict clast-supported volcaniclastic breccias and also includes a dacitic lava laye r. Interstratified in the breccias of this unit, there is a thin laminated devitrified layer which shows some degree of welding. Unit B, approx imately 70 m thick, is almost entirely composed of volcaniclastic breccias, and includes a volcaniclastic conglomerate laye r. Breccias in this unit can be subdivided into two distinct types; polymict clast-supported breccias, and monomict matrix-supported breccias rich in juvenile components and displaying incipient welding. Unit C, about 65 m thick, is mainly composed of basaltic lavas, which are interlayered with minor vo lcaniclastic breccias. Unit D, approximately 65 m thick, is lithologically similar to unit B, composed of an alternation of polymict clasts upported breccias and matrix-supported breccias, and includes a volcaniclastic conglomerate laye r. Unit E, about 150 m thick, is mainly formed of thick andesitic lava layers. Minor basaltic dykes and a few normal faults cut the succession, and the contact betwe e n units A and B can be interpreted both as an unconformity or a fault. The matrix-supported breccias included in the succession of Hannah Point have high contents of juvenile components and incipient welding, which suggest that part of the succession is the result of pyroclastic fragmentation and emplacement from pyroclastic flows. In contrast, the polymict clast-supported breccias suggest reworking of previous deposits and deposition from cool mass flows. The lavas indicate eff u s ive volcanic eruptions, and the absence of features indicative of subaqueous volcanism suggests that at least these portions of the succession were emplaced in a subaerial environment .
OBJECT: To determine whether glycine can be measured at 7 T in human brain with (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The glycine singlet is overlapped by the larger signal of myo-inositol. Density matrix simulations were performed to determine the TE at which the myo-inositol signal was reduced the most, following a single spin-echo excitation. (1)H MRS was performed on an actively shielded 7 T scanner, in five healthy volunteers. RESULTS: At the TE of 30 ms, the myo-inositol signal intensity was substantially reduced. Quantification using LCModel yielded a glycine-to-creatine ratio of 0.14 +/- 0.01, with a Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of 7 +/- 1%. Furthermore, quantification of metabolites other than glycine was possible as well, with a CRLB mostly below 10%. CONCLUSION: It is possible to detect glycine at 7 T in human brain, at the short TE of 30 ms with a single spin-echo excitation scheme.
Human-induced habitat fragmentation constitutes a major threat to biodiversity. Both genetic and demographic factors combine to drive small and isolated populations into extinction vortices. Nevertheless, the deleterious effects of inbreeding and drift load may depend on population structure, migration patterns, and mating systems and are difficult to predict in the absence of crossing experiments. We performed stochastic individual-based simulations aimed at predicting the effects of deleterious mutations on population fitness (offspring viability and median time to extinction) under a variety of settings (landscape configurations, migration models, and mating systems) on the basis of easy-to-collect demographic and genetic information. Pooling all simulations, a large part (70%) of variance in offspring viability was explained by a combination of genetic structure (F(ST)) and within-deme heterozygosity (H(S)). A similar part of variance in median time to extinction was explained by a combination of local population size (N) and heterozygosity (H(S)). In both cases the predictive power increased above 80% when information on mating systems was available. These results provide robust predictive models to evaluate the viability prospects of fragmented populations.
Like numerous other eukaryotic organelles, the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes coordinated cycles of membrane fission and fusion in the course of the cell cycle and in adaptation to environmental conditions. Organelle fission and fusion processes must be balanced to ensure organelle integrity. Coordination of vacuole fission and fusion depends on the interactions of vacuolar SNARE proteins and the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p. Here, we identify a novel factor that impinges on the fusion-fission equilibrium: the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) performs two distinct roles in vacuole fission and fusion. Fusion requires the physical presence of the membrane sector of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase sector, but not its pump activity. Vacuole fission, in contrast, depends on proton translocation by the V-ATPase. Eliminating proton pumping by the V-ATPase either pharmacologically or by conditional or constitutive V-ATPase mutations blocked salt-induced vacuole fragmentation in vivo. In living cells, fission defects are epistatic to fusion defects. Therefore, mutants lacking the V-ATPase display large single vacuoles instead of multiple smaller vacuoles, the phenotype that is generally seen in mutants having defects only in vacuolar fusion. Its dual involvement in vacuole fission and fusion suggests the V-ATPase as a potential regulator of vacuolar morphology and membrane dynamics.
La désaffection des citoyens à l'égard des partis politiques en contexte autoritaire semble se prolonger au niveau de la recherche. Pourtant, l'observation du phénomène partisan dans de tels contextes soulève plusieurs énigmes. A partir du cas du Maroc, un des rares pays de la région qui connaît depuis son indépendance un pluralisme partisan limité mais néanmoins complexe, nous nous sommes posés trois questions en particulier : 1) Si les partis politiques suscitent tant de méfiance en contexte autoritaire, qu'est-ce qui caractérise ceux qui s'engagent en leur sein ? 2) Comment en vient-on à s'y engager ? 3) Selon quels processus individuels, organisationnels, collectifs les carrières militantes partisanes se transforment-elles dans un régime autoritaire ? Pour saisir, d'une part, les caractéristiques et les lignes de partage qui structurent l'espace partisan marocain en termes de valeurs, de sociographie, de socialisations, de bassins de recrutement, d'autre part, les intrications entre trajectoires individuelles, organisationnelles et collectives, nous avons recouru en parallèle à des méthodes ethnographiques et à la constitution d'une base de données sur 4127 congressistes nationaux de dix organisations politiques marocaines, sondées entre 2008 et 2012. La sélection des organisations politiques a reposé sur des critères historiques et idéologiques, sur des dynamiques de crise, de fragmentation ou d'unification, tout en étant contrainte par les aléas du calendrier de l'organisation des congrès nationaux et des événements de 2011. L'échantillon comporte des partis « administratifs », des partis de gouvernement, d'opposition parlementaire, d'opposition non parlementaire ; avec une diversité d'orientations : nationaliste, berbériste, islamiste, de gauche gouvernementale, de gauche radicale, d'extrême-gauche. En outre, pour interroger les spécificités du fait partisan au regard de ses marges, nous avons intégré dans notre échantillon une organisation altermondialiste promouvant « la politique autrement » et observé les mobilisations de 2011 et de 2012. La concrétisation de cette recherche a été possible grâce à plusieurs contributions : - Les congressistes et nos « alliés » au sein des organisations enquêtées - Université de Lausanne : subsides de démarrage, avant l'obtention du financement du FNRS - M-F. Oliva : gestion du fonds - M. Naoui : traduction vers l'arabe de la première version du questionnaire - l'équipe des enquêteurs constituée notamment par des doctorant.e.s du CM2S (Casablanca) et de l'Université de Mohammedia - H. Rabah: gestion logistique des enquêtes - M. Jeghllaly : participation à la collecte des données, co-responsabilité des enquêtes menées dans deux congrès, traduction et codage des réponses aux questions ouvertes et semi-ouvertes - V. Monney, G. Patthey : gestion administrative et constitution de la base de donnés au début du projet - Y. Boughaba, P. Diaz, F. Friedli, A. Lutz, M. Mouton, S. Ridet-de-Beausacq : saisie des données - N. Khattabi et K. Taifouri : saisie des réponses en arabe - P. Blanchard : stratégie méthodologique, formation méthodologique de l'équipe suisse, supervision de la saisie et du codage, conception et réalisation de la base de données et des documents de codage, traitements statistiques multivariés et séquentiels - J. P. Müller : formation méthodologique complémentaire de la requérante - A. Bennani, M. Catusse, J.G. Contamin, O. Fillieule, F. Haegel, F. Johshua, D. Ksikes, M. Offerlé, F. Passy : soutiens et conseils précieux à un moment ou à un autre de l'enquête.
Is species diversification driven by neutral- or niche-based processes? Butterflies of the Lycaenidae family have developed mutualistic interactions with ants. This biotic requirement increased the spatial fragmentation of populations of lower effective population size (Ne) compared with autonomous species. The nearly neutral theory predicts that species with smaller Ne should fix more mutations because of the increased strength of drift. Taking into account the phylogenetic relatedness among species, this study shows that species with a stronger dependence on ants displayed more intra-specific Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms compared with species with low or no myrmecophily. This phenomenon can cause more pronounced genetic differentiation between populations and could ultimately promote speciation in a similar manner as on physical islands. The large species diversity observed in this family could be the consequence of this neutral process enhancing the diversification of lineages.
Expression of isolated beta integrin cytoplasmic domains in cultured endothelial cells was reported to induce cell detachment and death. To test whether cell death was the cause or the consequence of cell detachment, we expressed isolated integrin beta1 cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains (CH1) in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), and monitored detachment, viability, caspase activation and signaling. CH1 expression induced dose-dependent cell detachment. At 24 h over 90% of CH1-expressing HUVEC were detached but largely viable (>85%). No evidence of pro-caspase-8,-3, and PARP cleavage or suppression of phosphorylation of ERK, PKB and Ikappa-B was observed. The caspase inhibitor z-VAD did not prevent cell detachment. At 48 h, however, CH1-expressing cells were over 50% dead. As a comparison trypsin-mediated detachment resulted in a time-dependent cell death, paralleled by caspase-3 activation and suppression of ERK, PKB and Ikappa-B phosphoyrylation at 24 h or later after detachment. HUVEC stimulation with agents that strengthen integrin-mediated adhesion (i.e. PMA, the Src inhibitor PP2 and COMP-Ang1) did not prevent CH1-induced detachment. Expression of CH1 in rat carotid artery endothelial cells in vivo caused endothelial cell detachment and increased nuclear DNA fragmentation among detached cells. A construct lacking the integrin cytoplasmic domain (CH2) had no effect on adhesion and cell viability in vitro and in vivo. These results demonstrate that isolated beta1 cytoplasmic domain expression induces caspase-independent detachment of viable endothelial cells and that death is secondary to detachment (i.e. anoikis). They also reveal an essential role for integrins in the adhesion and survival of quiescent endothelial cells in vivo.
In addition to the importance of sample preparation and extract separation, MS detection is a key factor in the sensitive quantification of large undigested peptides. In this article, a linear ion trap MS (LIT-MS) and a triple quadrupole MS (TQ-MS) have been compared in the detection of large peptides at subnanomolar concentrations. Natural brain natriuretic peptide, C-peptide, substance P and D-Junk-inhibitor peptide, a full D-amino acid therapeutic peptide, were chosen. They were detected by ESI and simultaneous MS(1) and MS(2) acquisitions. With direct peptide infusion, MS(2) spectra revealed that fragmentation was peptide dependent, milder on the LIT-MS and required high collision energies on the TQ-MS to obtain high-intensity product ions. Peptide adsorption on surfaces was overcome and peptide dilutions ranging from 0.1 to 25 nM were injected onto an ultra high-pressure LC system with a 1 mm id analytical column and coupled with the MS instruments. No difference was observed between the two instruments when recording in LC-MS(1) acquisitions. However, in LC-MS(2) acquisitions, a better sensitivity in the detection of large peptides was observed with the LIT-MS. Indeed, with the three longer peptides, the typical fragmentation in the TQ-MS resulted in a dramatic loss of sensitivity (> or = 10x).
Several models have been proposed to understand how so many species can coexist in ecosystems. Despite evidence showing that natural habitats are often patchy and fragmented, these models rarely take into account environmental spatial structure. In this study we investigated the influence of spatial structure in habitat and disturbance regime upon species' traits and species' coexistence in a metacommunity. We used a population-based model to simulate competing species in spatially explicit landscapes. The species traits we focused on were dispersal ability, competitiveness, reproductive investment and survival rate. Communities were characterized by their species richness and by the four life-history traits averaged over all the surviving species. Our results show that spatial structure and disturbance have a strong influence on the equilibrium life-history traits within a metacommunity. In the absence of disturbance, spatially structured landscapes favour species investing more in reproduction, but less in dispersal and survival. However, this influence is strongly dependent on the disturbance rate, pointing to an important interaction between spatial structure and disturbance. This interaction also plays a role in species coexistence. While spatial structure tends to reduce diversity in the absence of disturbance, the tendency is reversed when disturbance occurs. In conclusion, the spatial structure of communities is an important determinant of their diversity and characteristic traits. These traits are likely to influence important ecological properties such as resistance to invasion or response to climate change, which in turn will determine the fate of ecosystems facing the current global ecological crisis.
The earliest sign of neurotoxicity observed after exposure of three-dimensional brain cell cultures to low concentrations of mercury compounds is a microglial reaction. We hypothesized that an induction of apoptosis by mercury compounds could be an activating signal of the microglial reaction. Aggregating brain cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were treated for 10 days with either mercury chloride or monomethylmercury chloride at noncytotoxic concentrations during two developmental periods: from day 5 to 15, corresponding to an immature stage, and from day 25 to 35 corresponding to a mature stage. Apoptosis was evaluated by the TUNEL technique. It was found that both mercury compounds caused a significant increase in the number of apoptotic cells, but exclusively in immature cultures exhibiting also spontaneous apoptosis. Double staining by the TUNEL technique combined with either neuronal or astroglial markers revealed that the proportion of cells undergoing apoptosis was highest for astrocytes. Furthermore neither an association nor a colocalization was found between apoptotic cells and microglial cells. In conclusion, it appears that the induction of apoptosis by mercury compounds in immature cells is only an acceleration of a spontaneously occurring process, and that it is not a directly related to the early microglial reaction.
Sexual selection in lek-breeding species might drastically lower male effective population size, with potentially important consequences for evolutionary and conservation biology. Using field-monitoring and parental-assignment methods, we analyzed sex-specific variances in breeding success in a population of European treefrogs, to (1) help understanding the dynamics of genetic variance at sex-specific loci, and (2) better quantify the risk posed by genetic drift in this species locally endangered by habitat fragmentation. The variance in male mating success turned out to be markedly lower than values obtained from other amphibian species with polygamous mating systems. The ratio of effective breeding size to census breeding size was only slightly lower in males (0.44) than in females (0.57), in line with the patterns of genetic diversity previously reported from H. arborea sex chromosomes. Combining our results with data on age at maturity and adult survival, we show that the negative effect of the mating system is furthermore compensated by the effect of delayed maturity, so that the estimated instantaneous effective size broadly corresponded to census breeding size. We conclude that the lek-breeding system of treefrogs impacts only weakly the patterns of genetic diversity on sex-linked genes and the ability of natural populations to resist genetic drift.
This study reassesses the development of compositional layering during the growth of granitic plutons, with emphasis on fractional crystallization and its interaction with both injection and inflation-related deformation. The Dolbel batholith (SW Niger) consists of 14, kilometre-sized plutons emplaced by pulsed magma inputs. Each pluton has a coarse-grained core and a peripheral layered series. Rocks consist of albite (An(<= 11)), K-feldspar (Or(96 99), Ab(1) (4)), quartz, edenite (X(Mg)=0337-0.55), augite (X(Mg)=0.65-0.72) and accessories (apatite, titanite and Fe-Ti-oxides). Whole-rock compositions are metaluminous, sodic (K(2)O/Na(2)O=0.49-0.62) and iron-rich [FeO(tot)/(FeO(tot)+MgO)=0.65-0.82]. The layering is present as size-graded and modally graded, sub-vertical, rhythmic units. Each unit is composed of three layers, which are, towards the interior: edenite +/- plagioclase (C(a/p)), edenite+plagioclase+augite+quartz (C(q)), and edenite+plagioclase+augite+quartz+K-feldspar (C(k)). All phases except quartz show zoned microstructures consisting of external intercumulus overgrowths, a central section showing oscillatory zoning and, in the case of amphibole and titanite, complexly zoned cores. Ba and Sr contents of feldspars decrease towards the rims. Plagioclase crystal size distributions are similar in all units, suggesting that each unit experienced a similar thermal history. Edenite, characteristic of the basal C(a/p) layer, is the earliest phase to crystallize. Microtextures and phase diagrams suggest that edenite cores may have been brought up with magma batches at the site of emplacement and mechanically segregated along the crystallized wall, whereas outer zones of the same crystals formed in situ. The subsequent C(q) layers correspond to cotectic compositions in the Qz-Ab-Or phase diagram at P(H2O)=5 kbar. Each rhythmic unit may therefore correspond to a magma batch and their repetition to crystallization of recurrent magma recharges. Microtextures and chemical variations in major phases allow four main crystallization stages to be distinguished: (1) open-system crystallization in a stirred magma during magma emplacement, involving dissolution and overgrowth (core of edenite and titanite crystals); (2) in situ fractional crystallization in boundary layers (C(a/p) and C(q) layers); (3) equilibrium `en masse' eutectic crystallization (C(k) layers); (4) compaction and crystallization of the interstitial liquid in a highly crystallized mush (e. g. feldspar intercumulus overgrowths). It is concluded that the formation of the layered series in the Dolbel plutons corresponds principally to in situ differentiation of successive magma batches. The variable thickness of the Ck layers and the microtextures show that crystallization of a rhythmic unit stops and it is compacted when a new magma batch is injected into the chamber. Therefore, assembly of pulsed magma injections and fractional crystallization are independent, but complementary, processes during pluton construction.
OBJECT: To determine the single spin-echo T 2 relaxation times of uncoupled and J-coupled metabolites in rat brain in vivo at 14.1 T and to compare these results with those previously obtained at 9.4 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Measurements were performed on five rats at 14.1 T using the SPECIAL sequence and TE-specific basis-sets for LCModel analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The T 2 of singlets ranged from 98 to 148 ms and T 2 of J-coupled metabolites ranged from 72 ms (glutamate) to 97 ms (myo-inositol). When comparing the T 2s of the metabolites measured at 14.1 T with those previously measured at 9.4 T, a decreasing trend was found (p < 0.0001). We conclude that the modest shortening of T 2 at 14.1 T has a negligible impact on the sensitivity of the (1)H MRS when performed at TE shorter than 10 ms.