818 resultados para Machine learning,Keras,Tensorflow,Data parallelism,Model parallelism,Container,Docker
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The applications of Automatic Vowel Recognition (AVR), which is a sub-part of fundamental importance in most of the speech processing systems, vary from automatic interpretation of spoken language to biometrics. State-of-the-art systems for AVR are based on traditional machine learning models such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs), however, such classifiers can not deal with efficiency and effectiveness at the same time, existing a gap to be explored when real-time processing is required. In this work, we present an algorithm for AVR based on the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), which is an emergent pattern recognition technique recently introduced in literature. Adopting a supervised training procedure and using speech tags from two public datasets, we observed that OPF has outperformed ANNs, SVMs, plus other classifiers, in terms of training time and accuracy. ©2010 IEEE.
Due to the increased incidence of skin cancer, computational methods based on intelligent approaches have been developed to aid dermatologists in the diagnosis of skin lesions. This paper proposes a method to classify texture in images, since it is an important feature for the successfully identification of skin lesions. For this is defined a feature vector, with the fractal dimension of images through the box-counting method (BCM), which is used with a SVM to classify the texture of the lesions in to non-irregular or irregular. With the proposed solution, we could obtain an accuracy of 72.84%. © 2012 AISTI.
Nowadays, organizations face the problem of keeping their information protected, available and trustworthy. In this context, machine learning techniques have also been extensively applied to this task. Since manual labeling is very expensive, several works attempt to handle intrusion detection with traditional clustering algorithms. In this paper, we introduce a new pattern recognition technique called Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) clustering to this task. Experiments on three public datasets have showed that OPF classifier may be a suitable tool to detect intrusions on computer networks, since it outperformed some state-of-the-art unsupervised techniques. © 2012 IEEE.
Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are essential for understanding the function of biological systems and have been characterized using a vast array of experimental techniques. These techniques detect only a small proportion of all PPIs and are labor intensive and time consuming. Therefore, the development of computational methods capable of predicting PPIs accelerates the pace of discovery of new interactions. This paper reports a machine learning-based prediction model, the Universal In Silico Predictor of Protein-Protein Interactions (UNISPPI), which is a decision tree model that can reliably predict PPIs for all species (including proteins from parasite-host associations) using only 20 combinations of amino acids frequencies from interacting and non-interacting proteins as learning features. UNISPPI was able to correctly classify 79.4% and 72.6% of experimentally supported interactions and non-interacting protein pairs, respectively, from an independent test set. Moreover, UNISPPI suggests that the frequencies of the amino acids asparagine, cysteine and isoleucine are important features for distinguishing between interacting and non-interacting protein pairs. We envisage that UNISPPI can be a useful tool for prioritizing interactions for experimental validation. © 2013 Valente et al.
Some machine learning methods do not exploit contextual information in the process of discovering, describing and recognizing patterns. However, spatial/temporal neighboring samples are likely to have same behavior. Here, we propose an approach which unifies a supervised learning algorithm - namely Optimum-Path Forest - together with a Markov Random Field in order to build a prior model holding a spatial smoothness assumption, which takes into account the contextual information for classification purposes. We show its robustness for brain tissue classification over some images of the well-known dataset IBSR. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
O processamento de voz tornou-se uma tecnologia cada vez mais baseada na modelagem automática de vasta quantidade de dados. Desta forma, o sucesso das pesquisas nesta área está diretamente ligado a existência de corpora de domínio público e outros recursos específicos, tal como um dicionário fonético. No Brasil, ao contrário do que acontece para a língua inglesa, por exemplo, não existe atualmente em domínio público um sistema de Reconhecimento Automático de Voz (RAV) para o Português Brasileiro com suporte a grandes vocabulários. Frente a este cenário, o trabalho tem como principal objetivo discutir esforços dentro da iniciativa FalaBrasil [1], criada pelo Laboratório de Processamento de Sinais (LaPS) da UFPA, apresentando pesquisas e softwares na área de RAV para o Português do Brasil. Mais especificamente, o presente trabalho discute a implementação de um sistema de reconhecimento de voz com suporte a grandes vocabulários para o Português do Brasil, utilizando a ferramenta HTK baseada em modelo oculto de Markov (HMM) e a criação de um módulo de conversão grafema-fone, utilizando técnicas de aprendizado de máquina.
Durante o processo de extração do conhecimento em bases de dados, alguns problemas podem ser encontrados como por exemplo, a ausência de determinada instância de um atributo. A ocorrência de tal problemática pode causar efeitos danosos nos resultados finais do processo, pois afeta diretamente a qualidade dos dados a ser submetido a um algoritmo de aprendizado de máquina. Na literatura, diversas propostas são apresentadas a fim de contornar tal dano, dentre eles está a de imputação de dados, a qual estima um valor plausível para substituir o ausente. Seguindo essa área de solução para o problema de valores ausentes, diversos trabalhos foram analisados e algumas observações foram realizadas como, a pouca utilização de bases sintéticas que simulem os principais mecanismos de ausência de dados e uma recente tendência a utilização de algoritmos bio-inspirados como tratamento do problema. Com base nesse cenário, esta dissertação apresenta um método de imputação de dados baseado em otimização por enxame de partículas, pouco explorado na área, e o aplica para o tratamento de bases sinteticamente geradas, as quais consideram os principais mecanismos de ausência de dados, MAR, MCAR e NMAR. Os resultados obtidos ao comprar diferentes configurações do método à outros dois conhecidos na área (KNNImpute e SVMImpute) são promissores para sua utilização na área de tratamento de valores ausentes uma vez que alcançou os melhores valores na maioria dos experimentos realizados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In general, pattern recognition techniques require a high computational burden for learning the discriminating functions that are responsible to separate samples from distinct classes. As such, there are several studies that make effort to employ machine learning algorithms in the context of big data classification problems. The research on this area ranges from Graphics Processing Units-based implementations to mathematical optimizations, being the main drawback of the former approaches to be dependent on the graphic video card. Here, we propose an architecture-independent optimization approach for the optimum-path forest (OPF) classifier, that is designed using a theoretical formulation that relates the minimum spanning tree with the minimum spanning forest generated by the OPF over the training dataset. The experiments have shown that the approach proposed can be faster than the traditional one in five public datasets, being also as accurate as the original OPF. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Classificação de tábuas de madeira usando processamento de imagens digitais e aprendizado de máquina
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
In this project the Pattern Recognition Problem is approached with the Support Vector Machines (SVM) technique, a binary method of classification that provides the best solution separating the data in the better way with a hiperplan and an extension of the input space dimension, as a Machine Learning solution. The system aims to classify two classes of pixels chosen by the user in the interface in the interest selection phase and in the background selection phase, generating all the data to be used in the LibSVM library, a library that implements the SVM, illustrating the library operation in a casual way. The data provided by the interface is organized in three types, RGB (Red, Green and Blue color system), texture (calculated) or RGB + texture. At last the project showed successful results, where the classification of the image pixels was showed as been from one of the two classes, from the interest selection area or from the background selection area. The simplest user view of results classification is the RGB type of data arrange, because it’s the most concrete way of data acquisition