964 resultados para MELANOTROPIC PEPTIDES


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Purple acid phosphatases are metal-containing hydrolases. While their precise biological role(s) is unknown, the mammalian enzyme has been linked in a variety of biological circumstances (e.g., osteoporosis) with increased bone resorption. Inhibition of the human enzyme is a possible strategy for the treatment of bone-resorptive diseases such as osteoporosis. Previously, we determined the crystal structure of pig purple acid phosphatase to 1.55 Angstrom and we showed that it is a good model for the human enzyme. Here, a study of the pH dependence of its kinetic parameters showed that the pig enzyme is most efficient at pH values similar to those encountered in the osteoclast resorptive space. Based on the observation that phosphotyrosine-containing peptides are good substrates for pig purple acid phosphatase, peptides containing a range of phosphotyrosine mimetics were synthesized. Kinetic analysis showed that they act as potent inhibitors of mammalian and plant purple acid phosphatases, with the best inhibitors exhibiting low micromolar inhibition constants at pH 3-5. These compounds are thus the most potent organic inhibitors yet reported for the purple acid phosphatases. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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The sliding clamp of the Escherichia coli replisome is now understood to interact with many proteins involved in DNA synthesis and repair. A universal interaction motif is proposed to be one mechanism by which those proteins bind the E. coli sliding clamp, a homodimer of the beta subunit, at a single site on the dimer. The numerous beta(2)-binding proteins have various versions of the consensus interaction motif, including a related hexameric sequence. To determine if the variants of the motif could contribute to the competition of the beta-binding proteins for the beta(2) site, synthetic peptides derived from the putative beta(2)-binding motifs were assessed for their abilities to inhibit protein-beta(2) interactions, to bind directly to beta(2), and to inhibit DNA synthesis in vitro. A hierarchy emerged, which was consistent with sequence similarity to the pentameric consensus motif, QL(S/D)LF, and peptides containing proposed hexameric motifs were shown to have activities comparable to those containing the consensus sequence. The hierarchy of peptide binding may be indicative of a competitive hierarchy for the binding of proteins to beta(2) in various stages or circumstances of DNA replication and repair.


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The plant cyclotides are a fascinating family of circular proteins that contain a cyclic cystine knot motif (CCK). This unique family was discovered only recently but contains over 50 known sequences to date. Various biological activities are associated with these peptides including antimicrobial and insecticidal activity. The knotted topology and cyclic nature of the cyclotides; poses interesting questions about the folding mechanisms and how the knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds is formed. Some studies have been performed on related inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) containing peptides, but little is known about the folding mechanisms of CCK molecules. We have examined the oxidative refolding and reductive unfolding of the prototypic member of the cyclotide family, kalata B1. Analysis of the rates of formation of the intermediates along the reductive unfolding pathway highlights the stability conferred by the cystine knot motif. Significant differences are observed between the folding of kalata B1 and an acyclic cystine knot protein, EETI-II, suggesting that the circular backbone has a significant influence in directing the folding pathway.


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A problem facing the use of subunit peptide and protein vaccines is their inability to stimulate protective immune responses. Many different approaches have been utilized to overcome this inefficient immune activation. The approach we have taken is to modify the vaccine antigen so that it now has adjuvant properties. To do this, multiple copies of minimal CD8 T cell epitopes were attached to a poly lysine lipid core. These constructs are known as lipid-core-peptides (LCP). The research presented here examines the adjuvant activity of LCP. Using mouse models, we were able to show that LCP were indeed able to activate antigen-presenting cells in vitro and to activate cytotoxic T-cell responses in vivo. More importantly, LCP were able to stimulate the development of a protective antitumour immune response.


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A new safety-catch linker for Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis of cyclic peptides is reported. The linear precursors were assembled on a tert-butyl protected catechol derivative using optimized conditions for Fmoc-removal. After activation of the linker using TFA, neutralization of the N-terminal amine induced cyclization with concomitant cleavage from the resin yielding the cyclic peptides in DMF solution. Several constrained cyclic peptides were synthesized in excellent yields and purities. Copyright (c) 2005 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Proteins secreted by and anchored on the surfaces of parasites are in intimate contact with host tissues. The transcriptome of infective cercariae of the blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, was screened using signal sequence trap to isolate cDNAs encoding predicted proteins with an N-terminal signal peptide. Twenty cDNA fragments were identified, most of which contained predicted signal peptides or transmembrane regions, including a novel putative seven-transmembrane receptor and a membrane-associated mitogen-activated protein kinase. The developmental expression pattern within different life-cycle stages ranged from ubiquitous to a transcript that was highly upregulated in the cercaria. A bioinformatics-based comparison of 100 signal peptides from each of schistosomes, humans, a parasitic nematode and Escherichia coli showed that differences in the sequence composition of signal peptides, notably the residues flanking the predicted cleavage site, might account for the negative bias exhibited in the processing of schistosome signal peptides in mammalian cells. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the lipid polylysine core peptide (LCP) system as a self-adjuvanting group A streptococcal (GAS) vaccine delivery approach. LCP constructs were synthesised incorporating peptides from the M protein conserved carboxy terminal C-repeat region, the amino terminal type-specific region and from both of these regions. Immunisation with the constructs without adjuvant led to the induction of peptide-specific serum IgG antibody responses, heterologous opsonic antibodies, and complete protection from GAS infection. These data indicate that protective immunity to GAS infection can be evoked using the self-adjuvanting LCP system, and point to the potential application of this system in human mucosal GAS vaccine development. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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MULTIPRED is a web-based computational system for the prediction of peptide binding to multiple molecules ( proteins) belonging to human leukocyte antigens (HLA) class I A2, A3 and class II DR supertypes. It uses hidden Markov models and artificial neural network methods as predictive engines. A novel data representation method enables MULTIPRED to predict peptides that promiscuously bind multiple HLA alleles within one HLA supertype. Extensive testing was performed for validation of the prediction models. Testing results show that MULTIPRED is both sensitive and specific and it has good predictive ability ( area under the receiver operating characteristic curve A(ROC) > 0.80). MULTIPRED can be used for the mapping of promiscuous T-cell epitopes as well as the regions of high concentration of these targets termed T-cell epitope hotspots. MULTIPRED is available at http:// antigen.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/ multipred/.


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This project identified a novel family of six 66-68 residue peptides from the venom of two Australian funnel-web spiders, Hadronyche sp. 20 and H. infensa: Orchid Beach (Hexathelidae: Atracinae), that appear to undergo N- and/or C-terminal post-translational modifications and conform to an ancestral protein fold. These peptides all show significant amino acid sequence homology to atracotoxin-Hvf17 (ACTX-Hvf17), a non-toxic peptide isolated from the venom of H. versuta, and a variety of AVIT family proteins including mamba intestinal toxin 1 (MIT1) and its mammalian and piscine orthologs prokineticin 1 (PK1) and prokineticin 2 PK2). These AVIT family proteins target prokineticin receptors involved in the sensitization of nociceptors and gastrointestinal smooth muscle activation. Given their sequence homology to MITI, we have named these spider venom peptides the MIT-like atracotoxin (ACTX) family. Using isolated rat stomach fundus or guinea-pia ileum organ bath preparations we have shown that the prototypical ACTX-Hvf17, at concentrations up to 1 mu M, did not stimulate smooth muscle contractility, nor did it inhibit contractions induced by human PK1 (hPK1). The peptide also lacked activity on other isolated smooth muscle preparations including rat aorta. Furthermore, a FLIPR Ca2+ flux assay using HEK293 cells expressing prokineticin receptors showed that ACTX-Hvf17 fails to activate or block hPK1 or hPK2 receptors. Therefore, while the MIT-like ACTX family appears to adopt the ancestral disulfide-directed beta-hairpin protein fold of MIT1, a motif believed to be shared by other AVIT family peptides, variations in the amino acid sequence and surface charge result in a loss of activity on prokineticin receptors. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Three natriuretic-like peptides (TNP-a, TNP-b, and TNP-c) were isolated from the venom of Oxyuranus microlepidotus (inland taipan) and were also present in the venoms of Oxyuranus scutellatus canni (New Guinea taipan) and Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus (coastal taipan). They were isolated by HPLC, characterised by mass spectrometry and Edman analysis, and consist of 35-39 amino acid residues. These molecules differ from ANP/BNP through replacement of invariant residues within the 17-membered ring structure and by inclusion of proline residues in the C-terminal tail. TNP-c was equipotent to ANP in specific GC-A assays or aortic ring assays whereas TNP-a and TNP-b were either inactive (GC-A over-expressing cells and endothelium-denuded aortic rings) or weakly active (endothelium-in tact aortic rings). TNP-a and TNP-b were also unable to competitively inhibit the binding of TNP-c in endothelium-denuded aortae (GC-A) or endothelium-in tact aortae (NPR-C). Thus, these naturally occurring isoforms provide a new platform for further investigation of structure-function relationships of natriuretic peptides. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Membrane organization describes the orientation of a protein with respect to the membrane and can be determined by the presence, or absence, and organization within the protein sequence of two features: endoplasmic reticulum signal peptides and alpha-helical transmembrane domains. These features allow protein sequences to be classified into one of five membrane organization categories: soluble intracellular proteins, soluble secreted proteins, type I membrane proteins, type II membrane proteins, and multi- spanning membrane proteins. Generation of protein isoforms with variable membrane organizations can change a protein's subcellular localization or association with the membrane. Application of MemO, a membrane organization annotation pipeline, to the FANTOM3 Isoform Protein Sequence mouse protein set revealed that within the 8,032 transcriptional units ( TUs) with multiple protein isoforms, 573 had variation in their use of signal peptides, 1,527 had variation in their use of transmembrane domains, and 615 generated protein isoforms from distinct membrane organization classes. The mechanisms underlying these transcript variations were analyzed. While TUs were identified encoding all pairwise combinations of membrane organization categories, the most common was conversion of membrane proteins to soluble proteins. Observed within our highconfidence set were 156 TUs predicted to generate both extracellular soluble and membrane proteins, and 217 TUs generating both intracellular soluble and membrane proteins. The differential use of endoplasmic reticulum signal peptides and transmembrane domains is a common occurrence within the variable protein output of TUs. The generation of protein isoforms that are targeted to multiple subcellular locations represents a major functional consequence of transcript variation within the mouse transcriptome.