677 resultados para MALDI-ToF


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In questo lavoro di tesi ci proponiamo di determinare lo spessore degli isotopi ^155Gd e ^157Gd in vista della misura della sezione d’urto di cattura neutronica presso la facility n_TOF del CERN. La principale motivazione dell’esperimento è legata alla necessità di ottenere misure più accurate per le applicazioni ai reattori nucleari. Inoltre, i nuovi risultati, potranno essere sfruttati anche per applicazioni ai recenti sviluppi nella Terapia di Cattura Neutronica e per costruire nuovi rivelatori nell’ambito della ricerca del neutrino. La misura sarà effettuata nella prima area sperimentale EAR-1 di n TOF, equipaggiata con rivelatori, come per esempio gli scintillatori liquidi al benzene deuterato (C6D6) particolarmente adatti per questi tipi di misura. La sezione d’urto di questi due isotopi cambia di molti ordini di grandezza al variare dell’energia dei neutroni incidenti. Per questo motivo, lo studio effettuato in questa tesi ha mostrato che sono necessari due campioni altamente arricchiti per ogni isotopo da misurare: un campione estremamente sottile per energie del neutrone fino a 100 meV, e uno più spesso per energie maggiori. Inoltre per questi campioni sono stati determinati le densità areali necessarie per lo svolgimento dell’esperimento affinchè avvenga il fenomeno di trasmissione dei neutroni.


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Propylsulfonic acid (PrSO3H) derivatised solid acid catalysts have been prepared by post modification of mesoporous SBA-15 silica with mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS), with the impact of co-derivatisation with octyltrimethoxysilane (OTMS) groups to impart hydrophobicity to the catalyst investigated. Turn over frequencies (TOF) for acetic acid esterification with methanol increase with PrSO3H surface coverage across both families suggesting a cooperative effect of adjacent acid sites at high acid site densities. Esterification activity is further promoted upon co-functionalisation with hydrophobic octyl chains, with inverse gas chromatography (iGC) measurements indicating increased activity correlates with decreased surface polarity or increased hydrophobicity.


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Un matériau semi-conducteur utilisé lors de la fabrication d’antennes térahertz (THz), le quaternaire InGaAsP (E_g = 0,79 eV), subit une implantation ionique de Fe suivi d’un recuit thermique rapide (RTA) dans le but d’améliorer ses propriétés d’émission. Le recuit est nécessaire afin de recristalliser la couche amorphisée lors de l’implantation, donnant lieu à un polycristal rempli de défauts de recristallisation. On constate cependant que les matériaux implantés Fe offrent de meilleures performances que ceux simplement endommagés au Ga. Dans le but de départager l’effet des défauts de recristallisation et des impuretés de Fe, des mesures de spectroscopie transitoire des niveaux profonds (DLTS) et de DLTS en courant (I-DLTS), ainsi que de spectrométrie de masse d’ions secondaires par temps de vol (ToF-SIMS) ont été effectuées sur des échantillons non implantés et d’autres recristallisés. Les mesures DLTS et I-DLTS ont pour but de caractériser les niveaux profonds générés par ces deux procédures postcroissance, tout en identifiant le rôle que jouent les impuretés de Fe sur la formation de ces niveaux profonds. De plus, le voisinage des atomes de Fe dans le matériau recristallisé a été étudié à l’aide des mesures ToF-SIMS. Les mesures DLTS sur matériau recristallisé sont peu concluantes, car la mesure de capacité est faussée par la haute résistivité du matériau. Par contre, les mesures I-DLTS sur matériau recristallisé ont permis de conclure que les impuretés de Fe sont responsables de la formation d’une grande variété de niveaux d’énergie se trouvant entre 0,25 et 0,40 eV, alors que les défauts de structure induisent des niveaux de moins de 0,25 eV. La concentration de Fe est élevée par rapport au seuil de solubilité du Fe dans le matériau recristallisé. Il serait donc plausible que des agrégats de Fe se forment. Toutefois, cette hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence de pic aux masses correspondant à la molécule ^(56)Fe_2^+ sur les spectres ToF-SIMS. De plus, un modèle simple est utilisé afin d’estimer si certaines masses présentes sur les spectres ToF-SIMS correspondent à des liaisons non induites par la mesure dans le matériau recristallisé. Bien qu’aucune liaison avec le Ga et l'As n’est détectable, ce modèle n’exclut pas la possibilité de liens préférentiels avec l’In.


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Arm/Rmt methyltransferases have emerged recently in pathogenic bacteria as enzymes that confer high-level resistance to 4,6-disubstituted aminoglycosides through methylation of the G1405 residue in the 16S rRNA (like ArmA and RmtA to -E). In prokaryotes, nucleotide methylations are the most common type of rRNA modification, and they are introduced posttranscriptionally by a variety of site-specific housekeeping enzymes to optimize ribosomal function. Here we show that while the aminoglycoside resistance methyltransferase RmtC methylates G1405, it impedes methylation of the housekeeping methyltransferase RsmF at position C1407, a nucleotide that, like G1405, forms part of the aminoglycoside binding pocket of the 16S rRNA. To understand the origin and consequences of this phenomenon, we constructed a series of in-frame knockout and knock-in mutants of Escherichia coli, corresponding to the genotypes rsmF(+), ΔrsmF, rsmF(+) rmtC(+), and ΔrsmF rmtC(+). When analyzed for the antimicrobial resistance pattern, the ΔrsmF bacteria had a decreased susceptibility to aminoglycosides, including 4,6- and 4,5-deoxystreptamine aminoglycosides, showing that the housekeeping methylation at C1407 is involved in intrinsic aminoglycoside susceptibility in E. coli. Competition experiments between the isogenic E. coli strains showed that, contrary to expectation, acquisition of rmtC does not entail a fitness cost for the bacterium. Finally, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry allowed us to determine that RmtC methylates the G1405 residue not only in presence but also in the absence of aminoglycoside antibiotics. Thus, the coupling between housekeeping and acquired methyltransferases subverts the methylation architecture of the 16S rRNA but elicits Arm/Rmt methyltransferases to be selected and retained, posing an important threat to the usefulness of aminoglycosides worldwide.


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Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is a syndrome caused by the ingestion of fish contaminated with Ciguatoxins (CTXs). These phycotoxins are produced mainly by dinoflagellates that belong to the genus Gambierdiscus that are transformed in more toxic forms in predatory fish guts, and are more present in the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean areas. It is estimated that CFP causes per year more than 10,000 intoxications worldwide. With the rise of water temperature and anthropogenic intervention, it is important to study the prevalence of CFP in more temperate waters. Through inter- and subtidal sampling, 22 species of organisms were collected, in Madeira and Azores archipelagos and in the northwestern Moroccan coast, during September of 2012 and June and July of 2013. A total of 94 samples of 22 different species of bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms and crustaceans where analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectometry-Ion Trap-Time of Flight (UPLC-MS-IT-TOF) and Ultra Performance Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Our main aim was to detect new vectors and ascertain if there were some geographical differences. We detected for the first time putative CTXs in echinoderms, in two starfish species—M. glacialis and O. ophidianus. We detected differences regarding uptake values by organisms and geographical location. Toxin amounts were significant, showing the importance and the need for continuity of these studies to gain more knowledge about the prevalence of these toxins, in order to better access human health risk. In addition, we suggest monitoring of these toxins should be extended to other vectors, starfish being a good alternative for protecting and accessing human health risk.


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Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is a syndrome caused by the ingestion of fish contaminated with Ciguatoxins (CTXs). These phycotoxins are produced mainly by dinoflagellates that belong to the genus Gambierdiscus that are transformed in more toxic forms in predatory fish guts, and are more present in the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean areas. It is estimated that CFP causes per year more than 10,000 intoxications worldwide. With the rise of water temperature and anthropogenic intervention, it is important to study the prevalence of CFP in more temperate waters. Through inter- and subtidal sampling, 22 species of organisms were collected, in Madeira and Azores archipelagos and in the northwestern Moroccan coast, during September of 2012 and June and July of 2013. A total of 94 samples of 22 different species of bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms and crustaceans where analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectometry-Ion Trap-Time of Flight (UPLC-MS-IT-TOF) and Ultra Performance Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Our main aim was to detect new vectors and ascertain if there were some geographical differences. We detected for the first time putative CTXs in echinoderms, in two starfish species—M. glacialis and O. ophidianus. We detected differences regarding uptake values by organisms and geographical location. Toxin amounts were significant, showing the importance and the need for continuity of these studies to gain more knowledge about the prevalence of these toxins, in order to better access human health risk. In addition, we suggest monitoring of these toxins should be extended to other vectors, starfish being a good alternative for protecting and accessing human health risk.


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Ilex guayusa, a tree native from the Amazon Rainforest, represents an important part of the culinary traditions and folk medicine of the indigenous tribes. In fact, infusions of different parts of the tree have been used as natural remedies. Particularly, the infusion obtained by the dry leaves of guayusa is a source of phenolic compounds, which are considered as antioxidant substances and have been associated with numerous benefits for human health. Currently, the growing interest of consumers towards healthy food and drinks has led to the rapid spread of this drink. However, the scientific literature about the content of polar compounds in infusion of guayusa leaves is scarce. Therefore, the aims of the present work were to enhance the extraction conditions of phenolic compounds from guayusa leaves by infusion and to characterize them via HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. To reach these objectives, a Box-Behnken design (BBD) was applied to test the effect of different extraction conditions (time 2, 8 and 14 min), temperature (25, 62.5 and 100 °C) and solid ratio (0.25, 0.375 and 0.50 g) on the sum of phenolic content. On the one hand, the optimal conditions were 1 min infusion, 100 °C and 0.370 g of dry leaves. On the other hand, the 99% of the nine phenolic compounds identified were phenolic acids derivatives from hydroxycinnamic acid and the 1% belonged to the flavonoid family. The major compound was dicaffeoylquinic acid (68%). The difference between the results obtained and those of other researches is probably due to the stochastic nature of the vegetable matrix samples, since their chemical composition is susceptible to multiple factors. To sum up, the use of experimental design provided greater quantity of phenolic compounds than other extraction techniques such as blanching, or only to the oxidation process. Besides, the high resolution of the TOF spectrometer allowed the characterization of new isomers of the compounds previously described.


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Tra la frutta esotica di recente introduzione nel territorio italiano c’è anche la Pitaya, un frutto tropicale originario del Sud America, che oltre ad essere una novità per quello che è il mercato della frutta alternativa, esso è anche un alimento funzionale. Molti studi mettono in luce gli aspetti nutrizionali e farmacologici di tale frutto, attribuibili principalmente alla presenza di composti minori come le sostanze fenoliche, note per la loro bioattività. Per tale motivo, lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di valutare quali-quantitativamente i composti fenolici presenti in due specie di pitaya (H. undatus e H. megalanthus), analizzate mediante UPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. Nei campioni di pitaya analizzati sono stati identificati tredici composti polari: un acido organico, un derivato amminoacidico e undici derivati fenolici tra cui tre flavonoli glicosilati, due iridoidi di cui uno presenta due isomeri, un acido idrossicinammico aglicone, tre isomeri di un acido idrossicinammico glicosilato e un composto glicosilato scoperto di recente. I risultati ottenuti appaiono soddisfacenti sia dal punto di vista analitico che compositivo. Dal punto di vista analitico sono stati identificati nuovi composti fenolici nella pitaya come caffeoylisocitrate, hydroxyferuloyl hexoside, sinustoside e ligulucidumoside C. Dal punto di vista compositivo è stato possibile ottenere una panoramica di composti polari simili tra i campioni e la bibliografia. La comparazione con altre tipologie di frutta, tropicale e non, ci attesta che il contenuto fenolico della pitaya si posiziona tra i valori intermedi, è importante considerare sempre la variabilità legata alle caratteristiche pedo-climatiche dei frutti presi in esame. Nonostante i buoni risultati ottenuti, è importante sottolineare che questo rappresenta uno screening preliminare della composizione fenolica della pitaya e che seguiranno ricerche più approfondite per migliorare la valutazione quali-quantitativa di tale cromatogramma.


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Pathogenic fungi are responsible for vine diseases affecting the grapevine yield and the organoleptic quality of the final wine products. Using of biocontrol agents can represent a sustainable alternative to the use of synthetic fungicides whose intense use can have negative effects on the ecosystem and cause increase resistant pathogen population to synthetic agents. The principal aim of my PhD thesis was the isolation and characterization of new yeast strains and Bacillus subtilis SV108 as biocontrol agent and the comprehension of the mechanism of their antimicrobial action. Accordingly, twenty wild yeast and one selected bacterium isolated among 62 samples, isolated from different Italian and Malaysian regions and molecularly identified, were evaluated in a preliminary screening test on agar. Results showed the highest effects on inhibiting mycelial growth by Starmerella bacillaris FE08.05, Metschnikowia pulcherrima GP8 and Hanseniaspora uvarum GM19. On the other side, Bacillus subtilis SV108 showed the ability of inhibit the mycelial growth of selected fungi by producing antimicrobial compounds on Malt Extract Broth medium recovered by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and identified by electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometer Triple TOF 5600. Moreover, in order to analyze the volatile fraction of compounds, the quantitative analysis of the VOCs profiles was performed by GC/MS/SPME. The analysis highlighted the presence of isoamyl and phenylethyl alcohols and an overall higher presence of low-chain fatty acids and volatile ethyl esters. All the data collected suggest that the tested yeasts, found among the epiphytic microbiota associated with grape berries, can be potentially effective for the biological control of pathogenic moulds. On the other hand, the proteomic study conducted on B. subtilis SV108 revealed that there are two cyclic antifungal peptides which can explain the antimicrobial effect of Bacillus subtilis SV108 acting as biocontrol agent against fungal pathogens in grapevine.


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Advanced analytical methodologies were developed to characterize new potential active MTDLs on isolated targets involved in the first stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In addition, the methods investigated drug-protein bindings and evaluated protein-protein interactions involved in the neurodegeneration. A high-throughput luminescent assay allowed the study of the first in class GSK-3β/ HDAC dual inhibitors towards the enzyme GSK-3β. The method was able to identify an innovative disease-modifying agent with an activity in the micromolar range both on GSK-3β, HDAC1 and HDAC6. Then, the same assay reliably and quickly selected true positive hit compounds among natural Amaryllidaceae alkaloids tested against GSK-3β. Hence, given the central role of the amyloid pathway in the multifactorial nature of AD, a multi-methodological approach based on mass spectrometry (MS), circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) and ThT assay was applied to characterize the potential interaction of CO releasing molecules (CORMs) with Aβ1-42 peptide. The comprehensive method provided reliable information on the different steps of the fibrillation process and regarding CORMs mechanism of action. Therefore, the optimal CORM-3/Aβ1−42 ratio in terms of inhibitory effect was identified by mass spectrometry. CD analysis confirmed the stabilizing effect of CORM-3 on the Aβ1−42 peptide soluble form and the ThT Fluorescent Analysis ensured that the entire fibrillation process was delayed. Then the amyloid aggregation process was studied in view of a possible correlation with AD lipid brain alterations. Therefore, SH-SY5Y cells were treated with increasing concentration of Aß1-42 at different times and the samples were analysed by a RP-UHPLC system coupled with a high-resolution quadrupole TOF mass spectrometer in comprehensive data-independent SWATH acquisition mode. Each lipid class profiling in SH-SY5Y cells treated with Aß1-42 was compared to the one obtained from the untreated. The approach underlined some peculiar lipid alterations, suitable as biomarkers, that might be correlated to Aß1-42 different aggregation species.


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The enhanced production of strange hadrons in heavy-ion collisions relative to that in minimum-bias pp collisions is historically considered one of the first signatures of the formation of a deconfined quark-gluon plasma. At the LHC, the ALICE experiment observed that the ratio of strange to non-strange hadron yields increases with the charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity, starting from pp collisions and evolving smoothly across interaction systems and energies, ultimately reaching Pb-Pb collisions. The understanding of the origin of this effect in small systems remains an open question. This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the production of $K^{0}_{S}$, $\Lambda$ ($\bar{\Lambda}$) and $\Xi^{-}$ ($\bar{\Xi}^{+}$) strange hadrons in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV collected in LHC Run 2 with ALICE. A novel approach is exploited, introducing, for the first time, the concept of effective energy in the study of strangeness production in hadronic collisions at the LHC. In this work, the ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters are used to measure the energy carried by forward emitted baryons in pp collisions, which reduces the effective energy available for particle production with respect to the nominal centre-of-mass energy. The results presented in this thesis provide new insights into the interplay, for strangeness production, between the initial stages of the collision and the produced final hadronic state. Finally, the first Run 3 results on the production of $\Omega^{\pm}$ ($\bar{\Omega}^{+}$) multi-strange baryons are presented, measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13.6 TeV and 900 GeV, the highest and lowest collision energies reached so far at the LHC. This thesis also presents the development and validation of the ALICE Time-Of-Flight (TOF) data quality monitoring system for LHC Run 3. This work was fundamental to assess the performance of the TOF detector during the commissioning phase, in the Long Shutdown 2, and during the data taking period.


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L’utilizzo di informazioni di profondità è oggi di fondamentale utilità per molteplici settori applicativi come la robotica, la guida autonoma o assistita, la realtà aumentata e il monitoraggio ambientale. I sensori di profondità disponibili possono essere divisi in attivi e passivi, dove i sensori passivi ricavano le informazioni di profondità dall'ambiente senza emettere segnali, bensì utilizzando i segnali provenienti dall'ambiente (e.g., luce solare). Nei sensori depth passivi stereo è richiesto un algoritmo per elaborare le immagini delle due camere: la tecnica di stereo matching viene utilizzata appunto per stimare la profondità di una scena. Di recente la ricerca si è occupata anche della sinergia con sensori attivi al fine di migliorare la stima della depth ottenuta da un sensore stereo: si utilizzano i punti affidabili generati dal sensore attivo per guidare l'algoritmo di stereo matching verso la soluzione corretta. In questa tesi si è deciso di affrontare questa tematica da un punto di vista nuovo, utilizzando un sistema di proiezione virtuale di punti corrispondenti in immagini stereo: i pixel delle immagini vengono alterati per guidare l'algoritmo ottimizzando i costi. Un altro vantaggio della strategia proposta è la possibilità di iterare il processo, andando a cambiare il pattern in ogni passo: aggregando i passi in un unico risultato, è possibile migliorare il risultato finale. I punti affidabili sono ottenuti mediante sensori attivi (e.g. LiDAR, ToF), oppure direttamente dalle immagini, stimando la confidenza delle mappe prodotte dal medesimo sistema stereo: la confidenza permette di classificare la bontà di un punto fornito dall'algoritmo di matching. Nel corso della tesi sono stati utilizzati sensori attivi per verificare l'efficacia della proiezione virtuale, ma sono state anche effettuate analisi sulle misure di confidenza: lo scopo è verificare se le misure di confidenza possono rimpiazzare o assistere i sensori attivi.


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Depth estimation from images has long been regarded as a preferable alternative compared to expensive and intrusive active sensors, such as LiDAR and ToF. The topic has attracted the attention of an increasingly wide audience thanks to the great amount of application domains, such as autonomous driving, robotic navigation and 3D reconstruction. Among the various techniques employed for depth estimation, stereo matching is one of the most widespread, owing to its robustness, speed and simplicity in setup. Recent developments has been aided by the abundance of annotated stereo images, which granted to deep learning the opportunity to thrive in a research area where deep networks can reach state-of-the-art sub-pixel precision in most cases. Despite the recent findings, stereo matching still begets many open challenges, two among them being finding pixel correspondences in presence of objects that exhibits a non-Lambertian behaviour and processing high-resolution images. Recently, a novel dataset named Booster, which contains high-resolution stereo pairs featuring a large collection of labeled non-Lambertian objects, has been released. The work shown that training state-of-the-art deep neural network on such data improves the generalization capabilities of these networks also in presence of non-Lambertian surfaces. Regardless being a further step to tackle the aforementioned challenge, Booster includes a rather small number of annotated images, and thus cannot satisfy the intensive training requirements of deep learning. This thesis work aims to investigate novel view synthesis techniques to augment the Booster dataset, with ultimate goal of improving stereo matching reliability in presence of high-resolution images that displays non-Lambertian surfaces.


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Lo studio che verrà presentato in questo lavoro di tesi riguarda la caratterizzazione di Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM): essi sono sensori a semiconduttore che sono stati proposti per la realizzazione del layer Time-Of-Flight (TOF) del nuovo esperimento proposto ad LHC, ALICE 3. Sono stati testati sensori diversi, sia in termini di casa di fabbricazione (FBK o HPK), sia in termini di struttura; in particolare, i modelli a disposizione di produzione FBK sono singoli SPAD, singoli SiPM e mini-array di SiPM, mentre i modelli HPK sono tutti singoli SiPM. La caratterizzazione è avvenuta mediante misure di corrente e capacità del sensore al variare della tensione (curve IV e curve CV); l'obiettivo primario è studiare e confrontare tali andamenti, in modo da poter selezionare i sensori con caratteristiche simili per la costruzione del layer del TOF. Si è osservato che sensori della stessa casa produttrice e con la stessa struttura interna esibiscono comportamenti quasi sovrapponibili, dimostrando in generale una ottima uniformità.


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Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi analizza il comportamento elettrico di prototipi di sensori Low-Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) ultrasottili. L'analisi consiste in una verifica sperimentale delle caratteristiche attese di questi sensori, che sono stati selezionati come possibili candidati per la realizzazione del sistema di Time-Of-Flight (TOF) nell'esperimento ALICE 3. Concepito come evoluzione dell'esperimento ALICE attualmente in funzione al CERN, ALICE 3 rappresenta l'archetipo di una nuova generazione di esperimenti nella fisica delle collisioni di ioni pesanti, ed è previsto iniziare la propria attività di presa dati per LHC Run 5 nel 2032. Sono stati presi in considerazione 22 campioni di LGAD, di cui 11 provenienti dal wafer di produzione 5 (spessore 25 um) e gli altri 11 dal wafer 6 (spessore 35 um). In entrambi i casi, di questi 11 sensori, 6 sono campioni in configurazione LGAD-PIN e 5 sono matrici. Tutti e 22 i campioni sono stati sottoposti a misure di corrente in funzione del voltaggio, mentre solo quelli appartenenti al wafer 5 anche a misure di capacità. L'obiettivo è quello di misurare la caratteristica IV e CV per ognuno dei campioni e da queste estrarre, rispettivamente, tensione di breakdown e profilo di doping.