926 resultados para Mäkisalo, Jukka: Grammar and experimental evidence in Finnish compounds
Many lines of clinical and experimental evidence indicate a viral role in carcinogenesis (1-6). Our access to patient plasma, serum, and tissue samples from invasive breast cancer (N=19), ductal carcinoma in situ (N=13), malignant ovarian cancer (N=12), and benign ovarian tumors (N=9), via IRB-approved and informed consent protocols through M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, as well as normal donor plasmas purchased from Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center (N=6), has allowed us to survey primary patient blood and tissue samples, healthy donor blood from the general population, as well as commercially available human cell lines for the presence of human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) Env viral RNA (vRNA), protein, and viral particles. We hypothesize that HERV-K proteins are tumor-associated antigens and as such can be profiled and targeted in patients for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. To test this hypothesis, we employed isopycnic ultracentrifugation, a microplate-based reverse transcriptase enzyme activity assay, reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), cDNA sequencing, SDS-PAGE and western blotting, immunofluorescent staining, confocal microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy to evaluate v HERV-K activation in cancer. Data from large numbers of patients tested by reverse transcriptase activity assay were analyzed statistically by t-test to determine the potential use of this assay as a diagnostic tool for cancer. Significant reverse transcriptase enzyme activity was detected in 75% of ovarian cancer patients, 53.8% of ductal carcinoma in situ patient, and 42.1% of invasive breast cancer patient samples. Only 11.1% of benign ovarian patient and 16.7% of normal donor samples tested positive. HERV-K Env vRNA, or Env SU were detected in the majority of cancer types screened, as demonstrated by the results shown herein, and were largely absent in normal controls. These findings support our hypothesis that the presence of HERV-K in patient blood circulation is an indicator of cancer or pre-malignancy in vivo, that the presence of HERV-K Env on tumor cell surfaces is indicative of malignant phenotype, and that HERV-K Env is a tumor-associated antigen useful not only as a diagnostic screening tool to predict patient disease status, but also as an exploitable therapeutic target for various novel antibody-based immunotherapies.
Background. The United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 aims for a two-thirds reduction in death rates for children under the age of five by 2015. The greatest risk of death is in the first week of life, yet most of these deaths can be prevented by such simple interventions as improved hygiene, exclusive breastfeeding, and thermal care. The percentage of deaths in Nigeria that occur in the first month of life make up 28% of all deaths under five years, a statistic that has remained unchanged despite various child health policies. This paper will address the challenges of reducing the neonatal mortality rate in Nigeria by examining the literature regarding efficacy of home-based, newborn care interventions and policies that have been implemented successfully in India. ^ Methods. I compared similarities and differences between India and Nigeria using qualitative descriptions and available quantitative data of various health indicators. The analysis included identifying policy-related factors and community approaches contributing to India's newborn survival rates. Databases and reference lists of articles were searched for randomized controlled trials of community health worker interventions shown to reduce neonatal mortality rates. ^ Results. While it appears that Nigeria spends more money than India on health per capita ($136 vs. $132, respectively) and as percent GDP (5.8% vs. 4.2%, respectively), it still lags behind India in its neonatal, infant, and under five mortality rates (40 vs. 32 deaths/1000 live births, 88 vs. 48 deaths/1000 live births, 143 vs. 63 deaths/1000 live births, respectively). Both countries have comparably low numbers of healthcare providers. Unlike their counterparts in Nigeria, Indian community health workers receive training on how to deliver postnatal care in the home setting and are monetarily compensated. Gender-related power differences still play a role in the societal structure of both countries. A search of randomized controlled trials of home-based newborn care strategies yielded three relevant articles. Community health workers trained to educate mothers and provide a preventive package of interventions involving clean cord care, thermal care, breastfeeding promotion, and danger sign recognition during multiple postnatal visits in rural India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan reduced neonatal mortality rates by 54%, 34%, and 15–20%, respectively. ^ Conclusion. Access to advanced technology is not necessary to reduce neonatal mortality rates in resource-limited countries. To address the urgency of neonatal mortality, countries with weak health systems need to start at the community level and invest in cost-effective, evidence-based newborn care interventions that utilize available human resources. While more randomized controlled studies are urgently needed, the current available evidence of models of postnatal care provision demonstrates that home-based care and health education provided by community health workers can reduce neonatal mortality rates in the immediate future.^
We evaluated the role of microzooplankton (sensu latto, grazers <500 µm) in determining the fate of phytoplankton production (PP) along a glacier-to-open sea transect in the Greenland subarctic fjord, Godthabfjord. Based on the distribution of size fractionated chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations we established 4 zones: (1) Fyllas Bank, characterized by deep chl a maxima (ca. 30 to 40 m) consisting of large cells, (2) the mouth and main branch of the fjord, where phytoplankton was relatively homogeneously distributed in the upper 30 m layer, (3) inner waters influenced by glacial melt water and upwelling, with high chl a concentrations (up to 12 µg/l) in the >10 µm fraction within a narrow (2 m) subsurface layer, and (4) the Kapisigdlit branch of the fjord, ice-free, and characterized with a thick and deep chl a maximum layer. Overall, microzooplankton grazing impact on primary production was variable and seldom significant in the Fyllas Bank and mouth of the fjord, quite intensive (up to >100% potential PP consumed daily) in the middle part of the main and Kapisigdlit branches of the fjord, and rather low and unable to control the fast growing phytoplankton population inhabiting the nutrient rich waters in the upwelling area in the vicinity of the glacier. Most of the grazing impact was on the <10 µm phytoplankton fraction, and the major grazers of the system seem to be >20 µm microzooplankton, as deducted from additional dilution experiments removing this size fraction. Overall, little or no export of phytoplankton out of the fjord to the Fyllas Bank can be determined from our data.
Se analizan los patrones de publicación y citación en ciencias humanas y sociales en Scopus en el período 2003-2012, según el alcance geográfico de la investigación. Los resultados muestran que los temas de alcance nacional tienen un predominio del español como lengua de publicación y una marcada preferencia por la autoría única frente a los patrones observados en el grupo de otros temas, no situados geográficamente, donde el inglés y la colaboración institucional es más fuerte y está más consolidada. La citación no parece estar determinada solo por el alcance geográfico de las investigaciones, sino también por el idioma de publicación, la coautoría y los perfiles de las revistas donde se publica. Se espera que los resultados den lugar a una reflexión constructiva sobre la cultura investigadora y editorial y que sean útiles como referencia para establecer criterios de evaluación en las comisiones evaluadoras y las políticas editoriales a nivel nacional
Se analizan los patrones de publicación y citación en ciencias humanas y sociales en Scopus en el período 2003-2012, según el alcance geográfico de la investigación. Los resultados muestran que los temas de alcance nacional tienen un predominio del español como lengua de publicación y una marcada preferencia por la autoría única frente a los patrones observados en el grupo de otros temas, no situados geográficamente, donde el inglés y la colaboración institucional es más fuerte y está más consolidada. La citación no parece estar determinada solo por el alcance geográfico de las investigaciones, sino también por el idioma de publicación, la coautoría y los perfiles de las revistas donde se publica. Se espera que los resultados den lugar a una reflexión constructiva sobre la cultura investigadora y editorial y que sean útiles como referencia para establecer criterios de evaluación en las comisiones evaluadoras y las políticas editoriales a nivel nacional
Se analizan los patrones de publicación y citación en ciencias humanas y sociales en Scopus en el período 2003-2012, según el alcance geográfico de la investigación. Los resultados muestran que los temas de alcance nacional tienen un predominio del español como lengua de publicación y una marcada preferencia por la autoría única frente a los patrones observados en el grupo de otros temas, no situados geográficamente, donde el inglés y la colaboración institucional es más fuerte y está más consolidada. La citación no parece estar determinada solo por el alcance geográfico de las investigaciones, sino también por el idioma de publicación, la coautoría y los perfiles de las revistas donde se publica. Se espera que los resultados den lugar a una reflexión constructiva sobre la cultura investigadora y editorial y que sean útiles como referencia para establecer criterios de evaluación en las comisiones evaluadoras y las políticas editoriales a nivel nacional
Introduction Many marine planktonic crustaceans such as copepods have been considered as widespread organisms. However, the growing evidence for cryptic and pseudo-cryptic speciation has emphasized the need of re-evaluating the status of copepod species complexes in molecular and morphological studies to get a clearer picture about pelagic marine species as evolutionary units and their distributions. This study analyses the molecular diversity of the ecologically important Paracalanus parvus species complex. Its seven currently recognized species are abundant and also often dominant in marine coastal regions worldwide from temperate to tropical oceans. Results COI and Cytochrome b sequences of 160 specimens of the Paracalanus parvus complex from all oceans were obtained. Furthermore, 42 COI sequences from GenBank were added for the genetic analyses. Thirteen distinct molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTU) and two single sequences were revealed with cladistic analyses (Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian Inference), of which seven were identical with results from species delimitation methods (barcode gaps, ABDG, GMYC, Rosenberg's P(AB)). In total, 10 to 12 putative species were detected and could be placed in three categories: (1) temperate geographically isolated, (2) warm-temperate to tropical wider spread and (3) circumglobal warm-water species. Conclusions The present study provides evidence of cryptic or pseudocryptic speciation in the Paracalanus parvus complex. One major insight is that the species Paracalanus parvus s.s. is not panmictic, but may be restricted in its distribution to the northeastern Atlantic.
We evaluated above- and belowground ecosystem changes in a 16 year, combined fertilization and warming experiment in a High Arctic tundra deciduous shrub heath (Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, NU, Canada). Soil emissions of the three key greenhouse gases (GHGs) (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) were measured in mid-July 2009 using soil respiration chambers attached to a FTIR system. Soil chemical and biochemical properties including Q10 values for CO2, CH4, and N2O, Bacteria and Archaea assemblage composition, and the diversity and prevalence of key nitrogen cycling genes including bacterial amoA, crenarchaeal amoA, and nosZ were measured. Warming and fertilization caused strong increases in plant community cover and height but had limited effects on GHG fluxes and no substantial effect on soil chemistry or biochemistry. Similarly, there was a surprising lack of directional shifts in the soil microbial community as a whole or any change at all in microbial functional groups associated with CH4 consumption or N2O cycling in any treatment. Thus, it appears that while warming and increased nutrient availability have strongly affected the plant community over the last 16 years, the belowground ecosystem has not yet responded. This resistance of the soil ecosystem has resulted in limited changes in GHG fluxes in response to the experimental treatments.
1. Identifying plant communities that are resistant to climate change will be critical for developing accurate, wide-scale vegetation change predictions. Most northern plant communities, especially tundra, have shown strong responses to experimental and observed warming. 2. Experimental warming is a key tool for understanding vegetation responses to climate change. We used open-top chambers to passively warm an evergreen-shrub heath by 1.0-1.3 °C for 15 years at Alexandra Fiord, Nunavut, Canada (79 °N). In 1996, 2000 and 2007, we measured height, plant composition and abundance with a point-intercept method. 3. Experimental warming did not strongly affect vascular plant cover, canopy height or species diversity, but it did increase bryophyte cover by 6.3% and decrease lichen cover by 3.5%. Temporal changes in plant cover were more frequent and of greater magnitude than changes due to experimental warming. 4. Synthesis. This evergreen-shrub heath continues to exhibit community-level resistance to long-term experimental warming, in contrast to most Arctic plant communities. Our findings support the view that only substantial climatic changes will alter unproductive ecosystems.
Future oceans are predicted to contain less oxygen than at present. This is because oxygen is less soluble in warmer water and predicted stratification will reduce mixing. Hypoxia in marine environments is thus likely to become more widespread in marine environments and understanding species-responses is important to predicting future impacts on biodiversity. This study used a tractable model, the Antarctic clam, Laternula elliptica, which can live for 36 years, and has a well-characterized ecology and physiology to understand responses to hypoxia and how the effect varied with age. Younger animals had a higher condition index, higher adenylate energy charge and transcriptional profiling indicated that they were physically active in their response to hypoxia, whereas older animals were more sedentary, with higher levels of oxidative damage and apoptosis in the gills. These effects could be attributed, in part, to age-related tissue scaling; older animals had proportionally less contractile muscle mass and smaller gills and foot compared with younger animals, with consequential effects on the whole-animal physiological response. The data here emphasize the importance of including age effects, as large mature individuals appear to be less able to resist hypoxic conditions and this is the size range that is the major contributor to future generations. Thus, the increased prevalence of hypoxia in future oceans may have marked effects on benthic organisms' abilities to persist and this is especially so for long-lived species when predicting responses to environmental perturbation.
The effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on photosynthesis and calcification of two important calcifying reef algae (Halimeda macroloba and Halimeda cylindracea) were investigated with O2 microsensors and chlorophyll a fluorometry through a combination of two pCO2 (400 and 1,200 µatm) and two temperature treatments (28 and 32 °C) equivalent to the present and predicted conditions during the 2100 austral summer. Combined exposure to pCO2 and elevated temperature impaired calcification and photosynthesis in the two Halimeda species due to changes in the microenvironment around the algal segments and a reduction in physiological performance. There were no significant changes in controls over the 5-week experiment, but there was a 50-70 % decrease in photochemical efficiency (maximum quantum yield), a 70-80 % decrease in O2 production and a threefold reduction in calcification rate in the elevated CO2 and high temperature treatment. Calcification in these species is closely coupled with photosynthesis, such that a decrease in photosynthetic efficiency leads to a decrease in calcification. Although pH seems to be the main factor affecting Halimeda species, heat stress also has an impact on their photosystem II photochemical efficiency. There was a strong combined effect of elevated CO2 and temperature in both species, where exposure to elevated CO2 or temperature alone decreased photosynthesis and calcification, but exposure to both elevated CO2 and temperature caused a greater decline in photosynthesis and calcification than in each stress individually. Our study shows that ocean acidification and ocean warming are drivers of calcification and photosynthesis inhibition in Halimeda. Predicted climate change scenarios for 2100 would therefore severely affect the fitness of Halimeda, which can result in a strongly reduced production of carbonate sediments on coral reefs under such changed climate conditions.
The growing importance of innovation in economic growth has encouraged the development of innovation capabilities in East Asia, within which China, Japan, and Korea are most important in terms of technological capabilities. Using Japanese patent data, we examine how knowledge networks have developed among these countries. We find that Japan's technological specialization saw little change, but those of Korea and China changed rapidly since 1970s. By the year 2009, technology specialization has become similar across three countries in the sense that the common field of prominent technology is "electronic circuits and communication technologies". Patent citations suggest that technology flows were largest in the electronic technology, pointing to the deepening of innovation networks in these countries.
This paper investigates the relationship between access to micro-credit and temporary seasonal migration, an issue which is largely ignored in the standard rural-urban migration literature. Seasonal migration due to agricultural downturns is a common phenomenon in developing countries. Using primary data from a cross-sectional household survey from the northwest part of Bangladesh, this study quantifies the factors that influence such migration decisions. Among other results, we find that network effects play a significant role in influencing the migration decision, with the presence of kinsmen at the place of destination having considerable impact. Seasonal migration is a natural choice for individual suffering periodic hardship; however the strict weekly loan repayment rules of Micro-credit Institutes can have an adverse effect on this process, reducing the ability of borrowers to react to a shock. Our result suggests that poor individuals prefer the option of not accessing the micro-credit and opt for temporal seasonal migration during the lean period. The results have numerous potential policy implications, including the design of typical micro-credit schemes.