998 resultados para Mãos - Cirurgia
The v-mos gene of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MuSv) encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase capable of inducing cellular transformation. The c-mos protein is an important cell cycle regulator that functions during meiotic cell division cycles in germ cells. The overall function of c-mos in controlling meiosis is becoming better understood but the role of v-mos in malignant transformation of cells is largely unknown.^ In this study, v-mos protein was shown to be phosphorylated by M phase kinase in vitro and in vivo. The kinase activity and neoplastic transforming ability of v-mos is positively regulated by the phosphorylation. Together with the earlier finding of activation of M phase kinase by c-mos, these results raise the possibility of mutual regulation between M phase kinase and mos kinases.^ In addition to its functional interaction with the M phase kinase, the v-mos protein was shown to be present in the same protein complex with a cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk). In addition, an antibody that recognizes the cdk proteins was shown to co-precipitate the v-mos proteins in the interphase and mitotic cells transformed by p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$. Cdk proteins have been shown to be associated with nonmitotic cyclins which are potential oncogenes. The perturbation of cdk kinase or the activation of non-mitotic cyclins as oncogenes by v-mos could contribute directly to v-mos induced cellular transformation. v-mos proteins were also shown to interact with tubulin and vimentin, the essential components of microtubules and type IV intermediate filaments, respectively. The organizations of both microtubules and intermediate filaments are cell cycle-regulated. These results suggest that the v-mos kinase could be directly involved in inducing morphological changes typically seen in transformed cells.^ The interactions between the v-mos protein and these cell cycle control elements in regards to v-mos induced neoplastic transformation are discussed in detail in the text. ^
The c-mos proto-oncogene, which is expressed at relatively high levels in male and female germ cells, plays a key role in oocyte meiotic maturation. The c-mos gene product in oocytes (p39$\sp{\rm c-mos}$) is necessary and sufficient to initiate meiosis. p39$\sp{\rm c-mos}$ is also an essential component of the cytostatic factor, which is responsible for arresting vertebrate oocytes at the second meiotic metaphase by stabilizing the maturation promoting factor (MPF). MPF is a universal regulator of both meiosis and mitosis. Much less is understood about c-mos expression and function in somatic cells. In addition to gonadal tissues, c-Mos has been detected in some somatic tissues and non-germ cell lines including NIH 3T3 cells as a protein termed p43$\sp{\rm c-mos}$. Since c-mos RNA transcripts were not previously detected in this cell line by Northern blot or S1 protection analyses, a search was made for c-mos RNA in NIH 3T3 cells. c-mos transcripts were detected using the highly sensitive RNA-PCR method and RNase protection assays. Furthermore, cell cycle analyses indicated that expression of c-mos RNA is tightly controlled in a cell cycle dependent manner with highest levels of transcripts (approximately 5 copies/cell) during the G2 phase.^ In order to determine the physiological significance of c-mos RNA expression in somatic cells, antisense mos was placed under the control of an inducible promoter and introduced into either NIH 3T3 cells or C2 cells. It was found that a basal level of expression of antisense mos resulted in interference with mitotic progression and growth arrest. Several nuclear abnormalities were observed, especially the appearance of binucleated and multinucleated cells as well as the extrusion of microvesicles containing cellular material. These results indicate that antisense mos expression results in a block in cytokinesis. In summary, these results establish that c-mos expression is not restricted to germ cells, but instead indicate that c-mos RNA expression occurs during the G2 stage of the cell cycle. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that the c-mos proto-oncogene plays an important role in cell cycle progression. As in meiosis, c-mos may have a similar but not identical function in regulating cell cycle events in somatic cells, particularly in controlling mitotic progression via activation/stabilization of MPF. ^
The effect of v-{\it mos\/} expression on the regulation of the {\it fos\/} promoter in 490N3T cells
The v-mos oncogene acquired by Moloney murine sarcoma viruses by recombination with the c-mos proto-oncogene encodes a 37kD cytoplasmic serine/threonine protein kinase which can phosphorylate tubulin and vimentin, as well as the cyclin B component of the maturation promotion factor complex (MPF). Our earliest experiments asked whether the v-mos protein could activate the transcription of transin. Since the transcription of transin was known to be mediated by both fos-dependent and fos-independent pathways, it seemed possible that the induction of transin transcription by v-mos might be mediated by p55$\sp{\rm c-}\sp{fos}$. Surprisingly, when we examined the effect of v-mos on the fos promoter, we observed a significant inhibition of transcription in 49ON3T cells, a subclone of N1H3T3 mouse fibroblasts.^ In this thesis we show that in mouse 49ON3T cells, transcription from the fos promoter is up to 10-fold repressed in the presence of v-mos. Moreover, in this cell line several other transforming constructs (v-ras, v-src, neu) also cause repression of the fos promoter. Interestingly, nontransforming oncogenes (e.g. myc) do not repress fos transcription. The repressive effect was lost in v-mos mutants lacking in ATP-binding or kinase domain, arguing that the effect on fos transcription was mediated by v-mos transforming kinase activity. As mos is a cytoplasmic protein, it was assumed that transcriptional repression was mediated by conversion of a transcriptional regulator to a repressor by mos-induced phosphorylation. As a first approximation of the identity of this factor, we mapped the position of the mos effect on the fos promoter using reporter (CAT) constructs. We found that repression was mediated by regions $-$221 to $-$106 and $-$122 to $-$65 relative to the fos transcriptional start site, both of which regions regulate baseline fos transcription. There are direct repeats containing E2F transcriptional activator/repressor recognition motifs in these regions which bind similar nuclear proteins independently of v-mos presence or absence. Our data show that the contribution of the direct repeat to baseline fos transcription is mediated by these E2F sites with perhaps some contribution from the overlapping retinoblastoma control element (RCE). We have shown that there is a separate DNA protein interaction in the direct repeat which is more pronounced in the presence of v-mos. The recognition site for this protein, which we speculate mediates the mos-induced downregulation of fos transcription, overlaps but is distinct from the E2F and RCE binding sites. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Fürchtegott Christian Fulda
Various Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MuSV) isolates contain a cellular sequence, termed mos, which is responsible for the transforming ability of Mo-MuSV. A serine kinase activity has been found to be associated with mos gene products of several isolates of Mo-MuSV. A mutant of Mo-MuSV strain 124 (designated MuSV ts110) is temperature-sensitive (ts) for transformation and encodes two proteins, P85('gag-mos) (an 85,000 M(,r) protein encoded by the gag and mos genes) and P58('gag), at the permissive temperature (28(DEGREES)C). At the nonpermissive temperature (39(DEGREES)C), only P58('gag) is found in MuSV ts110-infected NRK cells (6m2 cells). Both P85('gag-mos) and P58('gag) were phosphorylated when anti-gag immune complexes containing these proteins were incubated at 22(DEGREES)C with (lamda)-('32)P -ATP and MnCl(,2). The kinase detected in anti-gag complexes from 6m2 cells at permissive temperature was associated with P85('gag-mos) since immune complexes from 39(DEGREES)C 6m2 cells, which lack P85('gag-mos), produced no phosphorylated P58('gag) molecules. In addition, an anti-mos complex (anti-mos 37-55 complexes) allowed in vitro phosphorylation of P85('gag-mos) in the absence of P58('gag). No kinase activity was detectable with other gag gene products (e.g., Mo-MuSV-124 P62('gag)), suggesting that the P85('gag-mos) kinase activity was present within the mos portion of the protein. The P85('gag-mos) kinase activity was very thermolabile upon shifting 6m2 cells from permissive to nonpermissive temperatures (t(, 1/2) for inactivation = 5 min). In contrast, a spontaneous revertant of MuSV ts110 encodes a larger gag-mos protein (termed P100('gag-mos)) which contained a kinase activity stable to 39(DEGREES)C. Using the optimal conditions developed for the P85('gag-mos) kinase, Mo-MuSV-encoded p37('mos) was also found to be associated with a serine kinase activity. Phosphorylation of p37('mos) and a 43 Kd protein (super-phosphorylated p37('mos)) occurred in anti-mos(37-55) complexes from Mo-MuSV-124 acutely-infected NIH 3T3 cells, but neither in mos 37-55 peptide-blocked anti-mos(37-55) complexes nor in immune complexes from uninfected NIH 3T3 cells. Antibodies directed against the C-terminus of v-mos were found to inhibit the in vitro phosphorylation of p37('mos), suggesting that the extreme C-terminal sequence of v-mos may be important for an intrinsic kinase activity. This inhibitory action by antibodies to the C-terminus of p37('mos), when considered with all the other data reported here, provides convincing evidence that the v-mos gene encodes a serine protein kinase activity. ^
Siegfried Ucko
G. Salzberger
von N. Frankfurter
von N. Frankfurter
In this thesis, I investigated the effect of cylic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) on v-Mos kinase activity. Increase in PKA activity in vivo brought about either by forskolin treatment or by overexpression of the PKA catalytic subunit resulted in a significant inhibition of v-Mos kinase activity. The purified PKA catalytic subunit was able to phosphorylate recombinant p37$\rm\sp{v-mos}$ in vitro, suggesting that the mechanism of in vivo inhibition of v-Mos kinase involves direct phosphorylation by PKA. Ser-263 was identified as a residue that is normally phosphorylated at a very low level but whose phosphorylation is dramatically increased upon forskolin treatment. Consistent with the inhibitory role of Ser-263 phosphorylation, the Ala-263 mutant of v-Mos was not inhibited by forskolin treatment. Based on our results, we propose that the known inhibitory role of PKA in the initiation of oocyte maturation could be explained at least in part by its inhibition of Mos kinase.^ Combining tryptic phosphopeptide two-dimensional mapping analysis and in vitro mutagenesis studies, I identified Ser-56 as the major in vivo phosphorylation site on v-Mos. I studied the interrelationship between Ser-34 and Ser-56 phosphorylation in regulating v-Mos function. After site-directed mutagenesis to substitute serine residues with alanine or glutamic acid in different combinations to mimick unphosphorylated and phosphorylated serines respectively, various v-Mos mutants were expressed in COS-1 cells. As expected, Ala-34 mutant of v-Mos had very low (less 5% of wild type) kinase activity. The Ala-56 mutant had kinase activity 50% that of wild type. Surprisingly, the Ala-34 Ala-56 double mutant and the Ala-56 mutant exhibited identical kinase activity. On the other hand, Ala-34 Glu-56 double mutant had reduced kinase activity comparable to Ala-34 mutant. These results suggest that the phosphorylation at Ser-56 may serve to inhibit the activation of newly synthesized Mos protein. As predicted from Xenopus c-Mos studies, Glu-34 mutant of v-Mos was highly active (125% that of wild type). Interestingly, consistant with the model involving an inhibitory role of Ser-56 phosphorylation, the Glu-34 Glu-56 double mutant was totally inactive as a kinase. Moreover in my experiments, there was a perfect correlation between the level of v-Mos kinase activity of various mutants and their transforming activity. The latter is dependent upon MEK1 phosphorylation/ activation in v-mos transformed cells. Residues corresponding to both v-Mos Ser-34 and Ser-56 are evolutionarily conserved in c-Mos. Therefore, the cytostatic factor function of c-Mos may be regulated in the same manner as v-Mos kinase activity.^ It has been known that v-mos transforms cells by affecting G1 phase progression of the cell cycle. Here I showed that mos induces cyclin D1 expression in mos transformed NIH 3T3 cells and NRK 6m2 cells, and this induced level was found to be unaffected by serum starvation. Consequently, cyclin D1-Cdk4 and cyclin E-Cdk2 activities increase, and retinoblastoma protein is hyperphosphorylated. Based on studies from several laboratories, these findings suggest that increased amount of cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes ties up the limited amount of cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitors (e.g. p27), causing the activation of cyclin E-Cdk2. My results indicate that activation of key cell cycle regulators of G1 phase may be important for cellular transformation by mos. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^