927 resultados para Logarithmic dependence
Background: Because alcohol has multiple dose-dependent consequences, it is important to understand the causes of individual variation in the amount of alcohol used. The aims of this study were to assess the long-term repeatability and genetic or environmental causes of variation in alcohol intake and to estimate the degree of overlap with causes of susceptibility to alcohol dependence. Methods: Data were used from three studies conducted between 1980 and 1995 on volunteer adult male and female Australian twin subjects. In each study, alcohol intake was reported both as quantity X frequency and as past-week data. Repeatability was calculated as correlations between occasions and between measures, and the effects of genes and environment were estimated by multivariate model fitting to the twin pair repeated measures of alcohol use. Relationships between mean alcohol use and the lifetime history of DSM-III-R alcohol dependence were tested by bivariate model fitting. Results: Repeatability of the alcohol intake measures was between 0.54 and 0.85, with the highest repeatability between measures within study and the lowest repeatability between the first and last studies. Reported alcohol consumption was mainly affected by genetic factors affecting all times of study and by nonshared environmental factors (including measurement error) unique to each time of study. Genes that affect alcohol intake do affect alcohol dependence, but genetic effects unique to dependence are also significant; environmental effects are largely unique to either intake and dependence. Conclusions: Nearly all the repeatable component of variation in alcohol intake is due to genetic effects. Genes affecting intake also affect dependence risk, but there are other genes that affect dependence alone. Studies aiming to identify genes that affect alcohol use disorders need to test loci and candidate genes against both phenotypes.
Aim. Numerous studies report an association between muscle strength and bone mineral density (BMD) in young and older women. However, the participants are generally non-athletes, thus it is unclear if the relationship varies by exercise status. Therefore, the purpose was to examine the relationships between BMD and muscle strength in young women with markedly different exercise levels. Methods. Experimental design: cross-sectional. Setting: a University research laboratory. Participants: 18 collegiate gymnasts and 22 age- and weight-matched recreationally active control women. Measures: lumbar spine, femoral neck, arm, leg and whole body BMD (g/cm(2)) were assessed by dual X-ray absorptiometry. In addition, lumbar spine and femoral neck bone mineral apparent density (BMAD, g/cm(3)) was calculated. Handgrip strength and knee extensor and flexor torque (60degrees/s) were determined by dynamometry, and bench press and leg press strength (1-RM) using isotonic equipment. Results. BMD at all sites and bench press, leg press and knee flexor strength were greater in gymnasts than controls (p
Background. Whether current criteria used to define nicotine dependence are informative for genetic research is an important empirical question. The authors used items of the DSM-IV and of the Heaviness of Smoking Index to characterize the nicotine dependence phenotype and to identify salient symptoms in a genetically informative community sample of Australian young adult female and mate twins. Method. Phenotypic and genetic factor analyses were performed on nine dependence symptoms (the seven DSM-IV substance dependence criteria and the two Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI) items derived from the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire, time to first cigarette in the morning and number of cigarettes smoked per day). Phenotypic and genetic analyses were restricted to ever smokers. Results. Phenotypic nicotine dependence symptom covariation was best captured by two factors with a similar pattern of factor loadings for women and men. In genetic factor analysis item covariation was best captured by two genetic but one shared environmental factor for both women and men; however, item factor loadings differed by gender. All nicotine dependence symptoms were substantially heritable, except for the DSM-IV criterion of 'giving up or reducing important activities in order to smoke', which was weakly familial. Conclusions. The salient behavioral indices of nicotine dependence are similar for women and men. DSM-IV criteria of tolerance, withdrawal, and experiencing difficulty quitting and HSI items time to first cigarette in the morning and number of cigarettes smoked per day may represent the most highly heritable symptoms of nicotine dependence for both women and men.
Background: Previous research has reported both a moderate degree of comorbidity between cannabis dependence and major depressive disorder (MDD) and that early-onset cannabis use is associated with increased risks for MDD. Objective: To examine whether associations between both lifetime cannabis dependence and early cannabis use and measures of MDD, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt persist after controlling for genetic and/or shared environmental influences. Design: Cross-sectional survey of twin pairs discordant for lifetime cannabis dependence and those discordant for early cannabis use. Setting: General population sample of twins (median age, 30 years). Participants: Two hundred seventy-seven same-sex twin pairs discordant for cannabis dependence and 311 pairs discordant for early-onset cannabis use (before age 17 years). Main Outcome Measures: Self-report measures of DSM-IV-defined lifetime MDD, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt. Results: Individuals who were cannabis dependent had odds of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt that were 2.5 to 2.9 times higher than those of their non-cannabis-dependent co-twin. Additionally, cannabis dependence was associated with elevated risks of MDD in dizygotic but not in monozygotic twins. Those who initiated cannabis use before age 17 years had elevated rates of subsequent suicide attempt (odds ratio, 3.5 [95% confidence interval, 1.4-8.6]) but not of MDD or suicidal ideation. Early MDD and suicidal ideation were significantly associated with subsequent risks of cannabis dependence in discordant dizygotic pairs but not in discordant monozygotic pairs. Conclusions: Comorbidity between cannabis dependence and MDD likely arises through shared genetic and environmental vulnerabilities predisposing to both outcomes. In contrast, associations between cannabis dependence and suicidal behaviors cannot be entirely explained by common predisposing genetic and/or shared environmental predispositions. Previously reported associations between early-onset cannabis use and subsequent MDD likely reflect shared genetic and environmental vulnerabilities, although it remains possible that early-onset cannabis use may predispose to suicide attempt.
Measurement of the temperature-dependence of thrombin-catalyzed cleavage of the Arg(155)-Ser(156) and Arg(284)-Thr(285) peptide bonds in prothrombin and prothrombin-derived substrates has yielded Arrhenius parameters that are far too large for classical mechanistic interpretation in terms of a simple hydrolytic reaction. Such a difference from the kinetic behavior exhibited in trypsin- and chymotrypsin-catalyzed proteolysis of peptide bonds is attributed to contributions by enzyme exosite interactions as well as enzyme conformational equilibria to the magnitudes of the experimentally determined Arrhenius parameters. Although the pre-exponential factor and the energy of activation deduced from the temperature-dependence of rate constants for proteolysis by thrombin cannot be accorded the usual mechanistic significance, their evaluation serves a valuable role by highlighting the existence of contributions other than those emanating from simple peptide hydrolysis to the kinetics of proteolysis by thrombin and presumably other enzymes of the blood coagulation system. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background. Genetic influences have been shown to play a major role in determining the risk of alcohol dependence (AD) in both women and men; however, little attention has been directed to identifying the major sources of genetic variation in AD risk. Method. Diagnostic telephone interview data from young adult Australian twin pairs born between 1964 and 1971 were analyzed. Cox regression models were fitted to interview data from a total of 2708 complete twin pairs (690 MZ female, 485 MZ male, 500 DZ female, 384 DZ male, and 649 DZ female/male pairs). Structural equation models were fitted to determine the extent of residual genetic and environmental influences on AD risk while controlling for effects of sociodemographic and psychiatric predictors on risk. Results. Risk of AD was increased in males, in Roman Catholics, in those reporting a history of major depression, social anxiety problems, and conduct disorder, or (in females only) a history of suicide attempt and childhood sexual abuse; but was decreased in those reporting Baptist, Methodist, or Orthodox religion, in those who reported weekly church attendance, and in university-educated males. After allowing for the effects of sociodemographic and psychiatric predictors, 47 % (95 % CI 28-55) of the residual variance in alcoholism risk was attributable to additive genetic effects, 0 % (95 % CI 0-14) to shared environmental factors, and 53 % (95 % CI 45-63) to non-shared environmental influences. Conclusions. Controlling for other risk factors, substantial residual heritability of AD was observed, suggesting that psychiatric and other risk factors play a minor role in the inheritance of AD.
Organic microcavity light emitting diodes typically exhibit a blue shift of the emitting wavelength with increasing viewing angle. While the wavelength shift can be reduced with the appropriate choice of organic materials and metal mirrors, for further reduction of the emission wavelength shift it is necessary to consider a mirror whose phase shift can partly compensate the effect of the change of optical path within the cavity. In this work, we used a genetic algorithm (GA) to design an asymmetric Bragg mirror in order to minimize the emission wavelength shift with viewing angle. Based on simulation results, the use of asymmetric Bragg mirrors represents a promising way to reduce the emission wavelength shift. Detailed comparison between GA optimized and conventional Bragg mirrors in terms of resonant wavelength dependence on the viewing angle, spectral narrowing, and brightness enhancement is given. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A cocaine vaccine'' is a promising immunotherapeutic approach to treating cocaine dependence which induces the immune system to form antibodies that prevent cocaine from crossing the blood brain barrier to act on receptor sites in the brain. Studies in rats show that cocaine antibodies block cocaine from reaching the brain and prevent the reinstatement of cocaine self administration. A successful phase 1 trial of a human cocaine vaccine has been reported. The most promising application of a cocaine vaccine is to prevent relapse to dependence in abstinent users who voluntarily enter treatment. Any use of a vaccine to treat cocaine addicts under legal coercion raises major ethical issues. If this is done at all, it should be carefully trialled first, and only after considerable clinical experience has been obtained in using the vaccine to treat voluntary patients. There will need to be an informed community debate about what role, if any, a cocaine vaccine may have as a way of preventing cocaine addiction in children and adolescents.
Periodic public concern about heroin use has been a major driver of Australian drug policy in the four decades since heroin use was first reported. The number of heroin-dependent people in Australia has increased from several hundreds in the late 1960s to around 100000 by the end of the 1990s. In this paper I do the following: (1) describe collaborative research on heroin dependence that was undertaken between 1991 and 2001 by researchers at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre: (2) discuss the contribution that this research may have made to the formulation of policies towards the treatment of heroin dependence during a period when the policy debate crystallized around the issue of whether or not Australia should conduct a controlled trial of heroin prescription; and (3) reflect on the relationships between research and policy-making in the addictions field, specifically on the roles of investigator-initiated and commissioned research, the interface between researchers, funders and policymakers: and the need to be realistic about the likely impact of research on policy and practice.
Objectives: To examine the health-related quality of life of alcohol-dependent patients across a 12-week cognitive behaviour treatment (CBT) program and identify whether the patient selection of the anticraving medication naltrexone further enhanced these outcomes. Method: One hundred and thirty-six consecutive alcohol-dependent subjects voluntarily participated and were offered naltrexone, of which 73 (54%) participants declined medication. A matched design was used. Of the 136 subjects, 86 (43 naltrexone and CBT; 43 CBT only) could be individually matched (blind to outcome measures) for gender, age, prior alcohol detoxification and dependence severity. Measures of health status and mental health wellbeing included the Rand Corporation Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). Results: Pre-treatment, all had SF-36 and GHQ-28 scores markedly below national norms. Post-treatment, significant improvement in seven of the eight SF-36 subscales and all of the GHQ-28 subscales occurred, approximating national normative levels. Patients in the CBT + naltrexone group were significantly more likely to have increased days abstinent (p = 0.002) and to complete the program abstinent (p = 0.051). The adjunctive use of naltrexone did not provide additional benefit as reflected in SF-36 and GHQ-28 scores, beyond CBT alone. Conclusions: Patients who completed the CBT-based treatment program reported significant improvements in self-reported health status (SF-36) and wellbeing (GHQ-28). The adjunctive use of naltrexone demonstrated no additional improvement in these measures.
Objective: The Temptation and Restraint Inventory (TRI) is commonly used to measure drinking restraint in relation to problem drinking behavior. However, as yet the TRI has not been validated in a clinical group with alcohol dependence. Method: Male (n = 111) and female (n = 57) inpatients with DSM-IV diagnosed alcohol dependence completed the TRI and measures of problem drinking severity, including the Alcohol Dependence Scale and the quantity, frequency and week total of alcohol consumed. Results: The factor structure of the TRI was replicated in the alcohol dependent sample. Cognitive Emotional Preoccupation (CEP), one of the two higher order factors of the TRI, demonstrated sound predictive power toward all dependence severity indices. The other higher order factor, Cognitive Behavioral Control (CBC), was related to frequency of drinking. There was limited support for the CEP/CBC interactional model of drinking restraint. Conclusions: Although the construct validity of the TRI was sound, the measure appears more useful in understanding the development, maintenance and severity of alcohol-related problems in nondependent drinkers. The TRI may show promise in detecting either continuous drinking or heavy episodic type dependent drinkers.
Aims The study estimated serious adverse event (SAE) rates among entrants to pharmacotherapies for opioid dependence, during treatment and after leaving treatment. Design A longitudinal study based on data from 12 trials included in the Australian National Evaluation of Pharmacotherapies for Opioid Dependence (NEPOD). Participants and settings A total of 1.244 heroin users and methadone patients treated in hospital, community and GP settings. Intervention Six trials included detoxification; all included treatment with methadone, buprenorphine, levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol (LAAM) or naltrexone. Findings During 394 person-years of observation, 79 SAEs of 28 types were recorded. Naltrexone participants experienced 39 overdoses per 100 person-years after leaving treatment (44% occurred within 2 weeks after stopping naltrexone). This was eight times the rate recorded among participants who left agonist treatment. Rates of all other SAEs were similar during treatment versus out of treatment, for both naltrexone-treated and agonist-treated participants. Five deaths occurred, all among participants who had left treatment, at a rate of six per 100 person-years. Total SAE rates during naltrexone and agonist treatments were similar (20, 14 per 100 person-years, respectively). Total SAE and death rates observed among participants who had left treatment were three and 19 times the corresponding rates during treatment. Conclusions Individuals who leave pharmacotherapies for opioid dependence experience higher overdose and death rates compared with those in treatment. This may be due partly to a participant self-selection effect rather than entirely to pharmacotherapy being protective. Clinicians should alert naltrexone treatment patients in particular about heroin overdose risks. Duty of care may extend beyond cessation of dosing.
In the United States and several other countries., the development of population viability analyses (PVA) is a legal requirement of any species survival plan developed for threatened and endangered species. Despite the importance of pathogens in natural populations, little attention has been given to host-pathogen dynamics in PVA. To study the effect of infectious pathogens on extinction risk estimates generated from PVA, we review and synthesize the relevance of host-pathogen dynamics in analyses of extinction risk. We then develop a stochastic, density-dependent host-parasite model to investigate the effects of disease on the persistence of endangered populations. We show that this model converges on a Ricker model of density dependence under a suite of limiting assumptions, including. a high probability that epidemics will arrive and occur. Using this modeling framework, we then quantify: (1) dynamic differences between time series generated by disease and Ricker processes with the same parameters; (2) observed probabilities of quasi-extinction for populations exposed to disease or self-limitation; and (3) bias in probabilities of quasi-extinction estimated by density-independent PVAs when populations experience either form of density dependence. Our results suggest two generalities about the relationships among disease, PVA, and the management of endangered species. First, disease more strongly increases variability in host abundance and, thus, the probability of quasi-extinction, than does self-limitation. This result stems from the fact that the effects and the probability of occurrence of disease are both density dependent. Second, estimates of quasi-extinction are more often overly optimistic for populations experiencing disease than for those subject to self-limitation. Thus, although the results of density-independent PVAs may be relatively robust to some particular assumptions about density dependence, they are less robust when endangered populations are known to be susceptible to disease. If potential management actions involve manipulating pathogens, then it may be useful to. model disease explicitly.