823 resultados para Links and link-motion.
Nos textos de Provérbios 1,20-23; 8 e 9, encontra-se o instigante símbolo da sabedoria mulher, que possui uma longa e controvertida história de interpretação. Ao analisar as ligações textuais entre estes textos e o poema de Pr 31, descobrimos que o símbolo da sabedoria mulher inspira-se na mulher da vida real, que participa corajosamente na reconstrução da história e das relações do povo de Judá, no período pós-exílico. Estas ligações desvelam uma grande valorização da mulher e sua proximidade com Deus ao apresentá- la com o poder de oferecer vida (Pr 8,35; 9,6) e de cuidá-la (Pr 31), vivenciando e transmitindo valores éticos fundamentais para as relações cotidianas da casa (Pr 1,8; 6,20; 31,2-9.26). Este símbolo carrega ainda a memória de antigos cultos realizados na casa para celebrar e garantir a vida. Embora estes rituais contivessem a memória de Deusas, eles não eram opostos ao culto de Javé, pois, dentro da dinâmica da casa, estavam inteiramente integrados na religião de Israel pela priorização da vida e pela prática da jus tiça. Esses textos de Provérbios atestam uma grande mudança na visão da mulher. A origem desta nova visão encontra-se na época do cativeiro, quando já não havia templo e nem um governo que canalizasse a organização do povo e sua luta pela libertação. A casa passa a ter funções de prover a subsistência e de transmitir as tradições religiosas do povo bíblico com a finalidade de obter a inspiração e a força necessárias para garantir o futuro. Na casa interiorana, a mulher tem autoridade e liderança, apesar dos preconceitos da sociedade patriarcal. É no pequeno espaço da casa judaíta que o movimento da sabedoria mulher situa-se, gerando relações de inclusão e de solidariedade, na época da dominação do 2º templo, com suas normas sobre a impureza.(AU)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão e uma discussão em torno dos modelos de democracia, presentes nos gestores e em suas práticas pedagógicas. Essa leitura é feita a partir de processos de formação que incluem toda a trajetória das pessoas envolvidas na busca das formas de apropriação dos ideais de democracia presentes em cada um e em suas etapas de formação para a vida e para a profissão. O suporte teórico pauta-se no ouvir contar , ou seja, nos relatos orais das histórias de vida de cada um dos envolvidos. Infância, dolescência, juventude e maturidade permeiam-se na busca de respostas para os referenciais que cada um dos agentes possui. Dialoguei com as memórias dos entrevistados na busca da descoberta da idéia que cada um dos entrevistados carrega a respeito da gestão democrática. Olhei para as subjetividades e descobri um universo muito mais complexo do que aquele abordado pelas bibliografias a respeito do assunto. Descobri que as pessoas constroem suas concepções ao longo da vida e se relacionam com estas através das situações mais formais, tais como a profissão. O trabalho está estruturado em três capítulos, seguidos de anexos.
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour is the first truly integrated multimedia package for introductory OB modules. It provides a rigorous critique of the essential organisational behaviour topics in a creative, interactive and visual way. Key features include: - Practitioner case studies presenting real organisational dilemmas accompanied by video interviews online where the practitioners talk about approaches and solutions - Tailored tutor resources online, recognising that you have different needs - one area is designed for new OB lecturers; the other contains materials for more experienced OB lecturers - An underpinning focus on employability skills, with tips in the book on how each topic could be linked to different skills and professionally produced video demonstrations online - A global perspective reflecting today's market-place, integrated through global examples and theories including those from developing countries - Innovative learning features including ethical dilemmas, best and worst practice examples, taking your learning further, review and discussion questions, applying theory to practice and a glossary - Written by a team of experts at prestigious UK-based and international institutions - A foreword by Richard Atfield of the Higher Education Academy. Online resources For tutors: - Interviews with practitioners - Demonstrations of employability skills - Additional short and long case study per chapter with questions - Additional discussion and assignment questions - Tutorial activities - PowerPoint slides - Guidance notes - Figures and tables from the book For students: - Web links including YouTube links and links to seminal articles
Derivational morphology proposes meaningful connections between words and is largely unrepresented in lexical databases. This thesis presents a project to enrich a lexical database with morphological links and to evaluate their contribution to disambiguation. A lexical database with sense distinctions was required. WordNet was chosen because of its free availability and widespread use. Its suitability was assessed through critical evaluation with respect to specifications and criticisms, using a transparent, extensible model. The identification of serious shortcomings suggested a portable enrichment methodology, applicable to alternative resources. Although 40% of the most frequent words are prepositions, they have been largely ignored by computational linguists, so addition of prepositions was also required. The preferred approach to morphological enrichment was to infer relations from phenomena discovered algorithmically. Both existing databases and existing algorithms can capture regular morphological relations, but cannot capture exceptions correctly; neither of them provide any semantic information. Some morphological analysis algorithms are subject to the fallacy that morphological analysis can be performed simply by segmentation. Morphological rules, grounded in observation and etymology, govern associations between and attachment of suffixes and contribute to defining the meaning of morphological relationships. Specifying character substitutions circumvents the segmentation fallacy. Morphological rules are prone to undergeneration, minimised through a variable lexical validity requirement, and overgeneration, minimised by rule reformulation and restricting monosyllabic output. Rules take into account the morphology of ancestor languages through co-occurrences of morphological patterns. Multiple rules applicable to an input suffix need their precedence established. The resistance of prefixations to segmentation has been addressed by identifying linking vowel exceptions and irregular prefixes. The automatic affix discovery algorithm applies heuristics to identify meaningful affixes and is combined with morphological rules into a hybrid model, fed only with empirical data, collected without supervision. Further algorithms apply the rules optimally to automatically pre-identified suffixes and break words into their component morphemes. To handle exceptions, stoplists were created in response to initial errors and fed back into the model through iterative development, leading to 100% precision, contestable only on lexicographic criteria. Stoplist length is minimised by special treatment of monosyllables and reformulation of rules. 96% of words and phrases are analysed. 218,802 directed derivational links have been encoded in the lexicon rather than the wordnet component of the model because the lexicon provides the optimal clustering of word senses. Both links and analyser are portable to an alternative lexicon. The evaluation uses the extended gloss overlaps disambiguation algorithm. The enriched model outperformed WordNet in terms of recall without loss of precision. Failure of all experiments to outperform disambiguation by frequency reflects on WordNet sense distinctions.
The thesis is concerned with relationships between profit, technology and environmental change. Existing work has concentrated on only a few questions, treated at either micro or macro levels of analysis. And there has been something of an impasse since the neoclassical and neomarxist approaches are either in direct conflict (macro level), or hardly interact (micro level). The aim of the thesis was to bypass this impasse by starting to develop a meso level of analysis that focusses on issues largely ignored in the traditional approaches - on questions about distribution. The first questions looked at were descriptive - what were the patterns of distribution over time of the variability in types and rates of environmental change, and in particular, was there any evidence of periodization? Two case studies were used to examine these issues. The first looked at environmental change in the iron and steel industry since 1700, and the second studied pollution in five industries in the basic processing sector. It was established that environmental change has been markedly periodized, with an apparently fairly regular `cycle length' of about fifty years. The second questions considered were explanatory - whether and how this periodization could be accounted for by reference to variations in aspects of profitability and technical change. In the iron and steel industry, it was found that diffusion rates and the rate of nature of innovation were periodized on the same pattern as was environmental change. And the same sort of variation was also present in the realm of profits, as evidenced by cyclical changes in output growth. Simple theoretical accounts could be given for all the empirically demonstrable links, and it was suggested that the most useful models at this meso level of analysis are provided by structural change models of economic development.
Adopting an institutional approach from organization studies, this paper explores the role of key actors on “purposeful governance for sustainability” (Smith, Voss et al. 2010: 444) through the case of smart metering in the UK. Institutions are enduring patterns in social life, reflected in identities, routines, rules, shared meanings and social relations, which enable, and constrain, the beliefs and behaviours of individual and collective actors within a field (Thornton and Ocasio 2008). Large-scale external initiatives designed to drive regime-level change prompt ‘institutional entrepreneurs’ to perform ‘institutional work’ – “purposive action aimed at creating, maintaining and disrupting institutions” (Lawrence and Suddaby, 2006). Organization scholars are giving increasing attention to ‘field-configuring events’ (FCEs) which provide social spaces for diverse organizational actors to come together to collectively shape socio-technical pathways (Lampel and Meyer 2008). Our starting point for this exploratory study is that FCEs can offer important insights to the dynamics, politics and governance of sustainability transitions. Methodologically, FCEs allow us to observe and “link field evolution at the macro-level with individual action at the micro-level” (Lampel and Meyer, 2008: 1025). We examine the work of actors during a series of smart metering industry forums over a three-year period (industry presentations [n= 77] and panel discussions [n= 16]). The findings reveal new insights about how institutional change unfolds, alongside technological transitions, in ways that are partial and aligned with the interests of powerful incumbents whose voices are frequently heard at FCEs. The paper offers three contributions. First, the study responds to calls for more research examining FCEs and the role they play in transforming institutional fields. Second, the emergent findings extend research on institutional work by advancing our understanding of a specific site of institutional work, namely a face-to-face inter-organizational arena. Finally, in line with the research agenda for innovation studies and sustainability transitions elaborated by Smith et al (2010), the paper illustrates how actors in a social system respond to, translate, and enact interventions designed to promote industrial transformation, ultimately shaping the sustainability transition pathway.
The extant literature on the phenomenon of transnational entrepreneurship has documented that in an era characterized by ‘superdiversity’, ethnic minorities use their diasporic networks to access an array of valuable resources in order to facilitate entrepreneurial activity. The article examines the connection between the notions of ‘superdiversity’, transnationalism and entrepreneurship by illuminating the dynamics of ‘transnational’ Somali business activity in Leicester. Considering this as a critical case, we attempt to address a gap in the literature on ethnic minority enterprise, which has struggled to address the ‘diversification of diversity’ that attends the arrival of new communities in the UK. Moreover, the article contributes to the discussion on the importance of ‘conditioning factors’ in explaining the ‘integration’ of new arrivals. Although familial and co-ethnic ties influence the availability and interaction of social, financial and human capital, this falls considerably short of neoliberal depictions of globalization. The political-economic context imposes harsh constraints upon Somali business activity which cannot be circumvented by the utilization of diasporic links, and transnational entrepreneurship is likely to be the preserve of a minority of minorities.
As a new medium for questionnaire delivery, the internet has the potential to revolutionise the survey process. Online (web-based) questionnaires provide several advantages over traditional survey methods in terms of cost, speed, appearance, flexibility, functionality, and usability (Bandilla et al., 2003; Dillman, 2000; Kwak and Radler, 2002). Online-questionnaires can also provide many capabilities not found in traditional paper-based questionnaires: they can include pop-up instructions and error messages; they can incorporate links; and it is possible to encode difficult skip patterns making such patterns virtually invisible to respondents. Despite this, and the introduction of numerous tools to support online-questionnaire creation, current electronic survey design typically replicates that of paper-based questionnaires, failing to harness the full power of the electronic delivery medium. Worse, a recent environmental scan of online-questionnaire design tools found that little, if any, support is incorporated within these tools to guide questionnaire designers according to best-practice (Lumsden and Morgan, 2005). This article introduces a comprehensive set of guidelines - a practical reference guide - for the design of online-questionnaires.
This paper examines the determinants of a multinational enterprise’s (MNEs) decision to invest in countries classified as tax havens. To the best of our knowledge this has not been analysed at the cross-country level before. We use the ownership-location-internalisation (OLI) paradigm and link it with financial specific advantages to develop a number of hypotheses which are subsequently tested by our empirical model. Our analysis is based on a large firm-level database covering 39,543 MNEs across the world for the period 2002- 2011. We find that higher corporate taxes faced by MNEs at home increase the likelihood of locating in a tax haven. Moreover, high technology manufacturing and services MNEs that possess large levels of intangible assets are also more likely to locate subsidiaries in tax havens. Finally, we find evidence that MNEs from countries with a more coordinated market orientation are less likely to locate in tax havens.
The subject of this dissertation is the nature of the environmental transformations, both symbolic and physical, that took place in Colombia between 1850 and 1930. This period begins with the attempt by the Colombian elite to leave behind colonial ties, overcome economic disorganization, and link Colombia to the international market. These efforts were part of a general project to “civilize” this tropical country. The period closes with the transition toward an industrialization and urbanization process led by the Colombian state during the 1930s. ^ Frequently, environmental studies as an academic field are dominated by biological concerns. However, most environmental thinking accepts their interdisciplinary nature. Under this framework not only spatial but also symbolic concerns are key elements in understanding environmental transformations. ^ This study finds that despite several attempts to transform the Colombian landscape physically, most of the substantive changes were localized and circumscribed to the Andean region. Other changes were mainly symbolic. This dissertation thus uses the Amazon as one of several regions that did not experience significant changes in the forest canopy. While highlanders originally dreamed of the Amazon as an untapped El Dorado, their failed attempts to exploit the region caused them to imagine it as a nightmarish “green hell”. ^ This dissertation concentrates on three pairs of concepts: tropicality/civilization, landscape/territory, and symbolic/material changes. It presents both a general vision of Colombia and case studies of three regions: Cundinamarca, and Cauca Valley are used to compare with the Amazon region that is developed at length. Whereas mainstream Colombian histories have either fixated on the Andean highlands or, in a relegated second place, on the Caribbean region, this dissertation attempts to significantly contribute to the historiography of Colombia by focusing on the largely neglected Amazonian region. ^ To understand imageries about Colombia's landscape, the dissertation relies on travel writings, chorographic descriptions and maps. It also makes uses legal documents and other published primary sources, including literary pieces and memoirs. ^
A Partial Waves Analysis (PWA) of γp → Δ ++X → pπ+ π - (η) data taken with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab is presented in this work. This reaction is of interest because the Δ++ restricts the isospin of the possible X states, leaving the PWA with a smaller combination of partial waves, making it ideal to look for exotic mesons. It was proposed by Isgur and Paton that photoproduction is a plausible source for the Jpc=1–+ state through flux tube excitation. The π1(1400) is such a state that has been produced with the use of hadron production but it has yet to be seen in photoproduction. A mass independent amplitude analysis of this channel was performed, followed by a mass dependent fit to extract the resonance parameters. The procedure used an event-based maximum likelihood method to maintain all correlations in the kinematics. The intensity and phase motion is mapped out for the contributing signals without requiring assumptions about the underlying processes. The strength of the PWA is in the analysis of the phase motion, which for resonance behavior is well defined. In the data presented, the ηπ– invariant mass spectrum shows contributions from the a0(980) and a2(1320) partial waves. No π1 was observed under a clear a2 signal after the angular distributions of the decay products were analyzed using an amplitude analysis. In addition, this dissertation discusses trends in the data, along with the implemented techniques.
ackground Following incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI), descending drive is impaired, possibly leading to a decrease in the complexity of gait. To test the hypothesis that iSCI impairs gait coordination and decreases locomotor complexity, we collected 3D joint angle kinematics and muscle parameters of rats with a sham or an incomplete spinal cord injury. Methods 12 adult, female, Long-Evans rats, 6 sham and 6 mild-moderate T8 iSCI, were tested 4 weeks following injury. The Basso Beattie Bresnahan locomotor score was used to verify injury severity. Animals had reflective markers placed on the bony prominences of their limb joints and were filmed in 3D while walking on a treadmill. Joint angles and segment motion were analyzed quantitatively, and complexity of joint angle trajectory and overall gait were calculated using permutation entropy and principal component analysis, respectively. Following treadmill testing, the animals were euthanized and hindlimb muscles removed. Excised muscles were tested for mass, density, fiber length, pennation angle, and relaxed sarcomere length. Results Muscle parameters were similar between groups with no evidence of muscle atrophy. The animals showed overextension of the ankle, which was compensated for by a decreased range of motion at the knee. Left-right coordination was altered, leading to left and right knee movements that are entirely out of phase, with one joint moving while the other is stationary. Movement patterns remained symmetric. Permutation entropy measures indicated changes in complexity on a joint specific basis, with the largest changes at the ankle. No significant difference was seen using principal component analysis. Rats were able to achieve stable weight bearing locomotion at reasonable speeds on the treadmill despite these deficiencies. Conclusions Decrease in supraspinal control following iSCI causes a loss of complexity of ankle kinematics. This loss can be entirely due to loss of supraspinal control in the absence of muscle atrophy and may be quantified using permutation entropy. Joint-specific differences in kinematic complexity may be attributed to different sources of motor control. This work indicates the importance of the ankle for rehabilitation interventions following spinal cord injury.