946 resultados para Linked Disaccharides
A Internet possui inúmeros tipos de documentos e é uma influente fonte de informação.O conteúdo Web é projetado para os seres humanos interpretarem e não para as máquinas.Os sistemas de busca tradicionais são imprecisos na recuperação de informações. Ogoverno utiliza e disponibiliza documentos na Web para que os cidadãos e seus própriossetores organizacionais os utilizem, porém carece de ferramentas que apoiem na tarefa darecuperação desses documentos. Como exemplo, podemos citar a Plataforma de CurrículosLattes administrada pelo Cnpq.A Web semântica possui a finalidade de otimizar a recuperação dos documentos, ondeesses recebem significados, permitindo que tanto as pessoas quanto as máquinas possamcompreender o significado de uma informação. A falta de semântica em nossos documentos,resultam em pesquisas ineficazes, com informações divergentes e ambíguas. Aanotação semântica é o caminho para promover a semântica em documentos.O objetivo da dissertação é montar um arcabouço com os conceitos da Web Semânticaque possibilite anotar automaticamente o Currículo Lattes por meio de bases de dadosabertas (Linked Open Data), as quais armazenam o significado de termos e expressões.O problema da pesquisa está baseado em saber quais são os conceitos associados à WebSemântica que podem contribuir para a Anotação Semântica Automática do CurrículoLattes utilizando o Linked Open Data (LOD)?Na Revisão Sistemática da Literatura foi apresentado conceitos (anotação manual, automática,semi-automática, anotação intrusiva...), ferramentas (Extrator de Entidade...)e tecnologias (RDF, RDFa, SPARQL..) relativas ao tema. A aplicação desses conceitosoportunizou a criação do Sistema Lattes Web Semântico. O sistema possibilita a importaçãodo currículo XML da Plataforma Lattes, efetua a anotação automática dos dadosdisponibilizados utilizando as bases de dados abertas e possibilita efetuar consultas semânticas.A validação do sistema é realizada com a apresentação de currículos anotados e a realizaçãode consultas utilizando dados externos pertencentes ao LOD. Por fim é apresentado asconclusões, dificuldades encontradas e proposta de trabalhos futuros.
In 2005, the University of Maryland acquired over 70 digital videos spanning 35 years of Jim Henson’s groundbreaking work in television and film. To support in-house discovery and use, the collection was cataloged in detail using AACR2 and MARC21, and a web-based finding aid was also created. In the past year, I created an "r-ball" (a linked data set described using RDA) of these same resources. The presentation will compare and contrast these three ways of accessing the Jim Henson Works collection, with insights gleaned from providing resource discovery using RIMMF (RDA in Many Metadata Formats).
A collaboration between dot.rural at the University of Aberdeen and the iSchool at Northumbria University, POWkist is a pilot-study exploring potential usages of currently available linked datasets within the cultural heritage domain. Many privately-held family history collections (shoebox archives) remain vulnerable unless a sustainable, affordable and accessible model of citizen-archivist digital preservation can be offered. Citizen-historians have used the web as a platform to preserve cultural heritage, however with no accessible or sustainable model these digital footprints have been ad hoc and rarely connected to broader historical research. Similarly, current approaches to connecting material on the web by exploiting linked datasets do not take into account the data characteristics of the cultural heritage domain. Funded by Semantic Media, the POWKist project is investigating how best to capture, curate, connect and present the contents of citizen-historians’ shoebox archives in an accessible and sustainable online collection. Using the Curios platform - an open-source digital archive - we have digitised a collection relating to a prisoner of war during WWII (1939-1945). Following a series of user group workshops, POWkist is now connecting these ‘made digital’ items with the broader web using a semantic technology model and identifying appropriate linked datasets of relevant content such as DBPedia (an archived linked dataset of Wikipedia) and Ordnance Survey Open Data. We are analysing the characteristics of cultural heritage linked datasets, so that these materials are better visualised, contextualised and presented in an attractive and comprehensive user interface. Our paper will consider the issues we have identified, the solutions we are developing and include a demonstration of our work-in-progress.
Retinitis pigmentosa 2 (RP2) gene is responsible for up to 20% of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa, a severe heterogeneous genetic disorder resulting in progressive retinal degeneration in humans. In vertebrates, several bodies of evidence have clearly established the role of Rp2 protein in cilia genesis and/or function. Unexpectedly, some observations in zebrafish have suggested the oocyte-predominant expression of the rp2 gene, a typical feature of maternal-effect genes. In the present study, we investigate the maternal inheritance of rp2 gene products in zebrafish eggs in order to address whether rp2 could be a novel maternal-effect gene required for normal development. Although both rp2 mRNA and corresponding protein are expressed during oogenesis, rp2 mRNA is maternally inherited, in contrast to Rp2 protein. A knockdown of the protein transcribed from both rp2 maternal and zygotic mRNA results in delayed epiboly and severe developmental defects, including eye malformations, that were not observed when only the protein from zygotic origin was knocked down. Moreover, the knockdown of maternal and zygotic Rp2 revealed a high incidence of left-right asymmetry establishment defects compared to only zygotic knockdown. Here we show that rp2 is a novel maternal-effect gene exclusively expressed in oocytes within the zebrafish ovary and demonstrate that maternal rp2 mRNA is essential for successful embryonic development and thus contributes to egg developmental competence. Our observations also reveal that Rp2 protein translated from maternal mRNA is important to allow normal heart loop formation, thus providing evidence of a direct maternal contribution to left-right asymmetry establishment.
En este documento se propone un marco de trabajo basado en tecnologías de la Web Semántica para detectar potenciales redes de colaboración, mediante el enriquecimiento semántico de artículos científicos producidos por investigadores que publican con afiliaciones ecuatorianas. El marco de trabajo se describe a través de un ciclo de publicación de datos enlazados. Como alcance se consideraron publicaciones que tienen al menos un autor con afiliación ecuatoriana. Las redes de colaboración detectadas son un insumo importante para fortalecer los esfuerzos del gobierno ecuatoriano y las autoridades universitarias del país, priorizar los esfuerzos y recursos invertidos en investigación y determinar la pertinencia o coherencia de los programas de investigación.
POSTDATA is a 5 year's European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant Project that started in May 2016 and is hosted by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain. The context of the project is the corpora of European Poetry (EP), with a special focus on poetic materials from different languages and literary traditions. POSTDATA aims to offer a standardized model in the philological field and a metadata application profile (MAP) for EP in order to build a common classification of all these poetic materials. The information of Spanish, Italian and French repertoires will be published in the Linked Open Data (LOD) ecosystem. Later we expect to extend the model to include additional corpora. There are a number of Web Based Information Systems in Europe with repertoires of poems available to human consumption but not in an appropriate condition to be accessible and reusable by the Semantic Web. These systems are not interoperable; they are in fact locked in their databases and proprietary software, not suitable to be linked in the Semantic Web. A way to make this data interoperable is to develop a MAP in order to be able to publish this data available in the LOD ecosystem, and also to publish new data that will be created and modeled based on this MAP. To create a common data model for EP is not simple since the existent data models are based on conceptualizations and terminology belonging to their own poetical traditions and each tradition has developed an idiosyncratic analytical terminology in a different and independent way for years. The result of this uncoordinated evolution is a set of varied terminologies to explain analogous metrical phenomena through the different poetic systems whose correspondences have been hardly studied – see examples in González-Blanco & Rodríguez (2014a and b). This work has to be done by domain experts before the modeling actually starts. On the other hand, the development of a MAP is a complex task though it is imperative to follow a method for this development. The last years Curado Malta & Baptista (2012, 2013a, 2013b) have been studying the development of MAP's in a Design Science Research (DSR) methodological process in order to define a method for the development of MAPs (see Curado Malta (2014)). The output of this DSR process was a first version of a method for the development of Metadata Application Profiles (Me4MAP) (paper to be published). The DSR process is now in the validation phase of the Relevance Cycle to validate Me4MAP. The development of this MAP for poetry will follow the guidelines of Me4MAP and this development will be used to do the validation of Me4MAP. The final goal of the POSTDATA project is: i) to be able to publish all the data locked in the WIS, in LOD, where any agent interested will be able to build applications over the data in order to serve final users; ii) to build a Web platform where: a) researchers, students and other final users interested in EP will be able to access poems (and their analyses) of all databases; b) researchers, students and other final users will be able to upload poems, the digitalized images of manuscripts, and fill in the information concerning the analysis of the poem, collaboratively contributing to a LOD dataset of poetry.
The main databases related to metabolic pathways, such as Kegg, Brenda, Reactome and Biocyc, provide partially interlinked data on metabolic pathways. This limitation only allows independent searches to retrieve cross-database information on metabolism and restricts the use of more complex searches to discover new knowledge or relationships.
Chronic Chagas disease diagnosis relies on laboratory tests due to its clinical characteristics. The aim of this research was to review commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic test performance. Performance of commercial ELISA or PCR for the diagnosis of chronic Chagas disease were systematically searched in PubMed, Scopus, Embase, ISI Web, and LILACS through the bibliography from 1980-2014 and by contact with the manufacturers. The risk of bias was assessed with QUADAS-2. Heterogeneity was estimated with the I2 statistic. Accuracies provided by the manufacturers usually overestimate the accuracy provided by academia. The risk of bias is high in most tests and in most QUADAS dimensions. Heterogeneity is high in either sensitivity, specificity, or both. The evidence regarding commercial ELISA and ELISA-rec sensitivity and specificity indicates that there is overestimation. The current recommendation to use two simultaneous serological tests can be supported by the risk of bias analysis and the amount of heterogeneity but not by the observed accuracies. The usefulness of PCR tests are debatable and health care providers should not order them on a routine basis. PCR may be used in selected cases due to its potential to detect seronegative subjects.
K48-linked di-ubiquitin exists in a dynamic equilibrium between open and closed states. The structure of K48-Ub2 in the closed conformation features a hydrophobic interface formed between the two Ub domains. The same hydrophobic residues at the interface are involved in binding to ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains. Cyclization of K48-Ub2 should limit the range of conformations available for such interactions. Interestingly, cyclic K48-linked Ub2 (cycUb2) has been found in vivo and can be isolated in vitro to study its structure and dynamics. In this study, a crystal structure of cycUb2 was obtained, and the dynamics of cycUb2 were characterized by solution NMR. The crystal structure of cycUb2, which is in agreement with solution NMR data, is closed with the hydrophobic patches of each Ub domain buried at the interface. Despite its structural constraints, cycUb2 was still able to interact with UBA domains, albeit with lower affinity.
Studies that combine both the ecological responses of marine species and protection measures with movement patterns and habitat use are of major importance in order to better understand the performance of marine protected areas (MPA) and how species respond to their implementation. However, few studies have assessed MPA performance by relating local individual movement patterns and the observed reserve effects. In this study, we combined acoustic telemetry with abundance estimates to study the early effects of a recently established small coastal MPA on the local populations of white seabream. The results show that even small, recently established coastal MPAs can increase the abundance and biomass of commercial fish species, provided that target species have small home ranges and exhibit high site fidelity.
Harnessing the potential of semantic web technologies to support and diversify scholarship is gaining popularity in the digital humanities. This talk describes a number of projects utilising Linked Data ranging from musicology and library metadata, to the representation of the narrative structure, philological, bibliographical, and museological data of ancient Mesopotamian literary compositions.
This paper focuses on technology state of the art for the charge/discharge of electric energy storage supported by vanadium redox flow battery linked to the electric grid. Properties of vanadium, the main configuration and the reaction of charge/discharge of a vanadium redox flow battery are addressed. The vanadium redox flow battery has the highest cell voltage among the other redox flow battery, implying higher power and energy density which favours application at power plants. This electric energy storage is viewed as a promising contribution to be integrated in power system due to a reasonably bulky size and to successful applications currently allowing storage of energy at power plants or at electrical grids. For instances, allowing storage of energy as an economic improvement providing spin reserve to avoid penalty for imbalances between the energy delivered and energy contracted at closing of electricity market or as an economic improvement to diminish the cost of electricity usage of a consumer. The vanadium redox flow battery has the advantages of scalability customized to meet requirements for power and energy capacity and of excellent combination of energy efficiency, capital cost and life cycle costs compared with other technology.