940 resultados para Liberius, pope.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 1 contains, besides the Life, the prefaces of Pope (1725) and Johnson (1705), An historical account of the English stage, abridged from Malone, and a glossary.
Publisher varies: v. 4, Presso Perego-Salvioni.
Mode of access: Internet.
Edited by James Boswell, the younger, to whom Malone left his materials for a new edition (Malone's first edition appeared in 1790 in 10 vols.) " 'Boswell's Malone'is generally known as the 'third variorum' edition of Shakespeare." cf. Dict. nat. biog. v. 35, p. 437.
I. Swift.--II. Congreve and Addison.--III. Steele.--IV. Prior, Gay, and Pope.--V. Hogarth, Smollett, and Fielding.--VI. Sterne and Goldsmith.
Vol. 1. Gregory of Tours.--Early intercourse of England and Germany.--Antecedents of the Reformation.--The Stephenses.--Muretus.--Joseph Scaliger.--Life of Joseph Scaliger (Fragment).--Peter Daniel Huet.--A chapter of university history.--F.A. Wolf.--Oxford Studies.--Vol. 2. Calvin at Geneva.--Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-1750.--Life of Bishop Warburton.--The Calas tragedy.--Present state of theology in Germany (1857).--Learning in the Church of England.--Philanthropic societies in the reign of Queen Anne.--Life of Montaigne.--Pope and his editors.--Buckle's History of civilization in England.
"Commentarius De vita Benedicti XIV. pont. max. auctore Iosepho Canonico Silvestrio Pratensi": v. 17, pt. 2, xxxii p. at end.
Johannsen Collection.
v. 1 The dukes of Urbino; Edward Baines; Francesco Pforza; Social life in past centuries; Harford's Michael Angelo; Decade of Italian women; Peden the prophet; Filippo Strozzi; Lord Macaulay as a translator; The pope & the friar; Whittington & his cat; Autobiography of Mrs. Piozzi; Early years of Pitt; Last years of Pitt.--v. 2 Washington Irving; Irving at Sunnyside; Reliques of Mrs. Knight; Marc Isambard Brunel; Colossal vestiges; Lady Morgan; Lord Stanhope; Pictor ignotus; Miss Berry; Windham; Our merchant princess; Lucrezia Borgia; America by an American.
Edited by Adolphe Tardif.
Mode of access: Internet.
Foreword by C.-S. Volpi.