947 resultados para Lentivirus Vector
In questa tesi viene presentato un bioreattore in grado di mantenere nel tempo condizioni biologiche tali che consentano di massimizzare i cicli di evoluzione molecolare di vettori di clonazione fagici: litico (T7) o lisogeno (M13). Verranno quindi introdtti concetti legati alla Teoria della Quasispecie e alla relazione tra errori di autoreplicazione e pressioni selettive naturali o artificiali su popolazioni di virus: il modello naturale del sistema evolutivo. Tuttavia, mantenere delle popolazioni di virus significa formire loro un substrato dove replicare. Per fare ciò, altri gruppi di ricerca hanno giá sviluppato complessi e costosi prototipi di macchinari per la crescita continua di popolazioni batteriche: i compartimenti dei sistemi evolutivi. Il bioreattore, oggetto di questo lavoro, fa parte del progetto europeo Evoprog: general purpose programmable machine evolution on a chip (Jaramillo’s Lab, University of Warwick) che, utilizzando tecnologie fagiche e regolazioni sintetiche esistenti, sará in grado di produrre funzionalità biocomputazionali di due ordini di grandezza più veloci rispetto alle tecniche convenzionali, riducendo allo stesso tempo i costi complessivi. Il primo prototipo consiste in uno o piú fermentatori, dove viene fatta crescere la cultura batterica in condizioni ottimizzate di coltivazione continua, e in un cellstat, un volume separato, dove avviene solo la replicazione dei virus. Entrambi i volumi sono di pochi millilitri e appropriatamente interconnessi per consentire una sorta di screening continuo delle biomolecole prodotte all’uscita. Nella parte finale verranno presentati i risultati degli esperimenti preliminari, a dimostrazione dell’affidabilità del prototipo costruito e dei protocolli seguiti per la sterilizzazione e l’assemblaggio del bioreattore. Gli esperimenti effettuati dimostrano il successo di due coltivazioni virali continue e una ricombinazione in vivo di batteriofagi litici o lisogeni ingegnerizzati. La tesi si conclude valutando i futuri sviluppi e i limiti del sistema, tenendo in considerazione, in particolare, alcune applicazioni rivolte agli studi di una terapia batteriofagica.
We investigated whether human articular chondrocytes can be labeled efficiently and for long-term with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) lentivirus and whether the viral transduction would influence cell proliferation and tissue-forming capacity. The method was then applied to track goat articular chondrocytes after autologous implantation in cartilage defects. Expression of GFP in transduced chondrocytes was detected cytofluorimetrically and immunohistochemically. Chondrogenic capacity of chondrocytes was assessed by Safranin-O staining, immunostaining for type II collagen, and glycosaminoglycan content. Human articular chondrocytes were efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (73.4 +/- 0.5% at passage 1) and maintained the expression of GFP up to 22 weeks of in vitro culture after transduction. Upon implantation in nude mice, 12 weeks after transduction, the percentage of labeled cells (73.6 +/- 3.3%) was similar to the initial one. Importantly, viral transduction of chondrocytes did not affect the cell proliferation rate, chondrogenic differentiation, or tissue-forming capacity, either in vitro or in vivo. Goat articular chondrocytes were also efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (78.3 +/- 3.2%) and maintained the expression of GFP in the reparative tissue after orthotopic implantation. This study demonstrates the feasibility of efficient and relatively long-term labeling of human chondrocytes for co-culture on integration studies, and indicates the potential of this stable labeling technique for tracking animal chondrocytes for in cartilage repair studies.
Delineating brain tumor boundaries from magnetic resonance images is an essential task for the analysis of brain cancer. We propose a fully automatic method for brain tissue segmentation, which combines Support Vector Machine classification using multispectral intensities and textures with subsequent hierarchical regularization based on Conditional Random Fields. The CRF regularization introduces spatial constraints to the powerful SVM classification, which assumes voxels to be independent from their neighbors. The approach first separates healthy and tumor tissue before both regions are subclassified into cerebrospinal fluid, white matter, gray matter and necrotic, active, edema region respectively in a novel hierarchical way. The hierarchical approach adds robustness and speed by allowing to apply different levels of regularization at different stages. The method is fast and tailored to standard clinical acquisition protocols. It was assessed on 10 multispectral patient datasets with results outperforming previous methods in terms of segmentation detail and computation times.
The performance of the parallel vector implementation of the one- and two-dimensional orthogonal transforms is evaluated. The orthogonal transforms are computed using actual or modified fast Fourier transform (FFT) kernels. The factors considered in comparing the speed-up of these vectorized digital signal processing algorithms are discussed and it is shown that the traditional way of comparing th execution speed of digital signal processing algorithms by the ratios of the number of multiplications and additions is no longer effective for vector implementation; the structure of the algorithm must also be considered as a factor when comparing the execution speed of vectorized digital signal processing algorithms. Simulation results on the Cray X/MP with the following orthogonal transforms are presented: discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete sine transform (DST), discrete Hartley transform (DHT), discrete Walsh transform (DWHT), and discrete Hadamard transform (DHDT). A comparison between the DHT and the fast Hartley transform is also included.(34 refs)
A new idea for waveform coding using vector quantisation (VQ) is introduced. This idea makes it possible to deal with codevectors much larger than before for a fixed bit per sample rate. Also a solution to the matching problem (inherent in the present context) in the &-norm describing a measure of neamess is presented. The overall computational complexity of this solution is O(n3 log, n). Sample results are presented to demonstrate the advantage of using this technique in the context of coding of speech waveforms.
We carry out some computations of vector-valued Siegel modular forms of degree two, weight (k, 2) and level one, and highlight three experimental results: (1) we identify a rational eigenform in a three-dimensional space of cusp forms; (2) we observe that non-cuspidal eigenforms of level one are not always rational; (3) we verify a number of cases of conjectures about congruences between classical modular forms and Siegel modular forms. Our approach is based on Satoh's description of the module of vector-valued Siegel modular forms of weight (k, 2) and an explicit description of the Hecke action on Fourier expansions. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.