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Actualmente la población de adultos mayores va creciendo demográficamente a pasos agigantados "la preocupación por la situación de las personas adultas mayores forma parte de un amplio proceso de toma de conciencia a nivel mundial respecto del envejecimiento de las sociedades y los desafíos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales que ello conlleva. El fenómeno del envejecimiento poblacional en América Latina viene ocurriendo de manera menos acentuada que en los países desarrollados, los cuales se enriquecieron antes de envejecer, mientras que los países en desarrollo están envejeciendo antes de aumentar su riqueza (OMS, 2002)". En el caso de esta investigación se evaluaron el Indice de cintura y cadera (ICC), el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la incidencia de ECNT en un grupo de Adultosmayores pertenecientes a los programas de fomento del Deporte impartidos por la Ilustre Municipalidad de Quintero en la comuna. Las evidencias recopiladas demuestran altos índices de riesgo cardiovascular y de sobrepeso y obesidad en los adultos mayores evaluados. También se evidencia alta prevalencia de la Hipertensión arterial en este grupo de personas
Actualmente la población de adultos mayores va creciendo demográficamente a pasos agigantados "la preocupación por la situación de las personas adultas mayores forma parte de un amplio proceso de toma de conciencia a nivel mundial respecto del envejecimiento de las sociedades y los desafíos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales que ello conlleva. El fenómeno del envejecimiento poblacional en América Latina viene ocurriendo de manera menos acentuada que en los países desarrollados, los cuales se enriquecieron antes de envejecer, mientras que los países en desarrollo están envejeciendo antes de aumentar su riqueza (OMS, 2002)". En el caso de esta investigación se evaluaron el Indice de cintura y cadera (ICC), el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la incidencia de ECNT en un grupo de Adultosmayores pertenecientes a los programas de fomento del Deporte impartidos por la Ilustre Municipalidad de Quintero en la comuna. Las evidencias recopiladas demuestran altos índices de riesgo cardiovascular y de sobrepeso y obesidad en los adultos mayores evaluados. También se evidencia alta prevalencia de la Hipertensión arterial en este grupo de personas
Keel bone fractures and deviations are one of the major welfare and health issues in commercial laying hens. In non-cage housing systems like aviaries, falls and collisions with perches and other parts of the housing system are assumed to be one of the main causes for the high incidence of keel bone damage. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effectiveness of a soft perch material to reduce keel bone fractures and deviations in white (Dekalb White) and brown laying hens (ISA Brown) kept in an aviary system under commercial conditions. In half of 20 pens, all hard, metal perches were covered with a soft polyurethane material. Palpation of 20 hens per pen was conducted at 18, 21, 23, 30, 38, 44 and 64 weeks of age. Production data including egg laying rate, floor eggs, mortality and feed consumption were collected over the whole laying period. Feather condition and body mass was assessed twice per laying period. The results revealed that pens with soft perches had a reduced number of keel bone fractures and deviations. Also, an interaction between hybrid and age indicated that the ISA hybrid had more fractured keel bones and fewer non-damaged keel bones compared with the DW hybrid at 18 weeks of age, a response that was reversed at the end of the experiment. This is the first study providing evidence for the effectiveness of a soft perch material within a commercial setting. Due to its compressible material soft perches are likely to absorb kinetic energy occurring during collisions and increase the spread of pressure on the keel bone during perching, providing a mechanism to reduce keel bone fractures and deviations, respectively. In combination with genetic selection for more resilient bones and new housing design, perch material is a promising tool to reduce keel bone damage in commercial systems.
The aim of this study was to investigate the injury incidence and injury characteristics of a Spanish sub-elite professional football team during four consecutive seasons. A team was followed prospectively from the season 2003-2004 to 2006-2007 and individual player exposure and time loss injuries were recorded during all club training sessions and matches. A total of 313 time-loss injuries were recorded. The mean injury incidence was 10.9 injuries/1000 hours (5.2 injuries/1000 training hours and 44.1 injuries/1000 match hours). The injury incidence during competitive matches was higher (p < 0.001) than in friendly matches (55.8 vs. 22.6 injuries/1000 hours). The incidence of major injuries (>28 days absence) was 0.4 injuries/1000 hours. The thigh was the most commonly (35%) injured region and caused 29% of all competitive match absence. Muscle injuries in the four main groups of the lower limbs (hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps and calf muscles) caused 43% of competitive match unavailability. The results of this study show that the risk to sustain a major injury in the course of the season was low for sub-elite footballers in comparison to elite players. Thigh strains were the first cause of absence in competition due to injury.
An analytical study of the relativistic interaction of a linearly-polarized laser-field of w frequency with highly overdense plasma is presented. Very intense high harmonics are generated produced by relativistic mirrors effects due to the relativistic electron plasma oscillation. Also, in agreement with 1D Particle-In-Cell Simulations (PICS), the model self-consistently explains the transition between the sheath inverse bremsstrahlung (SIB) absorption regime and the J×B heating (responsible for the 2w electron bunches), as well as the mean electron energy.
El comportamiento del viento en la morfología urbana y su incidencia en el uso estancial del espacio público, Punta Arenas, Chile = The behavior of wind in urban morphology and its incidence in the resting use of public space, Punta Arenas, Chile
This work examines the physiology of a new commercial strain of Torulaspora delbrueckii in the production of red wine following different combined fermentation strategies. For a detailed comparison, several yeast metabolites and the strains implantation were measured over the entire fermentation period. In all fermentations in which T. delbrueckii was involved, the ethanol concentration was reduced; some malic acid was consumed; more pyruvic acid was released, and fewer amounts of higher alcohols were produced. The sensorial properties of final wines varied widely, emphasising the structure of wine in sequential fermentations with T. delbrueckii. These wines presented the maximum overall impression and were preferred by tasters. Semi-industrial assays were carried out confirming these differences at a higher scale. No important differences were observed in volatile aroma composition between fermentations. However, differences in mouthfeel properties were observed in semi-industrial fermentations, which were correlated with an increase in the mannoprotein content of red wines fermented sequentially with T. delbrueckii.
Inactivation of the genes involved in DNA mismatch repair is associated with microsatellite instability (MSI) in colorectal cancer. We report that hypermethylation of the 5′ CpG island of hMLH1 is found in the majority of sporadic primary colorectal cancers with MSI, and that this methylation was often, but not invariably, associated with loss of hMLH1 protein expression. Such methylation also occurred, but was less common, in MSI− tumors, as well as in MSI+ tumors with known mutations of a mismatch repair gene (MMR). No hypermethylation of hMSH2 was found. Hypermethylation of colorectal cancer cell lines with MSI also was frequently observed, and in such cases, reversal of the methylation with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine not only resulted in reexpression of hMLH1 protein, but also in restoration of the MMR capacity in MMR-deficient cell lines. Our results suggest that microsatellite instability in sporadic colorectal cancer often results from epigenetic inactivation of hMLH1 in association with DNA methylation.
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Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2015. For permissions please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.