949 resultados para Lead ores--Norway--Snertingdal.
An amalgam is an alloy of mercury with other metals, and amalgamation is the art of making or forming amalgams. In metallurgical language the word is limited to the means adopted for the recovery of gold and silver from their ores by the use of mercury.
Carbon and carbonaceous material have been known to have a deleterious effect upon the cyanidation of gold and silver ores since the very beginning of the process. Organic matter is a common source of impurities in cyanide solution, its reducing effect being notorious.
Rhenium properties offer many interesting possibilities, therefore any ores containing rhenium would be of considerable value. Its close relationship to manganese in the periodic table led to the belief that manganese ores would be an excellent place to search for the metal. Investigation of the literature of rhenium revealed that no ore was known to contain more than 0.001 per cent of rhenium.
This investigation, carried on in the metallurgical laboratories at the Montana School of Mines, was undertaken with the desire to work out a rapid method for the estimation, or the determination, of the amount of lead in zinc.
Electrolysis of molten mixtures of lead chloride and galena was carried out under various conditions of temperature, time, composition, and current densities; without a diaphram, and with various diaphrams. Continuous runs, with necessary additions of lead sulfide and lead chloride to maintain a melt of the proper composition, were attempted on a small scale.
Several methods have been investigated, with some success, for treating scrap brass to recover copper and zinc, either as pure metals or as salts of the metals. One of the more promising of these methods is electrolysis in sulfate solution for the recovery of pure copper and zinc.
We evaluated a double screening strategy for carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in patients exposed to a newly detected MRSA carrier. If the first screening of the exposed patient yielded negative results, screening was repeated 4 days later. This strategy detected 12 (28%) of the 43 new MRSA carriers identified during the study period. The results suggest that there is an incubation period before MRSA carriage is detectable.
An attempt was made to make lead-lithium alloys by electrodeposition of lithium using a molten bath and a molten lead cathode.The variables taken into consideration were: composition of the melt, temperature of the melt, and current density. The purpose of changing these factors was to determine what effect each had on the current efficiency.
From the standpoint of its practical usefulness, the most important characteristics of metallic lead are its cheapness, resistance to corrosion, plasticity, high specific gravity, low melting point, and its ability to form alloys in which some properties are modified by the addition of other elements, while other properties remain the same.
During the course of this investigation of the ores of the Big Seven mine, Neihart, Montana, the writer has attempted, through a microscopic study of polished sections, to ascertain the hypogene or supergene character of the ore minerals present in the ore suite.
At the present time ore bodies being mined are becoming more and more complex in mineral association, thus presenting a more difficult problem in their concentration. Lead-zinc sulphide ores are among the more common ores which present such difficulties.
The Mike Horse mine, in the Huddelston mining district, is fifty-two miles northwest of Helena, Montana. The mine was discovered in 1898 by Joseph Heitmiller. There was only minor production from the date of discovery until 1915; the main drawback being lack of good road.
This thesis is concerned with the beneficiation of an oxidized lead ore. Emphasis was placed upon concentration by flotation rather than by gravity methods, although some investigation was made with the Wilfley shaking table. The concentration of lead minerals received most consideration in the problem, but wherever possible attempts were made to increase the silver and gold concentration along with the lead.