946 resultados para LEG COORDINATION


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Seven sites were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 177 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (SO) on a transect over the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from the Subantarctic to the Antarctic Zone. At four sites sediments were recovered with a Pliocene/Pleistocene sediment package of up to 580 m allowing the refinement of previous diatom zonation concepts. Samples were analyzed on stratigraphic distribution and abundance of diatom species. A refined diatom biozonation tied to the geomagnetic polarity record is proposed. For the middle and late Pleistocene two zonations applicable to the northern and southern area of the SO were constructed, considering different latitudinal distributions of biostratigraphic diatom marker species. The southern zonation for the Pleistocene relies on the occurrence of species of the genus Rouxia, R. leventerae and R. constricta n. sp. as well as on a revised last occurrence datum (LOD) of Actinocyclus ingens (0.38 Ma, late marine isotope stage (MIS) 11). The use of these new stratigraphic marker species refines the temporal resolution for biostratigraphic age assignment to up to 0.1 Myr. In particular the LOD of R. leventerae as an indicator for the MIS 6/5 boundary (Termination II) will improve future dating of carbonate-free Antarctic sediments. These new data were obtained from sediments of Sites 1093 and 1094 (Antarctic Zone). The northern zonation for the middle and late Pleistocene time interval is based on the Pleistocene abundance pattern of Hemidiscus karstenii which was already proposed by previous investigations (e.g. Gersonde and Barcena, 1998). One new species (R. constricta) and two new combinations (Fragilariopsis clementia, Fragilariopsis reinholdii) are proposed in this study.


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Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are reported for basaltic rocks collected during ODP Leg 127 from the Yamato Basin, a rifted backarc basin in the Japan Sea. The basalts are classified into two groups in terms of Nd isotopic composition: the upper sills at Site 797 are characterized by higher 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.513083-0.513158, epsilon-Nd = 8.68-10.14) and the basalts from Site 794 and the lower sills at Site 797 have lower 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.512684-0.512862, epsilon-Nd = 0.90-4.37). All of the basalts show higher Sr isotopic compositions than those of the mantle array, which is attributed to seawater alteration. The basalts with lower Nd isotopic values ranging in age from 20.6 to 17.3 Ma have tapped an enriched subcontinental upper mantle (SCUM) with the minor involvement of a depleted asthenospheric mantle (AM). Subsequent change in composition through the physical replacement of SCUM by AM yielded the basalts of the upper sills of higher Nd isotopic compositions. This event within the upper mantle was associated with the breakup of the overlying lithosphere during the rifting of the Japan Sea backarc basin.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 177, seven sites were drilled aligned on a transect across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. The primary scientific objective of Leg 177 was the study of the Cenozoic paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic history of the southern high latitudes and its relationship with the Antarctic cryosphere development. Of special emphasis was the recovery of Pliocene-Pleistocene sections, allowing paleoceanographic studies at millennial or higher time resolution, and the establishment of refined biostratigraphic zonations tied to the geomagnetic polarity record and stable isotope records. At most sites, multiple holes were drilled to ensure complete recovery of the section. A description of the recovered sections and the construction of a multihole splice for the establishment of a continuous composite is presented in the Leg 177 Initial Reports volume for each of the sites (Gersonde, Hodell, Blum, et al., 1999). Here we present the relative abundance pattern and the stratigraphic ranges of diatom taxa encountered from shore-based light microscope studies completed on the Pliocene-Pleistocene sequences from six of the drilled sites (Sites 1089-1094). No shore-based diatom studies have been conducted on the Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments obtained at Site 1088, located on the northern crest of the Agulhas Ridge, because of the scattered occurrence and poor preservation of diatoms in these sections (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999b). The data included in our report present the baseline of a diatom biostratigraphic study of Zielinski and Gersonde (2002), which (1) includes a refinement of the southern high-latitude Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom zonation, in particular for the middle and late Pleistocene, and (2) presents a biostratigraphic framework for the establishment of age models of the recovered sediment sections. Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) correlated the diatom ranges with the geomagnetic polarity record established shipboard (Sites 1090 and 1092) (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999c, 1999d) and on shore (Sites 1089, 1091, 1093, and 1094) by Channell and Stoner (2002). The Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom zonation proposed by Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) relies on a diatom zonation from Gersonde and Bárcena (1998) for the northern belt of the Southern Ocean. Because of latitudinal differentiation of sea-surface temperature, nutrients, and salinity between Antarctic and Subantarctic/subtropical water masses, the Pliocene-Pleistocene stratigraphic marker diatoms are not uniformly distributed in the Southern Ocean (Fenner, 1991; Gersonde and Bárcena, 1998). As a consequence, Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) propose two diatom zonations for application in the Antarctic Zone south of the Polar Front (Southern Zonation, Sites 1094 and 1093) and the area encompassing the Polar Front Zone (PFZ) and the Subantarctic Zone (Northern Zonation, Sites 1089-1092). This accounts especially for the Pleistocene zonation where Hemidiscus karstenii, whose first abundant occurrence datum and last occurrence datum defines the subzonation of the northern Thalassiosira lentiginosa Zone, occurs only sporadically in the cold-water realm south of the PFZ and thus is not applicable in sections from this area. However, newly established marker species assigned to the genus Rouxia (Rouxia leventerae and Rouxia constricta) are more related to cold-water environments and allow a refinement of the Pleistocene stratigraphic zonation for the southern cold areas. A study relying on quantitative counts of both Rouxia species confirms the utility of these stratigraphic markers for the identification of sequences attributed to marine isotope Stages 6 and 8 in the southern Southern Ocean (Zielinski et al., 2002).


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Palladium, platinum, and gold were analyzed for 20 interstitial water samples from Leg 125. No Pd or Pt was detected in fluids from serpentinite muds from Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc, indicating that low-temperature seawater-peridotite interaction does not mobilize these elements into the serpentinizing fluids to levels above 0.10 parts per billion (ppb) in solution. However, Au may be mobilized in high pH solutions. In contrast, fluids from vitric-rich clays on the flanks of the Torishima Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc have Pd values of between 4.0 and 11.8 nmol/L, Pt values between 2.3 and 5.0 nmol/L and Au values between 126.9 and 1116.9 pmol/L. The precious metals are mobilized, and possibly adsorbed onto clay mineral surfaces, during diagenesis and burial of the volcanic-rich clays. Desorption during squeezing of the sediments may produce the enhanced precious metal concentrations in the analyzed fluids. The metals are mobilized in the fluids probably as neutral hydroxide, bisulfide, and ammonia complexes. Pt/Pd ratios are between 0.42 and 2.33, which is much lower than many of the potential sources for Pt and Pd but is consistent with the greater solubility of Pd compared with Pt in most natural low-temperature fluids.


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Basalts recovered along the Reunion hotspot track on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 115 range in age from 34 Ma at Site 706 to 64 Ma at Site 707. They have undergone various degrees of secondary alteration. Within single holes the amount of alteration can vary from a few percent to near complete replacement of phenocrysts and groundmass by secondary minerals. Olivine appears to be the most susceptible to alteration and in some sections it is the only mineral altered. In other sections, olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts, and groundmass have been completely replaced by secondary minerals. Clays are the predominant form of secondary mineralization. In addition to replacing olivine, pyroxene, glass, and groundmass, clays have filled veins, vesicles, and voids. Minor amounts of calcite, zeolites, and K-feldspar were also detected. The clays that filled vesicles and veins often show color zonations of dark, opaque bands near the edges that grade into tan or green transparent regions in the centers of the veins. The electron microprobe was used to obtain chemical analyses of these veins as well as to characterize isolated clays that replaced specific minerals and filled voids and vesicles.