998 resultados para Längman, Erik Johan
Weight gain is a side effect often associated with progestin-only contraceptives. A recently published Cochrane review focuses on this issue that has been addressed in only few studies of good quality. Here we discuss the results of this review in the context of three clinical cases. With progestin-only contraceptives the weight gain is less than often thought, especially after six or twelve months of treatment. Some results are rather reassuring, especially those in obese women and during the post-partum period. This should help improve the compliance of women who fear gaining weight with this type of hormonal contraception.
Si alguna obra és de citació gairebé obligatòria quan es parla del joc, és Homo ludens, de Johan Huizinga (Huizinga, 2000). El llibre, publicat originàriament a Leiden el 1938, és la plasmació final de les reflexions dutes a terme per Huizinga des de 1903. Com fa notar el mateix autor, el seu objectiu és presentar el joc com un element omnipresent en la realitat. Tanmateix, sense compartir necessàriament la tesi del llibre (segons la qual no es pot afirmar que el joc sigui un element cultural sinó que ha d’afirmar-se que la cultura humana brolla tota ella del joc, és a dir, que la cultura mateixa ofereix el caràcter de joc i no que el joc sigui una manifestació cultural), el fet inqüestionable és que Huizinga escriu contínuament sobre les connexions entre jugar i accés a la transcendència. Aquesta correspondència serà el nostre fil conductor a fi d’establir alguns dels elements que intervenen en les complexes relacions entre autoconeixement i autotranscendència.
Many people worldwide live with a disability, i.e. limitations in functioning. The prevalence is expected to increase due to demographic change and the growing importance of non-communicable disease and injury. To date, many epidemiological studies have used simple dichotomous measures of disability, even though the WHO's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) provides a multi-dimensional framework of functioning. We aimed to examine associations of socio-economic status (SES) and social integration in 3 core domains of functioning (impairment, pain, limitations in activity and participation) and perceived health. We conducted a secondary analysis of representative cross-sectional data of the Swiss Health Survey 2007 including 10,336 female and 8,424 male Swiss residents aged 15 or more. Guided by a theoretical ICF-based model, 4 mixed effects Poisson regressions were fitted in order to explain functioning and perceived health by indicators of SES and social integration. Analyses were stratified by age groups (15-30, 31-54, ≥55 years). In all age groups, SES and social integration were significantly associated with functional and perceived health. Among the functional domains, impairment and pain were closely related, and both were associated with limitations in activity and participation. SES, social integration and functioning were related to perceived health. We found pronounced social inequalities in functioning and perceived health, supporting our theoretical model. Social factors play a significant role in the experience of health, even in a wealthy country such as Switzerland. These findings await confirmation in other, particularly lower resourced settings.