993 resultados para Kinematic system
With the increasing importance of large commerce across the Internet it is becoming increasingly evident that in a few years the Iternet will host a large number of interacting software agents. a vast number of them will be economically motivated, and will negociate a variety of goods and services. It is therefore important to consider the economic incentives and behaviours of economic software agents, and to use all available means to anticipate their collective interactions. This papers addresses this concern by presenting a multi-agent market simulator designed for analysing agent market strategies based on a complete understanding of buyer and seller behaviours, preference models and pricing algorithms, consideting risk preferences. The system includes agents that are capable of increasing their performance with their own experience, by adapting to the market conditions. The results of the negotiations between agents are analysed by data minig algorithms in order to extract rules that give agents feedback to imprive their strategies.
In this paper a new free flight instrument is presented. The instrument named FlyMaster distinguishes from others not only at hardware level, since it is the first one based on a PDA and with an RF interface for wireless sensors, but also at software level once its structure was developed following some guidelines from Ambient Intelligence and ubiquitous and context aware mobile computing. In this sense the software has several features which avoid pilot intervention during flight. Basically, the FlyMaster adequate the displayed information to each flight situation. Furthermore, the FlyMaster has its one way of show information.
The Gulf of Cadiz, as part of the Azores-Gibraltar plate boundary, is recognized as a potential source of big earthquakes and tsunamis that may affect the bordering countries, as occurred on 1 November 1755. Preparing for the future, Portugal is establishing a national tsunami warning system in which the threat caused by any large-magnitude earthquake in the area is estimated from a comprehensive database of scenarios. In this paper we summarize the knowledge about the active tectonics in the Gulf of Cadiz and integrate the available seismological information in order to propose the generation model of destructive tsunamis to be applied in tsunami warnings. The fault model derived is then used to estimate the recurrence of large earthquakes using the fault slip rates obtained by Cunha et al. (2012) from thin-sheet neotectonic modelling. Finally we evaluate the consistency of seismicity rates derived from historical and instrumental catalogues with the convergence rates between Eurasia and Nubia given by plate kinematic models.
Copyright © 2013 Springer Netherlands.
Electric vehicles (EV) offer a great potential to address the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) in the power grid, and thus reduce the dependence on oil as well as the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The high share of wind energy in the Portuguese energy mix expected for 2020 can led to eventual curtailment, especially during the winter when high levels of hydro generation occur. In this paper a methodology based on a unit commitment and economic dispatch is implemented, and a hydro-thermal dispatch is performed in order to evaluate the impact of the EVs integration into the grid. Results show that the considered 10 % penetration of EVs in the Portuguese fleet would increase load in 3 % and would not integrate a significant amount of wind energy because curtailment is already reduced in the absence of EVs. According to the results, the EV is charged mostly with thermal generation and the associated emissions are much higher than if they were calculated based on the generation mix.
Traditionally, a country's electoral system requires the voter to vote at a specific day and place, which conflicts with the mobility usually seen in modern live styles. Thus, the widespread of Internet (mobile) broadband access can be seen as an opportunity to deal with this mobility problem, i.e. the adoption of an Internet voting system can make the live of voter's much more convenient; however, a widespread Internet voting systems adoption relies on the ability to develop trustworthy systems, i.e. systems that are verifiable and preserve the voter's privacy. Building such a system is still an open research problem. Our contribution is a new Internet voting system: EVIV, a highly sound End-to-end Verifiable Internet Voting system, which offers full voter's mobility and preserves the voter's privacy from the vote casting PC even if the voter votes from a public PC, such as a PC at a cybercafe or at a public library. Additionally, EVIV has private vote verification mechanisms, in which the voter just has to perform a simple match of two small strings (4-5 alphanumeric characters), that detect and protect against vote manipulations both at the insecure vote client platform and at the election server side. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Water-based cellulose cholesteric liquid crystalline phases at rest can undergo structural changes induced by shear flow. This reflects on the deuterium spectra recorded when the system is investigated by rheo-nuclear magnetic resonance (rheo-NMR) techniques. In this work, the model system hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC)+water is revisited using rheo-NMR to clarify unsettled points regarding its behavior under shear and in relaxation. The NMR spectra allow the identification of five different stable ordering states, within shear and relaxation, which are well integrated in a mesoscopic picture of the system's structural evolution under shear and relaxation. This picture emerging from the large body of studies available for this system by other experimental techniques, accounts well for the NMR data and is in good agreement with the three distinct regions of steady shear flow recognized for some lyotropic LC polymers. Shear rates in between 0.1 and 1.0 s(-1) where investigated using a Taylor-Couette flow and deuterated water was used as solvent for the deuterium NMR (DNMR) analysis.
The Bologna Process aimed to build a European Higher Education Area with the objective of promoting students mobility. The adoption of Bologna Declaration directives requires a decentralized approach that accelerates student's mobility, based on frequently updated legislation. This paper proposes a student personal system to manage student's academic information. This system is supported by a flexible model that integrates, for instance, knowledge about the student attended courses or about a course that the student wishes to apply. Essentially, this model holds a (i) Student's Academic Record with skills acquired in academic course units, professional experience or training and an (ii) Individual Studies Plan, which places the student in a particular (iii) Course Plan setting the curricular structure that the student wishes to apply.
A esquizofrenia é uma perturbação mental grave caracterizada pela coexistência de sintomas positivos, negativos e de desorganização do pensamento e do comportamento. As alterações motoras são consistentemente observadas mas, ainda pouco estudadas na esquizofrenia, sendo relevantes para o seu diagnóstico. Neste quadro, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se os indivíduos com esquizofrenia apresentam alterações na coordenação motora, comparativamente com o grupo sem esquizofrenia, bem como analisar se as disfunções dos sinais neurológicos subtis (SNS) motores se encontram correlacionadas com o funcionamento executivo e com os domínios psicopatológicos da perturbação. No total participaram 29 indivíduos (13 com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e 16 sem diagnóstico) equivalentes em termos de idade, género, escolaridade e índice de massa corporal. Para avaliar o desempenho motor recorreu-se ao sistema Biostage de parametrização do movimento em tempo real, com a tarefa de lançameto ao alvo; a presença de SNS foi examinada através da Brief Motor Scale; o funcionamento executivo pela aplicação do subteste do Vocabulário e da fluência verbal e a sintomatologia clínica através da Positive and Negative Sindrome Scale. Pela análise cinemática do movimento constatou-se que os indivíduos com esquizofrenia recrutam um padrão motor menos desenvolvido e imaturo de movimento, com menor individualização das componentes (principalmente do tronco e pélvis), necessitando de mais tempo para executar a tarefa, comparativamente com os sujeitos sem a perturbação que evidenciaram um movimento mais avançado de movimento. Os indivíduos com esquizofrenia mostraram índices elevados de disfunção dos SNS (média =6,01) estabelecendo este domínio uma relação boa e negativa com o desempenho verbal (rho Spearman=-0,62) e uma relação forte e positiva com todos os domínios psicopatológicos (rho Spearman=0,74). O estudo da existência de alterações motoras como parte intrínseca da esquizofrenia revela-se pertinente uma vez que possibilita uma compreensão mais aprofundada da sua fisiopatologia e permite que se desenvolvam práticas mais efetivas na área da saúde e reabilitação.
As more and more digital resources are available, finding the appropriate document becomes harder. Thus, a new kind of tools, able to recommend the more appropriated resources according the user needs, becomes even more necessary. The current project implements an intelligent recommendation system for elearning platforms. The recommendations are based on one hand, the performance of the user during the training process and on the other hand, the requests made by the user in the form of search queries. All information necessary for decision-making process of recommendation will be represented in the user model. This model will be updated throughout the target user interaction with the platform.
The main objective of an Adaptive System is to adequate its relation with the user (content presentation, navigation, interface, etc.) according to a predefined but updatable model of the user that reflects his objectives, preferences, knowledge and competences [Brusilovsky, 2001], [De Bra, 2004]. For Educational Adaptive Systems, the emphasis is placed on the student knowledge in the domain application and learning style, to allow him to reach the learning objectives proposed for his training [Chepegin, 2004]. In Educational AHS, the User Model (UM), or Student Model, has increased relevance: when the student reaches the objectives of the course, the system must be able to readapt, for example, to his knowledge [Brusilovsky, 2001]. Learning Styles are understood as something that intent to define models of how given person learns. Generally it is understood that each person has a Learning Style different and preferred with the objective of achieving better results. Some case studies have proposed that teachers should assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom and methods to best fit each student's learning style [Kolb, 2005], [Martins, 2008]. The learning process must take into consideration the individual cognitive and emotional parts of the student. In summary each Student is unique so the Student personal progress must be monitored and teaching shoul not be not generalized and repetitive [Jonassen, 1991], [Martins, 2008]. The aim of this paper is to present an Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Tool based on Progressive Assessment.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Introdução: A correta avaliação das capacidades do idoso será fundamental na diminuição do risco de queda inerente ao envelhecimento. Os Smartphones são uma boa ferramenta para a avaliação das capacidades em idosos. Objetivo: Verificar se o smartphone é uma ferramenta de avaliação do ângulo de dorsiflexão ativa da tibiotársica (Dors. TT) e em diferentes parâmetros relacionados com a marcha. ; Métodos: Estudo transversal correlacional, com amostra composta por 27 indivíduos com mais de 60 anos. Procedeu-se à recolha de dados através de um sistema de análise cinemática em 3D com conexão a uma plataforma de forças e de uma aplicação para Smartphone (Fraunhofer®, Porto, Portugal), de forma a verificar a funcionalidade desta última. As variáveis medidas foram a Dors. TT; e todas a variáveis relacionadas com a marcha. Resultados: A dors. TT apresentou uma correlação forte positiva (rs=0,8; p<0,001) entre os dados dos dois instrumentos, assim como no balanço pélvico (rp=0,8; p<0,001), na velocidade na marcha (rp=0,7; p<0,001) e no nº de passos posteriores (rs=0,8; p<0,001). Observou-se uma correlação moderada positiva na duração do passo direito, na duração do passo, na duração da passada, na cadência, no comprimento do passo esq., no comprimento do passo e no deslocamento lateral da pélvis (rp=0,6; p≤0.008). Na percentagem da fase de apoio (%FA) (rs =-0.6; p= 0.007) e na medição da cadência lateral (rs =-0.4; p= 0.042) observou-se uma correlação moderada negativa e na cad. post. (rs=-0,7; p<0,001) uma correlação forte negativa. Conclusão: A aplicação para Smartphone parece ser uma ferramenta útil para avaliar corretamente o ângulo de dorsiflexão da tibiotársica, a contagem do número de passos no sentido posterior, o balanço pélvico e a velocidade. Contudo, necessita ser reajustada para as outras variáveis.
Thesis submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Electronic and Telecomunications Engineering