971 resultados para Kernel


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This paper deals with the problem of digital audio watermarking using echo hiding. Compared to many other methods for audio watermarking, echo hiding techniques exhibit advantages in terms of relatively simple encoding and decoding, and robustness against common attacks. The low security issue existing in most echo hiding techniques is overcome in the timespread echo method by using pseudonoise (PN) sequence as a secret key. In this paper, we propose a novel sequence, in conjunction with a new decoding function, to improve the imperceptibility and the robustness of time-spread echo based audio watermarking. Theoretical analysis and simulation examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed sequence and decoding function.


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Sequential minimal optimization (SMO) is quite an efficient algorithm for training the support vector machine. The most important step of this algorithm is the selection of the working set, which greatly affects the training speed. The feasible direction strategy for the working set selection can decrease the objective function, however, may augment to the total calculation for selecting the working set in each of the iteration. In this paper, a new candidate working set (CWS) Strategy is presented considering the cost on the working set selection and cache performance. This new strategy can select several greatest violating samples from Cache as the iterative working sets for the next several optimizing steps, which can improve the efficiency of the kernel cache usage and reduce the computational cost related to the working set selection. The results of the theory analysis and experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can reduce the training time, especially on the large-scale datasets.


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Coverage is the range that covers only positive samples in attribute (or feature) space. Finding coverage is the kernel problem in induction algorithms because of the fact that coverage can be used as rules to describe positive samples. To reflect the characteristic of training samples, it is desirable that the large coverage that cover more positive samples. However, it is difficult to find large coverage, because the attribute space is usually very high dimensionality. Many heuristic methods such as ID3, AQ and CN2 have been proposed to find large coverage. A robust algorithm also has been proposed to find the largest coverage, but the complexities of time and space are costly when the dimensionality becomes high. To overcome this drawback, this paper proposes an algorithm that adopts incremental feature combinations to effectively find the largest coverage. In this algorithm, the irrelevant coverage can be pruned away at early stages because potentially large coverage can be found earlier. Experiments show that the space and time needed to find the largest coverage has been significantly reduced.


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The propensity of wool knitwear to form entangled fiber balls, known as pills, on the surface is affected by a large number of factors. This study examines, for the first time, the application of the support vector machine (SVM) data mining tool to the pilling propensity prediction of wool knitwear. The results indicate that by using the binary classification method and the radial basis function (RBF) kernel function, the SVM is able to give high pilling propensity prediction accuracy for wool knitwear without data over-fitting. The study also found that the number of records available for each pill rating greatly affects the learning and prediction capability of SVM models.


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In this paper, a novel bipolar time-spread (TS) echo hiding based watermarking method is proposed for stereo audio signals, to overcome the low robustness problem in the traditional TS echo hiding method. At the embedding, echo signals with opposite polarities are added to both channels of the host audio signal. This improves the imperceptibility of the watermarking scheme, since added watermarks have similar effects in both channels. Then decoding part is developed, in order to improve the robustness of the watermarking scheme against common attacks. Since these novel embedding and decoding methods utilize the advantage of two channels in stereo audio signals, it significantly reduces the interference of host signal at watermark extraction which is the main reason for error detection in the traditional TS echo hiding based watermarking under closed-loop attack. The effectiveness of the proposed watermarking scheme is theoretically analyzed and verified by simulations under common attacks. The proposed echo hiding method outperforms conventional TS echo hiding based watermarking when their perceptual qualities are similar.


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This paper proposes an effective pseudonoise (PN) sequence and the corresponding decoding function for time-spread echo-based audio watermarking. Different from the traditional PN sequence used in time-spread echo hiding, the proposed PN sequence has two features. Firstly, the echo kernel resulting from the new PN sequence has frequency characteristics with smaller magnitudes in perceptually significant region. This leads to higher perceptual quality. Secondly, the correlation function of the new PN sequence has three times more large peaks than that of the existing PN sequence. Based on this feature, we propose a new decoding function to improve the robustness of time-spread echo-based audio watermarking. The effectiveness of the proposed PN sequence and decoding function is illustrated by theoretical analysis, simulation examples, and listening test.


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In a nonparametric setting, the functional form of the relationship between the response variable and the associated predictor variables is assumed to be unknown when data is fitted to the model. Non-parametric regression models can be used for the same types of applications such as estimation, prediction, calibration, and optimization that traditional regression models are used for. The main aim of nonparametric regression is to highlight an important structure in the data without any assumptions about the shape of an underlying regression function. Hence the nonparametric approach allows the data to speak for itself. Applications of sequential procedures to a nonparametric regression model at a given point are considered.

The primary goal of sequential analysis is to achieve a given accuracy by using the smallest possible sample sizes. These sequential procedures allow an experimenter to make decisions based on the smallest number of observations without compromising accuracy. In the nonparametric regression model with a random design based on independent and identically distributed pairs of observations (X ,Y ), where the regression function m(x) is given bym(x) = E(Y X = x), estimation of the Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator (m (x)) NW and local linear kernel estimator (m (x)) LL for the curve m(x) is considered. In order to obtain asymptotic confidence intervals form(x), two stage sequential procedure is used under which some asymptotic properties of Nadaraya-Watson and local linear estimators have been obtained.

The proposed methodology is first tested with the help of simulated data from linear and nonlinear functions. Encouraged by the preliminary findings from simulation results, the proposed method is applied to estimate the nonparametric regression curve of CAPM.


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Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a continuous critical threat to the Internet. Derived from the low layers, new application-layer-based DDoS attacks utilizing legitimate HTTP requests to overwhelm victim resources are more undetectable. The case may be more serious when suchattacks mimic or occur during the flash crowd event of a popular Website. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of CALD, an architectural extension to protect Web servers against various DDoS attacks that masquerade as flash crowds. CALD provides real-time detection using mess tests but is different from other systems that use resembling methods. First, CALD uses a front-end sensor to monitor thetraffic that may contain various DDoS attacks or flash crowds. Intense pulse in the traffic means possible existence of anomalies because this is the basic property of DDoS attacks and flash crowds. Once abnormal traffic is identified, the sensor sends ATTENTION signal to activate the attack detection module. Second, CALD dynamically records the average frequency of each source IP and check the total mess extent. Theoretically, the mess extent of DDoS attacks is larger than the one of flash crowds. Thus, with some parameters from the attack detection module, the filter is capable of letting the legitimate requests through but the attack traffic stopped. Third, CALD may divide the security modules away from the Web servers. As a result, it keeps maximum performance on the kernel web services, regardless of the harassment from DDoS. In the experiments, the records from www.sina.com and www.taobao.com have proved the value of CALD.


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Missing data imputation is a key issue in learning from incomplete data. Various techniques have been developed with great successes on dealing with missing values in data sets with homogeneous attributes (their independent attributes are all either continuous or discrete). This paper studies a new setting of missing data imputation, i.e., imputing missing data in data sets with heterogeneous attributes (their independent attributes are of different types), referred to as imputing mixed-attribute data sets. Although many real applications are in this setting, there is no estimator designed for imputing mixed-attribute data sets. This paper first proposes two consistent estimators for discrete and continuous missing target values, respectively. And then, a mixture-kernel-based iterative estimator is advocated to impute mixed-attribute data sets. The proposed method is evaluated with extensive experiments compared with some typical algorithms, and the result demonstrates that the proposed approach is better than these existing imputation methods in terms of classification accuracy and root mean square error (RMSE) at different missing ratios.


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Feature aggregation is a critical technique in content-based image retrieval (CBIR) that combines multiple feature distances to obtain image dissimilarity. Conventional parallel feature aggregation (PFA) schemes failed to effectively filter out the irrelevant images using individual visual features before ranking images in collection. Series feature aggregation (SFA) is a new scheme that aims to address this problem. This paper investigates three important properties of SFA that are significant for design of systems. They reveal the irrelevance of feature order and the convertibility of SFA and PFA as well as the superior performance of SFA. Furthermore, based on Gaussian kernel density estimator, the authors propose a new method to estimate the visual threshold, which is the key parameter of SFA. Experiments, conducted with IAPR TC-12 benchmark image collection (ImageCLEF2006) that contains over 20,000 photographic images and defined queries, have shown that SFA can outperform conventional PFA schemes.


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Feature aggregation is a critical technique in content-based image retrieval (CBIR) that combines multiple feature distances to obtain image dissimilarity. Conventional parallel feature aggregation (PFA) schemes failed to effectively filter out the irrelevant images using individual visual features before ranking images in collection. Series feature aggregation (SFA) is a new scheme that aims to address this problem. This paper investigates three important properties of SFA that are significant for design of systems. They reveal the irrelevance of feature order and the convertibility of SFA and PFA as well as the superior performance of SFA. Furthermore, based on Gaussian kernel density estimator, the authors propose a new method to estimate the visual threshold, which is the key parameter of SFA. Experiments, conducted with IAPR TC-12 benchmark image collection (ImageCLEF2006) that contains over 20,000 photographic images and defined queries, have shown that SFA can outperform conventional PFA schemes.


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We investigated the home-range size and habitat use of eight Sooty Owls (Tyto tenebricosa tenebricosa) in coastal forests in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, between November 2006 and January 2008. The size of home-ranges varied widely; based on 95% adaptive kernel estimates, the average size of home-ranges of males was 3025ha (±1194s.d., n=3), whereas that of females was 994ha (±654s.d., n=5). Sooty Owls utilised a broad range of ecological vegetation classes and topographical features for roosting and foraging at a greater scale than previously assumed. There was minimal selection for habitat types based on floristic composition, primarily only avoiding heathlands (for foraging and roosting) and selecting particular dense foliage (rainforest and riparian scrub) for foliage roosting. Two Owls maintained home-ranges close to logged areas, with logging regrowth (<45 years old) being strongly avoided by both individuals. We recommend that the size of individual reserves for Sooty Owls in commercial forests should be increased to more closely resemble the core spatial resource requirements needed by a pair. Reserves should be largest where they feed predominantly on hollow-dependent prey. Most importantly, rather than conservation measures just focussing on the spatial requirements of Sooty Owls, efforts should be directed towards retaining high densities of crucial resources, such as hollow-bearing trees and mammalian prey species throughout the landscape.


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Blue whales Balaenoptera musculus aggregate to feed in a regional upwelling system during November–May between the Great Australian Bight (GAB) and Bass Strait. We analysed sightings from aerial surveys over 6 upwelling seasons (2001–02 to 2006–07) to assess within-season patterns of blue whale habitat selection, distribution, and relative abundance. Habitat variables were modelled using a general linear model (GLM) that ranked sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface chlorophyll (SSC) of equal importance, followed by depth, distance to shore, SSC gradient, distance to shelf break, and SST gradient. Further discrimination by hierarchical partitioning indicated that SST accounted for 84.4% of variation in blue whale presence explained by the model, and that probability of sightings increased with increasing SST. The large study area was resolved into 3 zones showing diversity of habitat from the shallow narrow shelf and associated surface upwelling of the central zone, to the relatively deep upper slope waters, broad shelf and variable upwelling of the western zone, and the intermediate features of the eastern zone. Density kernel estimation showed a trend in distribution from the west during November–December, spreading south-eastward along the shelf throughout the central and eastern zones during January–April, with the central zone most consistently utilised. Encounter rates in central and eastern zones peaked in February, coinciding with peak upwelling intensity and primary productivity. Blue whales avoided inshore upwelling centres, selecting SST ~1°C cooler than remotely sensed ambient SST. Whales selected significantly higher SSC in the central and eastern zones than the western zone, where relative abundance was extremely variable. Most animals departed from the feeding ground by late April.


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This paper presents a human daily activity classification approach based on the sensory data collected from a single tri-axial accelerometer worn on waist belt. The classification algorithm was realized to distinguish 6 different activities including standing, jumping, sitting-down, walking, running and falling through three major steps: wavelet transformation, Principle Component Analysis (PCA)-based dimensionality reduction and followed by implementing a radial basis function (RBF) kernel Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Two trials were conducted to evaluate different aspects of the classification scheme. In the first trial, the classifier was trained and evaluated by using a dataset of 420 samples collected from seven subjects by using a k-fold cross-validation method. The parameters σ and c of the RBF kernel were optimized through automatic searching in terms of yielding the highest recognition accuracy and robustness. In the second trial, the generation capability of the classifier was also validated by using the dataset collected from six new subjects. The average classification rates of 95% and 93% are obtained in trials 1 and 2, respectively. The results in trial 2 show the system is also good at classifying activity signals of new subjects. It can be concluded that the collective effects of the usage of single accelerometer sensing, the setting of the accelerometer placement and efficient classifier would make this wearable sensing system more realistic and more comfortable to be implemented for long-term human activity monitoring and classification in ambulatory environment, therefore, more acceptable by users.


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This work proposes a novel dual-channel time-spread echo method for audio watermarking, aiming to improve robustness and perceptual quality. At the embedding stage, the host audio signal is divided into two subsignals, which are considered to be signals obtained from two virtual audio channels. The watermarks are implanted into the two subsignals simultaneously. Then the subsignals embedded with watermarks are combined to form the watermarked signal. At the decoding stage, the watermarked signal is split up into two watermarked subsignals. The similarity of the cepstra corresponding to the watermarked subsignals is exploited to extract the embedded watermarks. Moreover, if a properly designed colored pseudonoise sequence is used, the large peaks of its auto-correlation function can be utilized to further enhance the performance of watermark extraction. Compared with the existing time-spread echo-based schemes, the proposed method is more robust to attacks and has higher imperceptibility. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated by simulation results.