984 resultados para John, Mauropus, Metropolitan of Euchaita, fl. 11th cent.
Dans cet article on examinera les cérémonies d'acclamation du roi D. João VI qui ont eu lieu à Tejuco en 1818. Le décodage de la riche variété d'images esthétiques présente dans ces célébrations peut être une stratégie privilégiée pour comprendre la création, à ce moment-là, des mythes qui donneraient soutien et orientation au projet d'affirmation du prestige politique du roi et à la consolidation de sa domination sur la région et sur tout le territoire brésilien. on analysera en particulier le conflit de mémoires entre la signification symbolique de la célébration et la révolte du peuple de Minas contre l'exploitation coloniale portugaise qui avait éclaté dans la région environ trois décennies avant.
The aims of this dissertation is to study formation of the Dutch view seeing the colonial scenery in screens by Frans Post, as well as, to perceive a colonial world constitution through landscape paintings by him with his natural and human representation. The artist was the first to portray South American views, after he landed in Pernambuco with retinue of Dutch governor of colony, John Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Siegen. Post, by his 24 years old, was designated to represent for Dutch people their colony. The text reflects on visual construction of natural and human aspects in landscapes by Dutchman and how that aspects were included in colonizer imaginary about the strange world of America. European (Dutch) look about their conquered possessions in the New World was charged with exoticism and imagination. In order to understand that view, it`s paramount to study imaginary pictures reared by Frans Post, on his return to the Netherlands, and notions of landscape and exotic, wild and unspoiled nature which the Dutch people had when they thought about the Dutch colony in America. Our principal (visual) sources of research are six paintings: Vista da Sé de Olinda (1662), Vista das ruínas de Olinda (undated), Engenho (undated), Engenho (1660), Vista da cidade Maurícia e do Recife (1653), e Paisagem com rio e tamanduá (1649), all these canvases were painted when Frans Post returned to Europe. We seek to work through a methodology that focuses on investigation of primary visual and textual material, because these textual and pictorial representations reflect the 17th-century colonial view of colonial history themes of the - here called - Dutch America
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar comparativamente as características de carcaça e a composição corporal de machos jovens da raça Nelore não-castrados, filhos de touros com diferencial positivo (Linhagem Seleção) ou nulo (Linhagem Controle) para ganho de peso aos 378 dias de idade. Utilizaram-se informações de 92 zebuínos Nelore, com peso de abate médio de 456,00 kg, sendo 51 animais pertencentes à Linhagem Seleção e 41 animais da Linhagem Controle, foram criados em pastagens cultivadas até os 18 meses, quando foram alocados nos dois sistemas de terminação, de forma a compor grupos homogêneos quanto ao peso e filiação. Os animais de confinamento receberam, em baias individuais, ração para possibilitar ganhos de 1,0 kg/cab/dia. Antes do abate, os animais foram submetidos a jejum e pesados, quando se obteve o peso de abate. Após o armazenamento das carcaças em câmara fria, obteve-se a seção da 9ª-10ª-11ª costelas. Não houve efeito significativo de linhagem para nenhuma das características analisadas, exceto para a porcentagem de ossos, sendo que os animais da Linhagem Seleção superaram os animais da Linhagem Controle. O regime de terminação apresentou efeito significativo para a quase totalidade das características estudadas, com exceção para as características de composição corporal. Não houve efeito significativo de interação entre linhagem e terminação. As classes de idade apresentaram efeito significativo para as características peso de abate, peso de carcaça quente, peso da gordura renal-pélvica-ingüinal, porcentagem de músculo, gordura e osso.
This work considers the space study of the main road runner of integration of the Region Metropolitan of Natal (RMN) in formation, emphasizing its repercussion for the geographic context of the city, where we identify the positive and negative aspects of such space configuration, as for the aspects of the urban inaquality, economic centrality and of flows, promoted for the state and private capital (national and foreign). The linear convergence and polinucleately of geographic objects in that we identify as Central Space of Attentions (CSA), promoted, and still it promotes, important repercussion in the space estructuretion of the peripheral areas of the RMN, such as in the constitution of the "Capital Value of the Space". In this direction, to endorse the analysis of such reading, choose as cientific ballast the geographic theory, in a perspective dialectic, as well as we rescue contributions of the science of the administration, sociology, economy, amongst others. From the empirical research, subsidized with the application of forms together the entrepreneurs whom they possess investments in the CSA, as well as in the rescue of information you register in cadastre in the Junta Comercial do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (JUNCERN) and telephonic list, we construct a proposal of reading of the current period of training of the process of space production to which is rank the CSA. The analysis of the data, under a comparative space angle, presents an important contribution to reevaluate the urban space of the RMN in its bigger aspect, exceeding the limits of the studied road corridor
The work however presented try to make an analysis of the relation urban-agricultural in the context of the process of metropolization of Natal. On the basis of this approach searched to argue the estruturation of the Brazilian urban space and the relation with the agricultural one, evidencing an academic debate little contemplated, in view of that the space transformations guided by Brazilian industrialization had earned as endorsement a mere urban direction, fact that neglected factors more complex than they for the urban-agricultural relation in the context of the urbanization and, more recently, of the metropolization. Another important factor in the construction of the work was the contextualization of the urbanization of the Rio Grande do Norte, as well as of the metropolization of Natal, where if the significant presence of an agricultural reality made an analysis of the configuration metropolitan in the present time displaying that also remains and reproduces the metropolis, fact that conditions and justifies the treatment of the reality metropolitan for the bias of the urban-agricultural relation. The approach of this relation was directed for the agricultural nestings of the Region Metropolitan of Natal (RMN), understood as fragments agricultural in the context of the metropolis, in view of that a tenuous correspondence of these nestings with the metropolis in the direction of its integration was observed. As methodology one used bibliographical survey in periodic and books and collected secondary data-collecting next to the IBGE and to the INCRA and still were directed a field research where interviews next to the seated ones had been carried through. In this direction, one evidenced that the metropolization also absorbs and even though it reproduces the ruralidade that if verifies in the RMN finishing for mining the idea of an urban one that it excludes the agricultural one. In the case of the RMN, we have agricultural and the urban one exactly if conforming in one space that is metropolitan
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Incluye Bibliografía
PURPOSE: to investigate the effect of cigarette smoke exposure on body and tissue weight gain, serum parameters and milk yield during pregnancy and lactation in rats, and the impact on offspring from birth toil young adulthood. METHODS: 40 Wistar pregnant rats were randomly divided into: CG - not exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of pregnancy; CL - not exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of lactation; FG - exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of pregnancy; FL - exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of lactation. The offspring were separated by gender and divided according to their mothers' groups. Tissue weight, body weight and serum parameters were evaluated in rats and offspring. Milk yield per pup was calculated. RESULTS: body weight was decreased in FL during lactation (CL=267.0±7.2; FL=235.5±7.2 g*, *p<0.05). Adipose tissue was not detected in the CL and FL groups, and was reduced in FG compared to CG (CG=3.3±0.3; FG=2.4±0.3 g*, *p<0.05). Rats exposed to cigarette smoke had higher blood glucose levels (CG=113±17, CL=86±16, FG=177±21*, FL=178±23 mg/dL*, *p<0.05 CG versus FG e CL versus FL), CL and FL groups presented lower HDL-cholesterol with no change in total cholesterol. Finally, rats exposed to cigarette smoke had lower milk yield compared to unexposed rats (CL=6.7±0.4, FL=5.4±0.3 g*, *p<0.05). In offspring from the FG and FL groups, there was a decrease of body weight from birth to young adulthood, with no changes in gastrocnemius, liver or heart weights in any group, and adipose tissue was no detected in female offspring. There was an increase in blood glucose in offspring of both sexes from rats exposed to cigarette smoke (males: Pcg=107±10.5, Pcl=115±8.6, Pfg=148±16.8*, Pfl=172±11.2**; females: Pcg=109±27.2, Pcl=104±9.7, Pfg=134±20.0*, Pfl=126±13.3**; p<0.05 *Pcg versus Pfg and **Pcl versus Pfl). CONCLUSIONS: exposure to cigarette smoke provokes impairment of morphometric and serum parameters during pregnancy and lactation both in mothers and offspring, which is maintained during young adulthood.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Introduction The Netherlands Antilles is an autonomous entity within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and comprises a federation of five Caribbean islands: Bonaire and Curacao (the Leeward islands) which comprise 80 per cent of the population of 211,000 and Saba, St. Eustatius and the southern part of St. Maarten (the Windward islands). Like the other countries in the Kingdom, it enjoys full autonomy in internal matters as, for example, education, public health, justice and customs. It has a per capita income of about US$ 12,000. The Leeward Islands and the Windward Islands account for about 75 per cent (Curacao (70 per cent) and Bonaire (5 per cent)) and 25 percent respectively of the economy of the Netherlands Antilles. The Netherlands Antilles has its own currency, the Netherlands guilder, which is pegged to the United States dollar at a fixed rate since 1971. The economy has some unique features that stem from its close relations with the Netherlands, its undiversified nature and heavy dependence on tourism, offshore finance, oil refining and shipping, the high share of trade (exports of goods and services of about 75 per cent of GDP), its geographical characteristics, its common border with the French Republic on St. Maarten, its duty-free access for imports from Aruba, its de facto free trade zone (FTZ), partial dollarization, especially for the Windward Islands, and its highly regulated labor market (1). Adverse economic shocks in the last two decades affected particularly the offshore financial sector and the oil refinery and, to a lesser extent, tourism. The repeal of withholding taxes in the United States in the 1980s indirectly caused the collapse of a number of highly profitable offshore financial activities in Curacao, leading to significant drops in government revenue and contributions to foreign exchange earnings. The withdrawal of Shell from Curacao in 1986 and the (temporary) closure of the oil refinery which had been a mainstay of the Curacao economy for almost three quarters of a century was the second major shock. It was subsequently leased to the Venezuelan State Company, Petroleos de Venezuela Sociedad Anonima (PDVSA), which resumed operations and preserved employment. In the 1990s, the Windward Islands were bit by several devastating hurricanes, which destroyed much of the economic infrastructure on the islands, including about half of the number of available hotel rooms in St Maarten. Further negative shocks were related to the discontinuation of certain trade privileges on European markets for Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), the withdrawal by the Netherlands of certain tax privileges for Dutch pensioners residing in the Netherlands Antilles and disruptions in the availability of Solidarity Fund resources for the smaller islands. National income has been on the decline since 1997. GDP declined by about 6 per cent between 1997 and 1999. Underlying fiscal imbalances and structural weaknesses have also impacted negatively on the economy. In recent years, with recession high unemployment and migration have been experienced (2). The Netherlands Antilles has been able to survive thanks to additional aid from the Netherlands, large-scale spontaneous emigration (mostly to the Netherlands), some drop in international reserves, an increase in domestic debt and arrears and reduced outlays for the maintenance of public assets. From 1986 onwards, successive efforts at restoring macroeconomic balance, particularly with regard to public finance, were made, but were unsuccessful. Adjustment was also attempted in 1996 and 1997, but failed to meet the desired targets. In 1999, the government launched a new National Recovery Plan" (NRP). The NRP contains important medium-term structural adjustment measures aimed at restoring macroeconomic balance and conditions for revitalizing the economy. The NRP subsequently served as an important input into a comprehensive adjustment plan drawn up with the assistance of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and reflected in the government's Memorandum of Economic Policies dated 15 September 2000. Beyond restoring macroeconomic balance and reforming the economic incentive framework, the government aims at establishing a Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) for the formulation and implementation of a sustainable long-term growth strategy. It is against the above background that this study is undertaken. Its main objective is to assess the integration options facing the Netherlands Antilles (3) vis-a-vis the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). A secondary objective is to examine the above taking into account, inter alia, the level of trade between the Netherlands Antilles and CARICOM, the barriers to trade between the two groups of countries and the requirements for increasing trade between the two groups of countries. The Consultant was given an initial Draft Terms of Reference (Annex 1) with the intention of modifying it in the course of the interviews with all the stakeholders. The main idea that emerged from these interviews was a concern with some possible form of association with CARICOM. The Consultant was asked to exam the costs and benefits of various forms of association and to recommend an option. This adjustment of the Terms of Reference (TOR) was substantial and involved the Consultant having to do some interviews and collect documentation in CARICOM. The study essentially revolves around the search for a road map for the Netherlands Antilles. It is tackled in the first instance by describing the existing system of trade of the Netherlands Antilles with a view to determining the import and export structures and the specific nature and extent of trade in goods and services between the Netherlands Antilles and CARICOM. 1 Netherlands Antilles: Elements of a Strategy for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Growth. Interim Report of the World Bank Mission, 5-20 December 2000. 2 IMF, IMF Country Report No. 01/73 Kingdom of the Netherlands-Netherlands Antilles-Recent Development, Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix. May 2001 3 The Netherlands Antilles is a country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It contains five islands. Curacao and Bonaire (Leewards) and St Eustatius, Saba and St Maarten (The Windwards)"
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Partindo do instrumental teórico neo-schumpeteriano e institucionalista, a presente pesquisa faz uma análise sobre a expansão do arranjo produtivo da indústria de confecção e da moda na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB) Pará, e do tecido institucional, de 1991 a 2008. Os objetivos da pesquisa são analisar o processo de formação e desenvolvimento do arranjo produtivo local, identificar a configuração e as características da estrutura produtiva e das atividades institucionais de apoio e as relações de sinergia entre agentes, analisar como estão constituídas as formas de governança e externalidades existentes e como essas podem dinamizar o processo de desenvolvimento desse arranjo produtivo. A proposta deste trabalho pretende responder a três questões: Por que o segmento da indústria do vestuário não se desenvolveu na RMB? Como a dinâmica do setor e das características dos fenômenos da inovação tecnológica no ramo é vivenciada pelos empresários das pequenas e médias empresas do setor de confecção na RMB? Como ocorre a coexistência de dois processos, a modernização e a precarização no setor de confecção na RMB? A pesquisa empírica realizada representa 55% do emprego formal na RMB. Nesse processo, observou-se a inexistência da ação institucional anterior ao período pesquisado e isso limitou a evolução científica e tecnológica do setor, assim como o desenvolvimento da cadeia produtiva. Essa condição levou os produtores atomizados a baixos níveis de sinergia e representatividade. Em função disso, as taxas de crescimento na indústria foram muito baixas, a dificuldade de se encontrar mão-de-obra qualificada é apontada como maior entrave ao desenvolvimento da indústria. A maioria das empresas instaladas é produtora de uniformes, mas constatou-se nos três últimos anos a abertura de empresas dedicadas à fabricação de produtos de moda. Apesar da dificuldade encontrada pelas indústrias em funcionamento, observou-se um movimento social na construção e ampliação do conhecimento técnico e da promoção de um arranjo produtivo impulsionado pela vontade de fazer moda, a atuação de designers e instituições promovem o desejo de transformar a moda em coisa nossa. O desenvolvimento da moda no Pará, como movimento espontâneo e meio de expressão da cultura local, representa, de certa forma, a vontade de inserir a cultura local no contexto do consumo contemporâneo. A moda é uma forma de estabelecimento de relação com o lugar que considera a ação na construção de uma mitologia local. A questão da especificidade do local é de grande importância para os mercados, portanto, deve-se levar em conta a importância e a potencialidade de um mercado povoado por um grande número de consumidores ávidos por inserção e diferenciação, emocionalmente atrelados ao local. Os atores pesquisados apontam que, para estimular o desenvolvimento da cadeia produtiva têxtil-vestuário, seriam necessários mais investimentos na formação de mão-de-obra que favoreça o desenvolvimento das atividades já em funcionamento, e que permitam ampliar a viabilidade de investimentos em um setor de fundamental importância na história da industrialização e na vida cotidiana dos seres humanos, no mundo capitalista contemporâneo que tem o consumo como mito fundamental. Esta pesquisa contribui para um melhor entendimento do setor.