972 resultados para Jeanne de Bourbon, queen consort of Charles V, king of France, 1335-1378.
Cioranescu, A. 17 s.,
Vol. 2 includes (p. 92-189): Military memoirs, Correspondence of Lewis XIV, with Philip V., etc.
"One of the s̕ources ̕of Shakespeare's Henry IV, probably written about 1587."--Hand list to Old English plays.
"First use of French as a written language."
The "Life" has a special t.p. dated 1842.
"Pour servir de suite à l'Histoire & aux mémoires de cette Académie" [des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres, Paris].
Not in Martin & Walter [edition 1]
Not in Martin & Walter [edition 2: marked "Troisieme édition"; printer's error]
"Lu & approvué, ce 5 juillet 1784. Signé, Fournier, Adjoint": v. 6, colophon.
"Le tout fidellement recuilly des pièces autentiques et traduit de l'anglois"--T.p.
Authorship from Barbier, III, p. 475.
[v.1-4] England and Wales.--[v.5] Ireland.--[v.6-8] Scotland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.--[v.9-10] France and Savoy.--[v.11-13] Italy.--[v.14-15] Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Holland.--[v.16] Switzerland.--[v.17-18] Germany.--[v.19] Greece and Turkey in Europe.--[v.20] Russia.--[v.21-23] Asia.--[v.24] Africa.--[v.25-30] America.--[v.31] Oceanica.
Mode of access: Internet.
v. 1. Some account of the life, &c. of William Shakespeare / Nicholas Rowe. Dr. Johnson's preface. Farmer's essay on Shakespeare. The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona.--v. 2. Midsummer-night's dream. Merry wives of Windsor. Twelfth night. Much ado about nothing.--v. 3. Measure for measure. Love's labour's lost. Merchant of Venice.--v. 4. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew.--v. 5. Winter's tale. Macbeth. King John.--v. 6. King Richard II. King Henry IV, Parts I and II.--v. 7. King Henry V. King Henry VI, Parts I and II.--v. 8 King Henry VI, Part III. King Richard III. King Henry VIII.--v. 9. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar.--v. 10. Antony and Cleopatra. King Lear. Hamlet.--v. 11. Cymbeline. Timon of Athens. Othello.--v. 12. Romeo and Juliet. Comedy of errors. Titus Andronicus. Pericles.
A translation of "Les maitresses de Louis XV, par Edmond et Jules de Goncourt."