1000 resultados para Itapecuru Formation


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Cefdinir has broad spectrum of activity and high prescription rates, hence its counterfeiting seems imminent. We have proposed a simple, fast, selective and non-extractive spectrophotometric method for the content assay of cefdinir in formulations. The method is based on complexation of cefdinir and Fe under reducing condition in a buffered medium (pH 11) to form a magenta colored donor-acceptor complex (λ max = 550 nm; apparent molar absorptivity = 3720 L mol-1 cm-1). No other cephalosporins, penicillins and common excipients interfere under the test conditions. The Beer's law is followed in the concentration range 8-160 µg mL-1.


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This study describes unpublished research on improving the solubility of benznidazole by the formation of an inclusion complex. The cyclodextrins selected were αCD, βCD, γCD, HPβCD, RMβCD and SBβCD. All complexes were obtained in solution, presenting 1:1 stoichiometry according to the phase solubility diagram. The highest association constants were obtained with RMβCD and SBβCD, being selected for attainment of solid state complexes. These were characterized using XRD, SEM and dissolution test. The data obtained suggest the formation of complexes and indicate that these may provide a promising alternative way of developing solid doses of drug with suitable biopharmaceutical properties.


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The influence of Anatasa/Rutile ratio on TiO2 films, grown by electrophoretic deposition was studied in the photoassisted electrolytic copper ions removal from cyanide solutions. The proper dispersant dosage allowing the simultaneous electrophoretic deposition of Anatase and Rutile was chosen based on electrokinetic measurements; evidenced by the XRD spectra of the formed films. The evaluation of films photoassisted electrolytic copper ion removal showeds that it is possible to enhance the activity of Anatase films by adding some Rutile exploiting the synergetic interaction between these two materials, achieve by its proper deposition.


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A 1µs Molecular Dynamic simulation was performed with a realistic model system of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) micelles in aqueous solution, comprising of 360 DS-, 360 Na+ and 90000 water particles. After 300 ns three different micellar shapes and sizes 41, 68 and 95 monomers, were observed. The process led to stabilization in the total number of SDS clusters and an increase in the micellar radius to 2.23 nm, in agreement with experimental results. An important conclusion, is be aware that simulations employed in one aggregate, should be considered as a constraint. Size and shape distribution must be analyzed.


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The development of organic devices based on conducting polymers for biofilm detection requires the combination of superior electrical response and high surface area for biofilm incorporation. Polypyrrole is a potential candidate for application in biofilm detection and control due to its characteristic superior electrical response and strong interaction with bacteria, which enables the use of the bioelectric effect in resulting devices. In this study, chemically synthesized polypyrrole was applied as a support for biofilm growth of S. aureus. Modifications in the electrical response of the polymeric template were explored to identify general mechanisms established during the deposition of the biofilm.


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The course of reaction between cerium(III) nitrate and different sodium tungstates (Na2WO4, Na10W12O41 and Na6W12O39) has been followed by means of pH and conductometric titrations between the reactants at different pH levels, in aqueous and alcoholic media, with each of the reagents alternatively used as titrant. The electrometric experiments provide definite evidence of the formation of normal-Ce2O3.3WO3 and para- 5Ce2O3.36WO3 tungstates of cerium in the vicinity of pH 6.2 and 5.3. The formation of normal tungstate is almost quantitative and the pH titrations offer a simple means for determination of cerium(III) or tungstate solutions at suitable concentrations and pH range.


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The precise nature of the reaction between nitric acid and sodium ortho-vanadate solutions has been studied by means of electrometric techniques involving potentiometric and conductometric titrations. The well defined inflections and breaks in the titration curves confirm the existence of the anions, pyro-V2O7(4-), meta-VO3- and poly-H2V10O28(4-) corresponding to the ratios of VO4(3-):H+ as 1:1, 1:2 and 1:2.6 in the neighborhood of pH 10.5, 7.4 and 3.6, respectively. The interaction of cerium(III) nitrate with sodium vanadate solutions, at specific pH levels 12.4, 10.5, 7.4 and 3.6 was also studied by potentiometric and conductometric titrations between the reactants. The end-points obtained from the sharp inflections in the titration curves provide definite evidence for the formation and precipitation of cerium ortho-Ce2O3.V2O5, pyro-2Ce2O3.3V2O5 and meta-Ce2O3.3V2O5 vanadates in the neighborhood of pH 7.4, 6.2 and 4.8, respectively. Analytical investigations on the precipitates formed confirm the results of the electrometric study.


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Two simple sensitive and cost-effective spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of lansoprazole (LPZ) in bulk drug and in capsules using ceric ammonium sulphate (CAS), iron (II), orthophenanthroline and thiocyanate as reagents. In both methods, an acidic solution of lansoprazole is treated with a measured excess of CAS followed by the determination of unreacted oxidant by two procedures involving different reaction schemes. The first method involves the reduction of residual oxidant by a known amount of iron(II), and the unreacted iron(II) is complexed with orthophenanthroline at a raised pH, and the absorbance of the resulting complex measured at 510 nm (method A). In the second method, the unreacted CAS is reduced by excess of iron (II), and the resulting iron (III) is complexed with thiocyanate in the acid medium and the absorbance of the complex measured at 470 nm (method B). In both methods, the amount CAS reacted corresponds to the amount of LPZ. In method A, the absorbance is found to increase linearly with the concentration of LPZ where as in method B a linear decrease in absorbance occurs. The systems obey Beer's law for 2.5-30 and 2.5-25 µg mL-1 for method A and method B, respectively, and the corresponding molar absorptivity values are 8.1×10³ and 1.5×10(4) L mol-1cm-1 . The methods were successfully applied to the determination of LPZ in capsules and the results tallied well with the label claim. No interference was observed from the concomitant substances normally added to capsules.


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Specific combustion programs (Gaseq, Chemical equilibria in perfect gases, Chris Morley) are used to model dioxin and formation in the incineration processes of urban solid wastes. Thanks to these programs, it is possible to establish correlations with the formation mechanisms postulated in literature on the subject. It was found that minimum oxygen quantities are required to obtain a significant formation of these compounds and that more furans than dioxins are formed. Likewise, dioxin and furan formation is related to the presence of carbon monoxide, and dioxin and furan distribution among its different compounds depends on the chlorine and hydrogen relative composition. This is due to the fact that an increased chlorine availability leads to the formation of compounds bearing a higher chlorine concentration (penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octachlorides), whereas an increased hydrogen availability leads to the formation of compounds bearing a lower chlorine number (mono, di-, tri-, and tetrachlorides).


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The stoichiometry of the polyanions formed by the action of nitric acid on sodium tungstate (< 0.01M) has been studied by means of electrometric techniques involving pH-potentiometric and conductometric titrations. The well defined inflections and breaks in the titration curves provide evidence for the existence of the polyanions, para-W12O41(10-) and meta-W12O39(6-) corresponding to the ratio of H+:WO4(2-) as 7:6 and 9:6 in the pH ranges 5.7-6.0 and 3.6-4.1, respectively. The interaction of lanthanum nitrate with sodium tungstate solutions, at specific pH levels 8.0, 5.9 and 4.0 was also studied by pH and conductometric titrations, in aqueous and alcoholic media, with each of the reagents alternatively used as titrant. The electrometric experiments provide definite evidence of the formation of normal-La2O3.3WO3, para-5La2O3.36WO3 and meta-La2O3.12WO3 tungstates in the vicinity of pH 6.3, 5.0 and 4.2, respectively. Analytical investigations on the precipitates formed confirm the results of the electrometric study.


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Haavan jyväiskudoksen muodostuminen – Hydroksiapatiittipinnoi-tetun selluloosasienen vaikutus solujen erilaistumiseen paranemisprosessin aikana Etsittäessä uusia luun bioyhteensopivia täytemateriaaleja selluloosasieni päällystettiin luun koostumusta muistuttavalla runsaasti piitä sisältävällä hydroksiapatiittikerroksella. Vastoin odotuksia hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettu selluloosa ei parantanut luun kasvua, vaan päinvastoin ylläpiti tulehdusta ja sidekudossolujen hakeutumista vamma-alueelle. Ihon alle implantoituna sama sienimateriaali edisti merkittävästi haavan verekkään jyväiskudoksen kasvua. Tämän löydöksen perusteella hydroksiapatiittipinnoitetun selluloosasienen vaikutusta haavan soluihin paranemisprosessin aikana tutkittiin tarkemmin ja havaittiin, että tulehdussolujen lisäksi sieniin kertyi tavallista enemmän sekä hematopoieettisia että mesenkymaalisia kantasoluja. Hematopoieettiset kantasolut sijaitsevat luuytimessä lähellä luun sisäpintaa. Luun hydroksiapatiitista vapautuu kalsiumioneja luun jatkuvan fysiologisen uudismuodostuksen ja hajottamisen yhteydessä. Kantasolut etsiytyvät luuytimeen kalsiumia aistivien reseptorien välityksellä. Koska luun pintakerrosta muistuttavasta hydroksiapatiittipinnoitteesta vapautuu kalsiumia, tämän ajateltiin toimivan selityksenä sille, että hematopoieettiset kantasolut hakeutuvat runsaslukuisesti juuri hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettuihin selluloosasieniin. Tämän hypoteesin mukaisesti hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettujen selluloosapalkkien läheisyydestä löydettiin suuria määriä kalsiumreseptoreja sisältäviä soluja. Jatkotutkimuksissa todettiin lisäksi, että hematopoieettiset kantasolut pystyivät sienissä erilaistumaan hemoglobiinia tuottaviksi soluiksi. Havaittujen punasolulinjan merkkiaineiden perusteella näyttäisikin siltä, että haavan paranemiskudoksessa tapahtuu paranemisen aikana ekstramedullaarista erytropoieesia. Nämä soluja ohjaavat vaikutukset saattavat olla hyödyllisiä vaikeasti paranevien haavojen hoidossa.


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Two sensitive spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of simvastatin (SMT) in bulk drug and in tablets. The methods are based on the oxidation of SMT by a measured excess of cerium (IV) in acid medium followed by determination of unreacted oxidant by two different reaction schemes. In one procedure (method A), the residual cerium (IV) is reacted with a fixed concentration of ferroin and the increase in absorbance is measured at 510 nm. The second approach (method B) involves the reduction of the unreacted cerium (IV) with a fixed quantity of iron (II), and the resulting iron (III) is complexed with thiocyanate and the absorbance measured at 470 nm. In both methods, the amount of cerium (IV) reacted corresponds to SMT concentration. The experimental conditions for both methods were optimized. In method A, the absorbance is found to increase linearly with SMT concentration (r = 0.9995) whereas in method B, the same decreased (r = -0.9943). The systems obey Beer's law for 0.6-7.5 and 0.5-5.0 µg mL-1 for method A and method B, respectively. The calculated molar absorptivity values are 2.7 X 10(4) and 1.06 X 10(5) Lmol-1 cm-1, respectively; and the corresponding sandel sensitivity values are 0.0153 and 0.0039µg cm-2, respectively. The limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) are reported for both methods. Intra-day and inter-day precision, and accuracy of the methods were established as per the current ICH guidelines. The methods were successfully applied to the determination of SMT in tablets and the results were statistically compared with those of the reference method by applying the Student's t-test and F-test. No interference was observed from the common excipients added to tablets. The accuracy and validity of the methods were further ascertained by performing recovery experiments via standard addition procedure.


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A quantitative analysis is made on the correlation ship of thermodynamic property, i.e., standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with Kier's molecular connectivity index(¹Xv),vander waal's volume (Vw) electrotopological state index (E) and refractotopological state index (R) in gaseous state of alkanes. The regression analysis reveals a significant linear correlation of standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with ¹Xv, Vw, E and R. The equations obtained by regression analysis may be used to estimate standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) of alkanes in gaseous state.


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Paper presented in ISA RC23 meeting, Gothenburg July 16th 2010