975 resultados para Introspective attitude
The ill effects of second-hand smoke are now well documented. To protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke, comprehensive smoking bans are necessary as expressed in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its guidelines. Switzerland has only a partial smoking ban full of exceptions which has been in effect since 2010, which reproduces the so-called Spanish model. In September 2012, the Swiss citizens refused a proposal for a more comprehensive ban. This case study examines the reasons behind this rejection and draws some lessons that can be learnt from it.
AIMS: To assess the cumulative impact of environmental and individual factors associated with adolescent alcohol misuse and their correlation with self-reported consequences of drinking. METHOD: Cross-sectional school-based survey of a nationally representative sample of 7548 post-mandatory school students and apprentices aged 16-20 years, Switzerland 2002. Alcohol misuse defined by frequency of alcohol use, episodes of drunkenness and driving while drunk. RESULTS: Fifteen significant risk factors were identified among both boys, and girls. An individual score of cumulated risk factors was created by adding the risk factors. The association between the score and the likelihood of being engaged in alcohol misuse was highly significant and dose-dependent (p<.001). A significant proportion of adolescents report perceived adverse consequences of their alcohol consumption. A linear trend (p<.001) was found between the score of risk factors and the proportion of respondents reporting problems related to drinking such as diminished school performance, physical hazard, relational problems and current risky sexual behavior. CONCLUSION: Risk factors for adolescent alcohol misuse are cumulative and can be synthesized into an individual score correlated with the likeliness of misuse. A further indication of the validity of this score is its linear relationship with self-reported problems related to drinking.
This thesis contains three parts. The first one offers the theoretical basement, where the history of the police from their beginning in the early 19th century to this day is shown. The emphasis however is laid on the last 40 years, which gave birth to a multitude of innovations, such as community, problem-oriented, hot-spots or zero-tolerance policing. Those innovations are described in detail and are critically commented. At the end of this section, I present a scheme, where all the approaches are classified as strategic or methodic innovations, but united under a model called "modern policing". The fact that the innovations are not competitive but rather complementary is the most important finding of this examination. The second part of this work deals with a unique survey about the implementation of four innovations and eight problem- and community-oriented activities in 85 Swiss police forces. This explorative study shows that in the last 15 years the Swiss police forces have increasingly adopted innovative approaches. The most frequent innovation is community policing, which has been implemented all over the country. Due to the results, we can also assume that the implementation of the innovations is mostly substantial and profound. However, particularly in the area of problem-solving there is still a need for improvements. The third section consists of a scientific evaluation of a temporary special unit of the municipal police Zurich, which, during nine months, fought against public drug dealing and illegal prostitution in a particular neighborhood called Langstrasse. The effects of this hot-spot project were measured with police data, observations and several population surveys. In general, the special unit achieved a positive outcome and helped to defuse the hot-spot. Additionally, a survey conducted within the police department showed that the personal attitude towards the special unit differed widely between the policemen. We found significant differences between both police regions East and West, rank-and-file and higher ranking officers, different ages and the personal connection to the special unit. In fact, the higher the rank, the lower the age, and the closer the relationship, the more positive the officers were towards the unit.
The Rational-Experiential Inventory REI (Pacini and Epstein, 1999) is a self-administered test comprising two scales measuring the attitude of respondents towards two thinking styles respectively referred to as the rational and the experiential thinking styles. Two validation studies were conducted using a new French-language version of the REI. The first study confirms the validity of the French translation. The second study, which is concerned with the REI's construct validity, assesses the questionnaire's capacity to discriminate between a group of smokers and a group of non-smokers. Both studies give generally satisfactory results. In particular, the advantages of using the two-dimensional REI rather than the better known Need For Cognition scale (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982) are made quite clear.
El arbitraje del baloncesto ha experimentado numerosos cambios en los últimos diez años. El presente artículo pretende aunar algunas bases conceptuales y metodológicas a partir de las cuales definir un nuevo perfil operativo para el denominado ‘árbitro moderno’. En este sentido, se ahondará en el análisis de las nuevas competencias comunicativas asociadas e indisolubles a la tarea arbitral, capitalizadas por el diálogo, la administración de ‘poder blando’, la gestión emocional y la adopción, por parte del árbitro, de una renovada actitud empática ante todos los componentes del juego. Así las cosas, este trabajo, en su conjunto y con la ayuda de un estudio de caso, propondrá la definición teórica de nuevas lógicas de actuación arbitral propias del baloncesto del siglo XXI.
Les organitzacions afronten una nova era industrial, la era de la Societat del Coneixement. Als recursos clàssics necessaris per mantenir-se competitiu en un mercat cada cop més exigent (RRHH, recursos naturals, recursos financers, etc.), s'hi ha afegit el recurs del coneixement, associat a les persones que tenen la capacitat d'aportar un elevat valor afegit a les organitzacions. Aquestes persones amb aptitud, actitud i sensibilitat per actuar amb intel·ligència són recursos de talent (RRT) i han de considerar-se un factor clau per qualsevol organització. L'estudi dut a terme sobre l'estat de l'art de la gestió de RRT evidencia la manca d'estratègies en aquest sentit. A més a més, s'han detectat alguns aspectes millorables en l'actual percepció entre informació-empresa. Per tots aquests motius, s'ha dut a terme una nova proposta per entendre la relació informacióempresa i s'ha desenvolupat un model de vigilància de RRT, que hauria de quedar integrat en l'estratègia de Gestió del Coneixement de qualsevol organització. L'estudi inclou també la presentació d'algunes eines de vigilància d'informació, fent incís en les eines de cerca d'informació a Internet, per la seva creixent rellevància. Aquesta nova situació industrial presentarà noves oportunitats de negoci relacionades amb la gestió de RRT, així com obrirà possiblement nous debats ètics sobre la conveniència o no, d'entendre les persones com a un recurs més per a les organitzacions.
The aim of this qualitative study was to analyze psychological concerns in wait-listed patients T1 and six months after transplantation T2. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and qualitative analysis performed. T1 Kidney patients maintained apparent normality, building emotional protection, and a fatalist attitude. Liver patients set physical limits, reevaluation of life values was reported. Lung patients developed physical and psychological self-protection. Modified life values, fatalism and spirituality were mentioned. Heart patients husbanded ressources and self-protection. Modified life values, fatalist attitude were reported. T2 Kidney patients described new life perspectives and increase of empathy. Liver patients underlined positive identity and life values modifications. Lack of respect of life values generated anger. Heart and lung patients set their existential priorities and underlined increase in spirituality, greater openness and more closeness to significant ones. Lack of respect of human values induced negative feelings. TX comes with physical benefits, but also with positive existential values transformations and a humanistic, altruistic attitude.
We tested whether individuals can exert control over the expression of attitudinal ambivalence and if this control is exerted with self-presentational concerns. Using the self-presentation paradigm, participants reported more ambivalence about Genetically Modified Organisms ("GMO") in a standard and a self-enhancement (present yourself positively) conditions than in a self-depreciation (present yourself negatively) condition, on both felt (Experiments 1a and 2a) and potential ambivalence, in its cognitive (Experiments 1b and 2b) and affective components (Experiments 1b and 2c). The role of ambivalent attitudes in conveying a positive social value was confirmed by the fact that the above effect was found on a controversial attitude object (GMOs) but the opposite appeared on a non-controversial one (e.g. tooth brushing, a truism; Experiment 3). Such a reversal was obtained by directly manipulating the perception of controversy on GMOs (Experiment 4). Attitudinal ambivalence may thus serve an adaptive function, i.e. achieving a positive social value.
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, general practitioners (GPs) manage most of the patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). METHODS: Using a cross-sectional postal survey of GPs who treat MMT patients and GPs who do not, we studied the difficulties encountered in the out-patient management of drug-addicted patients. We sent a questionnaire to every GP with MMT patients (556) in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (1,757,000 inhabitants). We sent another shorter questionnaire to primary care physicians without MMT patients living in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. RESULTS: The response rate was 63.3%. The highest methadone dose given by GPs to MMT patients averaged 120.4 mg/day. When asked about help they would like to be given, GPs with MMT patients primarily mentioned the importance of receiving adequate fees for the care they provide. Secondly, they mentioned the importance of better training, better knowledge of psychiatric pathologies, and discussion groups on practical cases. GPs without MMT patients refuse to treat these patients mostly for emotional and relational reasons. CONCLUSION: GPs encounter financial, relational and emotional difficulties with MMT patients. They desire better fees for services and better training.
We present a georeferenced photomosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°18’N). The photomosaic was generated from digital photographs acquired using the ARGO II seafloor imaging system during the 1996 LUSTRE cruise, which surveyed a ~1 km2 zone and provided a coverage of ~20% of the seafloor. The photomosaic has a pixel resolution of 15 mm and encloses the areas with known active hydrothermal venting. The final mosaic is generated after an optimization that includes the automatic detection of the same benthic features across different images (feature-matching), followed by a global alignment of images based on the vehicle navigation. We also provide software to construct mosaics from large sets of images for which georeferencing information exists (location, attitude, and altitude per image), to visualize them, and to extract data. Georeferencing information can be provided by the raw navigation data (collected during the survey) or result from the optimization obtained from imatge matching. Mosaics based solely on navigation can be readily generated by any user but the optimization and global alignment of the mosaic requires a case-by-case approach for which no universally software is available. The Lucky Strike photomosaics (optimized and navigated-only) are publicly available through the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS, http://www.marine-geo.org). The mosaic-generating and viewing software is available through the Computer Vision and Robotics Group Web page at the University of Girona (http://eia.udg.es/_rafa/mosaicviewer.html)
Since the mid 20th century progress in biomedical science has been punctuated by the emergence of bioethics which has fashioned the moral framework of its application to both research and clinical practice. Can we, however, consider the advent of bioethics as a form of progress marking the advances made in biomedical science with an adequate ethical stamp? The argument put forward in this chapter is based on the observation that, far from being a mark of progess, the development of bioethics runs the risk of favouring, like modern science, a dissolution of the links that unite ethics and medicine, and so of depriving the latter of the humanist dimensions that underlie the responsibilities that fall to it. Faced with this possible pitfall, this contribution proposes to envisage as a figure of moral progress, consubstantial with the development of biomedical science, an ethical approach conceived as a means of social intervention which takes the first steps towards an ethics of responsibility integrating the bioethical perspective within a hermeneutic and deliberative approach. By the yardstick of a prudential approach, it would pay particular attention to the diverse sources of normativity in medical acts. It is suggested that this ethical approach is a source of progress insofar as it constitutes an indispensable attitude of watchfulness, which biomedical science can lean on as it advances, with a view to ensuring that the fundamental link uniting ethics and medicine is maintained.
Contexte : Le retour au travail des personnes atteintes d'un cancer devient, depuis quelques années, un sujet de préoccupation au niveau de la santé publique. En effet, grâce aux nouvelles techniques de dépistage et de traitement, les taux de guérisons sont de plus en plus élevés, et avec eux la possibilité d'un retour dans la vie professionnelle. Il a cependant été constaté qu'un certain nombre de patients rencontraient des problèmes dans la réinsertion. Les facteurs rentrant en compte dans la problématique du retour au travail sont très variés, allant du type de cancer aux caractéristiques du patient et de son environnement de travail, en passant par la qualité de la prise en charge. Plusieurs études ont été faites en vue d'améliorer cette dernière. Certaines se sont penchées sur le rôle du médecin, en général du médecin du travail. La situation en Suisse est particulière car il y a peu de médecins du travail, la responsabilité d'aborder la question du retour au travail des patients repose donc sur les médecins oncologues ou généralistes.¦But de l'étude : Explorer le rôle des médecins dans la prise en charge de la problématique du travail chez les patients atteints de cancer ; en mettant en évidence de quelle manière ceci est abordé dans la littérature, puis en abordant avec des médecins leur attitude en pratique, l'importance qu'ils accordent à ce problème, de quelle manière ils essaient de le détecter et de le prendre en charge, et les difficultés qu'ils pourraient rencontrer dans cette démarche.¦Méthode : Revue de la littérature. Entretiens qualitatifs, semi-structurés, basés sur une grille d'entretien thématique, avec huit médecins de Suisse romande, oncologues et généralistes. Analyse qualitative des résultats selon la grille et mise en perspective des résultats par la littérature existante.¦Résultats : La majorité des médecins interrogés considère que c'est dans leur rôle d'aborder la problématique du travail, mais ils accordent aussi une grande importance à l'assistant social, qu'ils impliquent plus ou moins dans la prise en charge. Les participants confirment tous l'importance de la problématique, bien que la plupart pensent que le retour au travail se déroule bien pour la majorité des patients. Ils l'abordent pour la plupart avec leurs patients, cependant ceci se fait de manière peu systématique et est compliqué par le manque de connaissances sur l'impact du cancer sur le travail. Pour remédier à cela et repérer les situations à risque, ils se basent surtout sur leur expérience personnelle et sur l'évaluation avec le patient. Ils mettent en évidence la spécificité de chaque situation et la nécessité de personnaliser la discussion de ce problème, ceci fait qu'ils ont de la peine à imaginer l'utilité de guidelines ou de brochures d'information. Toutefois, les avis sont partagés, certains pointent des manques et seraient intéressés par des ressources supplémentaires.¦Conclusion : L'importance du rôle des médecins dans la problématique du travail chez les patients atteints de cancer a été prouvée dans plusieurs études. Cependant, peu d'études ont encore exploré le point de vue des médecins, ce qui rend cette étude intéressante. Celle-ci explore l'attitude des médecins en Suisse Romande, et révèle que le problème y est pris en charge de manière personnalisée, mais pas de manière systématique et que ceci pourrait potentiellement être amélioré. Dans ce but, il reste encore à définir des mesures concrètes.
BACKGROUND: Progress in perinatal medicine has made it possible to increase the survival of very or extremely low birthweight infants. Developmental outcomes of surviving preterm infants have been analysed at the paediatric, neurological, cognitive, and behavioural levels, and a series of perinatal and environmental risk factors have been identified. The threat to the child's survival and invasive medical procedures can be very traumatic for the parents. Few empirical reports have considered post-traumatic stress reactions of the parents as a possible variable affecting a child's outcome. Some studies have described sleeping and eating problems as related to prematurity; these problems are especially critical for the parents. OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of post-traumatic reactions of the parents on sleeping and eating problems of the children. DESIGN: Fifty families with a premature infant (25-33 gestation weeks) and a control group of 25 families with a full term infant participated in the study. Perinatal risks were evaluated during the hospital stay. Mothers and fathers were interviewed when their children were 18 months old about the child's problems and filled in a perinatal post-traumatic stress disorder questionnaire (PPQ). RESULTS: The severity of the perinatal risks only partly predicts a child's problems. Independently of the perinatal risks, the intensity of the post-traumatic reactions of the parents is an important predictor of these problems. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the parental response to premature birth mediates the risks of later adverse outcomes. Preventive intervention should be promoted.
Cet article se propose de lire l'AT comme littérature de crise à partir d'un paradigme fourni par la sociologie moderne. Trois attitudes principales caractérisent les réactions intellectuelles face à la situation de crise : l'attitude utopique, l'attitude nostalgique et l'attitude scientifique. Ces trois réactions permettent d'analyser les grands courants idéologiques du peuple hébreu face au drame national de l'Exil babylonien. Pour les prophètes, l'Exil apparaît comme un temps intermédiaire annonçant une ère de salut. Les milieux sacerdotaux présentent le retour aux institutions religieuses passées comme la seule solution à la crise. Les intellectuels de l'école deutéronomiste cherchent à comprendre les raisons du drame de l'Exil sans proposer de solution immédiate. Ces trois courants, caractérisant chacun une des trois attitudes, se retrouvent dans la société juive post-exilique
BACKGROUND: Blood sampling is a frequent medical procedure, very often considered as a stressful experience by children. Local anesthetics have been developed, but are expensive and not reimbursed by insurance companies in our country. We wanted to assess parents' willingness to pay (WTP) for this kind of drug. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over 6 months, all parents of children presenting for general (GV) or specialized visit (SV) with blood sampling. WTP was assessed through three scenarios [avoiding blood sampling (ABS), using the drug on prescription (PD), or over the counter (OTC)], with a payment card system randomized to ascending or descending order of prices (AO or DO). RESULTS: Fifty-six responses were collected (34 GV, 22 SV, 27 AO and 29 DO), response rate 40%. Response distribution was wide, with median WTP of 40 for ABS, 25 for PD, 10 for OTC, which is close to the drug's real price. Responses were similar for GV and SV. Median WTP amounted to 0.71, 0.67, 0.20% of respondents' monthly income for the three scenarios, respectively, with a maximum at 10%. CONCLUSIONS: Assessing parents' WTP in an outpatient setting is difficult, with wide result distribution, but median WTP is close to the real drug price. This finding could be used to promote insurance coverage for this drug.