966 resultados para Intensity of grazing
本研究针对川西北高山草甸缺乏科学管理,过度放牧导致草场退化,并由此引发的一系列生态环境问题,选取红原县瓦切乡1996 年草地承包后形成的四个放牧强度草场,即不放牧、轻度(1.2 头牦牛hm-1)、中度(2.0 头牦牛hm-1)和重度放牧(2.9 头牦牛hm-1),作为研究对象,研究了不同放牧强度对草地植物-土壤系统中碳、氮这两个最基本物质的分布格局和循环过程的影响,并探讨了放牧干扰下高山草甸生态系统的管理。 1.放牧对草地植物群落物种组成,尤其是优势种,产生了明显的影响。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地群落物种数分别为22,23,26,20 种,群落盖度分别是不放牧96.2%>中度93.6%>轻度89.7%>重度73.6%。随放牧强度的增加, 原植物群落中的优势种垂穗鹅冠草( Roegneria nutans )、发草(Deschampsia caespitosa)和垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)等禾草逐渐被莎草科的川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)和高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)所取代成为优势种。同时,随放牧强度的增加,高原毛茛(Ranunculus brotherusii)、狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)、鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)和车前(Plantagodepressa)等杂类草的数量也随之增加。 2.生长季6~9 月份,草地植物地上和地下生物量(0~30cm)都是从6 月份开始增长,8 月份达到最高值,9 月份开始下降。每个月份,通常地上生物量以不放牧为最高,重度放牧总是显著小于不放牧;地下生物量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总生物量平均值分别是1543、1622、2295 和2449 g m-2,但随放牧强度的增加越来越来多的生物量被分配到了地下部分,地下生物量占总生物量比例的大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%。生物量这种变化主要是由于放牧使得群落优势种发生改变而引起的,其分配比例的变化体现了草地植物对放牧干扰的适应策略。 3.植物碳氮贮量的季节变化类似与生物量的变化。每个月份,不同放牧强度间植物地上碳氮的贮量有所不同,一般重度放牧会显著减少植物地上碳氮贮量。植物根系(0~30cm)碳氮贮量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总碳平均值分别是547、586、847 和909 g m-2,根系碳贮量占植物总碳的比例大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%;放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总氮平均值分别是17、17、23 和26 g m-2,根系氮贮量占植物总氮的比例大小顺序分别是重度79%>轻度71%>中度70%>不放牧65%。 4. 土壤有机碳贮量(0~30cm)的季节变化表现为7 月份略有下降,8 月开始增加,9 月份达到的最大值。土壤氮贮量的季节变化表现为随季节的推移逐渐增加的趋势。增加的放牧强度不同程度的增加土壤有机碳氮的贮量。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧6~9 月份4 个月的土壤有机碳贮量的平均值分别是9.72、10.36、10.62 和11.74 kg m-2,土壤氮贮量分别为1.45、1.56、1.66 和1.83 kg m-2。土壤中有机碳(氮)的贮量都占到了植物-土壤系统有机碳(氮)的90%以上,但不同放牧强度之间的差异不明显。 5. 土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化,温室气体N2O 和CO2 的释放率的季节变化表现为从6 月份开始增加,7 月份达到最大值,8 月份开始下降,9 月份降为最小值。增加的放牧强度趋向于增加土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化作用,温室气体N2O和CO2 的释放率,通常情况下,中度放牧和重度放牧显著地加强了这些过程。 6.垂穗鹅冠草(Roegneria nutans)和川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)凋落物在不同放牧强度下经过1 年的分解,两种凋落物的失重率及其碳氮的损失率3都随放牧增加表现为增加的趋势。在同一放牧强度下,川嵩草凋落物的失重率和碳氮的损失率都高于垂穗鹅冠草凋落物。 7. 尽管重度放牧显著增加了土壤碳氮的贮量,但同时也显著降低了植被群落盖度,降低了植物地上生物量,因此,久而久之会减少植物向土壤中的碳氮归还率;与不放牧和轻度放牧相比,重度放牧又显著增加了土壤CO2 和NO2 的排放量,这是草地生态系统碳氮损失的重要途径。由此可见,对于这些地处青藏高原的非常脆弱的高山草甸生态系统,长期重度放牧不仅导致植物生产力降低,而且将导致草地生态系统退化,甚至造成土壤中碳氮含量减少。 Long-term overgrazing has resulted in considerable deterioration in alpine meadowof the northwest Sichan Province. In order to explore management strategies for thesustainability of these alpine meadows, we selected four grasslands with differentgrazing intensity (no grazing-NG: 0, light grazing-LG: 1.2, moderate grazing-MG: 2.0,and heavy grazing-HG: 2.9 yaks ha-1) to evaluate carbon, nitrogen pools and cyclingprocesses within the plant-soil system in Waqie Village, Hongyuan County, Sichuan Province. 1. Grazing obviously changed the plant species composition, especially ondominant plant species. Total number of species is 22, 23, 26, and 20 for NG, LG, MGand HG, respectively. Vegetation coverage under different grazing intensity ranked inthe order of 96.2% for HG>93.6% for MG>89.7% for LG>73.6% for NG. Thedominator of HG community shifted from grasses-Roegneria nutans andDeschampsia caespitosa dominated in the NG and LG sites into sedges-Kobresiapygmaea and K. setchwanensis. At the same time, with the increase of grazingintensity, the numbers of forbs, such as Ranunculus brotherusii, Stellera chamaejasme,Potentilla anserine and Plantago depressa, increased with grazing intensity. 2. Over the growing season, aboveground and belowground biomass showed a 5single peak pattern with the highest biomass in August. For each month, abovegroundbiomass usually was the highest in the NG site and lowest in the HG site.Belowground biomass showed a trend of increase as grazing intensity increased and itwas significantly higher in the HG and MG site than in the NG and LG sites. Totalplant biomass averaged over the growing season is 1543, 1622, 2295 and 2449 g m-2for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively. The proportion of biomass to total plantbiomass for NG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76% and 69%, respectively. Higherallocation ratio for is an adaptive response of plant to grazing. 3. Carbon and nitrogen storage in plant components followed the similar seasonalpatterns as their biomass under different grazing intensities. Generally, heavy grazingsignificantly decreases aboveground biomass carbon and nitrogen compared to nograzing. Carbon and nitrogen storage in root tended to increase as grazing increasedand they are significantly higher in the HG and MG sites compared to the LG and NGsite. Total Carbon storage in plant system averaged over the growing season is 547,586, 847 and 909 g m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively, while 17, 17, 23 and 26g m-2 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon storage in root to total plant carbon forNG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76%, 69%, respectively, while 65%, 71%, 70%and 79% for nitrogen. 4. Carbon storage in soil (0-30cm) decreased slightly in July, then increased inAugust and peaked in September. Nitrogen storage in soil tended to increase withseason and grazing intensity. Total Carbon storage in soil averaged over the growingseason is 9.72, 10.36, 10.62 and11.74 kg m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively,while 1.45, 1.56, 1.66 and 1.83 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon (nitrogen)storage in soil to plant-soil system carbon (nitrogen) storage for NG, LG, MG and HGis more than 90%, which is not markedly different among different grazing intensities. 5. Gross nitrification, denitrification, CO2 and N2O flux rates in soil increasedfrom June to July and then declined until September, all of which tended to increasewith the increase of grazing intensity. Generally, heavy and moderate grazing intensitysignificantly enhanced these process compared to no and light grazing intensity. 6. After decomposing in situ for a year, relative weight, carbon and nitrogen loss in the litter of Roegneria nutans and Kobresia setchwanensis tended to increase asgrazing intensity increased. Under the same grazing intensity, relative weight, carbonand nitrogen loss in the litter of Kobresia setchwanensis were higher than these in thelitter of Roegneria nutans. 7. Although heavy grazing intensity resulted in higher levels of carbon andnitrogen in plant and soil, it decreased vegetation coverage and aboveground biomass,which are undesirable for livestock production and sustainable grassland development.What is more, heavy grazing could also introduce potential carbon and nitrogen lossvia increasing CO2 and N2O emission into the atmosphere. Grazing at moderateintensity resulted in a plant community dominated by forage grasses with highaboveground biomass productivity and N content. The alpine meadow ecosystems inTibetan Plateau are very fragile and evolve under increasing grazing intensity by largeherbivores; therefore, deterioration of the plant-soil system, and possible declines insoil C and N, are potential without proper management in the future.
A new generation electron cooler has started operation in the heavy ion synchrotron CSRm which is used to increase the intensity of heavy ions. Transverse cooling of the ion beam after horizontal multi-turn injection allows beam accumulation at the injection energy. After optimization of the accumulation process an intensity increase in a synchrotron pulse by more than one order of magnitude has been achieved. In given accumulation time interval of 10 seconds, 108particles have been accumulated and accelerated to the final energy. The momentum spread after accumulation and acceleration in the 10−4 range has been demonstrated in six species of ion beams. Primary measurements of accumulation process varying with electron energy,electron beam current, electron beam profile, expansion factor and injection interval have been performed.The lifetimes of ion beams in the presence of electron beams were roughly measured with the help of DCCT signal.
The highly charged ion Ar-40(16+) with the velocity (kinetic energy E (K)=150 keV, velocity V=8.5x10(5) m/s) smaller than Bohr velocity (V (Bohr)=2.9x10(6) m/s) was found to hove impacts on the surfaces of metals Ni, Mo, Au and Al, and the Ar atomic infrared light lines and X-rays spectra were simultaneously measured. The experimental results show that the highly charged ion that captures electrons is neutralized, and the multiply-excited hollow atom forms. The hollow atom cascade decay radiates lights from infrared to X-ray spectrum. The intensity of infrared lights shows that the metallic work functions play an important role in the neutralization process of highly charged ions during their interaction with metallic surfaces, which verifies the classical over-the-barrier model.
The dynamics and the transition of spiral waves in the coupled Hindmarsh-Rose (H-R) neurons in two-dimensional space are investigated in the paper. It is found that the spiral wave can be induced and developed in the coupled HR neurons in two-dimensional space, with appropriate initial values and a parameter region given. However, the spiral wave could encounter instability when the intensity of the external current reaches a threshold value of 1.945. The transition of spiral wave is found to be affected by coupling intensity D and bifurcation parameter r. The spiral wave becomes sparse as the coupling intensity increases, while the spiral wave is eliminated and the whole neuronal system becomes homogeneous as the bifurcation parameter increases to a certain threshold value. Then the coupling action of the four sub-adjacent neurons, which is described by coupling coefficient D', is also considered, and it is found that the spiral wave begins to breakup due to the introduced coupling action from the sub-adjacent neurons (or sites) and together with the coupling action of the nearest-neighbour neurons, which is described by the coupling intensity D.
The cross sections of the 18 electron photoionization and corresponding shake-up processes for Li atoms in the ground state 1s(2)2s and excited states 1s(2)2p, 1s(2)3p, 1s(2)3p and 1s(2)3d are calculated using the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method. The latest experimental photoelectron spectrum at hv = 100 eV [Cubaynes D et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 213004] has been reproduced by the present theoretical investigation excellently. The relative intensity of the shake-up satellites shows that the effects of correlation and relaxation become more important for the higher excited states of the lithium atom, which are explained very well by the spatial overlap of the initial and final state wavefunctions. In addition, strong dependence of the cross section on the atomic orbitals of the valence electrons are found, especially near the threshold.
The HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou) is a cyclotron complex. Its injector is a cector focusing cyclotron with K=69. Since the HIRFL started the operation in 1989, two bigger items of improvements have been finished, the species and intensity of the accelerated particles are increased obviously. But due to the lower extraction efficiency of the SFC, on one hand, a lot of beam lost, and on other hand, outgas from the surface of the electrostatic deflector is serious because of beam hitting. Even sometimes the vacuum press is destroyed. In the paper a new physical design is made to get an extraction system of the SFC with a higher efficiency.
The modifications induced in silicon samples by helium implantation before and after isothermal annealing at 673 K have been investigated. The surface morphology has been detected by atomic force microscopy. A hillock structure is observed on the sample surface before and after annealing for 5-10 min. Surface blister formation is observed with an increasing annealing time. The variation of crystal damage with annealing time has been investigated by Rutherford backscattering/channeling. The intensity of the damage peak first increases with annealing time, reaches maximum at an annealing time of 60 min and then decreases. Helium-induced bubbles and residual defects have been observed by transmission electron microscopy, which shows that dislocations are close to the bubbles. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we studied the changes in the photoluminescence spectra of the Ar+ ion implanted monocrystalline sapphire annealed at different atmospheres and different temperatures. Single crystals of sapphire (Al2O3) with the (1 0 (1) over bar 0) (m-samples) orientation were implanted at 623 K with 110 keV Ar+ ions to a fluence of 9.5 x 10(16) ions/cm(2). Photoluminescence measurement of the as-implanted sample shows a new emission band at 506 nm, which is attributed to the production of interstitial Al atoms. The intensity of emission band at 506 nm first increased then decreased with increase in annealing temperature. For the same annealing temperature, the intensity of PL peak at 506 nm of the sample annealed in air was higher than the sample annealed in vacuum. The experimental results show that the intensity of the PL peak at 506 nm of Ar-implanted sapphire can be enhanced by subsequent annealing with an enhancement of nearly 20 times. The influence of thermal annealing of the Ar-implanted samples on the new 506 nm emission band was discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ZnO:Al thin films with c-axis preferred orientation were deposited on glass and Si substrates using RF magnetron sputtering technique. The effect of substrate on the structural and optical properties of ZnO:Al films were investigated. The results showed a strong blue peak from glass-substrate ZnO:Al film whose intensity became weak when deposited on Si substrate. However, the full width at half maxima (FWHM) of the Si-substrate ZnO:Al (0 0 2) peaks decreased evidently and the grain size increased. Finally, we discussed the influence of annealing temperature on the structural and optical properties of Si-substrate ZnO:Al films. After annealing, the crystal quality of Si-substrate ZnO:Al thin films was markedly improved and the intensity of blue peak (similar to 445 nm) increased noticeably. This observation may indicate that the visible emission properties of the ZnO:Al films are dependent more on the film crystallinity than on the film stoichiometry. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Intense heavy ion beams offer a unique tool for generating samples of high energy density matter with extreme conditions of density and pressure that are believed to exist in the interiors of giant planets. An international accelerator facility named FAIR (Facility for Antiprotons and Ion Research) is being constructed at Darmstadt, which will be completed around the year 2015. It is expected that this accelerator facility will deliver a bunched uranium beam with an intensity of 5x10(11) ions per spill with a bunch length of 50-100 ns. An experiment named LAPLAS (Laboratory Planetary Sciences) has been proposed to achieve a low-entropy compression of a sample material like hydrogen or water (which are believed to be abundant in giant planets) that is imploded in a multi-layered target by the ion beam. Detailed numerical simulations have shown that using parameters of the heavy ion beam that will be available at FAIR, one can generate physical conditions that have been predicted to exist in the interior of giant planets. In the present paper, we report simulations of compression of water that show that one can generate a plasma phase as well as a superionic phase of water in the LAPLAS experiments.
Helicon plasma source is known as efficient generator of uniform and high density plasma. A helicon plasma source was developed for investigation of plasma neutralization and plasma lens in the Institute of Modern Physics in China. In this paper, the characteristics of helicon plasma have been studied by using Langmuir four-probe and a high argon plasma density up to 3.9x10(13) cm(-3) have been achieved with the Nagoya type III antenna at the conditions of the magnetic intensity of 200 G, working gas pressure of 2.8x10(-3) Pa, and rf power of 1200 W with a frequency of 27.12 MHz. In the experiment, the important phenomena have been found: for a given magnetic induction intensity, the plasma density became greater with the increase in rf power and tended to saturation, and the helicon mode appeared at the rf power between 200 and 400 W.
Cluster assisted photoionization processes of benzene, which was seeded in argon, induced by an intense 25 ns Nd-YAG laser has been studied by means of time-of-flight mass spectrometry. At the laser intensity of 10(11) W/cm(2), multicharged ions Cq+ (q = 2-3) with kinetic energy up to 150 eV were observed in the mass spectra. Strong evidences Support that these ions are formed in the Coulomb explosion of multicharged benzene cluster ions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study, conventional TiO2 powder was heated in hydrogen (H-2) gas at a high temperature as pretreatment. The photoactivity of the treated TiO2 samples was evaluated in the photodegradation of sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) in aqueous suspension. The experimental results demonstrated that the photodegradation rates of SSA were significantly enhanced by using the H-2-treated TiO2 catalysts and an optimum temperature for the H-2 treatment was found to be of 500-600 degreesC. The in situ electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal intensity of oxygen vacancies (OV) and trivalent titanium (Ti3+) associated with the photocatalytic activity was studied. The results proved the presence of OV and Ti3+ in the lattice of the H2-treated TiO2 and indicated that both were contributed to the enhancement of photocatalytic activity. Moreover, the experimental results presented that the EPR signal intensity of OV and Ti3+ in the H-2-treated TiO2 samples after 10 months storage was still significant higher than that in the untreated TiO2 catalyst. The experiment also demonstrated that the significant enhancement occurred in the photodegradation of phenol using the H-2-treated TiO2. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Turnover of soil organic matter (SOM) is coupled to the cycling of nutrients in soil through the activity of soil microorganisms. Biological availability of organic substrate in soil is related to the chemical quality of the organic material and to its degree of physical protection. SOM fractions can provide information on the turnover of organic matter (OM), provided the fractions can be related to functional or structural components in soil. Ultrasonication is commonly used to disrupt the soil structure prior to physical fractionation according to particle size, but may cause redistribution of OM among size fractions. The presence of mineral particles in size fractions can complicate estimations of OM turnover time within the fractions. Densiometric separation allows one to physically separate OM found within a specific size class from the heavier-density mineral particles. Nutrient contents and mineralization potential were determined for discrete size/density OM fractions isolated from within the macroaggregate structure of cultivated grassland soils. Eighteen percent of the total soil C and 25% of the total soil N in no-till soil was associated with fine-silt size particles having a density of 2.07-2.21 g/cm3 isolated from inside macroaggregates (enriched labile fraction or ELF). The amount of C and N sequestered in the ELF fraction decreased as the intensity of tillage increased. The specific rate of mineralization (mug net mineral N/mug total N in the fraction) for macroaggregate-derived ELF was not different for the three tillage treatments but was greater than for intact macroaggregates. The methods described here have improved our ability to quantitatively estimate SOM fractions, which in turn has increased our understanding of SOM dynamics in cultivated grassland systems.
Lake of the Woods (LOW) is an international waterbody spanning the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba, and the U.S. state of Minnesota. In recent years, there has been a perception that water quality has deteriorated in northern regions of the lake, with all increase in the frequency and intensity of toxin-producing cyanobacterial blooms. However, given the lack of long-term data these trends are difficult to verify. As a first step, we examine spatial and seasonal patterns in water quality in this highly complex lake on the Canadian Shield. Further, we examine surface sediment diatom assemblages across multiple sites to determine if they track within-take differences in environmental conditions. Our results show that there are significant spatial patterns in water quality in LOW. Principal Component Analysis divides the lake into three geographic zones based primarily on algal nutrients (i.e., total phosphorus, TP), with the highest concentrations at sites proximal to Rainy River. This variation is closely tracked by sedimentary diatom assemblages, with [TP] explaining 43% of the variation in diatom assemblages across sites. The close correlation between water quality and the surface sediment diatom record indicate that paleoecological models could be used to provide data on the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic sources of nutrients to the lake.