797 resultados para Ileal-pouch anastomosis
PURPOSE: This pilot study evaluated the wound healing and tissue response after placement of two different skin substitutes in subgingival mucosal pouches in rabbits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four rabbits were selected to receive a commercially available skin substitute consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts and an epithelial layer (test membrane 1) and a prototype device consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts only (test membrane 2). In each rabbit, two horizontal incisions were made in the buccal alveolar mucosa of the maxilla bilaterally to create submucosal pouches. Three pouches in each animal were filled with either the test 1 or test 2 membranes, and one pouch was left without a membrane (sham-operated control). All rabbits were sacrificed after a healing period of 4 weeks, and histologic samples were prepared and examined. RESULTS: After a healing period of 1 month, both tested membranes were still visible in the sections. Test membrane 1 was still bilayered, contained inflammatory cells in its center, and was encapsulated by a thick fibrous tissue. Numerous ectopic calcifications were evident in the collagenous part of the membrane and in association with some basal epithelial cells. Test membrane 2 was also encapsulated in fibrous tissue, with inflammatory cells present only between the fibrous encapsulation and the remnants of the membrane. For test membrane 2, no calcifications were visible. CONCLUSIONS: Test membrane 1 seemed to be more resistant to degradation, but there was also a more pronounced inflammatory reaction in comparison to test membrane 2, especially in the vicinity of the keratinocytes. The significance of the ectopic calcifications, along with that of the resorption or degradation processes of both tested membranes, must be evaluated in future experimental studies, with different time points after implantation examine
Microsurgical suturing is the standard for cerebral bypass surgery, a technique where temporary occlusion is usually necessary. Non-occlusive techniques such as excimer laser-assisted non-occlusive anastomosis (ELANA) have certainly widened the spectrum of treatment of complex cerebrovascular situations, such as giant cerebral aneurysms, that were otherwise non-treatable. Nevertheless, the reduction of surgical risks while widening the spectrum of indications, such as a prophylactic cerebral bypass, is still a main aim, that we would like to pursue with our sutureless tissue fusion research. The primary concern in sutureless tissue fusion- and especially in tissue fusion of cerebral vessels- is the lack of reproducibility, often caused by variations in the thermal damage of the vessel. This has prevented this novel fusion technique from being applicable in daily surgical use. In this overview, we present three ways to further improve the laser tissue soldering technique.In the first section entitled "Laser Tissue Soldering Using a Biodegradable Polymer," a porous polymer scaffold doped with albumin (BSA) and indocyanine green (ICG) is presented, leading to strong and reproducible tensile strengths in tissue soldering. Histologies and future developments are discussed.In the section "Numerical Simulation for Improvement of Laser Tissue Soldering," a powerful theoretical simulation model is used to calculate temperature distribution during soldering. The goal of this research is to have a tool in hand that allows us to determine laser irradiation parameters that guarantee strong vessel fusion without thermally damaging the inner structures such as the intima and endothelium.In a third section, "Nanoparticles in Laser Tissue Soldering," we demonstrate that nanoparticles can be used to produce a stable and well-defined spatial absorption profile in the scaffold, which is an important step towards increasing the reproducibility. The risks of implanting nanoparticles into a biodegradable scaffold are discussed.Step by step, these developments in sutureless tissue fusion have improved the tensile strength and the reproducibility, and are constantly evolving towards a clinically applicable anastomosis technique.
The most important factor for successful free-flap transfer and replantations is a well-executed anastomosis. The aim of this study is to assess blood flow after laser assisted arterial microanastomosis (LAMA) using a 1.9 μm diode laser.
Microvascular surgery has become an important method for reconstructing surgical defects due to trauma, tumors or after burn. The most important factor for successful free flap transfer is a well-executed anastomosis. The time needed to perform the anastomosis and the failure rate are not negligible despite the high level of operator's experience. During the history, many alternatives were tried to help the microsurgeon and to reduce the complications. A Medline literature search was performed to find articles dealing with non-suture methods of microvascular anastomosis. Many historical books were also included. The non-suture techniques can be divided into four groups based on the used mechanism of sutures: double intubation including tubes and stents, intubation-eversion including simple rings, double eversion including staples and double rings, and wall adjustement with adhesives or laser. All these techniques were able to produce a faster and easier microvascular anastomosis. Nevertheless, disadvantages of the suturless techniques include toxicity, high cost, leakage or aneurysm formation. More refinement is needed before their widespread adoption. Thus, laser-assisted microvascular anastomosis using 1,9 μm diode laser appeared to be a safe and reliable help for the microsurgeon and may be further developed in the near future.
A 2-year-old Red Holstein cow was presented with uterine torsion at 235 days of pregnancy. The fetus extracted by cesarean section had weak vital signs and marked abdominal distention. An edematous pouch that contained tubular structures with peristaltic activity was associated with the umbilical cord. Because of poor prognosis, both dam and fetus were euthanized. At necropsy, the fetus had severe distention of the forestomachs, abomasum, and proximal small intestine; absence of distal small intestine, cecum, and proximal colon; atresia of the 2 blind ends of the intestine; and atrophy of distal colon and rectum. The tubular structures associated with the umbilical cord were identified as the segments of intestine that were absent in the fetus. Intestinal atresia combined with ectopia may be caused by local ischemia during temporary herniation and rotation of the fetal gut into the extraembryonic coelom. The close connection between ectopic intestine and amniotic sheath of the umbilical cord in this case may have facilitated vascularization and allowed development and viability of the ectopic intestine.
In contrast to ureterosigmoidostomy no reliable clinical data exist for tumor risk in different forms of urinary diversion using isolated intestinal segments.In 44 German urological departments, operation frequencies, indications, patient age, and operation dates of the different forms of urinary diversion, operated between 1970 and 2007, could be registered. The secondary tumors up to 2009 were registered as well and related to the numbers of the different forms of urinary diversions resulting in tumor prevalences.In 17,758 urinary diversions 32 secondary tumors occurred. The tumor risk in ureterosigmoidostomy (22-fold) and cystoplasty (13-fold) is significantly higher than in other continent forms of urinary diversion such as neobladders or pouches (p<0.0001). The difference between ureterosigmoidostomy and cystoplasty is not significant, nor is the difference between ileocecal pouches (0.14%) and ileal neobladders (0.05%) (p=0.46). The tumor risk in ileocecal (1.26%) and colonic neobladders (1.43%) is significantly higher (p=0.0001) than in ileal neobladders (0.5%). Of the 16 tumors that occurred following ureterosigmoidostomy, 16 (94%) developed directly at the ureterocolonic borderline in contrast to only 50% following urinary diversions via isolated intestinal segments.From postoperative year 5 regular endoscopic controls of ureterosigmoidostomies, cystoplasties, and orthotopic (ileo-)colonic neobladders are necessary. In ileocecal pouches, regular endoscopy is necessary at least in the presence of symptoms or should be performed routinely at greater intervals. Following neobladders or conduits, only urethroscopies for urethral recurrence are necessary.
OBJECTIVE: To measure maximum binding capacity (B(max)) and levels of mRNA expression for alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes in ileal and colonic muscle layers of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Ileal and colonic muscle specimens from 6 freshly slaughtered cows. PROCEDURES: Ileal and colonic muscle layers were obtained by scraping the mucosa and submucosa from full-thickness tissue specimens. Level of mRNA expression for alpha(2)-AR subtypes was measured by real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis and expressed relative to the mean mRNA expression of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase, ubiquitin, and 18S ribosomal RNA. Binding studies were performed with tritiated RX821002 ((3)H-RX821002) and subtype-selective ligands as competitors. RESULTS: mRNA expression for alpha(2AD)-, alpha(2B)-, and alpha(2C)-AR subtypes was similar in ileal and colonic muscle layers. The mRNA expression for alpha(2AD)-AR was significantly greater than that for alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-AR subtypes, representing 92%, 6%, and 2%, respectively, of the total mRNA. Binding competition of (3)H-RX821002 with BRL44408, imiloxan, and MK-912 was best fitted by a 1-site model. The B(max) of alpha(2AD)- and alpha(2C)-AR sub-types was greater than that of alpha(2B)-AR. The B(max) and level of mRNA expression were only correlated (r = 0.8) for alpha(2AD)-AR. Ratio of B(max) to mRNA expression for alpha(2C)-AR was similar to that for alpha(2B)-AR, but significantly greater than for alpha(2AD)-AR. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Subtypes of alpha(2)-AR in bovine intestinal muscle layers are represented by a mixture of alpha(2AD)- and alpha(2C)-ARs and of alpha(2B)-AR at a lower density. Information provided here may help in clarification of the role of AR subtypes in alpha(2)-adrenergic mechanisms regulating bovine intestinal motility.
Novel means to locate and treat lower gastrointestinal bleeding (lGB) allow to reduce the rate of required surgical interventions and help to limit the extend of resection. The risk stratification of patients with lGB is the primary step of our recommended treatment algorithm. Accordingly, risk stratifying instruments, which are only partly validated up to now, are gaining significance in lGB. Whereas, gastro-duodenoscopy and colonoscopy prior to angiography or scintigraphy are established diagnostic tools, capsule enteroscopy offers a novel approach to hemodynamic stable patients with lGB that are difficult to localize. With its every increasing sensitivity, Angio-Computer Tomography is likely to replace scintigraphy and diagnostic angiography in the very near future. In addition, recent advances in superselective microembolisation have been shown to have the potential rendering surgical interventions in a majority of patients with acute lGB unnecessary. The extend of required surgical resection is largely dependent on the success to localize the bleeding source of prior diagnostics. Only if the source is identified, a limited segmental resection should be performed. Should surgery be required, we suggest to maintain the effort to localize the bleeding, either by prior laparoscopy and/or by intraoperative entero-colonoscopy. Eventually, if the source of bleeding remains unclear total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis represents the procedure of choice in patients with acute lGB.
To evaluate the osteoinductive potential of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) and an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) in the muscle of rats. Sixteen rats were used in this study. The animals were divided in three groups. Group A: a pouch was created in one of the pectoralis profundis muscles of the thorax of the rats and DBBM particles (Bio-Oss) were placed into the pouch. Healing: 60 days. Group B: a small pouch was created on both pectoralis profundis muscles at each side of the thorax midline. In one side, a mixture of EMD (Emdogain) mixed with DBBM was placed into one of the pouches, whereas in the contralateral side of the thorax the pouch was implanted with DBBM mixed with the propylene glycol alginate (PGA--carrier for enamel matrix proteins of EMD). Healing: 60 days. Group C: the same procedure as group B, but with a healing period of 120 days. Qualitative histological analysis of the results was performed. At 60 days, the histological appearance of the DBBM particles implanted alone was similar to that of the particles implanted together with EMD or PGA at both 60 and 120 days. The DBBM particles were encapsulated into a connective tissue stroma and an inflammatory infiltrate. At 120 days, the DBBM particles implanted together with EMD or PGA exhibited the presence of resorption lacunae in some cases. Intramuscular bone formation was not encountered in any group. The implantation of DBBM particles alone, combined with EMD or its carrier (PGA) failed to exhibit extraskeletal, bone-inductive properties.
BACKGROUND: Neuropeptides, such as substance P (SP), are mediators of neurogenic inflammation and play an important role in inflammatory disorders. To further investigate the role of the SP pathway in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), we analyzed the following in normal intestinal tissue specimens and in tissue specimens from patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC): neurokinin receptor-1 (NK-1R); its isoforms (NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S); its ligand SP, encoded by preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A); and the SP-degradation enzyme, neutral endopeptidase (NEP). METHODS: Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to simultaneously determine the expression of NK-1R-L, NK-1R-S, and PPT-A. Protein levels of NK-1R and NEP were determined by immunoblot analysis. RESULTS: In noninflamed small-bowel tissue samples of CD patients, PPT-A mRNA expression was significantly increased, whereas there was no difference between inflamed or noninflamed UC and normal intestinal tissue samples. Examining subgroups of diverse intestinal segments from CD and UC samples with various levels of inflammation revealed no differences in NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S mRNA expression, whereas there was a tendency toward overall lower NK-1R-S mRNA copy numbers. Immunoblot analysis showed upregulation of NK-1R protein levels in cases of IBD, with more pronounced enhancement in cases of CD than in UC. For NEP, there were no differences in protein levels in normal, CD, and UC intestinal tissues. COMMENTS: These observations suggest a contribution of SP and its receptor, NK-1R, in the local inflammatory reaction in IBD and particularly in ileal CD. Moreover, significant upregulation of PPT-A mRNA in the noninflamed ileum of these patients suggests an influence of inflamed intestines on their healthy counterparts.
Clinically relevant fistula after distal pancreatic resection occurs in 5-30% of patients, prolonging recovery and considerably increasing in-hospital stay and costs. We tested whether routine drainage of the pancreatic stump into a Roux-en-Y limb after distal pancreatic resection decreased the incidence of fistula. From October 2001, data of all patients undergoing pancreatic distal resection were entered in a prospective database. From June 2003 after resection, the main pancreatic duct and the pancreatic stump were oversewn, and in addition, anastomosed into a jejunal Roux-en-Y limb by a single-layer suture (n = 23). A drain was placed near the anastomosis, and all patients received octreotide for 5-7 days postoperatively. The volume of the drained fluid was registered daily, and concentration of amylase was measured and recorded every other day. Patient demographics, hospital stay, pancreatic fistula incidence (> or =30 ml amylase-rich fluid/day on/after postoperative day 10), perioperative morbidity, and follow-up after discharge were compared with our initial series of patients (treated October 2001-May 2003) who underwent oversewing only (n = 20). Indications, patient demographics, blood loss, and tolerance of an oral diet were similar. There were four (20%) pancreatic fistulas in the "oversewn" group and none in the anastomosis group (p < 0.05). Nonsurgical morbidity, in-hospital stay, and follow-up were comparable in both groups.
BACKGROUND: Low tissue oxygen tension is an important factor leading to the development of wound dehiscence and anastomotic leakage after colon surgery. We tested whether supplemental fluid and supplemental oxygen can increase tissue oxygen tension in healthy and injured, perianastomotic, and anastomotic colon in an acutely instrumented pig model of anastomosis surgery. METHODS: Sixteen Swiss Landrace pigs were anesthetized (isoflurane 0.8%-1%) and their lungs ventilated. The animals were randomly assigned to low fluid treatment ("low" group, 3 mL x kg(-1) x h(-1) lactated Ringer's solution) or high fluid treatment ("high" group, 10 mL/kg bolus, 18 mL x kg(-1) x h(-1) lactated Ringer's solution) during colon anastomosis surgery and a subsequent measurement period (4 h). Two-and-half hours after surgery, tissue oxygen tension was recorded for 30 min during ventilation with 30% oxygen. Three hours after surgery, the animals' lungs were ventilated with 100% oxygen for 60 min. Tissue oxygen tension was recorded in the last 30 min. Tissue oxygen tension was measured with polarographic Clark-type electrodes, positioned in healthy colonic wall, close (2 cm) to the anastomosis, and in the anastomosis. RESULTS: In every group, tissue oxygen tension during ventilation with 100% oxygen was approximately twice as high as during ventilation with 30% oxygen, a statistically significant result. High or low volume crystalloid fluid treatment had no effect on colon tissue oxygen tension. CONCLUSIONS: Supplemental oxygen, but not supplemental crystalloid fluid, increased tissue oxygen tension in healthy, perianastomotic, and anastomotic colon tissue.
BACKGROUND: Chronic extrinsic denervation induced by small bowel transplantation (SBT) results in adrenergic hypersensitivity in rat ileum. This study evaluated the role of neuronal and/or muscular beta1-, beta2-, and beta3-adrenoceptor (AR) mechanisms on contractility. METHODS: Ileal longitudinal muscle strips from Lewis rats (n = 6 rats per group, 8 strips per rat): naive controls (NC), 4 months after sham operation (SC) or after syngeneic orthotopic SBT were studied in vitro. Spontaneous contractile activity and dose responses (10(-8)-10(-4) mol) to isoprenaline (IP), a nonspecific beta-AR agonist were studied with or without selective antagonists (10(-5) mol), for beta1- (atenolol), beta2- (ICI 118551), or beta3- (SR 59230A) AR subtypes in the presence or absence of tetrodotoxin (TTX; 10(-6) mol; nerve blocker). RESULTS: pEC50 (neg log of EC50, which is the concentration where 50% of inhibition was observed) of IP was 7.2 +/- 0.2 (mean value +/- SEM) in SBT vs 6.3 +/- 0.1 in SC and 6.3 +/- 0.2 in NC (both P < .05 vs SBT), reflecting adrenergic hypersensitivity. Beta1- and beta2-AR blockade induced a TTX-sensitive right shift of the curve only in SBT and normalized pEC50 values from 7.2 +/- 0.2 to 6.4 +/- 0.1 and 7.2 +/- 0.2 to 6.6 +/- 0.1, respectively (P < .05). Beta3-AR blockade shifted the curve independent of the presence of TTX to the right in all groups (all P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: In rat ileum, adrenergic inhibition of contractility was dependent on muscular beta3-AR pathways, whereas posttransplant hypersensitivity was due to upregulated neuronal beta1- and beta2-AR mechanisms that were inactive before SBT.
BACKGROUND: The IL23R gene has been identified as a susceptibility gene for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the North American population. The aim of our study was to test this association in a large German IBD cohort and to elucidate potential interactions with other IBD genes as well as phenotypic consequences of IL23R variants. METHODS: Genomic DNA from 2670 Caucasian individuals including 833 patients with Crohn's disease (CD), 456 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), and 1381 healthy unrelated controls was analyzed for 10 IL23R SNPs. Genotyping included the NOD2 variants p.Arg702Trp, p.Gly908Arg, and p.Leu1007fsX1008 and polymorphisms in SLC22A4/OCTN1 (1672 C-->T) and SLC22A5/OCTN2 (-207 G-->C). RESULTS: All IL23R gene variants analyzed displayed highly significant associations with CD. The strongest association was found for the SNP rs1004819 [P = 1.92x10(-11); OR 1.56; 95 % CI (1.37-1.78)]. 93.2% of the rs1004819 TT homozygous carriers as compared to 78% of CC wildtype carriers had ileal involvement [P = 0.004; OR 4.24; CI (1.46-12.34)]. The coding SNP rs11209026 (p.Arg381Gln) was protective for CD [P = 8.04x10(-8); OR 0.43; CI (0.31-0.59)]. Similar, but weaker associations were found in UC. There was no evidence for epistasis between the IL23R gene and the CD susceptibility genes CARD15 and SLC22A4/5. CONCLUSION: IL23R is an IBD susceptibility gene, but has no epistatic interaction with CARD15 and SLC22A4/5. rs1004819 is the major IL23R variant associated with CD in the German population, while the p.Arg381Gln IL23R variant is a protective marker for CD and UC.
BACKGROUND: Hirschsprung disease (HD) is a functional obstruction of the bowel caused by the absence of intrinsic enteric ganglion cells. The diagnosis of total colonic HD (TCHD) based on contrast enemas is difficult in newborns because radiological findings vary. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the radiographic and contrast enema findings in patients with pathologically proven TCHD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 1966 to 2007, 17 records from a total of 31 patients with TCHD were retrospectively evaluated for diameter and shape of the colon, diameter of the small bowel, bowel wall contour, ileal reflux, abdominal calcifications, pneumoperitoneum, filling defects, transitional zones and rectosigmoid index. RESULTS: Three colonic patterns of TCHD were found: microcolon, question-mark-shape colon and normal caliber colon. Additional findings included spasmodic colon, ileal reflux, delayed evacuation and abdominal calcifications. Colonic transitional zones were found in eight patients with TCHD. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of TCHD is difficult to establish by contrast enema studies. The length of the aganglionic small bowel and the age of the patient can influence the radiological findings in TCHD. The transitional zone and the rectosigmoid index can be false-positive in TCHD. The colon can appear normal. Consider TCHD if the contrast enema study is normal but the patient remains symptomatic and other causes of distal bowel obstruction have been excluded.