994 resultados para IT Steering Committees


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The October meeting of the ACFM of ICES gave advice for a number of North-Atlantic fish stocks. The results of the most important stocks are given here from the perspective of German fishery management. The are chiefly North Sea plaice and sole, for which a reduction of 25 % of the fishing mortality (F) is recommended for 1998, North Sea saithe (minus 20 % in F), while North Sea cod is in the process of recovery and North Sea haddock is inside safe biological limits. The mackerel stock of the North Sea has not yet recovered, while the western mackerel stock as an entity has stabilised at a level of about 2.3 million t.


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Deference to committees in Congress has been a much studied phenomena for close to 100 years. This deference can be characterized as the unwillingness of a potentially winning coalition on the House floor to impose its will on a small minority, a standing committee. The congressional scholar is then faced with two problems: observing such deference to committees, and explaining it. Shepsle and Weingast have proposed the existence of an ex-post veto for standing committees as an explanation of committee deference. They claim that as conference reports in the House and Senate are considered under a rule that does not allow amendments, the conferees enjoy agenda-setting power. In this paper I describe a test of such a hypothesis (along with competing hypotheses regarding the effects of the conference procedure). A random-utility model is utilized to estimate legislators' ideal points on appropriations bills from 1973 through 1980. I prove two things: 1) that committee deference can not be said to be a result of the conference procedure; and moreover 2) that committee deference does not appear to exist at all.


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The fishery of Lake Victoria became a major commercial fishery with the introduction of Nile perch in 1950s and 1960s. Biological and population characteristics point to a fishery under intense fishing pressure attributed to increased capacity and use of illegal fishing gears. Studies conducted between 1998 to 2000 suggested capture of fish between slot size of 50 to 85 cm TL to sustain the fishery. Samples from Kenya and Uganda factories in 2008 showed that 50% and 71% of individuals processed were below the slot size respectively. This study revealed that fish below and above the slot has continued being caught and processed. This confirms that the slot size is hardly adhered to by both the fishers and the processors. The paper explores why the slot size has not been a successful tool in management of Nile perch and suggests strategies to sustain the fishery


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The search for reliable proxies of past deep ocean temperature and salinity has proved difficult, thereby limiting our ability to understand the coupling of ocean circulation and climate over glacial-interglacial timescales. Previous inferences of deep ocean temperature and salinity from sediment pore fluid oxygen isotopes and chlorinity indicate that the deep ocean density structure at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, approximately 20,000 years BP) was set by salinity, and that the density contrast between northern and southern sourced deep waters was markedly greater than in the modern ocean. High density stratification could help explain the marked contrast in carbon isotope distribution recorded in the LGM ocean relative to that we observe today, but what made the ocean's density structure so different at the LGM? How did it evolve from one state to another? Further, given the sparsity of the LGM temperature and salinity data set, what else can we learn by increasing the spatial density of proxy records?

We investigate the cause and feasibility of a highly and salinity stratified deep ocean at the LGM and we work to increase the amount of information we can glean about the past ocean from pore fluid profiles of oxygen isotopes and chloride. Using a coupled ocean--sea ice--ice shelf cavity model we test whether the deep ocean density structure at the LGM can be explained by ice--ocean interactions over the Antarctic continental shelves, and show that a large contribution of the LGM salinity stratification can be explained through lower ocean temperature. In order to extract the maximum information from pore fluid profiles of oxygen isotopes and chloride we evaluate several inverse methods for ill-posed problems and their ability to recover bottom water histories from sediment pore fluid profiles. We demonstrate that Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo parameter estimation techniques enable us to robustly recover the full solution space of bottom water histories, not only at the LGM, but through the most recent deglaciation and the Holocene up to the present. Finally, we evaluate a non-destructive pore fluid sampling technique, Rhizon samplers, in comparison to traditional squeezing methods and show that despite their promise, Rhizons are unlikely to be a good sampling tool for pore fluid measurements of oxygen isotopes and chloride.


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[EU]Hurrengo orrialdeetan aurkezten den proiektu honetan, lehiaketa motor baten direkzio piparen diseinua proposatzen da zeinak Moto Engineering Foundation fundazioak sustatutako nazioarteko Motostudent txapelketan parte hartzeko motorrera egokituta egon beharko den. Honako helburu honekin beraz, direkzio piparen diseinu egoki bat egin ahal izateko piezak sufrituko dituen karga egoerak aurreikusi beharko ditugu hauen arabera jasan beharreko tentsio egoerak aztertu ahal izateko. Piezaren tentsioen analisia aurrera eraman beharko da beraz, diseinaturiko piezaren funtzionamendu egokia ziurtatu ahal izateko. Historian zehar existitutako diseinu modelo ezberdinak eta baita gaur egunean gehien erabilitakoak ere aurkeztu eta gero, gure kasura hobekien moldatuko zaion adibidetik ekingo zaio diseinuari, aldez aurretik eskuratutako datu eta errodamenduetatik abiatuz. Horrenbestez, oinarritzat hartutako direkzio sistema modeloa eta bestelako elementuen neurriak datutzat hartuta, tija zein norabide ardatzarena esate baterako, direkzio piparen hasierako geometria definituko da. Eskuragarri ditugun analisi metodo ezberdinak aztertu eta gure kasura hobekien moldatzen dena aukeratu eta eraikitako piezari aplikatuko zaio. Lorturiko emaitzen arabera hasiera batean planteaturiko diseinua onartu edo baztertzea erabaki beharko dugu. Beraz, gure diseinua optimizatuz joateko aukera izango dugu, baldintzak eta betebeharrak egiztatuko dituen amaierako pieza diseinua lortu arte. Bukatzeko, proiektuari itxiera emango dion atala aurkeztuko da, hala nola, proiektuaren garapenean zehar lorturiko emaitzak eta ondorioak biltzen dituen atala non lorturiko direkzio piparen funtzionamendu egokia bermatzen dituzten parametroak aurkeztuko diren. Gainera, direkzio sistemaren funtsezko atala izango diren errodamenduen kalkulu eta aukeraketa bideratuko da baita ere.


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Energy and sustainability have become one of the most critical issues of our generation. While the abundant potential of renewable energy such as solar and wind provides a real opportunity for sustainability, their intermittency and uncertainty present a daunting operating challenge. This thesis aims to develop analytical models, deployable algorithms, and real systems to enable efficient integration of renewable energy into complex distributed systems with limited information.

The first thrust of the thesis is to make IT systems more sustainable by facilitating the integration of renewable energy into these systems. IT represents the fastest growing sectors in energy usage and greenhouse gas pollution. Over the last decade there are dramatic improvements in the energy efficiency of IT systems, but the efficiency improvements do not necessarily lead to reduction in energy consumption because more servers are demanded. Further, little effort has been put in making IT more sustainable, and most of the improvements are from improved "engineering" rather than improved "algorithms". In contrast, my work focuses on developing algorithms with rigorous theoretical analysis that improve the sustainability of IT. In particular, this thesis seeks to exploit the flexibilities of cloud workloads both (i) in time by scheduling delay-tolerant workloads and (ii) in space by routing requests to geographically diverse data centers. These opportunities allow data centers to adaptively respond to renewable availability, varying cooling efficiency, and fluctuating energy prices, while still meeting performance requirements. The design of the enabling algorithms is however very challenging because of limited information, non-smooth objective functions and the need for distributed control. Novel distributed algorithms are developed with theoretically provable guarantees to enable the "follow the renewables" routing. Moving from theory to practice, I helped HP design and implement industry's first Net-zero Energy Data Center.

The second thrust of this thesis is to use IT systems to improve the sustainability and efficiency of our energy infrastructure through data center demand response. The main challenges as we integrate more renewable sources to the existing power grid come from the fluctuation and unpredictability of renewable generation. Although energy storage and reserves can potentially solve the issues, they are very costly. One promising alternative is to make the cloud data centers demand responsive. The potential of such an approach is huge.

To realize this potential, we need adaptive and distributed control of cloud data centers and new electricity market designs for distributed electricity resources. My work is progressing in both directions. In particular, I have designed online algorithms with theoretically guaranteed performance for data center operators to deal with uncertainties under popular demand response programs. Based on local control rules of customers, I have further designed new pricing schemes for demand response to align the interests of customers, utility companies, and the society to improve social welfare.


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A previously suggested birefringence-customized modular optical interconnect technique is extended for lens-free relay operation. Various lens-free relay imaging models are developed. We claim that the lens-free relay system is important in simplifying an optical interconnect system whenever the imaging conditions permit. To verify the validity of various proposed concepts, we experimentally implemented some 8 x 8 optical permutation modules. High-power efficiency and low channel cross talk were experimentally observed. In general, the larger the channel spacing, the less the cross talk. A quantitative cross-talk measurement of the lens-free relay system shows that, for a fixed channel width of 0.5 mm and channel spacings of 0.5, 1, and 2 mm, a less than -20-dB cross-talk performance can be guaranteed for lens-free relay distances of 40, 280, and 430 mm, respectively. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.


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O Legislativo é vital para o autogoverno coletivo e para a contenção do poder. Impõe-se revigorá-lo. Esta dissertação traz propostas para incrementar a legitimidade do Poder Legislativo que independem da reforma política. A primeira proposta consiste na correção de algumas práticas comprometedoras da atuação do Legislativo, quais sejam, a falta de apreciação do veto, a atual forma de elaboração e execução da lei orçamentária, o poder excessivo dos líderes e a tutela jurisdicional limitada do devido processo legislativo. A segunda proposta reside no fortalecimento das comissões temáticas, arenas mais adequadas do que o Plenário para desenvolver o potencial deliberativo do Parlamento. Esses órgãos fracionários podem empregar a avaliação de impacto, recurso que se destina a aprimorar a legislação. A terceira proposta corresponde à regulamentação do lobby. A institucionalização dessa atividade revela-se essencial para imprimir-lhe transparência, de modo a possibilitar o controle, e para minimizar o desequilíbrio no acesso aos tomadores de decisão.


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No presente trabalho, buscou-se identificar os conflitos de interesses existentes nos três níveis do poder executivo que dificultam a gestão integrada de políticas públicas voltadas para a recuperação ambiental dos rios urbanos, considerando-se, como área de estudo, o Município de São Gonçalo (RJ). A pesquisa exploratória consistiu em revisão bibliográfica e trabalho empírico. No referencial teórico de análise, abordou-se a formação do Estado brasileiro, as políticas públicas e as relações de poder entre os agentes na tomada de decisão e na administração da coisa pública. Através de revisão na literatura, levantou--se o contexto histórico da ocupação e da degradação dos rios de São Gonçalo e da Baixada Fluminense, os planos e projetos para o setor de saneamento da região, bem como se empreendeu a compilação das normas legais pertinentes à gestão do território, aos recursos hídricos e ao saneamento. O trabalho de campo consistiu em levantamento de dados sobre a degradação das bacias hidrográficas no Município de São Gonçalo e das inter-relações existentes nas políticas públicas referentes à Região Hidrográfica da Bacia da Baía de Guanabara, onde o município em comento se insere. O estudo do caso evidenciou que a degradação dos rios urbanos é resultante, entre outros fatores, da falta de articulação das três esferas de governo, da descontinuidade das ações públicas, de interesses políticos e financeiros desarticulados das demandas socioambientais, da falta de infraestrutura técnica e financeira dos municípios, da pouca participação social no planejamento e tomada de decisões face às relações desiguais de poder, além da inconsistência e desarticulação dos planos e projetos governamentais, a exemplo dos planos diretores de uso ocupação do solo. Conclui-se ser fundamental o fortalecimento dos comitês de bacia e das instituições que os integram, possibilitando a articulação entre as políticas públicas municipais e as do governo estadual e federal, em relação às condicionantes ambientais, bem como ao uso do solo e ao saneamento. A solução dos problemas relativos aos rios urbanos só será possível através da gestão integrada e participativa, envolvendo efetivamente os diferentes setores usuários da bacia hidrográfica. O controle social das ações é imprescindível para manter a coerência, a efetividade, a eficácia e a continuidade dos planos, projetos e políticas do Estado. Assim, poderá ser contido o processo contínuo de degradação ambiental, em particular, dos recursos hídricos em bacias urbanas como acontece no Município de São Gonçalo e em diversos outros municípios brasileiros. Espera-se que esse estudo contribua para o aprimoramento do conhecimento e de soluções no que concerne à morte iminente dos rios urbanos do país.


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Hamlet (1601), de William Shakespeare, é, desde o Fólio de 1623, circundada por um enorme e variado volume de leituras, que abrangem desde textos críticos e teóricos até as mais diversas adaptações teatrais e cinematográficas. Desde o final do século 19, o cinema vem adaptando peças de Shakespeare, fornecendo novos pontos de vista e sugestões para a encenação dessa obra ao levá-la inúmeras vezes para as telas. Dentre uma longa lista de adaptações fílmicas de Hamlet, o Hamlet mainstream de Franco Zeffirelli (1990) e o Hamlet 2000 (2000), filme independente de Michael Almereyda, compõem o corpus eleito para análise nesta dissertação. Dialogando com noções de críticos e teóricos que desenvolveram estudos sobre o conceito de adaptação, tais como André Bazin, Robert Stam e Linda Hutcheon, sugiro uma desierarquização entre a peça shakespeariana e os filmes logo, entre literatura/teatro e cinema. O objetivo final deste trabalho encontra-se na proposta de uma reflexão sobre esses filmes enquanto potenciais materiais críticos elucidativos para o estudo da peça, úteis na discussão de alguns de seus mais importantes temas e/ou questões


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The past years have seen an increasing debate on cooperation and its unique human character. Philosophers and psychologists have proposed that cooperative activities are characterized by shared goals to which participants are committed through the ability to understand each other’s intentions. Despite its popularity, some serious issues arise with this approach to cooperation. First, one may challenge the assumption that high-level mental processes are necessary for engaging in acting cooperatively. If they are, then how do agents that do not possess such ability (preverbal children, or children with autism who are often claimed to be mind-blind) engage in cooperative exchanges, as the evidence suggests? Secondly, to define cooperation as the result of two de-contextualized minds reading each other’s intentions may fail to fully acknowledge the complexity of situated, interactional dynamics and the interplay of variables such as the participants’ relational and personal history and experience. In this paper we challenge such accounts of cooperation, calling for an embodied approach that sees cooperation not only as an individual attitude toward the other, but also as a property of interaction processes. Taking an enactive perspective, we argue that cooperation is an intrinsic part of any interaction, and that there can be cooperative interaction before complex communicative abilities are achieved. The issue then is not whether one is able or not to read the other’s intentions, but what it takes to participate in joint action. From this basic account, it should be possible to build up more complex forms of cooperation as needed. Addressing the study of cooperation in these terms may enhance our understanding of human social development, and foster our knowledge of different ways of engaging with others, as in the case of autism.