726 resultados para INTERICTAL PSYCHOSIS


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BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that a history of childhood abuse and neglect is not uncommon among individuals who experience mental disorder and that childhood trauma experiences are associated with adult psychopathology. Although several interview and self-report instruments for retrospective trauma assessment have been developed, many focus on sexual abuse (SexAb) rather than on multiple types of trauma or adversity. METHODS: Within the European Prediction of Psychosis Study, the Trauma and Distress Scale (TADS) was developed as a new self-report assessment of multiple types of childhood trauma and distressing experiences. The TADS includes 43 items and, following previous measures including the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, focuses on five core domains: emotional neglect (EmoNeg), emotional abuse (EmoAb), physical neglect (PhyNeg), physical abuse (PhyAb), and SexAb.This study explores the psychometric properties of the TADS (internal consistency and concurrent validity) in 692 participants drawn from the general population who completed a mailed questionnaire, including the TADS, a depression self-report and questions on help-seeking for mental health problems. Inter-method reliability was examined in a random sample of 100 responders who were reassessed in telephone interviews. RESULTS: After minor revisions of PhyNeg and PhyAb, internal consistencies were good for TADS totals and the domain raw score sums. Intra-class coefficients for TADS total score and the five revised core domains were all good to excellent when compared to the interviewed TADS as a gold standard. In the concurrent validity analyses, the total TADS and its all core domains were significantly associated with depression and help-seeking for mental problems as proxy measures for traumatisation. In addition, robust cutoffs for the total TADS and its domains were calculated. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest the TADS as a valid, reliable, and clinically useful instrument for assessing retrospectively reported childhood traumatisation.


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En la actualidad, el desarrollo de las tecnologías de adquisición y análisis de imagen médica permiten la implementación de aplicaciones con fines clínicos y de investigación que resulten en un mejor conocimiento de la fisiopatología humana y, en la práctica, un mejor tratamiento a los pacientes. Utilizando imágenes de resonancia magnética nuclear y de tomografía por emisión de fotón único (SPECT), se han desarrollado los algoritmos de registro necesarios para ser integrados en dos procedimientos de uso clínico. En el primero de estos procedimientos, el objetivo es la localización del foco epileptogénico en casos de epilepsia fármacorresistente mediante el protocolo denominado SISCOM. En este contexto, se ha implementado un algoritmo de registro rígido para el corregistro de Resonancia Magnética e imagen SPECT interictal, así como un algoritmo de registro afín que ayuda a la segmentación de imágenes SPECT. Así mismo, se han validado y caracterizado ambos algoritmos y la librería sobre la que se han desarrollado. El segundo procedimiento tiene por objeto la cuantificación de neurotransmisores dopaminérgicos para el diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Parkinson. En este contexto, se ha implementado un algoritmo de registro SPECT-template necesario para realizar correctamente la cuantificación.


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Subtraction of Ictal SPECT Co-registered to MRI (SISCOM) is an imaging technique used to localize the epileptogenic focus in patients with intractable partial epilepsy. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of registration algorithms involved in SISCOM analysis using FocusDET, a new user-friendly application. To this end, Monte Carlo simulation was employed to generate realistic SPECT studies. Simulated sinograms were reconstructed by using the Filtered BackProjection (FBP) algorithm and an Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization (OSEM) reconstruction method that included compensation for all degradations. Registration errors in SPECT-SPECT and SPECT-MRI registration were evaluated by comparing the theoretical and actual transforms. Patient studies with well-localized epilepsy were also included in the registration assessment. Global registration errors including SPECT-SPECT and SPECT-MRI registration errors were less than 1.2 mm on average, exceeding the voxel size (3.32 mm) of SPECT studies in no case. Although images reconstructed using OSEM led to lower registration errors than images reconstructed with FBP, differences after using OSEM or FBP in reconstruction were less than 0.2 mm on average. This indicates that correction for degradations does not play a major role in the SISCOM process, thereby facilitating the application of the methodology in centers where OSEM is not implemented with correction of all degradations. These findings together with those obtained by clinicians from patients via MRI, interictal and ictal SPECT and video-EEG, show that FocusDET is a robust application for performing SISCOM analysis in clinical practice.


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El desarrollo de las técnicas de imágenes por resonancia magnética han permitido el estudio y cuantificación, in vivo, de los cambios que ocurren en la morfología cerebral ligados a procesos tales como el neurodesarrollo, el envejecimiento, el aprendizaje o la enfermedad. Un gran número de métodos de morfometría han sido desarrollados con el fin de extraer la información contenida en estas imágenes y traducirla en indicadores de forma o tamaño, tales como el volumen o el grosor cortical; marcadores que son posteriormente empleados para encontrar diferencias estadísticas entre poblaciones de sujetos o realizar correlaciones entre la morfología cerebral y, por ejemplo, la edad o la severidad de determinada enfermedad. A pesar de la amplia variedad de biomarcadores y metodologías de morfometría, muchos estudios sesgan sus hipótesis, y con ello los resultados experimentales, al empleo de un número reducido de biomarcadores o a al uso de una única metodología de procesamiento. Con el presente trabajo se pretende demostrar la importancia del empleo de diversos métodos de morfometría para lograr una mejor caracterización del proceso que se desea estudiar. En el mismo se emplea el análisis de forma para detectar diferencias, tanto globales como locales, en la morfología del tálamo entre pacientes adolescentes con episodios tempranos de psicosis y adolescentes sanos. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la diferencia de volumen talámico entre ambas poblaciones de sujetos, previamente descrita en la literatura, se debe a una reducción del volumen de la región anterior-mediodorsal y del núcleo pulvinar del tálamo de los pacientes respecto a los sujetos sanos. Además, se describe el desarrollo de un estudio longitudinal, en sujetos sanos, que emplea simultáneamente distintos biomarcadores para la caracterización y cuantificación de los cambios que ocurren en la morfología de la corteza cerebral durante la adolescencia. A través de este estudio se revela que el proceso de “alisado” que experimenta la corteza cerebral durante la adolescencia es consecuencia de una disminución de la profundidad, ligada a un incremento en el ancho, de los surcos corticales. Finalmente, esta metodología es aplicada, en un diseño transversal, para el estudio de las causas que provocan el decrecimiento tanto del grosor cortical como del índice de girificación en adolescentes con episodios tempranos de psicosis. ABSTRACT The ever evolving sophistication of magnetic resonance image techniques continue to provide new tools to characterize and quantify, in vivo, brain morphologic changes related to neurodevelopment, senescence, learning or disease. The majority of morphometric methods extract shape or size descriptors such as volume, surface area, and cortical thickness from the MRI image. These morphological measurements are commonly entered in statistical analytic approaches for testing between-group differences or for correlations between the morphological measurement and other variables such as age, sex, or disease severity. A wide variety of morphological biomarkers are reported in the literature. Despite this wide range of potentially useful biomarkers and available morphometric methods, the hypotheses and findings of the grand majority of morphological studies are biased because reports assess only one morphometric feature and usually use only one image processing method. Throughout this dissertation biomarkers and image processing strategies are combined to provide innovative and useful morphometric tools for examining brain changes during neurodevelopment. Specifically, a shape analysis technique allowing for a fine-grained assessment of regional thalamic volume in early-onset psychosis patients and healthy comparison subjects is implemented. Results show that disease-related reductions in global thalamic volume, as previously described by other authors, could be particularly driven by a deficit in the anterior-mediodorsal and pulvinar thalamic regions in patients relative to healthy subjects. Furthermore, in healthy adolescents different cortical features are extracted and combined and their interdependency is assessed over time. This study attempts to extend current knowledge of normal brain development, specifically the largely unexplored relationship between changes of distinct cortical morphological measurements during adolescence. This study demonstrates that cortical flattening, present during adolescence, is produced by a combination of age-related increase in sulcal width and decrease in sulcal depth. Finally, this methodology is applied to a cross-sectional study, investigating the mechanisms underlying the decrease in cortical thickness and gyrification observed in psychotic patients with a disease onset during adolescence.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivos: descrever o manejo técnico do atendimento psicológico, ilustrado pelo caso de uma paciente infértil de um ambulatório de reprodução humana assistida; descrever as vicissitudes no campo analítico nestes atendimentos; e sistematizar esse manejo técnico em intervenções ambulatoriais em que se privilegia a compreensão das relações transferenciais. O instrumento utilizado para a coleta de dados foram os próprios atendimentos, ou entrevistas psicológicas, baseadas no método clínico de abordagem psicanalítica. A análise e a discussão dos resultados se basearam na apresentação de um único caso, que ilustrou a técnica que se objetivou sistematizar e descrever. É apresentado o caso da Sra. S., uma mulher de 41 anos, com parceiro em união estável há cinco anos, que realizava tratamento de infertilidade no ambulatório de reprodução humana. A paciente foi atendida pela psicóloga no próprio ambulatório durante o período da segunda tentativa de gravidez. Foram realizados efetivamente três (3) atendimentos e, no período de dois meses, a paciente não compareceu a três (3) sessões. Foram criadas cinco (5) categorias de análise: 1) Escuta; 2) Configuração de Queixa Psicológica; 3) Manejo dos Conflitos; 4) Manejo da Transferência; e 5) Enquadre. Estas categorias representaram elementos do atendimento. A divisão do atendimento em categorias teve propósito didático, no entanto, a sistematização do manejo deu-se a partir do desenvolvimento destas categorias, mas não numa ordem pré-estabelecida. A Escuta refere-se à capacidade do psicoterapeuta compreender a relação estabelecida com o paciente, assim como os elementos metapsicológicos depositados no campo, a partir de seu quadro de referência teórico-metodológico. A Configuração de Queixa Psicológica refere-se à aproximação do sofrimento psíquico e dos conflitos que subjazem à queixa orgânica ou manifesta. O Manejo dos Conflitos representa o modo como são interpretados e devolvidos a um paciente os conteúdos trazidos para a sessão. Ressalta-se, no manejo dos conflitos, a eleição de um foco de trabalho em que se privilegia a situação atual da vida do paciente relacionada especificamente à sua queixa. O Manejo da Transferência refere-se à forma como os aspectos transferenciais são compreendidos e devolvidos ao paciente. A neurose e psicose de transferência são evitadas e o trabalho é preferencialmente desenvolvido a partir da interpretação de situações extra-transferenciais. Por fim, o Enquadre engloba todos os aspectos formais e dinâmicos que constituem o campo emocional sobre o qual se trabalha. Este tipo de atendimento pode ser situado entre a entrevista psicológica e o atendimento em psicoterapia breve com objetivos e tempo limitados, variando de acordo com a qualidade adaptativa do paciente e sua motivação para o atendimento psicológico. Concluímos que este modelo de atendimento ambulatorial engloba aspectos tanto diagnósticos quanto de intervenção e que o papel do psicólogo neste contexto é auxiliar o paciente atendido a compreender sua queixa em seus aspectos latentes e manifestos, além de propiciar um espaço de escuta em que os conteúdos trazidos podem ser pensados e compreendidos


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O presente estudo teve por objetivos: descrever o manejo técnico do atendimento psicológico, ilustrado pelo caso de uma paciente infértil de um ambulatório de reprodução humana assistida; descrever as vicissitudes no campo analítico nestes atendimentos; e sistematizar esse manejo técnico em intervenções ambulatoriais em que se privilegia a compreensão das relações transferenciais. O instrumento utilizado para a coleta de dados foram os próprios atendimentos, ou entrevistas psicológicas, baseadas no método clínico de abordagem psicanalítica. A análise e a discussão dos resultados se basearam na apresentação de um único caso, que ilustrou a técnica que se objetivou sistematizar e descrever. É apresentado o caso da Sra. S., uma mulher de 41 anos, com parceiro em união estável há cinco anos, que realizava tratamento de infertilidade no ambulatório de reprodução humana. A paciente foi atendida pela psicóloga no próprio ambulatório durante o período da segunda tentativa de gravidez. Foram realizados efetivamente três (3) atendimentos e, no período de dois meses, a paciente não compareceu a três (3) sessões. Foram criadas cinco (5) categorias de análise: 1) Escuta; 2) Configuração de Queixa Psicológica; 3) Manejo dos Conflitos; 4) Manejo da Transferência; e 5) Enquadre. Estas categorias representaram elementos do atendimento. A divisão do atendimento em categorias teve propósito didático, no entanto, a sistematização do manejo deu-se a partir do desenvolvimento destas categorias, mas não numa ordem pré-estabelecida. A Escuta refere-se à capacidade do psicoterapeuta compreender a relação estabelecida com o paciente, assim como os elementos metapsicológicos depositados no campo, a partir de seu quadro de referência teórico-metodológico. A Configuração de Queixa Psicológica refere-se à aproximação do sofrimento psíquico e dos conflitos que subjazem à queixa orgânica ou manifesta. O Manejo dos Conflitos representa o modo como são interpretados e devolvidos a um paciente os conteúdos trazidos para a sessão. Ressalta-se, no manejo dos conflitos, a eleição de um foco de trabalho em que se privilegia a situação atual da vida do paciente relacionada especificamente à sua queixa. O Manejo da Transferência refere-se à forma como os aspectos transferenciais são compreendidos e devolvidos ao paciente. A neurose e psicose de transferência são evitadas e o trabalho é preferencialmente desenvolvido a partir da interpretação de situações extra-transferenciais. Por fim, o Enquadre engloba todos os aspectos formais e dinâmicos que constituem o campo emocional sobre o qual se trabalha. Este tipo de atendimento pode ser situado entre a entrevista psicológica e o atendimento em psicoterapia breve com objetivos e tempo limitados, variando de acordo com a qualidade adaptativa do paciente e sua motivação para o atendimento psicológico. Concluímos que este modelo de atendimento ambulatorial engloba aspectos tanto diagnósticos quanto de intervenção e que o papel do psicólogo neste contexto é auxiliar o paciente atendido a compreender sua queixa em seus aspectos latentes e manifestos, além de propiciar um espaço de escuta em que os conteúdos trazidos podem ser pensados e compreendidos


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Patch–clamp recordings of CA1 interneurons and pyramidal cells were performed in hippocampal slices from kainate- or pilocarpine-treated rat models of temporal lobe epilepsy. We report that γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inhibition in pyramidal neurons is still functional in temporal lobe epilepsy because: (i) the frequency of spontaneous GABAergic currents is similar to that of control and (ii) focal electrical stimulation of interneurons evokes a hyperpolarization that prevents the generation of action potentials. In paired recordings of interneurons and pyramidal cells, synchronous interictal activities were recorded. Furthermore, large network-driven GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents were present in pyramidal cells during interictal discharges. The duration of these interictal discharges was increased by the GABA type A antagonist bicuculline. We conclude that GABAergic inhibition is still present and functional in these experimental models and that the principal defect of inhibition does not lie in a complete disconnection of GABAergic interneurons from their glutamatergic inputs.


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An increase in the activity of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons has been implicated in the appearance of pathological behaviors such as psychosis and drug abuse. Several observations suggest that glucocorticoids might contribute to such an increase in dopaminergic activity. The present experiments therefore analyzed the effects of corticosterone, the major glucocorticoid in the rat, both on dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving animals by means of microdialysis, and on locomotor activity, a behavior dependent on accumbens dopamine. Given that glucocorticoids have certain state-dependent neuronal effects, their action on dopamine was studied in situations differing in dopaminergic tonus, including during the light and dark phases of the circadian cycle, during eating, and in groups of animals differing in their locomotor reactivity to novelty. Dopaminergic activity is increased in the dark period, further increased during food-intake, and is higher in rats defined as high responders to novelty than in low responders. Corticosterone, peripherally administered in a dose that approximates stress-induced plasma concentrations, increased extracellular concentrations of dopamine, and this increase was augmented in the dark phase, during eating, and in high responder rats. Corticosterone had little or no effects in the light phase and in low responder rats. Corticosterone also stimulated locomotor activity, an effect that paralleled the release of dopamine and was abolished by neurochemical (6-hydroxydopamine) depletion of accumbens dopamine. In conclusion, glucocorticoids have state-dependent stimulant effects on mesencephalic dopaminergic transmission, and an interaction between these two factors might be involved in the appearance of behavioral disturbances.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Background: Previous research into age of onset in affective disorders has produced conflicting results. This paper examines the influence of heterogeneity on the age-at-first-registration distribution for the ICD-9 diagnostic group 'affective psychosis'. Method: For 1979-1991, data for age-at-first-registration for 4985 individuals diagnosed with affective psychosis (ICD-9 296.x) were extracted from a name-linked mental health register. These data were divided into (i) '296.1 only', a category used to code unipolar depression (males = 700; females = 1321); and (ii) '296 other', all 296 cases other than 296.1 (males = 1280; females = 1684). Inception rates for each 5-year age division were adjusted for the background population age-structure as a rate per 100 000 population. Results: The age-at-first-registration distribution for affective psychosis has a wide age range, with women outnumbering men. There is a near-linear increase in inception rates for both men and women with 296.1 only, while the bulk of those with affective psychoses (296 other) have an inverted U-shaped age distribution. Males have an earlier modal age-at-first-registration for 296 other compared to females. Conclusion: The heterogeneity in terms of subtypes and sex in affective psychosis clouds the interpretation of age-at-first-registration. Separating those with unipolar psychotic depression from other subclassifications and differentiating by sex may provide clues to factors that precipitate the onset of affective psychosis.


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The neurodevelopmental hypothesis (NDH) of schizophrenia suggests that a disruption of brain development during early life underlies the later emergence of psychosis during adulthood. The aim of this review is to chart the challenges and subsequent refinements to this hypothesis, with particular reference to the static versus progressive nature of the putative neurobiological processes underlying the NDH. A non-systematic literature review was undertaken, with an emphasis on major review papers relevant to the NDH. Weaknesses in the explanatory power of the NDH have led to a new generation of more refined hypotheses in recent years. In particular, recent versions of the hypothesis have incorporated evidence from structural neuroimaging which suggests changes in brain volumes after the onset of schizophrenia. More detailed models that incorporate progressive neurobiological processes have replaced early versions of the NDH, which were based on a 'static encephalopathy. In addition, recent models have suggested that two or more 'hits' are required over the lifespan rather than only one early-life event. Animal models are providing important insights into the sequelae of disturbed early brain development. The NDH has provided great impetus to the schizophrenia research community. Recent versions of the hypothesis have encouraged more focused and testable hypotheses.


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Background: Acutely agitated patients with schizophrenia who receive intramuscular (IM) medications typically are switched to oral (PO) antipsychotic maintenance therapy Objective: The goal of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of olanzapine versus those of haloperidol during transition from IM to PO therapy We used additional data from a previously reported trial to test the hypothesis that the reduction in agitation achieved by IM olanzapine 10 mg or IM haloperidol 7.5 mg would be maintained following transition to 4 days of PO olanzapine or PO haloperidol (5-20 mg/d for both). We also hypothesized that olanzapine would maintain its more favorable extrapyramidal symptom (EPS) safety profile. Methods: This was a multinational (hospitals in 13 countries), double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Acutely agitated inpatients with schizophrenia were treated with 1 to 3 IM injections of olanzapine 10 mg or haloperidol 7.5 mg over 24 hours and were entered into a 4-day PO treatment period with the same medication (5-20 mg/d for both). The primary efficacy measurement was reduction in agitation, as measured by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale-Excited Component (PANSS-EC) score. Adverse events and scores on EPS rating scales were assessed. Results: A total of 311 patients (204 men, 107 women; mean [SD] age, 38.2 [11.6] years) were enrolled (131, 126, and 54 patients in the olanzapine, haloperidol, and placebo groups, respectively). In all, 93.1% (122/131) of olanzapine-treated patients and 92.1% (116/126) of haloperidol-treated patients completed the IM period and entered the PO period; 85.5% (112/131) of olanzapine-treated patients and 84.1% (106/126) of haloperidol-treated patients completed the PO period. IM olanzapine and IM haloperidol effectively reduced agitation over 24 hours (mean [SD] PANSS-EC change, -7.1 [4.8] vs -6.7 [4.3], respectively). Reductions in agitation were sustained throughout the PO period with both study drugs (mean [SD] change from PO period baseline, -0.6 [4.8] vs -1.3 [4.4], respectively). During PO treatment, haloperidol-treated patients spontaneously reported significantly more acute dystonia than olanzapine-treated patients (4.3% [5/116] vs 0% [0/122], respectively; P = 0.026) and akathisia (5.2% [6/116] vs 0% [0/122], respectively; P = 0.013). Significantly more haloperidol-treated patients than olanzapine-treated patients met categorical criteria for treatment-emergent akathisia (18.5% [17/92] vs 6.5% [7/107], respectively; P = 0.015). Conclusions: In the acutely agitated patients with schizophrenia in this study, both IM olanzapine 10 mg and IM haloperidol 7.5 mg effectively reduced agitation over 24 hours. This alleviation of agitation was sustained following transition from IM therapy to 4 days of PO treatment (5-20 mg/d for both). During the 4 days of PO treatment, olanzapine-treated patients did not spontaneously report any incidences of acute dystonia, and olanzapine had a superior EPS safety profile to that of haloperidol. The combination of IM and PO olanzapine may help improve the treatment of acutely agitated patients with schizophrenia. Copyright (C) 2003 Excerpta Medica, Inc.


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The hallucinogenic serotonin(IA&2A) agonist psilocybin is known for its ability to induce illusions of motion in otherwise stationary objects or textured surfaces. This study investigated the effect of psilocybin on local and global motion processing in nine human volunteers. Using a forced choice direction of motion discrimination task we show that psilocybin selectively impairs coherence sensitivity for random dot patterns, likely mediated by high-level global motion detectors, but not contrast sensitivity for drifting gratings, believed to be mediated by low-level detectors. These results are in line with those observed within schizophrenic populations and are discussed in respect to the proposition that psilocybin may provide a model to investigate clinical psychosis and the pharmacological underpinnings of visual perception in normal populations.


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This paper evaluates three hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis in the light of recent evidence from prospective epidemiological studies. These are that: ( 1) cannabis use causes a psychotic disorder that would not have occurred in the absence of cannabis use; ( 2) that cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia or exacerbate its symptoms; and ( 3) that cannabis use may exacerbate the symptoms of psychosis. There is limited support for the first hypothesis. As a consequence of recent prospective studies, there is now stronger support for the second hypothesis. Four recent prospective studies in three countries have found relationships between the frequency with which cannabis had been used and the risk of receiving a diagnosis of schizophrenia or of reporting psychotic symptoms. These relationships are stronger in people with a history of psychotic symptoms and they have persisted after adjustment for potentially confounding variables. The absence of any change in the incidence of schizophrenia during the three decades in which cannabis use in Australia has increased makes it unlikely that cannabis use can produce psychoses that would not have occurred in its absence. It seems more likely that cannabis use can precipitate schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals. There is also reasonable evidence for the third hypothesis that cannabis use exacerbates psychosis.